980 resultados para Semantic differential


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The objective of the dissertation was to determine the concept of sustainable development according to current understanding and to analyze the structuration of sustainable daily life and how it varies between different groups. The present dissertation is both a literature-based theoretical study and data-based empirical research. The theoretical framework of the study was a greated model of the Structuration of Sustainability in Everyday Life. The model is based on a synthesis of Giddens Theory of Structuration (1984), Spaargaren JA van Vliet's Theory of Consumption as Social Practices (2000) and principles of sustainable development. According to the model created, sustainable everyday life is generated in a context of internal and external factors compromising the interests of ecosystems, society and business. The literature used in the thesis included international and national statements on sustainable development and research into sustainability and the transition to sustainable societies. The data were collected at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The discretionary sample consisted of students of social services (n = 210) and were collected using the semantic differential technique. The data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that the value placed on ecological, economic and social sustainability increased with age. Activity in non governmental organizations was associated with the acceptance of sustainable development as a whole and especially with global responsibility. Women's everyday life promoted sustainability more than men´s. People living in Helsinki had more sustainable ways of living than those living in the surrounding municipalities because of greater recycling and the low importance given to ownership. Prefering vegetarian food turned out to be a real opportunity for a more sustainable way of living because there were few barriers identified. Contradictory human behavior occurred when advanced sustainable consumer were ready to risk their health. The importance of communality was high and it was considered an aspect of health. The most significant obstacles to sustainable development in daily life were high costs, lack of knowledge and busyness. Similar attitudes towards sustainable development translate into different people´s behavior, which indicates complexities of the behaviour change in the context of sustainable development. The role of non governmental organizations is significant in increasing global responsibility. Education presents an opportunity to increase sustainability, but there are challenges to face from system thinking and in understanding entities in a state of transition towards sustainable everyday life. The responsibility of policy makers is paramount because high costs create a barrier to a sustainable way of living. The implementation of the concept of sustainable development should be focused on the planetary ethics which cover humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable thinking, behaviour change  


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 E38 K66 1983


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Introducción: La evaluación de tecnologías en salud aplicadas a la selección de un módulo de proteína para uso hospitalario, tiene como finalidad servir de apoyo en la elección de productos costo efectivos y seguros, con el fin de favorecer la toma de decisiones a los diferentes agentes que participan en la elección de alternativas terapéuticas, recomendadas en pacientes con necesidades elevadas de proteínas, como es el caso de la presente investigación. Objetivo: Aplicar un método matemático - multicriterio que permita evaluar los módulos de proteína disponibles en el mercado para la terapia nutricional institucional. Métodos: Se establecieron dos fases, una revisión de la literatura para establecer y priorizar los criterios de evaluación técnica de las diferentes ofertas de módulos de proteína, y dos se realizó una aplicación de un modelo matemático con el fin de considerar el modulo proteico para uso dentro de las instituciones hospitalarias, el cual consistió en la asignación de un valor a cada una de las variables mediante una escala diferencial semántica establecida, que permitieron calcular el peso porcentual de cada una de las variables, cuya sumatoria arrojo la calificación porcentual de cada alternativa. Resultados: Respecto a la búsqueda de criterios de evaluación técnica para las diferentes ofertas de módulos de proteína, en la literatura se identificaron las siguientes variables para evaluación, la naturaleza o equivalencia, condiciones de administración y uso, seguridad, y eficacia. La naturaleza se evaluó mediante la calificación del cómputo químico de aminoácidos corregido por digestibilidad proteica (PDCAAS) con un peso en la evaluación del 39.05%, en referencia a las condiciones de administración y uso se tuvo en cuenta factores incluidos en los sistemas de distribución por dosis unitaria con un peso del 27.61%, la eficacia fue definida por la tasa de eficiencia proteica (PER) la cual impacta el 19.53% de la calificación y finalmente, el criterio de seguridad con un 13.81% referente al empaque y etiquetado. Conclusiones: Al realizar la evaluación de cuatro alternativas de módulos de proteína, ofertadas por las diferentes casas farmacéuticas, la mayor puntuación correspondiente a las alternativas con una calificación superior al 90%, la obtuvieron dos alternativas de módulos de proteína para uso hospitalario, las cuales contienen proteínas del suero (“Whey”) y aminoácidos en combinaciones.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la eficacia del condicionamiento clásico (CC) y el efecto de mera exposición (ME), en condiciones supraliminales (2000 milisegundos –ms-), sobre la formación de preferencias hacia marcas publicitarias. Se realizó un experimento con diseño intrasujeto, donde se manipuló la variable tratamiento afectivo representada por los dos procedimientos a comparar y se midió la variable dependiente –preferencia hacia las marcas- a través de una tarea de elección forzosa y un diferencial semántico. En el experimento participaron 70 hombres, estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad del Rosario con edades entre 18 y 22 años. El CC se realizó a través de un procedimiento simultáneo y en ambas condiciones la variable independiente se expuso el estímulo 8 veces con una duración de 2000 ms. Los resultados mostraron que los dos procedimientos generaron preferencias en los sujetos, pero no diferencias significativas entre la efectividad de los procedimientos.


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This research explores whether patterns of typographic differentiation influence readers’ impressions of documents. It develops a systematic approach to typographic investigation that considers relationships between different kinds of typographic attributes, rather than testing the influence of isolated variables. An exploratory study using multiple sort tasks and semantic differential scales identifies that readers form a variety of impressions in relation to how typographic elements are differentiated in document design. Building on the findings of the exploratory study and analysis of a sample of magazines, the research describes three patterns of typographic differentiation: high, moderate, and low. Each pattern comprises clusters of typographic attributes and organisational principles that are articulated in relation to a specified level of typographic differentiation (amplified, medium, or subtle). The patterns are applied to two sets of controlled test material. Using this purposely-designed material, the influence of patterns of typographic differentiation on readers’ impressions of documents is explored in a repertory grid analysis and a paired comparison procedure. The results of these studies indicate that patterns of typographic differentiation consistently shape readers’ impressions of documents, influencing judgments of credibility, document address, and intended readership; and suggesting particular kinds of engagement and genre associations. For example, high differentiation documents are likely to be considered casual, sensationalist, and young; moderate differentiation documents are most likely to be seen as formal and serious; and low differentiation examples are considered calm. Typographic meaning is shown to be created through complex, yet systematic, interrelationships rather than reduced to a linear model of increasing or decreasing variation. The research provides a way of describing typographic articulation that has application across a variety of disciplines and design practice. In particular, it illuminates the ways in which typographic presentation is meaningful to readers, providing knowledge that document producers can use to communicate more effectively.


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Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to examine the extent to which there is shared meaning of the concept of auditor independence between the three major groups of parties on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market – auditors, financial report preparers and financial report users.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper utilises the measurement of meaning framework (semantic differential analysis) originally proposed by Osgood et al. in 1957. The framework is used to investigate the extent to which there is shared meaning (agreement in interpretations) of the independence concept, in response to alternative audit engagement case contexts, between key parties to the financial reporting communication process. The study's research data was collected in the period March 2004-May 2005.

Findings – Findings indicate a robust and stable single-factor cognitive structure within which the research participants interpret the connotative meaning of the auditor independence concept. An analysis of the experimental cases finds similarities in connotations (interpretations) of an audit firm's independence for the participant groups for most cases, with the exception of cases involving the joint provision of audit and non-audit (taxation) services.

Research limitations/implications – The usual external validity threat that applies to experimental research generally applies to the study. That is, the results may not be generalisable to settings beyond those examined in the study. An important implication of the study is that it emphasises the continuing problematic nature of the joint provision of audit and non-audit services, even in situations where the non-audit services comprise only traditional taxation services.

Originality/value – The study is the first to examine the concept of auditor independence by means of the Osgood et al. measurement of meaning research framework using, as research participants, the three major groups on the demand and supply sides of the audit services market.


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Este estudo examinou o apelo ecológico utilizado na propaganda como influenciador na atitude de compra do consumidor, tendo em vista que nas duas últimas décadas houve um crescimento nos anúncios que utilizam este tipo de apelo, demonstrando que, pelo surgimento de um novo nicho de mercado, empresas têm se valido do marketing verde e da influência normativa na sua estratégia de marketing. Buscou-se investigar se efetivamente o uso do apelo ecológico na propaganda influencia positivamente na intenção de compra do consumidor. A fundamentação teórica sobre o tema foi desenvolvida a partir dos estudos sobre comportamento do consumidor, atitudes em relação à propaganda, psicologia social e outros ligados ao tema. Esta fundamentação gerou algumas propostas conceituais, traduzidas em um conjunto de hipóteses, que, por se tratar de uma pesquisa causal, foram testadas por meio de metodologia experimental entre sujeitos, com oito níveis de manipulação, uma amostra não probabilística, formada por 215 estudantes de pós-graduação na cidade de Curitiba, e aplicação de questionário estruturado, constituído de perguntas fechadas e respostas escalonadas não-comparativas, intervalar do tipo diferencial semântico, com sete categorias. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o apelo ecológico utilizado na propaganda como argumento de venda não gerou uma resposta significativamente mais favorável na intenção de compra; contudo, em relação à intenção de compra, o apelo ecológico na propaganda gerou uma atitude significativamente mais favorável do que a atitude em relação à marca, e uma atitude menos favorável do que a atitude em relação ao preço. Os resultados também indicaram que o consumidor não está disposto a pagar um preço maior por um produto anunciado com apelo ecológico de venda. Sugestões de pesquisa futura são comentadas à luz da teoria de marketing.


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This research carried through an ergonomic study of the rank of learning activity of a IES, was applied a questionnaire with ergonomic pointers structuralized in scale to intervalar of semantic differential of 0 the 10, in 290 pupils with ages between 18 and 52 years distributed for 5 courses in 9 classrooms, the sample was of the simple random probabilist type. The used statistical techniques had been the descriptive analysis and the analysis of clusters through statistica software 5,0 considering p £ 0,0500. Involving the following 0 variable: Layout; Colors; Acoustics; Illumination; Temperature; Position; Didactic furniture, and Equipment. The gotten results point to consider that the layout of the rooms, the perception of acoustic comfort, the position of the pupils and the furniture of the searched classrooms had been the condicionantes that had been more distinguished negative how much to the perception of comfort of the user. The the 91,5 NPS varied of 57,9 dB(A) values above of recommended for classrooms in accordance with NBR 10152; NR 15; NR 17; It would carry nº 3214/1978, of the Ministry of the Work and searched literature. The Illumination registered interval of 139 the 966 Lux, values are of the limits of interval recommended for classrooms according to NBR 5413 and NR 17. The thermal temperature registered interval of 24° 25,9ºC; URA 41,6 79.1% and the 0.1 air speed 1,0 m/s, values above of recommended for classrooms according to NBR the 6401 and NR 17. The research still suggests that it would have associations between pains in the body the positions of the pupils and the furniture of the classrooms. The results suggest research especially add for the conditions thermal and acoustics of the classrooms


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo apresenta um procedimento para verificar a existência de "graus de relacionamento" diferentes entre estímulos equivalentes por meio de uma medida quantitativa de compartilhamento de funções. Dois grupos de estudantes universitários participaram do estudo. Os participantes do grupo experimental estabeleceram classes de equivalência entre figuras abstratas e fotografias de faces expressando alegria, raiva e nojo. Em seguida, avaliaram algumas das figuras abstratas usando um instrumento de diferencial semântico. O mesmo instrumento foi utilizado na avaliação das faces e figuras pelos participantes do grupo controle, não treinados a estabelecer relações entre esses estímulos. Esses últimos participantes avaliaram as figuras como neutras e as avaliações que fizeram das faces corresponderam às avaliações das figuras equivalentes a elas feitas pelos participantes do grupo experimental. A comparação entre os valores atribuídos às faces e às figuras dá uma medida quantitativa do grau de relacionamento entre esses estímulos e essa medida pode ser usada no estudo de parâmetros da formação de classes como o número de nódulos.


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Esta investigación estudia la relación entre las emociones y la música. Se efectúa un diseño de test-retest donde los individuos expresan qué música escucharían según estados de ánimo, para posteriormente pedir a una segunda muestra, distinta a la anterior, que valore en qué grado considera que dichas canciones expresan esos mismos estados de ánimo. Se ha efectuado un análisis de los rasgos musicales de dichas canciones. Se concluye que tanto en las emociones como en los rasgos musicales existe una dimensionalidad subyacente. En el caso de las emociones corresponde con las propuestas del diferencial semántico. En los rasgos musicales, se determinan dos dimensiones aún sin etiquetar teóricamente. Finalmente, se muestra la relación empírica entre rasgos musicales y emociones mediante un modelo estructural de medición.


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Undergraduate psycholog)' students from stepfamilies (always one step and one biological parent) and biologically intact families (always both biological parents) participated in this study. The goal was to assess perceptions of stepfamilies (N = 106, Nstepfamilies = 44, Nbiological = 62, age range = 17.17 to 28.92 years, M = 19.46 years). One theoretical perspective, the social stigma h)'pothesis, argues that there is a stigma attached to stepfamilies, or that stepfamilies are consistentiy associated with negative stereotypes. In the current study, participants were assessed on a number of variables, including a semantic differential scale, a perceived conflict scale and a perceived general satisfaction scale. It was found that a consistently negative view of stepfamilies was prevalent. Furthermore, the negative stereotypes existed, irrespective of participant family type. Results support the theoretical view that stepfamilies are stereotypically viewed as negative, when compared to biological families.


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This research followed earlier work (reported in a thesis presented in 1970) on factors associated with the academic performance of a sample of technical college students, which recommended the further study of students' motivation. The technical college then became part of a polytechnic, but the courses chosen for the continuation of the research were all of a specifically vocational character. The approach was influenced by Angyal (1941) in seeking to relate symbolic processes to broader behaviour patterns within a systems framework. Forms of semantic differential were developed to obtain the students' responses to words representing various activities and various people both within and outside the academic environment. Also, a "!growth motivation questionnaire" was produced using ideas from self-actualisation, job satisfaction and expectancy theory and examination marks were recorded. From pre-coded responses to the growth motivation questionnaire, scores on a 'study satisfaction' factor were calculated, and subsamples of students were taken at the extremes of this scale. Wriitten responses from the same questionnaire and semantic differential factor scores showed contrasting patterns between the two subsamples. Interpretation of these patterns suggested a diversity of approach to academic work among the students which calls for greater flexibility in the educational system serving them.