990 resultados para Sepsis model
Pan-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii have prompted the search for therapeutic alternatives. We evaluate the efficacy of four cecropin A-melittin hybrid peptides (CA-M) in vivo. Toxicity was determined in mouse erythrocytes and in mice (lethal dose parameters were LD(0), LD(50), LD(100)). Protective dose 50 (PD(50)) was determined by inoculating groups of ten mice with the minimal lethal dose of A. baumannii (BMLD) and treating with doses of each CA-M from 0.5 mg/kg to LD(0). The activity of CA-Ms against A. baumannii was assessed in a peritoneal sepsis model. Mice were sacrificed at 0 and 1, 3, 5, and 7-h post-treatment. Spleen and peritoneal fluid bacterial concentrations were measured. CA(1-8)M(1-18) was the less haemolytic on mouse erythrocytes. LD(0) (mg/kg) was 32 for CA(1-8)M(1-18), CA(1-7)M(2-9), and Oct-CA(1-7)M(2-9), and 16 for CA(1-7)M(5-9). PD(50) was not achieved with non-toxic doses (= LD(0)). In the sepsis model, all CA-Ms were bacteriostatic in spleen, and decreased bacterial concentration (p <0.05) in peritoneal fluid, at 1-h post-treatment; at later times, bacterial regrowth was observed in peritoneal fluid. CA-Ms showed local short-term efficacy in the peritoneal sepsis model caused by pan-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with reduced surgical trauma, and less acute phase response, as compared with open surgery. Cytokines are important regulators of the biological response to surgical and anesthetic stress. The aim of this study was to determine if CO2 pneumoperitoneum would change cytokine expression, gas parameters and leukocyte count in septic rats. Methods: Wistar rats were randomly assigned to five groups: control (anesthesia only), laparotomy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum, cecum ligation and puncture by laparotomy, and laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture. After 30 min of the procedures, arterial blood samples were obtained to determine leukocytes subpopulations by hemocytometer. TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 were determined in intraperitoneal fluid (by ELISA). Gas parameters were measured on arterial blood, intraperitoneal and subperitoneal exsudates. Results: Peritoneal TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were lower in pneumoperitoneum rats than in all other groups (p<0.05). TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 expression was lower in the laparoscopic than in laparotomic sepsis (p<0.05). Rats from laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture group developed significant hypercarbic acidosis in blood and subperitoneal fluid when compared to open procedure group. Total white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantly lower in laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture rats than in the laparotomic (p<0.01). Nevertheless, the laparotomic cecum ligation rats had a significant increase in blood neutrophils and eosinophils when compared with controls (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum reduced the inflammatory response in an animal model of peritonitis with respect to intraperitoneal cytokines, white blood cell count and clinical correlates of sepsis. The pneumoperitoneum produced hypercarbic acidosis in septic animals
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with reduced surgical trauma, and less acute phase response, as compared with open surgery. Cytokines are important regulators of the biological response to surgical and anesthetic stress. The aim of this study was to determine if CO2 pneumoperitoneum would change cytokine expression, gas parameters and leukocyte count in septic rats. Methods: Wistar rats were randomly assigned to five groups: control (anesthesia only), laparotomy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum, cecum ligation and puncture by laparotomy, and laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture. After 30 min of the procedures, arterial blood samples were obtained to determine leukocytes subpopulations by hemocytometer. TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 were determined in intraperitoneal fluid (by ELISA). Gas parameters were measured on arterial blood, intraperitoneal and subperitoneal exsudates. Results: Peritoneal TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were lower in pneumoperitoneum rats than in all other groups (p<0.05). TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 expression was lower in the laparoscopic than in laparotomic sepsis (p<0.05). Rats from laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture group developed significant hypercarbic acidosis in blood and subperitoneal fluid when compared to open procedure group. Total white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantly lower in laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture rats than in the laparotomic (p<0.01). Nevertheless, the laparotomic cecum ligation rats had a significant increase in blood neutrophils and eosinophils when compared with controls (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum reduced the inflammatory response in an animal model of peritonitis with respect to intraperitoneal cytokines, white blood cell count and clinical correlates of sepsis. The pneumoperitoneum produced hypercarbic acidosis in septic animals
Laparoscopic surgery is associated with reduced surgical trauma, and less acute phase response, as compared with open surgery. Cytokines are important regulators of the biological response to surgical and anesthetic stress. The aim of this study was to determine if CO2 pneumoperitoneum would change cytokine expression, gas parameters and leukocyte count in septic rats. Methods: Wistar rats were randomly assigned to five groups: control (anesthesia only), laparotomy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum, cecum ligation and puncture by laparotomy, and laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture. After 30 min of the procedures, arterial blood samples were obtained to determine leukocytes subpopulations by hemocytometer. TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 were determined in intraperitoneal fluid (by ELISA). Gas parameters were measured on arterial blood, intraperitoneal and subperitoneal exsudates. Results: Peritoneal TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations were lower in pneumoperitoneum rats than in all other groups (p<0.05). TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 expression was lower in the laparoscopic than in laparotomic sepsis (p<0.05). Rats from laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture group developed significant hypercarbic acidosis in blood and subperitoneal fluid when compared to open procedure group. Total white blood cells and lymphocytes were significantly lower in laparoscopic cecum ligation and puncture rats than in the laparotomic (p<0.01). Nevertheless, the laparotomic cecum ligation rats had a significant increase in blood neutrophils and eosinophils when compared with controls (p<0.05). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the CO2 pneumoperitoneum reduced the inflammatory response in an animal model of peritonitis with respect to intraperitoneal cytokines, white blood cell count and clinical correlates of sepsis. The pneumoperitoneum produced hypercarbic acidosis in septic animals
Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to examine the effects of hypertonic saline solution (7.5%) on cardiovascular function and splanchnic perfusion in experimental sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of live Escherichia coli over 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, they were randomized to receive lactated Ringer's solution 32 ml/kg (LR; n = 7) over 30 minutes or 7.5% hypertonic saline solution 4 ml/kg (HS; n = 8) over 5 minutes. They were observed without additional interventions for 120 minutes. Cardiac output (CO), mean arterial pressure (MAP), portal and renal blood flow (PBF and RBF, respectively), gastric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2; gas tonometry), blood gases and lactate levels were assessed. Results E. coli infusion promoted significant reductions in CO, MAP, PBF and RBF (approximately 45%, 12%, 45% and 25%, respectively) accompanied by an increase in lactate levels and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction (sO2ER and mO2ER). Widening of venous-arterial (approximately 15 mmHg), portal-arterial (approximately 18 mmHg) and gastric mucosal-arterial (approximately 55 mmHg) pCO2 gradients were also observed. LR and HS infusion transiently improved systemic and regional blood flow. However, HS infusion was associated with a significant and sustained reduction of systemic (18 ± 2.6 versus 38 ± 5.9%) and mesenteric oxygen extraction (18.5 ± 1.9 versus 36.5 ± 5.4%), without worsening other perfusional markers. Conclusion A large volume of LR or a small volume of HS promoted similar transient hemodynamic benefits in this sepsis model. However, a single bolus of HS did promote sustained reduction of systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction, suggesting that hypertonic saline solution could be used as a salutary intervention during fluid resuscitation in septic patients.
Sepsis is an infection-induced systemic inflammatory syndrome, potentially causing organ failure. We previously showed attenuating effects on inflammation, thrombogenicity and haemodynamics by inhibiting the Toll-like receptor co-factor CD14 and complement factor C5 in a porcine Escherichia coli-induced sepsis model. The present study explored the effect on organ inflammation in these pigs. Tissue samples were examined from the combined treatment group (n = 8), the positive (n = 8) and negative (n = 6) control groups after 4h of sepsis. Inflammatory biomarkers were measured using ELISA, multiplex and qPCR analysis. Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 markedly attenuated IL-1β by 31-66% (P < 0.05) and IL-6 by 54-96% (P < 0.01) in liver, kidney, lung and spleen; IL-8 by 65-100% in kidney, lung, spleen, and heart (P < 0.05) and MCP-1 by 46-69% in liver, kidney, spleen and heart (P < 0.05). Combined inhibition significantly attenuated tissue factor mRNA upregulation in spleen (P < 0.05) and IP-10 mRNA upregulation in four out of five organs. Finally, C5aR mRNA downregulation was prevented in heart and kidney (P < 0.05). Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 thus markedly attenuated inflammatory responses in all organs examined. The anti-inflammatory effects observed in lung and heart may explain the delayed haemodynamic disturbances observed in septic pigs receiving combined inhibition of C5 and CD14.
A sepse é uma condição de elevada letalidade muito frequente em pacientes graves e pode estar associada à deficiência de vitamina B1 ou tiamina. Sendo a tiamina fundamental para produção de energia, restauração do poder redutor e síntese de ribose e desoxirribose celulares, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da deficiência de tiamina sobre a resposta inflamatória, através da medida de interleucinas, o estresse oxidante, pela determinação do 4-hidróxi 2-nonenal (4-HNE) um produto de peroxidação de lipídeos de membrana e a migração celular em modelo experimental de sepse. Em um primeiro experimento foi determinada a concentração de pirofosfato de tiamina (PPT) no sangue de camundongos c57bl6 alimentados com ração completa e com ração deficiente em tiamina, para determinação do tempo necessário para a indução de deficiência dessa vitamina. Em um segundo experimento foi utilizada a ligadura e perfuração cecal (CLP) como modelo de sepse em quatro grupos: SHAM ração completa, SHAM ração deficiente em tiamina, CLP ração completa, CLP ração deficiente em tiamina. As concentrações de PPT no sangue foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. As dosagens séricas e no líquido peritoneal de TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, KC e MCP-1/CCL2 foram realizadas por ELISA. O nível de 4-hidroxi,2-nonenal (4-HNE) no fígado foi avaliado por Western Blot. Contagem de leucócitos no sangue e no líquido peritoneal foi feita por microscopia óptica. Foi avaliada a concentração de bactérias no líquido peritoneal. Nos animais alimentados com ração completa a concentração média de PPT foi 303 42,6 nM, e a deficiência de tiamina foi induzida após 10 dias de ingestão da ração pobre em tiamina, quando observou-se concentração de 12,5 2,4 nM. No lavado peritoneal dos animais submetidos à CLP e privados de tiamina observou-se nível significativamente maior de TNF-α e MCP-1. A IL-1β foi menor no sangue do mesmo grupo. A expressão de 4-HNE foi maior nos grupos privados de tiamina. Quanto à celularidade sanguínea, observou-se apenas maior contagem de mononucleares no grupo submetido à CLP e privado de tiamina. No líquido peritoneal, a contagem de leucócitos totais, mononuleares e monócitos foi mais elevada nos grupos CLP, mas sem relação com o tipo de dieta. No entanto, no líquido peritoneal o grupo CLP deficiente em tiamina revelou população bacteriana significativamente menor que o grupo alimentado com ração completa e os grupos sham. Concluiu-se que a deficiência de tiamina associou-se com aumento da morte bacteriana na cavidade peritoneal, aumento do estresse oxidante, e mudanças na resposta inflamatória. Palavras-chave: Tiamina. Sepse. Estresse oxidante. Inflamação. Modelo de sepse.A sepse é uma condição de elevada letalidade muito frequente em pacientes graves e pode estar associada à deficiência de vitamina B1 ou tiamina. Sendo a tiamina fundamental para produção de energia, restauração do poder redutor e síntese de ribose e desoxirribose celulares, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da deficiência de tiamina sobre a resposta inflamatória, através da medida de interleucinas, o estresse oxidante, pela determinação do 4-hidróxi 2-nonenal (4-HNE) um produto de peroxidação de lipídeos de membrana e a migração celular em modelo experimental de sepse. Em um primeiro experimento foi determinada a concentração de pirofosfato de tiamina (PPT) no sangue de camundongos c57bl6 alimentados com ração completa e com ração deficiente em tiamina, para determinação do tempo necessário para a indução de deficiência dessa vitamina. Em um segundo experimento foi utilizada a ligadura e perfuração cecal (CLP) como modelo de sepse em quatro grupos: SHAM ração completa, SHAM ração deficiente em tiamina, CLP ração completa, CLP ração deficiente em tiamina. As concentrações de PPT no sangue foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. As dosagens séricas e no líquido peritoneal de TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, KC e MCP-1/CCL2 foram realizadas por ELISA. O nível de 4-hidroxi,2-nonenal (4-HNE) no fígado foi avaliado por Western Blot. Contagem de leucócitos no sangue e no líquido peritoneal foi feita por microscopia óptica. Foi avaliada a concentração de bactérias no líquido peritoneal. Nos animais alimentados com ração completa a concentração média de PPT foi 303 42,6 nM, e a deficiência de tiamina foi induzida após 10 dias de ingestão da ração pobre em tiamina, quando observou-se concentração de 12,5 2,4 nM. No lavado peritoneal dos animais submetidos à CLP e privados de tiamina observou-se nível significativamente maior de TNF-α e MCP-1. A IL-1β foi menor no sangue do mesmo grupo. A expressão de 4-HNE foi maior nos grupos privados de tiamina. Quanto à celularidade sanguínea, observou-se apenas maior contagem de mononucleares no grupo submetido à CLP e privado de tiamina. No líquido peritoneal, a contagem de leucócitos totais, mononuleares e monócitos foi mais elevada nos grupos CLP, mas sem relação com o tipo de dieta. No entanto, no líquido peritoneal o grupo CLP deficiente em tiamina revelou população bacteriana significativamente menor que o grupo alimentado com ração completa e os grupos sham. Concluiu-se que a deficiência de tiamina associou-se com aumento da morte bacteriana na cavidade peritoneal, aumento do estresse oxidante, e mudanças na resposta inflamatória.
