988 resultados para Semi-purified proteins
Crude antigen and semi-purified proteins from scolices of Taenia solium cysticerci were evaluated for the immunodiagnosis of human neurocysticercosis neurocysticercosis. Semi-purified proteins obtained by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel and by electroelution were tested by means of the immunoenzymatic reaction against sera from normal individuals and from patients with neurocysticercosis or other parasitic diseases. The 100kDa protein provided 100% sensitivity and specificity in the immunodiagnosis. When 95 or 26kDa proteins were used, 95 and 100% sensitivity and specificity were obtained, respectively. The assays involving crude antigen and sera from normal individuals or from patients with neurocysticercosis, diluted to 1:256, gave excellent agreement with those in which 100, 95 or 26kDa proteins were tested against the same serum samples diluted to 1:64. (Kappa: 0.95 to 1.00). Crude scolex antigen may be useful for serological screening, while 100, 95 or 26kDa protein can be used in confirmatory tests on neurocysticercosis-positive cases.
In the past few years, induction of protective immunity to cutaneous leishmaniasis has been attempted by many researchers using a variety of antigenic preparations, such as living promastigotes or promastigote extracts, partially purified, or defined proteins. In this study, eleven proteins from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis (LLa) with estimated molecular mass ranging from 97 to 13.5kDa were isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electro-elution. The proteins were associated as vaccine in different preparations with gp63 and BCG (Bacilli Calmette-Guérin). The antigenicity of these vaccines was measured by their ability to induce the production of IFN-g by lymphocyte from subjects vaccinated with Leishvacinâ . The immunogenicity was evaluated in vaccinated mice. C57BL/10 mice were vaccinated with three doses of each vaccine consisting of 30 mg of each protein at 15 days interval. One hundred mg of live BCG was only used in the first dose. Seven days after the last dose, they received a first challenge infection with 105 infective promastigotes and four months later, a second challenge was done. Two months after the second challenge, 42.86% of protection was obtained in the group of mice vaccinated with association of proteins of gp63+46+22kDa, gp63+13.5+25+42kDa, gp63+46+42kDa, gp63+66kDa, and gp63+97kDa; 57.14% of protection was demonstrated with gp63+46+97+13.5kDa, gp63+46+97kDa, gp63+46+33kDa, and 71.43% protection for gp63 plus all proteins. The vaccine of gp63+46+40kDa that did not protect the mice, despite the good specific stimulation of lymphocytes (LSI = 7.60) and 10.77UI/ml of IFN-g production. When crude extract of L. (L.) amazonensis was used with BCG a 57.14% of protection was found after the first challenge and 28.57% after the second, the same result was observed for gp63. The data obtained with the vaccines can suggest that the future vaccine probably have to contain, except the 40kDa, a cocktail of proteins that would protect mice against cutaneous leishmaniasis.
This report describes a preliminary characterization of proteolytic activity of proteins isolated from lysate of Giardia trophozoites of an axenic Brazilian strain. Fractions obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) were tested in SDS-polyacrylamide gel for the protein profiles, and the proteases activity was analyzed using gelatin impregnated SDS-PAGE. The proteases characterization was based on inhibition assays employing synthetic inhibitors for cysteine (E-64, IAA), serine (PMSF, TPCK, TLCK, and elastatinal), metalo (EDTA) and aspartic (pepstatin) proteases. Among thirty eluted fractions, polypeptide bands were observed in eight of them, however, proteolytic activity was detected in four ones (F23, F24, F25 and F26). Protein profiles of these fractions showed a banding pattern composed by few bands distributed in the migration region of 45 to < 18 kDa. The zymograms revealed proteolytic activity in all the four fractions assayed, mainly distributed in the migration region of 62 to 35 kDa. Among the profiles, the main pronounced zones of proteolysis were distinguished at 62, 55, 53, 50, 46 and 40 kDa. In inhibition assays, the protease activities were significantly inhibited by cysteine (E-64) and serine proteases (TPCK, TLCK and elastatinal) inhibitors. Gels incubated with other cysteine and serine protease inhibitors, IAA and PMSF, respectively, showed a decrease in the intensity of hydrolysis zones. Indeed, in the assays with the inhibitors EDTA for metalloproteases and pepstatin for aspartic proteases, none inhibition was detected against the substrate. These observations are relevants, especially if we consider that to define the real role of the proteases in host-parasite interaction, the purification of these enzymes for detailed studies may be warranted.
O presente estudo consiste em uma caracterização preliminar da atividade proteolítica de frações de proteínas purificadas a partir de lisados de trofozoítos de cepa isolada e axenizada no Brasil. Frações obtidas por cromatografia líquida (FPLC) foram analisadas quanto ao perfil eletroforético em géis de poliacrilamida (SDS-PAGE) e a atividade proteolítica foi avaliada em géis contendo gelatina como substrato. A caracterização das enzimas foi realizada a partir da análise do efeito de inibidores sintéticos de cisteína-proteases (E-64, IAA), serina-proteases (PMSF), serina e cisteína-proteases (TPCK, TLCK, elastatinal), metalo-proteases (EDTA) e aspartil proteases (pepstatina) sobre a degradação do substrato. Entre 30 frações eluídas, bandas de proteínas foram observadas em oito delas, entretanto, atividade proteolítica foi detectada apenas nas frações 23, 24, 25 e 26. O perfil eletroforético das proteínas revelou poucas bandas distribuídas na faixa de 45 a 18 kDa. Os zimogramas revelaram zonas de proteólise na faixa de aproximadamente 62 a 35 kDa, entretanto destacaram-se as bandas de hidrólise de 62, 55, 53, 50, 46 e 40 kDa. Nos ensaios de inibição, a proteólise foi marcantemente inibida por E-64, TPCK, TLCK e elastatinal. Redução discreta da proteólise foi observada com IAA e PMSF, enquanto que EDTA e pepstatina não promoveram alteração dos perfis de hidrólise. Estas observações são relevantes, especialmente se considerarmos que para elucidar o envolvimento das proteases na relação parasita-hospedeiro, a purificação dessas moléculas é um requisito importante.
Using a cell-free system for UV mutagenesis, we have previously demonstrated the existence of a mutagenic pathway associated with nucleotide-excision repair gaps. Here, we report that this pathway can be reconstituted by using six purified proteins: UvrA, UvrB, UvrC, DNA helicase II, DNA polymerase III core, and DNA ligase. This establishes the minimal requirements for repair-gap UV mutagenesis. DNA polymerase II could replace DNA polymerase III, although less effectively, whereas DNA polymerase I, the major repair polymerase, could not. DNA sequence analysis of mutations generated in the in vitro reaction revealed a spectrum typical of mutations targeted to UV lesions. These observations suggest that repair-gap UV mutagenesis is performed by DNA polymerase III, and to a lesser extent by DNA polymerase II, by filling-in of a rare class of excision gaps that contain UV lesions.
A busca por hábitos alimentares saudáveis tem incentivado o estudo de novas fontes alimentares. Destacam-se os cogumelos comestíveis, como os do gênero Agaricus. Este trabalho avaliou a influência da ração semi-purificada, suplementada com o cogumelo Agaricus brasiliensis no perfil de lipídios, em ratos. Foi realizado experimento com 28 ratos machos Wistar, em 32 dias. Os animais foram separados em quatro grupos de sete dos quais o primeiro recebeu dieta AIN-93 (CAS), o segundo recebeu dieta AIN-93 adicionada de 1% de colesterol (CAS + COL) e o terceiro e o quarto grupos foram alimentados com dieta AIN-93 suplementada com cogumelos sem (COG) e com (COG + COL) adição de colesterol a 1%, respectivamente. No 32.º dia, amostras foram coletadas para análises de colesterol, triglicerídeos, colesterol hepático da gordura hepática. O estudo mostrou que Agaricus brasiliensis influenciou o perfil lipídico, diminuindo o colesterol total (-16%) e os triglicérides (- 26,9%), além de aumentar o HDL (+ 60,2%). É possível afirmar que nutrientes contidos em Agaricus brasiliensis são moduladores do perfil lipídico de ratos, diminuindo a deposição de lipídios hepáticos e aumentando a sua eliminação fecal. A curva glicêmica mostrou declínio significativo entre quinze e sessenta minutos em ratos alimentados com dieta contendo o cogumelo.
The four dominant outer membrane proteins (46, 38, 33 and 28 kDa) were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in a semi-purified preparation of vesicle membranes of a Neisseria meningitidis (N44/89, B:4:P1.15:P5.5,7) strain isolated in Brazil. The N-terminal amino acid sequence for the 46 kDa and 28 kDa proteins matched that reported by others for class 1 and 5 proteins respectively, whereas the sequence (25 amino acids) for the 38 kDa (class 3) protein was similar to class 1 meningococcal proteins. The sequence for the 33 kDa (class 4) was unique and not homologous to any known protein.
