827 resultados para Sensorial attributes
The effect of organic and conventional agricultural systems on the physicochemical parameters, bioactive compounds content, and sensorial attributes of tomatoes (‘‘Redondo’’ cultivar) was studied. The influence on phytochemicals distribution among peel, pulp and seeds was also accessed. Organic tomatoes were richer in lycopene (+20%), vitamin C (+30%), total phenolics (+24%) and flavonoids (+21%) and had higher (+6%) in vitro antioxidant activity. In the conventional fruits, lycopene was mainly concentrated in the pulp, whereas in the organic ones, the peel and seeds contained high levels of bioactive compounds. Only the phenolic compounds had a similar distribution among the different fractions of both types of tomatoes. Furthermore, a sensorial analysis indicated that organic farming improved the gustative properties of this tomato cultivar.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar sensorialmente o mapará in natura e com pré-tratamento osmótico antes da secagem. Para o teste de aceitabilidade do bolinho de músculo de mapará, foram utilizados peixes in natura e desidratados osmoticamente, nas melhores condições de processo, em soluções de NaCl, NaCl + sacarose e em solução de NaCl + xarope de milho e secos. Foram utilizados 25 provadores não treinados, de ambos os sexos, com idade variando de 20 a 60 anos. Os atributos sensoriais avaliados foram aparência, aroma, sabor, textura e impressão global. O aroma e a textura das amostras com e sem pré-tratamento osmótico foram os atributos que obtiveram maior aceitação por parte dos consumidores. Pôde-se concluir que as amostras tratadas com soluções osmóticas, com exceção das tratadas com solução de NaCl + xarope de milho, proporcionaram produtos com textura, sabor e aroma mais agradáveis.
OLIVEIRA, E. L. et al. Use of Fibres obtained from the Cashew (Anacardium ocidentale, L) and Guava (Psidium guayava) Fruits for Enrichment of Food Products. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, p. 143-150, 2005.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo a avaliação da vida útil potencial de carambolas cv. Golden Star, minimamente processadas, armazenadas em diferentes tipos de embalagens plásticas, para a concepção da atmosfera modificada. Os frutos colhidos fisiologicamente maturos apresentaram coloração verde-amarelada, sólidos solúveis (SS) médios de 6,8 ºBrix e massa média de 185 g. Antes da aplicação dos tratamentos, os frutos foram selecionados, higienizados em solução de hipoclorito de sódio (NaOCl) a 100 mg. L-1, resfriados por 12 horas a 15 ± 0,5 °C, seccionados transversalmente, sendo então novamente higienizados em solução de NaOCl a 10 mg.L-1, por 3 minutos. em seguida, os pedaços em forma de estrelas foram acondicionados em bandejas rígidas de poliestireno, com capacidade para 250 g, e revestidas com os seguintes materiais: T1: filme plástico perfurado de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), de 0,006 mm; T2: filme plástico poliolefínico com antiembassamento da Dupont® (AGF), de 0,015 mm; T3: filme plástico poliolefínico da Dupont® (HF), de 0,015 mm; T4: filme plástico de PEBD, de 60 µm; T5: filme plástico de PEBD, de 80 µm; T6: filme plástico de polipropileno (PP), de 22 µm, e T7: bandeja rígida de polietileno tereftalato (PET), com capacidade para 500 mL, com tampa do mesmo material. As embalagens foram então armazenadas em câmara frigorífica a 12 ± 0,5 °C e 90 ± 3% de U.R, por 18 dias. Observou-se que não houve diferença significativa quanto aos sólidos solúveis (SS) e acidez titulável (AT). O maior número de microrganismos e valor de pH foram observados nos frutos embalados nos filmes plásticos de PEBD de 0,006 mm, AGF e HF de 0,015 mm da Dupont®. Entretanto, os frutos acondicionados nas embalagens PET apresentaram o maior teor de ácido ascórbico. da mesma forma, somente nas embalagens PET é que se conseguiu modificação atmosférica eficiente do ponto de vista da manutenção dos atributos de qualidade durante o AR. Assim, esse tratamento proporcionou adequado controle microbiológico e manutenção das características de qualidade por 18 dias para as carambolas minimamente processadas.
The consumption of snack bars is based especially on the demand for practical and nutritious food. Coffee is highlighted for being appreciated and consumed worldwide, presenting elevated antioxidant activity, in addition to peculiar sensorial attributes. Therefore, it has great potential for use in many formulations. However, the success in the acceptance of a new product also derives from adequate marketing strategies. In this context, the present study aimed at evaluating the feasibility of introducing to the market a snack bar added with coffee, by means of sensorial acceptance and purchase intent of the consumers, in addition to identifying the best concept and the possible market segments. This work was a qualitative, by means of a focus group (content analysis), and quantitative research, by means of sensorial analysis and structures questionnaires (descriptive – frequency distribution, arithmetic mean, crosstabs and t test – and multivariate – cluster and discriminate analysis - statistical techniques). With the results, we showed that the main aspects considered by the consumers regarding the snack bar added with coffee. According to the qualitative evaluation, the consumer prefers packaging with matte colors ranging in the tones related to the coffee grain. The analysis of the quantitative data allows us to infer that the evaluations of the product regarding overall impression, purchase intent, preference and expectation before and after consuming the product are better for packaging containing the information “special coffee flavor – 100% arabic”. Regarding market segment, it was possible to conclude that, of the three extracted groups, the group of “healthy and conscious consumers” was the segment with higher potential for exploitation regarding purchase and consumption of the snack bar added with coffee.
Este trabalho objetivou a elaboração e caracterização físico-química, microbiológica e sensorial do “Queijo Marajó”, tipo creme, processado com leite de búfala, além de avaliar sua vida de prateleira, durante 28 dias, e rendimento econômico. Foram produzidos derivados em dois locais (Local A - Universidade do Estado do Pará e Local B - Laticínio, de Soure, Pará). Foram determinados no leite e no queijo, os níveis de umidade, lipídeo, proteína, carboidrato, valor calórico, acidez, pH, bactérias mesófilas, coliformes a 35°C e 45°C, bolores e leveduras, Staphylococus aureus e Salmonella. Apenas no queijo foram realizadas análises de colesterol e minerais. A análise sensorial constou de perfil de características e teste de aceitação. A similaridade das médias das variáveis físico-químicas do leite de búfala indicou que ele foi adequado para a elaboração de derivado padrão. Nenhuma amostra de leite apresentou contaminação por coliformes, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella. A maior contaminação foi constatada para bactérias aeróbias mesófilas e bolores e leveduras. Os teores de gordura no extrato seco e de umidade classificaram o derivado como gordo e de média umidade. O “Queijo Marajó” apresentou-se dentro dos padrões estabelecidos para alimento de qualidade, até o 21º de armazenamento. Os atributos sensoriais mais perceptíveis e que caracterizaram o perfil sensorial do derivado foram cor branca, aromas lácteo e ácido, gostos ácido e salgado e maciez. O Teste de Aceitação indicou que o queijo foi muito apreciado pelos provadores. Para elaborar adequadamente o “Queijo Marajó” há necessidade de Boas Práticas de Fabricação, dentro as quais se destacam o controle da acidez e da gordura do leite e da massa usada para o derivado, padronização da quantidade de creme, de cloreto de sódio e sorbato de potássio adicionados, além da higiene na obtenção do leite e processamento.
This work evaluated the beef quality parameters of 108 bulls randomly administered to three treatments during rearing in pastures and two treatments during fatting in feedlots, including mineral and rumen-protected lipids. Meat and fat color, cooking yield, shear force, sensorial traits and chemical and fatty acid compositions were evaluated. Generally, the beef quality parameters were not affected by the rumen protected lipids; however, supplementation with rumen-protected lipids during the rearing period yielded darker beef and brighter fat and increased beef tenderness in meat aged for 28 days compared to the meat from animals that received only mineral supplementation. In addition, the percent of meat polyunsaturated fatty acids was negatively affected by the inclusion of protected lipids, yielding 5.58 and 3.72% in animals fed with and without rumen-protected lipids, respectively, during the fatting period. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was to study the enrichment of Spirulina platensis in wheat flour to prepare fresh pasta to evaluate the green color and nutritional enrichment in addition to functional properties due to the presence of the bioactive compounds in the cyanobacterium. The pastas were evaluated for the centesimal composition, microbiological contamination, sensorial acceptance and technological characteristics such as cooking time, water absorption, volume displacement and loss of solids. The superior protein contents and the satisfactory technological and sensorial attributes compared with the control with no cyanobacterium showed the usefulness of incorporating S. platensis biomass in the fresh pastas. The microbiological quality was in compliance with the legislation in force. The sensorial quality was considered satisfactory ("liked very much") and purchase intention high ("probably would buy").
The aim of this work was to study the enrichment of Spirulina platensis in wheat flour to prepare fresh pasta to evaluate the green color and nutritional enrichment in addition to functional properties due to the presence of the bioactive compounds in the cyanobacterium. The pastas were evaluated for the centesimal composition, microbiological contamination, sensorial acceptance and technological characteristics such as cooking time, water absorption, volume displacement and loss of solids. The superior protein contents and the satisfactory technological and sensorial attributes compared with the control with no cyanobacterium showed the usefulness of incorporating S. platensis biomass in the fresh pastas. The microbiological quality was in compliance with the legislation in force. The sensorial quality was considered satisfactory ( liked very much ) and purchase intention high ( probably would buy ).
OLIVEIRA, E. L. et al. Use of Fibres obtained from the Cashew (Anacardium ocidentale, L) and Guava (Psidium guayava) Fruits for Enrichment of Food Products. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, p. 143-150, 2005.
OLIVEIRA, E. L. et al. Use of Fibres obtained from the Cashew (Anacardium ocidentale, L) and Guava (Psidium guayava) Fruits for Enrichment of Food Products. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Curitiba, PR, v. 48, p. 143-150, 2005.
Milk from different animals can be used for dairy production. Yoghurt is a popular fermented milk product and considered to be one of the greatest importance in terms of consumer acceptance and consumption. The present research deals with the production of strawberry set-type yoghurt by mixing goat and buffalo s milk and it has the objective of taking advantage of the intrinsic characteristics of each milk to produce a final product with desirable attributes. It was conducted by analyzing five experimental groups with different proportions of goat and buffalo s milk: C 100% goat s milk; 7C3B - 70% goat s milk and 30% buffalo s milk, 5C5B - 50% goat s milk and 50% buffalo s milk, 3C7B 30% goat s milk and 70% buffalo s milk; B - 100% buffalo s milk. Each group was evaluated for total solids content and the acidification profile was monitored every 30 minutes by pH analysis. The yoghurt samples were analyzed for physical-chemical (pH, acidity, protein, fat, total and reducing sugars, ash and total solids), rheological (syneresis and viscosity) and sensory characteristics (appearance, odor, consistency and flavour). Samples with higher percentual of bubaline milk reached Vm faster, but the time necessary for pH 4.6 (Te) were similar between groups. Statistical differences (p<0.05) were observed for fat and total solids content of yoghurt, with superior values for groups higher proportions of buffalo s milk. The parameters of behavior reached by the model of Ostwald of Waale pointed yoghurt samples as non-Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluids. Yoghurt made only with goat s milk (C) had higher values (p<0.05) for syneresis, which can be explained by its fragile coagulum. Additionally, this group also had the lowest sensory scores for the attributes consistence and taste, while bubaline yoghurt (B) obtained the best acceptance indexes for all of the appraised parameters
A fruta jambolão (Syzygium cumini Lamarck) é uma fruta de coloração roxa intensa e sabor agradável. Dado que não há na literatura nenhum relato de seu aproveitamento industrial, a produção de geléia de jambolão tornou-se uma interessante atividade de pesquisa. Este trabalho objetivou a elaboração e a avaliação das características físico-químicas e sensoriais da geléia obtida do jambolão. A fruta apresentou a seguinte composição química: cinzas, 0,34%; lipídeos, 0,30%; proteínas, 0,67%; carboidratos, 10,07%; fibras, 0,28%; umidade, 87,75%; frutose, 0,4%; glicose, 0,6%; antocianinas totais, 0,276%; substâncias pécticas, 0,245%; acidez titulável, 5,91%; sólidos solúveis, 9,00%; e pH, 3,9. A geléia obtida apresentou a seguinte composição: açúcares redutores, 20,99%; não-redutores, 18,01%; açúcares totais, 39,00%; pH, 3,42; sólidos solúveis, 67ºBrix; acidez titulável, 5,47%; e umidade, 29,63%. A análise sensorial foi realizada por uma equipe de 50 provadores não treinados que avaliaram os atributos cor, aparência, odor, textura, sabor e avaliação global, pelo método de escala hedônica com nove pontos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o atributo cor foi o que mais agradou aos provadores, o atributo odor foi o menos apreciado. em conclusão, o estudo de análise sensorial revelou uma aceitação satisfatória da geléia de jambolão.
The chemical and biochemical composition of mango, varies according to the cultivation conditions, variety and maturation state, generally containing a high level of ascorbic acid. In order to establish the correlation between the activity of the ascorbate oxidase [E.C.], and ascorbic acid level in the ripening process of the Haden mango (Mangífera índica L.), sample of the fruits related to hard green stage (zero), 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 days stored at 20 ± 2oC, were tested. The samples were obtained by cutting small cubes of 8 cm3 from pulps of 8 mangoes with texture without significant difference (p£0.05) at Magness-Taylor pressure tester scale. In each sample the activity of ascorbate oxidase was followed, in order to check its participation in possible substrate losses during the ripening fruits. The ascorbic acid level and sensory profile also was determined periodically during the ripening period. The enzymatic activity was spectrophotometrically determined at 245 nm and 30oC. The ascorbic acid was analyzed according modified AOAC methodology, and sensory analysis by descriptive quantitative analysis. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey's test, principal component analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis. During the ripening, the ascorbate oxidase activity increased (from 0 to 5.0 x 10-1 U/ml) and the ascorbic acid level decreased (from 209.3 mg to 110.0 mg per 100g of pulp), showing a significant (p£0.05) inverse linear correlation (r=-0.98). The descriptors terms for mangoes were: characteristic flavor, characteristic aroma, sourness, astringency, yellow coloration of pulp, sweetness and succulence. The sensory profile presented significant improvement during ripening. All sensory attributes increased significantly (p£0.05) except sourness and astringency, wich decreased during the ripening of mangoes.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE