91 resultados para Serralada Cantàbrica
The As Pontes basin (12 km2), NW Iberian Peninsula, is bounded by a double restraining bend of a dextral strike-slip fault, which is related to the western onshore end of the Pyrenean belt. Surface and subsurface data obtained from intensive coal exploration and mining in the basin since the 1960s together with additional structural and stratigraphic sequence analysis allowed us to determine the geometric relationships between tectonic structures and stratigraphic markers. The small size of the basin and the large amount of quality data make the As Pontes basin a unique natural laboratory for improving our understanding of the origin and evolution of restraining bends. The double restraining bend is the end stage of the structural evolution of a compressive underlapping stepover, where the basin was formed. During the first stage (stepover stage), which began ca. 30 Ma ago (latest Rupelian) and lasted 3.4 My, two small isolated basins bounded by thrusts and normal faults were formed. For 1.3 My, the strike-slip faults, which defined the stepover, grew towards each other until joining and forming the double restraining bend, which bounds one large As Pontes basin (transition stage). The history of the basin was controlled by the activity of the double restraining bend for a further 3.4 My (restraining bend stage) and ended in mid-Aquitanian times (ca. 22 Ma).
The As Pontes basin (12 km2), NW Iberian Peninsula, is bounded by a double restraining bend of a dextral strike-slip fault, which is related to the western onshore end of the Pyrenean belt. Surface and subsurface data obtained from intensive coal exploration and mining in the basin since the 1960s together with additional structural and stratigraphic sequence analysis allowed us to determine the geometric relationships between tectonic structures and stratigraphic markers. The small size of the basin and the large amount of quality data make the As Pontes basin a unique natural laboratory for improving our understanding of the origin and evolution of restraining bends. The double restraining bend is the end stage of the structural evolution of a compressive underlapping stepover, where the basin was formed. During the first stage (stepover stage), which began ca. 30 Ma ago (latest Rupelian) and lasted 3.4 My, two small isolated basins bounded by thrusts and normal faults were formed. For 1.3 My, the strike-slip faults, which defined the stepover, grew towards each other until joining and forming the double restraining bend, which bounds one large As Pontes basin (transition stage). The history of the basin was controlled by the activity of the double restraining bend for a further 3.4 My (restraining bend stage) and ended in mid-Aquitanian times (ca. 22 Ma).
Forecasting coal resources and reserves is critical for coal mine development. Thickness maps are commonly used for assessing coal resources and reserves; however they are limited for capturing coal splitting effects in thick and heterogeneous coal zones. As an alternative, three-dimensional geostatistical methods are used to populate facies distributionwithin a densely drilled heterogeneous coal zone in the As Pontes Basin (NWSpain). Coal distribution in this zone is mainly characterized by coal-dominated areas in the central parts of the basin interfingering with terrigenous-dominated alluvial fan zones at the margins. The three-dimensional models obtained are applied to forecast coal resources and reserves. Predictions using subsets of the entire dataset are also generated to understand the performance of methods under limited data constraints. Three-dimensional facies interpolation methods tend to overestimate coal resources and reserves due to interpolation smoothing. Facies simulation methods yield similar resource predictions than conventional thickness map approximations. Reserves predicted by facies simulation methods are mainly influenced by: a) the specific coal proportion threshold used to determine if a block can be recovered or not, and b) the capability of the modelling strategy to reproduce areal trends in coal proportions and splitting between coal-dominated and terrigenousdominated areas of the basin. Reserves predictions differ between the simulation methods, even with dense conditioning datasets. Simulation methods can be ranked according to the correlation of their outputs with predictions from the directly interpolated coal proportion maps: a) with low-density datasets sequential indicator simulation with trends yields the best correlation, b) with high-density datasets sequential indicator simulation with post-processing yields the best correlation, because the areal trends are provided implicitly by the dense conditioning data.
Guía que analiza la ruta Pardavé-Valporquero (León), realizada por un grupo de profesores pertenecientes al CEP de León. El itinerario está dirigido a alumnos de BUP. Trata de despertar en el alumno la curiosidad y el respeto hacia la naturaleza a través de un mejor conocimiento de la misma. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se ha planteado de tal forma que, el alumno pasa a ser un elemento activo al mismo tiempo que desrrolla su capacidad de observación y reflexión. El trabajo se estructura en fichas que el alumno debe ir rellenando, y que cubren los aspectos geológicos, botánicos y zoológicos de la zona cubierta por el itinerario, el valle del río Torío (León).
Análisis y descripción de los nuevos museos construidos en España en la Cornisa Cantábrica.
Desarrollo de estrategias de gestión forestal que mejoren la calidad del hábitat para el oso pardo cantábrico y la conectividad dentro y entre sus subpoblaciones.
Este estudio se ha planteado como objetivos validar un modelo de abundancia de Vaccinium myrtillus en la región centro-occidental de la Cordillera Cantábrica, desarrollado dentro del Proyecto de gestión forestal para el fomento de la conectividad y disponibilidad del hábitat del oso pardo en la ordillera Cantábrica: desarrollos metodológicos y propuestas espacialmente explícitas (GEFOUR) para el estudio de la conectividad ecológica del oso pardo en la Cordillera Cantábrica, y ensayar otro modelo a escala local para comprobar si mejora su predicción respecto al modelo regional. Dicho proyecto incluye como una de sus partes la elaboración de un mapa local de abundacia de recurso trófico para la especie mencionada.
En este texto se rinde un emotivo y poético homenaje a la memoria de Carmen Chamizo Vega.
Con portada propia: "Prados artificiales : primera empresa de la Real Sociedad Cantábrica : discurso II ..." (p.[33]-68) y "Cosecha de la seda en las costa cantabrica : discurso III ..." (p. [69]-111)
Esta tesis doctoral estudia el proceso de antropización de las montañas occidentales cantábricas a lo largo de la Prehistoria reciente desde una perspectiva diacrónica. La Arqueología del Paisaje constituye el marco teórico-metodológico de partida para una investigación centrada en comprender las relaciones que establecen las comunidades humanas con su entorno en el sector asturleonés de la Cordillera Cantábrica. Para ello, se analizan las pautas de poblamiento y de subsistencia desplegadas por los grupos humanos en estas montañas durante los cinco milenios que median entre la aparición de la agricultura y la ganadería (ca. 4800 cal a.C.) y la conquista romana de este territorio (finales del siglo I a.C.). El trabajo nace como un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinar atento a la producción de los campos científicos próximos a la Arqueología. La investigación se desarrolla a tres escalas territoriales de análisis, con un estudio a escala micro alrededor de la actual aldea de Vigaña (Miranda, Asturias), en donde se han realizado prospecciones arqueológicas intensivas y excavaciones de asentamientos y espacios productivos de diferentes cronologías; un área de estudio a escala intermedia en la cuenca del río Pigüeña (Asturias) y la comarca de Babia (León), en la que se han conducido prospecciones, análisis territoriales y estudios de poblamiento para los diferentes períodos considerados; y un contexto más amplio para la discusión de las propuestas interpretativas enunciadas en las anteriores escalas de análisis en el contexto geográfico más amplio del Occidente Cantábrico. A la luz de estos datos, se reflexiona acerca de las experiencias humanas y los procesos históricos que mediaron en la construcción social de los paisajes culturales en los que se vieron inmersas las comunidades de la Prehistoria reciente en este territorio. A partir del Neolítico se produce el desarrollo de la producción de alimentos, con la extensión de la agricultura y la ganadería. Como resultado de ello, los grupos humanos dieron lugar a nuevas formas de relación con su entorno, iniciándose procesos de humanización del territorio que dieron forma a paisajes caracterizados por una alta movilidad residencial, unas fórmulas productivas itinerantes y la monumentalización del paisaje a través de construcciones megalíticas que se concentran en puntos nodales para las comunicaciones, así como en los espacios productivos más destacados en sus modos de vida...
Derivado de los trabajos de sistematización de la Prehistoria de Catalunya realizados por P. Bosch-Gimpera (Bosch – Gimpera, 1919; 1932), la prehistoria de la alta montaña catalana ha quedado fusionada al concepto de “Cultura Pirenaica”. Este modelo ha sido certificado por una amplia serie de autores a lo largo de los últimos 60 años. Este trabajo pretende realizar una aproximación crítica a esta conceptualización mediante la revisión cualitativa de la investigación arqueológica realizada en la zona pirenaica a lo largo del periodo 1894 – 2006.
At present, Spain faces one of the key moments in planning the future design of the infrastructure network. As a consequence of the critical role played by haulage in intra-European trade, the most important investments are those that guarantee that road haulage traffic can move freely at the borders. That is why it is necessary to make serious evaluations of the economic and social profitability of these investments. Normally the most significant social benefit of investment projects in transport infrastructure is time saving, which in turn changes traffic intensity. In this article we analyse the changes in the user excess caused by public investment in transport infrastructure planned by the Spanish government and which will be located on the border between Spain and France. In particular, we study the increase in network user surplus for HGV traffic in the Spanish and French border zones in the Pyrenees.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, from April to July the 2007. Two series of analogue models are used to explore ductile-frictional contrasts of the basal décollement in the development of oblique and transverse structures simultaneously to thin-skinned shortening. These models simulate the evolution of the Central External Sierras (Southern Pyrenees, Spain), which constitute the frontal emerging part of the southernmost Pyrenean thrust sheet. They are characterized by the presence of transverse N-S to NW-SE anticlines, which are perpendicular to the Pyrenean structural trend and developed in the hangingwall of the Santo Domingo thrust system, detaching on an unevenly distributed Triassic materials (evaporitic-dolomitic interfingerings). Model setup performs a décollement made by three patches of silicone neighbouring pure brittle sand. Model series A test the thickness ratio between overburden and décollement. Model series B test the width of frictional detachment areas. Model results show how deformation reaches further in areas detached on ductile layer whereas frictional décollement areas assimilate the strain by means of an additional uplift. This replicates the structural style of Central External Sierras: higher structural relief of N-S anticlines with regard to orogen-parallel structures, absence of a representative ductile décollement in the core, tilting towards the orogen and foreland-side closure not thrusted by the frontal emerging South-Pyrenean thrust.