982 resultados para Sermones inter unius auctoris collectionem. De diversis Pro sacerdote novo vel in missa nova


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« Sermo adaptabillis b. Laurentio... Dispersit, dedit pauperibus... Quia secundum b. Dionixium in De ecclesiastica Yerarchia... » (1-2) ; — « Sermo de assumptione b. Marie... Quid hoc audio de te... Quid nos tantilly... » (2v-3), suivi d'une note à l'usage des prédicateurs : « Nota quod ne sermo sit deffectuosus... » (3) ; — « Sermo de conceptione b. Marie. Que est ista que progreditur... Karissimi, predicator evangelicus, beatitudinis eterne preco... » (3v-4v) ; — « Sermo de quatuor festis principalibus b. Marie... Que est ista que progreditur... Verba ista sunt tocius curie celestis... » (4v-5v) ; — « Sermo de Purificatione. In mansuetudine suscipite... Secundum b. Gregorium, Mor. 23... » (6-7) ; — « Sermo de b. Francischo... Cujus est ymago hec et superscriptio... Secundum b. Gregorium, omelia 30... » (7v-8v) ; — « Sermo in dominica [in Quinquagesima]. Ecce ascendimus Jerosolimam... Karissimi, sicut scitis, finis est... » (9-10) ; — [Sermo in dominica IIa post Epiphaniam] « Tu servasti vinum bonum usque adhuc... In verbis istis spiritualiter intellectus... » (10-10v) ; — « Sermo de b. Francischo. Ad ymaginem similitudinis sue... Verba ista ad litteram scripta... » (11-12) ; — « Sermo de b. Johane Baptista. Magnus es tu et faciens mirabilia... Secundum Gregorium quia tute... » (12v-13) ; — « Sermo de angelis. Inmittit angelus Domini... Sanctus ille David, acceptus de ovibus... » (13v-14) ; — « In ascensione Domini. Exultavit ut gigas... Duo sunt inter cetera Christi misteria... » (14v-16) ; — « De asumpcione Domine nostre. Ad preceptum tuum elevabitur aquila... Quia, karissimi, Mater Domini... » [FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS] ; cf. éd. Bâle, 1498, f. CIV-CIIIV, avec variantes (16v-18) ; — « De Maria Magdalena. Permittuntur [sic pro : Remittuntur] tibi peccata tua... Sicut solent maximi principes... » [Idem], sermon abrégé ; cf. éd. cit., f. LXXXVIIIV-XCI (18-19v) ; — « De s. Johane Evangelista. Dillectus meus michi... Ostenditur b. Johannes prout inflamatus... » [Idem], résumé ; cf. éd. cit., f. XXIX-XXIXV (20) ; — « In festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Accepimus gratiam et apostolatum... Gloriosissimi christiane fidei religionis... » (20v-23v) ; — « Sermo de gratia divina acquirenda. Accepimus gratiam etc. Vivat, obsecro, anima mea ... quoniam... » (24) ; — « Accepimus gratiam etc. Restat ostendere via physionomica... » (24v-26) ; — « Sermo de beatitudine, sive gloria celesti, sive in festo Omnium sanctorum. Fons sapientie verbum Dei... Ecce ego sto prope fontem... In hoc festo precipue et anno... » (26-29) ; — « De nativitate Domine nostre. Egredietur virga de radice Jesse... Percutiet terram virga... Clementissimus pastor ovium... » (29v-32) ; — « Sermo de uno confessore pontifice. Rector fratrum et stabilimentum populi... Inter viros eximie sanctitatis... » (32v) ; — « De nativitate Domini. Transeamus usque Bethelem... Innocencius in quodam sermone de predicatione... » (34v-36) ; — « In die nativitatis Domini. Sol ortus est et humiles exaltati sunt... Beatus Augustinus, De Civitate Dei : Anima participacione... » (36-37v) ; — « Dominica infra octavas Nativitatis. Ecce positus est hic in ruinam... Secundum doctrinam Philosophi in diversis locis... » (38-38v) ; — « Dominica quarta in quadragesima. Sequebatur eum multitudo magna... Secundum Damascenum libro primo, capitulo XV°, diversitas actionum... » (39-40v) ; — « De Canane[a], dominica secunda [sic] in quadragesima [Feria 5a post dom. Ia in XLa]. Dimitte illam quia clamat... Si attendamus ordinem generacionis... » (41-42v) ; — « Dominica de Passione. Si veritatem dico vobis... Secundum sententiam Phylosophi primo Metaphysice... » (43-43v) ; — « In cena Domini. Hodie est rex et cras morietur... Omne agens ordinate prius inquirit... » (44-45) ; — « De resurectione. Hec dies quam fecit Dominus... Scilicet est ex dictis Philosophi in diversis locis... » (45v-47) ; — « Dominica in Quadragesima. Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile... Ut dicit Philosophus, secundo de Celo et mundo... » (47-48v) ; — « De b. Clara. Sicut lux meridiana clara est... Secundum Philosophum tertio Methaphysice, si res creatas... » (48v-49v) ; — « Sermo de Cruce. Vidit mulier quod bonum esset lignum... Sicut ex doctrina Philosophi primo Ethicorum... » (50-51) ; — « De s. Anthonio. Misit servum suum hora cene... Sicut in rebus naturalibus docet experiencia... » (51v-52v) ; — « De b. Johane Batista. Tu puer propheta Altissimi... Secundum doctrinam Hugonis in commento de angelica Jerarchia... » (53-54) ; — « De b. Bertholameo [sic]. Dedit illi contra inimicos potenciam... Racio docet et experiencia manifestat... » (54v-55) ; — « De b. Francischo. Amice, ascende superius... Dicit Philosophus quinto Physicorum quod motus... » (55v-56) ; — [De b. Bernardo] « Omnia parata sunt, venite ad nupcias... Sicut videmus in motu naturali... » (56v-57) ; — « De sacerdote novo. Vos elegit Dominus... Ut potest haberi ex dictis Dyonisii... » (57v-58v) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis gloriose. Elevetur tronus David super Israel... Videmus quod triplici racione aliqua corpora... » (58v-59v) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis. Veni de Libano sponsa mea... Secundum testimonium Scripturarum et humane consuetudinis... » (59v-61) ; — « De Trinitate. Tripliciter sol exurens montes... Secundum quod dicit Philosophus, tota nostra noticia... » (61-61v) ; — « De b. Francischo. Hic beatus in facto suo erit... Post doctrinam philosophorum et experienciam... » (62-62v) ; — [De b. Eligio] « Provideat rex virum sapientem... Secundum sententiam (secundum) sapientis primo Metaphysice . » (63-64) ; — « De resurrectione Domini. Tercia dies est hodie... Tripliciter alicujus rei non vise accipimus fidem certam... » (64-65) ; — «Stetit in medio discipulorum et dixit : Pax vobis... Ut dicit b. Augustinus undevicesimo de Civitate Dei... » (65v-67) ; — « De Omnibus sanctis... Gloriosa dicta sunt de te... Aperta est civitas... Doctore egregio Bernardo scilicet attestante... » (67-69) ; — « De b. Johane Batista. Hic venit in testimonium... Sicut potest probari ex dictis Philosophi et exemplis... » (69v-70) ; — « De b. Petro apostolo. Tu pasce populum meum Israel... Secundum sententiam Philosophi tertio Politicorum... » (70v-71) ; — « De assumpcione Virginis gloriose. Transibo in locum tabernaculi... Triplici ratione secundum philosophorum doctrinam aliqua moventur... » (71v-72v) ; — [De b. Francisco] « Adolescens, tibi dico surge... Consideranti sciderum revolucionem... » (73-74v) ; — [De s. Michaele] « Michael et angeli preliabantur... Sicut ex doctrina Phylosophi in pluribus locis patet... » (74v-76) ; — « De b. Nicholao. Petra fundebat michi rivos olei... Secundum philosophicam doctrinam, diversitas effectuum... » (76-77) ; — « In festo apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Fecit Deus duo luminaria magna... Secundum sententiam Philosophi secundo Methaphysice... » (77v-78) ; — « De b. Bertholameo. Vidi angelum fortem... Secundum dictum Philosophi, omnes transferentes... » (78v-79) ; — « Dominica in Quadragesima. Ductus est Jhesus in desertum... Sicut naturalium operationum multiplex experiencia... » (79v-80v) ; — « De s. Thoma apostolo. Ecce cognovi quoniam Deus meus es... Bernardus in sermone : Deus noverim me... » (81-81v) ; — « De sacerdote novo. Misit Dominus servum suum... Secundum quod dicit Philosophus primo Ethicorum, diversarum operationum... » (82-82bis) ; — « In purificatione Virginis. Parasti ante faciem omnium populorum... Si attendamus formationem rerum temporalium... » (82bisv-83v) ; — « De uno martire. Esto vir fortis, et prelia bella Domini... Secundum consuetudinem hominum... » (84-85) ; — « De festo Purificacionis. Lucerna splendens super candelabrum... Doctrina philosophorum et tradit... » (85v-86v) ; — « Feria quarta Cinerum. Cum jejunas unge caput tuum... Morum Philosophi doctrinam perlegens et attendens... » (87-88v) ; — « In quarta feria Cinerum. Cum jejunatis, nolite fieri sicut ypocrite... Sicut ex doctrina Philosophi primo Ethicorum potest colligi... » (88v-89v) ; — « In festo b. Lodovici [episcopi]. Surrexit rex de solio suo... Ut dicit Philosophus quarto Methaphysicorum... » (90-91v) ; — « De b. Jacobo. Vox tonitrui tui in rota... Secundum doctrinam philosophicam formarum naturalium... » (91v-92v) ; — [In festo Annunciationis] « Ecce concipies in utero... Secundum doctrinam Philosophi septimo de Animalibus, ad generationem... » (93-94) ; — « De s. Ludovico [episcopo]. Reposita est michi corona justitie... Secundum sententiam Philosophi secundo Phisicorum, omne agens... » (94-96).