Abstract Background Serological tests to detect antibodies specific to Plasmodium vivax could be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies, for screening blood donors in areas where the malaria is not endemic and for diagnosis of infected individuals. Because P. vivax cannot be easily obtained in vitro, ELISA assays using total or semi-purified antigens are rarely used. Based on this limitation, we tested whether recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of the merozoite surface protein-1 of P. vivax (MSP119) could be useful for serological detection of malaria infection. Methods Three purified recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli (GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) and one in Pichia pastoris (yMSP119-PADRE) were compared for their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of individuals with patent P. vivax infection. The method was tested with 200 serum samples collected from individuals living in the north of Brazil in areas endemic for malaria, 53 serum samples from individuals exposed to Plasmodium falciparum infection and 177 serum samples from individuals never exposed to malaria. Results Overall, the sensitivity of the ELISA assessed with sera from naturally infected individuals was 95%. The proportion of serum samples that reacted with recombinant proteins GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119, His6-MSP119-PADRE and yMSP119-PADRE was 90%, 93.5%, 93.5% and 93.5%, respectively. The specificity values of the ELISA determined with sera from healthy individuals and from individuals with other infectious diseases were 98.3% (GST-MSP119), 97.7% (His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) or 100% (yMSP119-PADRE). Conclusions Our study demonstrated that for the Brazilian population, an ELISA using a recombinant protein of the MSP119 can be used as the basis for the development of a valuable serological assay for the detection of P. vivax malaria.
BACKGROUND Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma MATERIALS AND METHODS An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. RESULTS Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA-), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. CONCLUSIONS Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens.
The human Rad51 recombinase is essential for the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA that occur in somatic cells after exposure to ionising irradiation, or in germ line cells undergoing meiotic recombination. The initiation of double-strand break repair is thought to involve resection of the double-strand break to produce 3'-ended single-stranded (ss) tails that invade homologous duplex DNA. Here, we have used purified proteins to set up a defined in vitro system for the initial strand invasion step of double-strand break repair. We show that (i) hRad51 binds to the ssDNA of tailed duplex DNA molecules, and (ii) hRad51 catalyses the invasion of tailed duplex DNA into homologous covalently closed DNA. Invasion is stimulated by the single-strand DNA binding protein RPA, and by the hRad52 protein. Strikingly, hRad51 forms terminal nucleoprotein filaments on either 3' or 5'-ssDNA tails and promotes strand invasion without regard for the polarity of the tail. Taken together, these results show that hRad51 is recruited to regions of ssDNA occurring at resected double-strand breaks, and that hRad51 shows no intrinsic polarity preference at the strand invasion step that initiates double-strand break repair.
Azospirillum brasilense is a diazotroph found in association with important agricultural crops. In this organism, the regulation of nitrogen fixation by ammonium ions involves several proteins including the uridylyltransferase/uridylyl-removing enzyme, GlnD, which reversibly uridylylates the two PII proteins, GlnB and GlnZ, in response to the concentration of ammonium ions. In the present study, the uridylylation/deuridylylation cycle of A. brasilense GlnB and GlnZ proteins by GlnD was reconstituted in vitro using the purified proteins. The uridylylation assay was analyzed using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorescent protein detection. Our results show that the purified A. brasilense GlnB and GlnZ proteins were uridylylated by the purified A. brasilense GlnD protein in a process dependent on ATP and 2-oxoglutarate. The dependence on ATP for uridylylation was similar for both proteins. On the other hand, at micromolar concentration of 2-oxoglutarate (up to 100 µM), GlnB uridylylation was almost twice that of GlnZ, an effect that was not observed at higher concentrations of 2-oxoglutarate (up to 10 mM). Glutamine inhibited uridylylation and stimulated deuridylylation of both GlnB and GlnZ. However, glutamine seemed to inhibit GlnZ uridylylation more efficiently. Our results suggest that the differences in the uridylylation pattern of GlnB and GlnZ might be important for fine-tuning of the signaling pathway of cellular nitrogen status in A. brasilense.
Multicoloured Asian Lady Beetles (MALB) and 7-spot Lady Beetles that infect vineyards can secrete alkyl-methoxypyrazines when they are processed with the grapes, resulting in wines containing a taint. The main methoxypyrazine associated with this taint is 3-isopropyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IPMP). The wines are described as having aroma and flavours of peanut butter, peanut shells, asparagus and earthy which collectively, have become known as “ladybug taint”. To date, there are no known fining agents used commercially added to juice or wine that are effective in removing this taint. The goal of this project was to use previously identified proteins with an ability to bind to methoxypyrazines at low pH, and subsequently develop a binding assay to test the ability of these proteins to bind to and remove methoxypyrazines from grape juice. The piglet odorant binding protein (plOBP) and mouse major urinary protein (mMUP) were identified, cloned and expressed in the Pichia pastoris expression system. Protein expression was induced using methanol and the proteins were subsequently purified from the induction media using anion exchange chromatography. The purified proteins were freeze-dried and rehydrated prior to use in the methoxypyrazine removal assay. The expression and purification system resulted in yields of approximately 78% of purified plOBP and 62% of purified mMUP from expression to rehydration. Purified protein values were 87 mg of purified plOPB per litre of induction media and 19 mg of purified mMUP per litre of induction medium. In order to test the ability of the protein to bind to the MPs, an MP removal assay was developed. In the assay, the purified protein is incubated with either IPMP or 3-isobutyl-2-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) for two hours in either buffer or grape juice. Bentonite is then used to capture the protein-MP complex and the bentonite-protein-MP complex is then removed from solution by filtration. Residual MP is measured in solution following the MP removal assay and compared to that in the starting solution by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). GC/MS results indicated that the mMUP was capable of removing IBMP and IPMP from 300 ng/L in buffer pH 4.0, buffer pH 3.5 and Riesling Juice pH 3.5 down to the limit of quantification of the instrument, which is 6ng/L and 2ng/L for IBMP and IPMP, respectively. The results for the plOBP showed that although it could remove some IBMP, it was only approximately 50-70 ng/L more than bentonite treatment followed by filtration, resulting in approximately 100 ng/L of the MPs being left in solution. pIOBP was not able to remove IPMP in buffer pH 3.5 using this system above that removed by bentonite alone. As well, the pIOBP was not able to remove any additional MPs from Chardonnay juice pH 3.5 above that already removed by the bentonite and filtration alone. The mouse MUP was shown to be a better candidate protein for removal of MPs from juice using this system.
To compare the effect of hyaluronic acid (HA) and of AG on the healing of intestine wounds. Methods: The semi-purified extract of the eggs of the mollusc was obtained by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and purification for ion-exchange chromatography. The obtained galactans were eluted in water (neutral galactan) and in 0.1 and 0.2M NaCl (acidic galactans). The in vivo study was performed with 45 “Wistar” rats, separated in three groups (n=15). Solutions containing HA 1%, GA 1% or saline solution 0,9%, was placed topically on the sutures of wounds in the small intestine of the rats. After 05, 10 and 21 days the animals were sacrificed and biopsy of the healing tissue was done. Results: The hystologic grading was more significant for HA and AG groups when compared to the group C. AG stimulated the appearance of macrophages, giant cells and increase in the concentration of collagen in the area of the wound when compared to HA. Conclusion: The topical use of GA in intestinal wounds promoted the anticipation of events that are important in the wound healing
Structural analyses of heterologously expressed mammalian membrane proteins remain a great challenge given that microgram to milligram amounts of correctly folded and highly purified proteins are required. Here, we present a novel method for the expression and affinity purification of recombinant mammalian and in particular human transport proteins in Xenopus laevis frog oocytes. The method was validated for four human and one murine transporter. Negative stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis (SPA) of two of these transporters, i.e., the potassium-chloride cotransporter 4 (KCC4) and the aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channel, revealed the expected quaternary structures within homogeneous preparations, and thus correct protein folding and assembly. This is the first time a cation-chloride cotransporter (SLC12) family member is isolated, and its shape, dimensions, low-resolution structure and oligomeric state determined by TEM, i.e., by a direct method. Finally, we were able to grow 2D crystals of human AQP1. The ability of AQP1 to crystallize was a strong indicator for the structural integrity of the purified recombinant protein. This approach will open the way for the structure determination of many human membrane transporters taking full advantage of the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system that generally yields robust functional expression.
Background Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. Objective To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma Materials and methods An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. Results Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA−), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. Conclusions Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens.