361 resultados para Sers, Phillipe


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Fil: Sara, Leonor. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Sara, Leonor. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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In the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in unveiling novel and unique optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures. However, application of such plasmonic nanostructures in biomedicine remains challenging due to the lack of facile and robust assembly methods for producing stable nanostructures. Previous attempts to achieve plasmonic nano-assemblies using molecular ligands were limited due to the lack of flexibility that could be exercised in forming them. Here, we report the utilization of tailor-made hyperbranched polymers (HBP) as linkers to assemble gold nanoparticles (NPs) into nano-assemblies. The ease and flexibility in tuning the particle size and number of branch ends of a HBP makes it an ideal candidate as a linker, as opposed to DNA, small organic molecules and linear or dendrimeric polymers. We report a strong correlation of polymer (HBP) concentration with the size of the hybrid nano-assemblies and “hot-spot” density. We have shown that such solutions of stable HBP-gold nano-assemblies can be barcoded with various Raman tags to provide improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) compared with non-aggregated NP systems. These Raman barcoded hybrid nano-assemblies, with further optimization of NP shape, size and “hot-spot” density, may find application as diagnostic tools in nanomedicine.


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A novel gold coated femtosecond laser nanostructured sapphire surface – an “optical nose” - based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for detecting vapours of explosive substances was investigated. Four different nitroaromatic vapours at room temperature were tested. Sensor responses were unambiguous and showed response in the range of 0.05 – 15 uM at 25 °C. The laser fabricated substrate nanostructures produced up to an eight-fold increase in Raman signal over that observed on the unstructured portions of the substrate. This work demonstrates a simple sensing system that is compatible with commercial manufacturing practices to detect taggants in explosives which can undertake as part of an integrated security or investigative mission.


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Here we report an ultrasensitive method for detecting bio-active compounds in biological samples by means of functionalised nanoparticles interrogated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). This method is applicable to the recovery and detection of many diagnostically important peptidyl analytes such as insulin, human growth hormone, growth factors (IGFs) and erythropoietin (EPO), as well as many small molecule analytes and metabolites. Our method, developed to detect EPO, demonstrates its utility in a complex yet well defined biological system. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) and EPO analogues have successfully been used to treat anaemia in end-stage renal failure, chronic disorders and infections, cancer and AIDS. Current methods for EPO testing are lengthy, laborious and relatively insensitive to low concentrations. In our rapid screening methodology, gold nanoparticles were functionalised with anti-EPO antibodies to provide very high selectivity towards the EPO protein in urine. These “smart sensor” nanoparticles interact with and trap EPO. Subsequent SERS screening allows for the detection and quantisation of ultra trace amounts (<<10-15 M) of EPO in urine samples with minimal sample preparation. We present data showing that the SERS spectrum differentiates between human endogenous EPO and rhEPO in unpurified urine, and potentially distinguishes between purified EPO isoforms. The elimination of sample preparation and direct screening in biological fluids significantly reduces the time required by current methods. Antibody recognition against a variety of biological targets and the availability of portable commercial SERS analysers for rapid onsite testing suggest broad diagnostic applicability in a flexible analytical platform.


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We have developed an explanation for ultra trace detection found when using Au/Ag SERS nanoparticles linked to biochemical affinity tags, e.g. antibodies. The nanoparticle structure is not as usually assumed and the aggregated nanoparticles constitute hot spots that are indispensable for these very low levels of analyte detection, even more so when using a direct detection method.


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We have explored the potential of deep Raman spectroscopy, specifically surface enhanced spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SESORS), for non-invasive detection from within animal tissue, by employing SERS-barcoded nanoparticle (NP) assemblies as the diagnostic agent. This concept has been experimentally verified in a clinic-relevant backscattered Raman system with an excitation line of 785 nm under ex vivo conditions. We have shown that our SORS system, with a fixed offset of 2-3 mm, offered sensitive probing of injected QTH-barcoded NP assemblies through animal tissue containing both protein and lipid. In comparison to that of non-aggregated SERS-barcoded gold NPs, we have demonstrated that the tailored SERS-barcoded aggregated NP assemblies have significantly higher detection sensitivity. We report that these NP assemblies can be readily detected at depths of 7-8 mm from within animal proteinaceous tissue with high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. In addition they could also be detected from beneath 1-2 mm of animal tissue with high lipid content, which generally poses a challenge due to high absorption of lipids in the near-infrared region. We have also shown that the signal intensity and S/N ratio at a particular depth is a function of the SERS tag concentration used and that our SORS system has a QTH detection limit of 10-6 M. Higher detection depths may possibly be obtained with optimization of the NP assemblies, along with improvements in the instrumentation. Such NP assemblies offer prospects for in vivo, non-invasive detection of tumours along with scope for incorporation of drugs and their targeted and controlled release at tumour sites. These diagnostic agents combined with drug delivery systems could serve as a “theranostic agent”, an integration of diagnostics and therapeutics into a single platform.


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In this work a simple approach to the creation of highly dispersed electrocatalytically active silver microstructured dendrites on indium tin oxide in the absence of any surface modification or surfactant is presented. It is found that the addition of low concentrations of supporting electrolyte to the AgNO3 solution dramatically influences the morphology of electrodeposited silver which is independent of both the anion and the cation employed. The silver dendrites are characterized by SEM, XRD, XPS as well as by cyclic voltammetry under alkaline conditions. It is found that the surface oxide formation and removal processes are significantly influenced by the microstructured morphology of the silver electrodeposits compared to a smooth macrosized silver electrode. The facile formation of dendritic silver microstructures is also shown to be beneficial for the electrocatalytic oxidation of both formaldehyde and hydrazine and oxygen reduction. The formation of a continuous film of dendritic silver is also investigated for its SERS activity where the connectivity between the individual dendrites is found to be particularly important.


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The charge transfer-mediated surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of crystal violet (CV) molecules that were chemically conjugated between partially polarized silver nanoparticles and optically smooth gold and silver substrates has been studied under off-resonant conditions. Tyrosine molecules were used as a reducing agent to convert silver ions into silver nanoparticles where oxidised tyrosine caps the silver nanoparticle surface with its semiquinone group. This binding through the quinone group facilitates charge transfer and results in partially oxidised silver. This establishes a chemical link between the silver nanoparticles and the CV molecules, where the positively charged central carbon of CV molecules can bind to the terminal carboxylate anion of the oxidised tyrosine molecules. After drop casting Ag nanoparticles bound with CV molecules it was found that the free terminal amine groups tend to bind with the underlying substrates. Significantly, only those CV molecules that were chemically conjugated between the partially polarised silver nanoparticles and the underlying gold or silver substrates were found to show SERS under off-resonant conditions. The importance of partial charge transfer at the nanoparticle/capping agent interface and the resultant conjugation of CV molecules to off resonant SERS effects was confirmed by using gold nanoparticles prepared in a similar manner. In this case the capping agent binds to the nanoparticle through the amine group which does not facilitate charge transfer from the gold nanoparticle and under these conditions SERS enhancement in the sandwich configuration was not observed.


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Gold particle interaction with few-layer graphenes is of interest for the development of numerous optical nanodevices. The results of numerical studies of the coupling of gold nanoparticles with few-layer vertical graphene sheets are presented. The field strengths are computed and the optimum nanoparticle configurations for the formation of SERS hotpots are obtained. The nanoparticles are modeled as 8 nm diameter spheres atop 1.5 nm (5 layers) graphene sheet. The vertical orientation is of particular interest as it is possible to use both sides of the graphene structure and potentially double the number of particles in the system. Our results show that with the addition of an opposing particle a much stronger signal can be obtained as well as the particle separation can be controlled by the number of atomic carbon layers. These results provide further insights and contribute to the development of next-generation plasmonic devices based on nanostructures with hybrid dimensionality.


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Plasmonic gold nano-assemblies that self-assemble with the aid of linking molecules or polymers have the potential to yield controlled hierarchies of morphologies and consequently result in materials with tailored optical (e.g. localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR)) and spectroscopic properties (e.g. surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)). Molecular linkers that are structurally well-defined are promising for forming hybrid nano-assemblies which are stable in aqueous solution and are increasingly finding application in nanomedicine. Despite much ongoing research in this field, the precise role of molecular linkers in governing the morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies remains unclear. Previously we have demonstrated that branched linkers, such as hyperbranched polymers, with specific anchoring end groups can be successfully employed to form assemblies of gold NPs demonstrating near-infrared SPRs and intense SERS scattering. We herein introduce a tailored polymer as a versatile molecular linker, capable of manipulating nano-assembly morphologies and hot-spot density. In addition, this report explores the role of the polymeric linker architecture, specifically the degree of branching of the tailored polymer in determining the formation, morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies. The degree of branching of the linker polymer, in addition to the concentration and number of anchoring groups, is observed to strongly influence the self-assembly process. The assembly morphology shifts primarily from 1D-like chains to 2D plates and finally to 3D-like globular structures, with increase in degree of branching. Insights have been gained into how the morphology influences the SERS performance of these nano-assemblies with respect to hot-spot density. These findings supplement the understanding of the morphology determining nano-assembly formation and pave the way for the possible application of these nano-assemblies as SERS bio-sensors for medical diagnostics.


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Introduction Natural product provenance is important in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries, for consumer confidence and with health implications. Raman spectroscopy has powerful molecular fingerprint abilities. Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy’s (SERS) sharp peaks allow distinction between minimally different molecules, so it should be suitable for this purpose. Methods Naturally caffeinated beverages with Guarana extract, coffee and Red Bull energy drink as a synthetic caffeinated beverage for comparison (20 µL ea.) were reacted 1:1 with Gold nanoparticles functionalised with anti-caffeine antibody (ab15221) (10 minutes), air dried and analysed in a micro-Raman instrument. The spectral data was processed using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Results The PCA showed Guarana sourced caffeine varied significantly from synthetic caffeine (Red Bull) on component 1 (containing 76.4% of the variance in the data). See figure 1. The coffee containing beverages, and in particular Robert Timms (instant coffee) were very similar on component 1, but the barista espresso showed minor variance on component 1. Both coffee sourced caffeine samples varied with red Bull on component 2, (20% of variance). ************************************************************ Figure 1 PCA comparing a naturally caffeinated beverage containing Guarana with coffee. ************************************************************ Discussion PCA is an unsupervised multivariate statistical method that determines patterns within data. Figure 1 shows Caffeine in Guarana is notably different to synthetic caffeine. Other researchers have revealed that caffeine in Guarana plants is complexed with tannins. Naturally sourced/ lightly processed caffeine (Monster Energy, Espresso) are more inherently different than synthetic (Red Bull) /highly processed (Robert Timms) caffeine, in figure 1, which is consistent with this finding and demonstrates this technique’s applicability. Guarana provenance is important because it is still largely hand produced and its demand is escalating with recognition of its benefits. This could be a powerful technique for Guarana provenance, and may extend to other industries where provenance / authentication are required, e.g. the wine or natural pharmaceuticals industries.


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This thesis developed a new method for measuring extremely low amounts of organic and biological molecules, using Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. This method has many potential applications, e.g. medical diagnosis, public health, food provenance, antidoping, forensics and homeland security. The method development used caffeine as the small molecule example, and erythropoietin (EPO) as the large molecule. This method is much more sensitive and specific than currently used methods; rapid, simple and cost effective. The method can be used to detect target molecules in beverages and biological fluids without the usual preparation steps.