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The aim of this study was to evaluate whether altered occlusion affects both the condylar cartilage thickness and the cytokine levels of the TMJs of rats. Thirty adult-male rats (n=30) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: a control group that underwent sham operations with unaltered occlusion; an FPDM group that underwent functional posterior displacement of the mandible that was induced by an incisor guiding appliance; and an iOVD group in which the increased occlusal vertical dimension was induced in the molars. The rats were subjected to the FPDM or iOVD model for 14 days and then killed. Both the right and left TMJs were removed and randomly assigned to examination with staining or immunoassay techniques. Toluidine blue staining was used to measure the thicknesses of the four layers of the articular cartilage (i.e., the fibrous, proliferating, mature, and hypertrophic layers). ELISA assays were used to assess the concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α). The measurements of the articular cartilage layers and cytokine concentrations were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey's tests and Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests, respectively (α=5%). The thickness of articular cartilage in the FPDM group (0.3±0.03mm) was significantly greater than those of the control (0.2±0.01mm) and iOVD (0.25±0.03mm) groups. No significant difference was observed between the control and iOVD groups. The four articular cartilage layers were thicker in the FPDM group than in the control and iOVD groups, and the latter two groups did not differ one from each other. Both the FPDM and iOVD groups exhibited higher cytokine levels than did the control (p<0.05) group. Compared to the FPDM group, the iOVD group exhibited significantly higher levels of IL-1β and TNF-α. Both models induced inflammation in the TMJ and caused significant structural changes in the TMJ and surrounding tissues.


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Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the control of the vascular tone and the most often employed NO donors have limitations due to their harmful side-effects. In this context, new NO donors have been prepared, in order to minimize such undesirable effects. cis-[Ru(bpy)(2)(py)NO(2)](PF(6)) (RuBPY) is a new nitrite complex synthesized in our laboratory that releases NO in the presence of the vascular tissue only. In this work the vasorelaxation induced by this NO donor has been studied and compared to that obtained with the well known NO donor SNP. The relaxation induced by RuBPY is concentration-dependent in denuded rat aortas pre-contracted with phenylephrine (EC(50)). This new compound induced relaxation with efficacy similar to that of SNP, although its potency is lower. The time elapsed until maximum relaxation is achieved (E(max) = 240 s) is similar to measured for SNP (210 s). Vascular reactivity experiments demonstrated that aortic relaxation by RuBPY is inhibited by the soluble guanylyl-cyclase inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiozolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one (ODQ 1 mu M). In a similar way, 1 mu M ODQ also reduces NO release from the complex as measured with DAF-2 DA by confocal microscopy. These findings suggest that this new complex RuBPY that has nitrite in its structure releases NO inside the vascular smooth muscle cell. This ruthenium complex releases significant amounts of NO only in the presence of the aortic tissue. Reduction of nitrite to NO is most probably dependent on the soluble guanylyl-cyclase enzyme, since NO release is inhibited by ODQ. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Intervertebral cervical disc herniation (CDH) is a relatively common disorder that can coexist with degenerative changes to worsen cervicogenic myelopathy. Despite the frequent disc abnormalities found in asymptomatic populations, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered excellent at detecting cervical spine myelopathy (CSM) associated with disc abnormality. The objective of this study was to investigate the intra- and inter-observer reliability of MRI detection of CSM in subjects who also had co-existing intervertebral disc abnormalities. Materials and methods: Seven experienced radiologists reviewed twice the MRI of 10 patients with clinically and/or imaging determined myelopathy. MRI assessment was performed individually, with and without operational guidelines. A Fleiss Kappa statistic was used to evaluate the intra- and inter-observer agreement. Results: The study found high intra-observer percent agreement but relatively low Kappa values on selected variables. Inter-observer reliability was also low and neither observation was improved with operational guidelines. We believe that those low values may be associated with the base rate problem of Kappa. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrated high intra-observer percent agreement in MR examination for intervertebral disc abnormalities in patients with underlying cervical myelopathy, but differing levels of intra- and inter-observer Kappa agreement among seven radiologists. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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During the period 1980-1986, we captured triatomine bugs and mammalian reservoir hosts from sylvatic and domestic situations in different municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais. Trypanosoma cruzi was isolated from captured bugs, mammals and patients. After cultivation in LIT medium, the electrophoretic enzyme profiles were determined. We obtained atotal of 32 parasite isolates from regions with active domestic transmission, and 24 isolates form areas under control. For the first areas the results suggest introduction of T. cruzi from sylvatic habitats, through incursion of infected opossums and/or sylvatic T. sordida, which appears to have given rise to at least one acute human infection. Of particular interest is the finding of sylvatic opossums and a T. sordida nymph infected with ZB, that could indicate return of parasites from chronic human infections to sylvatic transmission cycles. For the areas under control we also interpret the results as interaction between sylvatic and domestic cycles of transmission, here through the invasion of houses by bugs carrying the Z1 zymodeme from the sylvatic environment. The Multivariate Correspondence Analysis gives a spatial description between the different parasite isolates and confirms the existence of a bridge in the opposite direction in the region with active vectorial transmission including the exporting of Z2 through the peridomestic environment into the sylvatic cycle. For the others areas this bridge corresponds especially to Panstrongylus megistus, importing Z1 into the domestic environment.


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The systemic response to injury or infection is often accompanied by significant alterations in host metabolism and glucose homeostasis. Within the liver, these changes include a decrease in glycogenesis and an increase in gluconeogenesis, and in peripheral tissues, the development of insulin resistance and the increased utilization of glucose by non-insulin-dependent pathways. Depending on the severity and the duration of the response, both hyper- and hypoglycemia can ensue and each can become a clinically important manifestation of the systemic inflammatory response. The protein known as macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has been identified recently to play a central role in host immunity and to regulate glucocorticoid effects on the immune and inflammatory systems. MIF is released in vivo from activated immune cells as well as by the anterior pituitary gland upon stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. MIF also has been found to be secreted together with insulin from the pancreatic beta-cells and to act as an autocrine factor to stimulate insulin release. Since circulating MIF levels are elevated during stress or systemic inflammatory processes, this protein may play a central role in the control of insulin secretion during various disease states.


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In the last decade, an increasing number of patients over 75 years of age are starting renal replacement therapy. Frailty is highly prevalent in elderly patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the context of the increased prevalence of some ESRD-associated conditions: protein-energy wasting, inflammation, anaemia, acidosis or hormonal disturbances. There are currently no hard data to support guidance on the optimal duration of dialysis for frail/elderly ESRD patients. The current debate is not about starting dialysis or managing conservatory frail ESRD patients, but whether a more intensive regimen once dialysis is initiated (for whatever reasons and circumstances) would improve patients' outcome. The most important issue is that all studies performed with extended/alternative dialysis regimens do not specifically address this particular type of patients and therefore all the inferences are derived from the general ESRD population. Care planning should be responsive to end-of-life needs whatever the treatment modality. Care in this setting should focus on symptom control and quality of life rather than life extension. We conclude that, similar to the general dialysed population, extensive application of more intensive dialysis schedules is not based on solid evidence. However, after a thorough clinical evaluation, a limited period of a trial of intensive dialysis could be prescribed in more problematic patients.


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Invocatio: I.N.D.O.M.


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Grat.: Petrus Laurbecchius, Enevald. Sven., Jacob. Flachsenius, Johannes Flachsenius, Simon Tålpo, And. Wanochius.


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Invocatio: I.N.D.O.M.