999 resultados para Sensor magnético


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um método para medição de deslocamentos sem contato, utilizando sensores magnetoresistivos, os quais são sensibilizados pela variação do campo magnético produzido por um imã permanente em deslocamento no espaço. Os sensores magnetoresistivos possuem, internamente, uma ponte de Wheathestone, onde a resistência varia conforme varia o campo magnético, de modo que o circuito mais indicado para este caso é um amplificador e um filtro para cada sensor. O principal objetivo do trabalho é a obtenção de uma técnica para medir deslocamentos sem contato, e estender os resultados para medida de movimentos mandibulares. A montagem consiste de duas placas de celeron, distantes 30mm uma da outra e unidas por parafusos de polietileno. Em cada uma destas placas foram dispostos quatro sensores, num total de oito, sendo que para cada um deles existe um circuito de amplificação e filtragem do sinal de saída. Sob uma chapa de alumínio foi fixado este equipamento e uma mesa de calibração em 3D, a qual, após a obtenção da matriz de calibração, foi substituída por um emulador de movimento mandibular. Os parâmetros do modelo foram estimados através do método dos mínimos quadrados com auxílio do software Matlab, Release 12. Este software também foi utilizado para o sistema de aquisição de dados durante a realização dos experimentos. A imprecisão dos resultados obtidos na determinação dos deslocamentos, está na ordem de décimos de milímetros. O trabalho apresenta, também, o mapeamento do campo magnético do magneto utilizado nos experimentos através do software FEM2000 – Método de elementos finitos aplicado ao eletromagnetismo.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um transdutor magnético de posição, cujo princípio de funcionamento é baseado na relação entre a distribuição do fluxo magnético em sua estrutura, provido por uma fonte de fluxo magnético constante, c.c. ou c.a., e a posição linear da parte móvel do transdutor ao longo de sua direção de deslocamento ou excursão. O transdutor pode ter entreferros de medição para medir a indução magnética nas culatras laterais, com fluxo magnético de excitação constante, c.c. ou c.a., ou não ter entreferros de medição, caso em que apenas fluxo magnético de excitação c.a. é empregado. Em ambos os casos, com fluxo magnético de excitação c.a., bobinas exploradoras foram usadas para medir o fluxo magnético estabelecido nas culatras de acordo com a posição da parte móvel do transdutor. Para o primeiro caso foi desenvolvido um protótipo no qual o material das culatras é aço maciço. Para o segundo foram desenvolvidos dois protótipos, um com barra de aço maciça, e o outro com núcleo de lâminas de Fe-Si. Além de se desenvolver uma modelagem analítica para estudar o transdutor, empregou-se, como ferramenta auxiliar de simulação, uma modelagem eletromagnética por elementos finitos. Os resultados teóricos, simulados e experimentais são esclarecedores e demonstram que o transdutor confeccionado com lâminas de Fe-Si e excitação através de fluxo magnético c.a. apresenta uma saída linear. É demonstrado também que a metodologia proposta e utilizada na modelagem e na concepção do transdutor são adequadas e indicam o domínio da teoria e da tecnologia propostas. As configurações sugeridas são extensivamente analisadas por este trabalho No caso do transdutor com fluxo magnético c.a. proposto e resultante desse estudo, sua topologia pode ser considerada inovadora, não sofrendo um efeito de histerese no seu sinal de saída devido à histerese magnética de suas culatras ferromagnéticas como acontece no transdutor com fluxo magnético c.c.. Isso, entre outras razões, ensejou o depósito de sua patente. Adicionalmente, é robusto, de fácil confecção, com enrolamentos que não requerem uma montagem de precisão como em outros transdutores eletromagnéticos de posição, e de baixo custo.


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In the artificial lift method by Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP), the energy is transmitted for the well´s deep through a flat electric handle, where it is converted into mechanical energy through an engine of sub-surface, which is connected to a centrifugal pump. This transmits energy to the fluid under the pressure form, bringing it to the surface In this method the subsurface equipment is basically divided into: pump, seal and motor. The main function of the seal is the protect the motor, avoiding the motor´s oil be contaminated by oil production and the consequent burning of it. Over time, the seal will be wearing and initiates a contamination of motor oil, causing it to lose its insulating characteristics. This work presents a design of a magnetic sensor capable of detecting contamination of insulating oil used in the artificial lift method of oil-type Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP). The objective of this sensor is to generate alarm signal just the moment when the contamination in the isolated oil is present, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance. The prototype was designed to work in harsh conditions to reach a depth of 2000m and temperatures up to 150°C. It was used a simulator software to defined the mechanical and electromagnetic variables. Results of field experiments were performed to validate the prototype. The final results performed in an ESP system with a 62HP motor showed a good reliability and fast response of the prototype.


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The study of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) functions is necessary due to the increasing number of pathologies associated with it. Directly influencing the quality of life, the gastrointestinal tract provides a number of parameters that, when analyzed, allow us to describe its dysfunctions. Thus, many techniques can be combined to obtain these properties related to the GIT. However, these techniques are often invasive, require surgery, catheter insertion, or to build a temporal model of these functions, require the sacrifice of animals in a series of data collection. The technique used in this study has the advantage of having a low operating cost, being free of ionizing radiation, non-invasive and is known as biosusceptometry AC (BAC), used to evaluate the properties of the GI tract by monitoring the position and concentration of materials magnetically marked. The sensor consists of two pairs of coils, one reference and one for detection. A fixed base line separates the sensing and reference coils, and also functions as support for the instrumentation. It is also important to note that the detection coils are arranged in a first order (subtraction) gradiometric way. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of gastrectomy in gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit time of solid food in rats using a BAC system associated with magnetic markers. To realize this study was constructed a dedicated BAC sensor, built to analyze these GIT properties. Data acquisition was obtained by aligning the magnetic sensor with the stomach and colon of the animal at pre-determined intervals. Thus, when approaching the magnetic material of the sensor, the balance created between the two sides of the sensor is broken. This imbalance can be measured, digitized and acquired. Tracer was used as a ration magnetically marked with ferrite... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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El planteamiento inicial de este proyecto surge debido a que hay personas con discapacidad cognitiva que se desorientan con mucha facilidad en espacios interiores. Para guiar a esas personas no se pueden usar los sistemas basados en GPS que se utilizan hoy en día en vehículos, ya que estos sistemas no funcionan en lugares cerrados porque no reciben la señal de los satélites. Por consiguiente se ha propuesto una solución basada en otra tecnología para que estas personas, a través de su dispositivo móvil, puedan guiarse en un sitio cerrado. Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado parte inicialmente de un Practicum realizado en el semestre anterior, donde se investigó sobre posibles soluciones de balizas digitales (iBeacons) y se estudió la tecnología iBeacon para conocer la posición del móvil en un espacio cerrado. El principal problema que se encontró fue la falta de precisión a la hora de estimar la distancia (en metros) que hay entre baliza y dispositivo móvil. El objetivo para este trabajo de fin de grado ha sido primeramente resolver el problema comentado anteriormente y una vez resuelto, implementar un prototipo móvil para el sistema operativo Android de un sistema de orientación en espacios interiores para personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Este prototipo ha sido implementado ayudándose de balizas digitales (iBeacons) y utilizando el método de trilateración para conocer la posición del usuario en un sitio cerrado. Además se han aprovechado los sensores (acelerómetro y sensor magnético terrestre) del dispositivo móvil como refuerzo de posicionamiento y para seguir de forma más precisa el movimiento del usuario. En el prototipo actual no se han dedicado recursos a diseñar una interacción fácil para personas con discapacidad cognitiva, debido a que su principal objetivo ha sido evaluar el funcionamiento de las balizas y las posibilidades del sistema de orientación. El resultado final de este TFG es incorporar una serie de luces asociadas a cada una de las balizas que ayuden al usuario a orientarse con mayor facilidad.---ABSTRACT---The initial approach of this project arises because there are people with cognitive disabilities who become disoriented in closed sites. To guide these people it cannot be used GPS, because this system does not work in closed sites because it does not receive the satellite signals. Therefore, it has proposed a solution based on another technology so that these people, through their smartphone, can be guided in a closed site. This final degree project comes from a Practicum made in the previous semester, where possible solutions about iBeacons were investigated and the iBeacon technology was studied too. All this, to know the mobile position in a closed site. The main problem encountered was the lack of precision to calculate the distance between a mobile phone and a beacon. The first objective has been to solve distance problem mentioned above, once resolved it has implemented a prototype, which consists in a guidance system in closed sites for a people with cognitive disabilities. This prototype has been implemented with beacons and trilateration to know user position in a closed site. In addition, mobile phone sensors have been used to follow user movement. In the current prototype, the main objective has been evaluate iBeacons performance and the guidance system. The result of this TFG is to incorporate a series of lights associated with each of the beacons to make easier the orientation.


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In the artificial lift method by Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP), the energy is transmitted for the well´s deep through a flat electric handle, where it is converted into mechanical energy through an engine of sub-surface, which is connected to a centrifugal pump. This transmits energy to the fluid under the pressure form, bringing it to the surface In this method the subsurface equipment is basically divided into: pump, seal and motor. The main function of the seal is the protect the motor, avoiding the motor´s oil be contaminated by oil production and the consequent burning of it. Over time, the seal will be wearing and initiates a contamination of motor oil, causing it to lose its insulating characteristics. This work presents a design of a magnetic sensor capable of detecting contamination of insulating oil used in the artificial lift method of oil-type Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP). The objective of this sensor is to generate alarm signal just the moment when the contamination in the isolated oil is present, enabling the implementation of a predictive maintenance. The prototype was designed to work in harsh conditions to reach a depth of 2000m and temperatures up to 150°C. It was used a simulator software to defined the mechanical and electromagnetic variables. Results of field experiments were performed to validate the prototype. The final results performed in an ESP system with a 62HP motor showed a good reliability and fast response of the prototype.


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Se han estudiado las propiedades magnéticas y magnetoimpedancia gigante de las películas delgadas de base de FeNi/Ti depositadas sobre sustratos de vidrio y COC sin/con tratamiento térmico utilizando el Efecto Magneto Óptico de Kerr, VSM y espectroscopia de MI. Se han conseguido resultados interesantes: a) Para la muestra depositada sobre sustrato de vidrio se obtuvo una GMI máxima de un 145% en 64 MHz, mientras que la depositada sobre COC presentó una GMI máxima de 89% en 97 MHz; b) La sensibilidad aumentó de 17%/Oe (a 140 MHz) a 22 %/Oe (a 87 MHz), lo cual mejoró el punto de operación del sensor GMI flexible. Estos resultados confirman la utilidad del sistema de recocido diseñado.


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Esta tese é dedicada aos sensores de fibra ótica especificamente aos sensores baseados no fenómeno de ressonância de plasmão de superfície, SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance), gerados em fibras óticas com configuração do tipo “D”, para aplicação em sensores refratométricos. Numa primeira parte desta dissertação são descritos os aspetos teóricos fundamentais para a compreensão dos fenómenos de ressonância de plasmões de superfície e a sua utilização em sistemas sensores. Estes fenómenos ocorrem na superfície de interface entre metais e outros meios materiais, sendo capazes de afetar as propriedades em reflexão e transmissão de uma onda eletromagnética incidente (feixe luminoso), de uma forma que é fortemente dependente dos meios na proximidade do metal. Assim, a medição das propriedades do feixe luminoso, como por exemplo o comprimento de onda de ressonância com SPR, permite monitorizar esses meios. Numa segunda fase foi implementada a simulação destes modelos, em COMSOL Multiphysics, que permitia não só a obtenção dos espetros de transmissão dos fenómenos de ressonância de plasmões de superfície, mas também a obtenção das distribuições do campo elétrico e magnético em função das dimensões do sensor. O COMSOL permitiu também a obtenção das curvas do deslocamento do comprimento de onda ressonante, perante variações do índice de refração exterior, da espessura do metal, da espessura da bainha e da espessura de outro elemento de elevado índice de refração. A fase seguinte foi verificar que os resultados dos métodos teóricos para os diferentes parâmetros de estudo eram semelhantes aos resultados obtidos no COMSOL. Conclui-se que com este programa é possível criar novos sensores em fibra ótica, baseados em SPR, para melhorar e otimizar os parâmetros de ressonância e sensibilidade do sensor. A última fase do trabalho baseou-se na modelização de uma fibra cuja configuração seja tal que possa criar um pequeno efeito de antena e fazer com que parte da luz seja guiada para o exterior da fibra e possa interatuar com o meio externo para melhor sensibilidade.


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Process Control Systems (PCSs) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have recently been added to the already wide collection of wireless sensor networks applications. The PCS/SCADA environment is somewhat more amenable to the use of heavy cryptographic mechanisms such as public key cryptography than other sensor application environments. The sensor nodes in the environment, however, are still open to devastating attacks such as node capture, which makes designing a secure key management challenging. In this paper, a key management scheme is proposed to defeat node capture attack by offering both forward and backward secrecies. Our scheme overcomes the pitfalls which Nilsson et al.'s scheme suffers from, and is not more expensive than their scheme.


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The over represented number of novice drivers involved in crashes is alarming. Driver training is one of the interventions aimed at mitigating the number of crashes that involve young drivers. To our knowledge, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have never been comprehensively used in designing an intelligent driver training system. Currently, there is a need to develop and evaluate ADAS that could assess driving competencies. The aim is to develop an unsupervised system called Intelligent Driver Training System (IDTS) that analyzes crash risks in a given driving situation. In order to design a comprehensive IDTS, data is collected from the Driver, Vehicle and Environment (DVE), synchronized and analyzed. The first implementation phase of this intelligent driver training system deals with synchronizing multiple variables acquired from DVE. RTMaps is used to collect and synchronize data like GPS, vehicle dynamics and driver head movement. After the data synchronization, maneuvers are segmented out as right turn, left turn and overtake. Each maneuver is composed of several individual tasks that are necessary to be performed in a sequential manner. This paper focuses on turn maneuvers. Some of the tasks required in the analysis of ‘turn’ maneuver are: detect the start and end of the turn, detect the indicator status change, check if the indicator was turned on within a safe distance and check the lane keeping during the turn maneuver. This paper proposes a fusion and analysis of heterogeneous data, mainly involved in driving, to determine the risk factor of particular maneuvers within the drive. It also explains the segmentation and risk analysis of the turn maneuver in a drive.


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In Australia, the Queensland fruit fly (B. tryoni), is the most destructive insect pest of horticulture, attacking nearly all fruit and vegetable crops. This project has researched and prototyped a system for monitoring fruit flies so that authorities can be alerted when a fly enters a crop in a more efficient manner than is currently used. This paper presents the idea of our sensor platform design as well as the fruit fly detection and recognition algorithm by using machine vision techniques. Our experiments showed that the designed trap and sensor platform is capable to capture quality fly images, the invasive flies can be successfully detected and the average precision of the Queensland fruit fly recognition is 80% from our experiment.


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This thesis investigates the problem of robot navigation using only landmark bearings. The proposed system allows a robot to move to a ground target location specified by the sensor values observed at this ground target posi- tion. The control actions are computed based on the difference between the current landmark bearings and the target landmark bearings. No Cartesian coordinates with respect to the ground are computed by the control system. The robot navigates using solely information from the bearing sensor space. Most existing robot navigation systems require a ground frame (2D Cartesian coordinate system) in order to navigate from a ground point A to a ground point B. The commonly used sensors such as laser range scanner, sonar, infrared, and vision do not directly provide the 2D ground coordi- nates of the robot. The existing systems use the sensor measurements to localise the robot with respect to a map, a set of 2D coordinates of the objects of interest. It is more natural to navigate between the points in the sensor space corresponding to A and B without requiring the Cartesian map and the localisation process. Research on animals has revealed how insects are able to exploit very limited computational and memory resources to successfully navigate to a desired destination without computing Cartesian positions. For example, a honeybee balances the left and right optical flows to navigate in a nar- row corridor. Unlike many other ants, Cataglyphis bicolor does not secrete pheromone trails in order to find its way home but instead uses the sun as a compass to keep track of its home direction vector. The home vector can be inaccurate, so the ant also uses landmark recognition. More precisely, it takes snapshots and compass headings of some landmarks. To return home, the ant tries to line up the landmarks exactly as they were before it started wandering. This thesis introduces a navigation method based on reflex actions in sensor space. The sensor vector is made of the bearings of some landmarks, and the reflex action is a gradient descent with respect to the distance in sensor space between the current sensor vector and the target sensor vec- tor. Our theoretical analysis shows that except for some fully characterized pathological cases, any point is reachable from any other point by reflex action in the bearing sensor space provided the environment contains three landmarks and is free of obstacles. The trajectories of a robot using reflex navigation, like other image- based visual control strategies, do not correspond necessarily to the shortest paths on the ground, because the sensor error is minimized, not the moving distance on the ground. However, we show that the use of a sequence of waypoints in sensor space can address this problem. In order to identify relevant waypoints, we train a Self Organising Map (SOM) from a set of observations uniformly distributed with respect to the ground. This SOM provides a sense of location to the robot, and allows a form of path planning in sensor space. The navigation proposed system is analysed theoretically, and evaluated both in simulation and with experiments on a real robot.