The cellular prion protein (PrPC) is widely expressed in neural and non-neural tissues, but its function is unknown. Elucidation of the part played by PrPC in adaptive immunity has been a particular conundrum: increased expression of cell surface PrPC has been documented during T-cell activation, yet the functional significance of this activation remains unclear, with conflicting data on the effects of Prnp gene knockout on various parameters of T-cell immunity. We show here that Prnp mRNA is highly inducible within 8–24 h of T-cell activation, with surface protein levels rising from 24 h. When measured in parallel with CD69 and CD25, PrPC is a late activation antigen. Consistent with its up-regulation being a late activation event, PrP deletion did not alter T-cell-antigen presenting cell conjugate formation. Most important, activated PrP0/0 T cells demonstrated much reduced induction of several T helper (Th) 1, Th2, and Th17 cytokines, whereas others, such as TNF- and IL-9, were unaffected. These changes were investigated in the context of an autoimmune model and a bacterial challenge model. In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, PrP-knockout mice showed enhanced disease in the face of reduced IL-17 responses. In a streptococcal sepsis model, this constrained cytokine program was associated with poorer local control of infection, although with reduced bacteremia. The findings indicate that PrPC is a potentially important molecule influencing T-cell activation and effector function.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in ventilator-associated pneumonia is a serious and often life-threatening complication in intensive care unit patients, and new treatment options are needed. We used B-cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes from a volunteer immunized with a P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine to generate human hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for individual P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide serotypes. The fully human monoclonal antibody secreted by one of these lines, KBPA101, is an IgM/kappa antibody that binds P. aeruginosa of International Antigenic Typing System (IATS) serotype O11 with high avidity (5.81 x 10(7) M(-1) +/- 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1)) without cross-reacting with other serotypes. KBPA101 specifically opsonized the P. aeruginosa of IATS O11 serotype and mediated complement-dependent phagocytosis in vitro by the human monocyte-like cell line HL-60 at a very low concentration (half-maximal phagocytosis at 0.16 ng/ml). In vivo evaluation of KBPA101 demonstrated a dose-response relationship for protection against systemic infections in a murine burn wound sepsis model, where 70 to 100% of animals were protected against lethal challenges with P. aeruginosa at doses as low as 5 microg/animal. Furthermore, a high efficacy of KBPA101 in protection from local respiratory infections in an acute lung infection model in mice was demonstrated. Preclinical toxicology evaluation on human tissue, in rabbits, and in mice did not indicate any toxicity of KBPA101. Based on these preclinical findings, the first human clinical trials have been initiated.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) is increasingly used for perioperative analgesia. If patients with TEA develop sepsis or systemic inflammatory response subsequent to extended surgery the question arises if it would be safe to continue TEA with its beneficial effects of improving gastrointestinal perfusion and augmenting tissue oxygenation. A major concern in this regard is hemodynamic instability that might ensue from TEA-induced vasodilation. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics in a sepsis model of hyperdynamic endotoxemia. METHODS: After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 14), Salmonella thyphosa endotoxin was continuously infused at a rate of 10 ngxkg(-1)xmin(-1) over 16 hours. The surviving animals (n = 12) were then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 study groups. In the treatment group (n = 6), continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mLxkg(-1) bupivacaine 0.125% and maintained with 0.1 mLxkg(-1)xh(-1). In the control group (n = 6) the same amount of isotonic sodium saline solution was injected at the same rate through the epidural catheter. RESULTS: In both experimental groups cardiac index increased and systemic vascular resistance decreased concurrently (each P < .05). Functional epidural blockade in the TEA group was confirmed by sustained suppression of the cutaneous (or panniculus) reflex. During the observational period of 6 hours neither systemic nor pulmonary circulatory variables were impaired by TEA. CONCLUSIONS: From a hemodynamic point of view, TEA presents as a safe treatment option in sepsis or systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
AM-112[1′R,5R,6R)-3-(4-amino-1,1-dimethyl-butyl)-6-(1′- hydroxyethyl)oxapenem-3-carboxylatel is a novel oxapenem compound which possesses potent β-lactamase-inhibitory properties. Fifty-percent inhibitory concentrations (IC50s) of AM-112 for class A enzymes were between 0.16 and 2.24 μM for three enzymes, compared to IC50s of 0.008 to 0.12 μM for clavulanic acid. Against class C and class D enzymes, however, the activity of AM-112 was between 1,000- and 100,000-fold greater than that of clavulanic acid. AM-112 had affinity for the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of Escherichia coli DC0, with PBP2 being inhibited by the lowest concentration of AM-112 tested, 0.1 μg/ml. Ceftazidime was combined with AM-112 at 1:1 and 2:1 ratios in MIC determination studies against a panel of β-lactamase-producing organisms. These studies demonstrated that AM-112 was effective at protecting ceftazidime against extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing strains and derepressed class C enzyme producers, reducing ceftazidime MICs by 16- and 2,048-fold. Similar results were obtained when AM-112 was combined with ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, or cefepime in a 1:2 ratio. Protection of ceftazidime with AM-112 was maintained against Enterobacter cloacae P99 and Klebsiella pneumoniae SHV-5 in a murine intraperitoneal sepsis model. The 50% effective dose of ceftazidime against E. cloacae P99 and K. pneumoniae SHV-5 was reduced from >100 and 160 mg/kg of body weight to 2 and 33.6 mg/kg, respectively, when it was combined with AM-112 at a 1:1 ratio. AM-112 demonstrates potential as a new β-lactamase inhibitor.
OBJECTIVE: Fibrotic changes are initiated early in acute respiratory distress syndrome. This may involve overproliferation of alveolar type II cells. In an animal model of acute respiratory distress syndrome, we have shown that the administration of an adenoviral vector overexpressing the 70-kd heat shock protein (AdHSP) limited pathophysiological changes. We hypothesized that this improvement may be modulated, in part, by an early AdHSP-induced attenuation of alveolar type II cell proliferation. DESIGN: Laboratory investigation. SETTING: Hadassah-Hebrew University and University of Pennsylvania animal laboratories. SUBJECTS: Sprague-Dawley Rats (250 g). INTERVENTIONS: Lung injury was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats via cecal ligation and double puncture. At the time of cecal ligation and double puncture, we injected phosphate-buffered saline, AdHSP, or AdGFP (an adenoviral vector expressing the marker green fluorescent protein) into the trachea. Rats then received subcutaneous bromodeoxyuridine. In separate experiments, A549 cells were incubated with medium, AdHSP, or AdGFP. Some cells were also stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. After 48 hrs, cytosolic and nuclear proteins from rat lungs or cell cultures were isolated. These were subjected to immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, and Northern blot analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Alveolar type I cells were lost within 48 hrs of inducing acute respiratory distress syndrome. This was accompanied by alveolar type II cell proliferation. Treatment with AdHSP preserved alveolar type I cells and limited alveolar type II cell proliferation. Heat shock protein 70 prevented overexuberant cell division, in part, by inhibiting hyperphosphorylation of the regulatory retinoblastoma protein. This prevented retinoblastoma protein ubiquitination and degradation and, thus, stabilized the interaction of retinoblastoma protein with E2F1, a key cell division transcription factor. CONCLUSIONS: : Heat shock protein 70-induced attenuation of cell proliferation may be a useful strategy for limiting lung injury when treating acute respiratory distress syndrome if consistent in later time points.
Abstract Introduction We conducted the present study to investigate whether early large-volume crystalloid infusion can restore gut mucosal blood flow and mesenteric oxygen metabolism in severe sepsis. Methods Anesthetized and mechanically ventilated male mongrel dogs were challenged with intravenous injection of live Escherichia coli (6 × 109 colony-forming units/ml per kg over 15 min). After 90 min they were randomly assigned to one of two groups – control (no fluids; n = 13) or lactated Ringer's solution (32 ml/kg per hour; n = 14) – and followed for 60 min. Cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, mean arterial pressure, systemic and mesenteric oxygen-derived variables, blood lactate and gastric carbon dioxide tension (PCO2; by gas tonometry) were assessed throughout the study. Results E. coli infusion significantly decreased arterial pressure, cardiac index, mesenteric blood flow, and systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery, and increased arterial and portal lactate, intramucosal PCO2, PCO2 gap (the difference between gastric mucosal and arterial PCO2), and systemic and mesenteric oxygen extraction ratio in both groups. The Ringer's solution group had significantly higher cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery, and lower oxygen extraction ratio and PCO2 gap at 165 min as compared with control animals. However, infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was unable to restore the PCO2 gap. There were no significant differences between groups in mesenteric oxygen delivery, oxygen extraction ratio, or portal lactate at the end of study. Conclusion Significant disturbances occur in the systemic and mesenteric beds during bacteremic severe sepsis. Although large-volume infusion of lactated Ringer's solution restored systemic hemodynamic parameters, it was unable to correct gut mucosal PCO2 gap.