998 resultados para Semantic Modeling


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2009


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This paper presents an Ontology-Based multi-technology platform designed to avoid some issues of Building Automation Systems. The platform allows the integration of several building automation protocols, eases the development and implementation of different kinds of services and allows sharing information related to the infrastructure and facilities within a building. The system has been implemented and tested in the Energy Efficiency Research Facility at CeDInt-UPM.


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Building Information Modelling is changing the design and construction field ever since it entered the market. It took just some time to show its capabilities, it takes some time to be mastered before it could be used expressing all its best features. Since it was conceived to be adopted from the earliest stage of design to get the maximum from the decisional project, it still struggles to adapt to existing buildings. In fact, there is a branch of this methodology that is dedicated to what has been already made that is called Historic BIM or HBIM. This study aims to make clear what are BIM and HBIM, both from a theoretical point of view and in practice, applying from scratch the state of the art to a case study. It had been chosen the fortress of San Felice sul Panaro, a marvellous building with a thousand years of history in its bricks, that suffered violent earthquakes, but it is still standing. By means of this example, it will be shown which are the limits that could be encountered when applying BIM methodology to existing heritage, moreover will be pointed out all the new features that a simple 2D design could not achieve.


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Many industries and academic institutions share the vision that an appropriate use of information originated from the environment may add value to services in multiple domains and may help humans in dealing with the growing information overload which often seems to jeopardize our life. It is also clear that information sharing and mutual understanding between software agents may impact complex processes where many actors (humans and machines) are involved, leading to relevant socioeconomic benefits. Starting from these two input, architectural and technological solutions to enable “environment-related cooperative digital services” are here explored. The proposed analysis starts from the consideration that our environment is physical space and here diversity is a major value. On the other side diversity is detrimental to common technological solutions, and it is an obstacle to mutual understanding. An appropriate environment abstraction and a shared information model are needed to provide the required levels of interoperability in our heterogeneous habitat. This thesis reviews several approaches to support environment related applications and intends to demonstrate that smart-space-based, ontology-driven, information-sharing platforms may become a flexible and powerful solution to support interoperable services in virtually any domain and even in cross-domain scenarios. It also shows that semantic technologies can be fruitfully applied not only to represent application domain knowledge. For example semantic modeling of Human-Computer Interaction may support interaction interoperability and transformation of interaction primitives into actions, and the thesis shows how smart-space-based platforms driven by an interaction ontology may enable natural ad flexible ways of accessing resources and services, e.g, with gestures. An ontology for computational flow execution has also been built to represent abstract computation, with the goal of exploring new ways of scheduling computation flows with smart-space-based semantic platforms.


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The aim of our work is to present solutions and a methodical support for automated techniques and procedures in domain engineering, in particular for variability modeling. Our approach is based upon Semantic Modeling concepts, for which semantic description, representation patterns and inference mechanisms are defined. Thus, model-driven techniques enriched with semantics will allow flexibility and variability in representation means, reasoning power and the required analysis depth for the identification, interpretation and adaptation of artifact properties and qualities.


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Query processing is a commonly performed procedure and a vital and integral part of information processing. It is therefore important and necessary for information processing applications to continuously improve the accessibility of data sources as well as the ability to perform queries on those data sources. ^ It is well known that the relational database model and the Structured Query Language (SQL) are currently the most popular tools to implement and query databases. However, a certain level of expertise is needed to use SQL and to access relational databases. This study presents a semantic modeling approach that enables the average user to access and query existing relational databases without the concern of the database's structure or technicalities. This method includes an algorithm to represent relational database schemas in a more semantically rich way. The result of which is a semantic view of the relational database. The user performs queries using an adapted version of SQL, namely Semantic SQL. This method substantially reduces the size and complexity of queries. Additionally, it shortens the database application development cycle and improves maintenance and reliability by reducing the size of application programs. Furthermore, a Semantic Wrapper tool illustrating the semantic wrapping method is presented. ^ I further extend the use of this semantic wrapping method to heterogeneous database management. Relational, object-oriented databases and the Internet data sources are considered to be part of the heterogeneous database environment. Semantic schemas resulting from the algorithm presented in the method were employed to describe the structure of these data sources in a uniform way. Semantic SQL was utilized to query various data sources. As a result, this method provides users with the ability to access and perform queries on heterogeneous database systems in a more innate way. ^


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This thesis investigates interactive scene reconstruction and understanding using RGB-D data only. Indeed, we believe that depth cameras will still be in the near future a cheap and low-power 3D sensing alternative suitable for mobile devices too. Therefore, our contributions build on top of state-of-the-art approaches to achieve advances in three main challenging scenarios, namely mobile mapping, large scale surface reconstruction and semantic modeling. First, we will describe an effective approach dealing with Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) on platforms with limited resources, such as a tablet device. Unlike previous methods, dense reconstruction is achieved by reprojection of RGB-D frames, while local consistency is maintained by deploying relative bundle adjustment principles. We will show quantitative results comparing our technique to the state-of-the-art as well as detailed reconstruction of various environments ranging from rooms to small apartments. Then, we will address large scale surface modeling from depth maps exploiting parallel GPU computing. We will develop a real-time camera tracking method based on the popular KinectFusion system and an online surface alignment technique capable of counteracting drift errors and closing small loops. We will show very high quality meshes outperforming existing methods on publicly available datasets as well as on data recorded with our RGB-D camera even in complete darkness. Finally, we will move to our Semantic Bundle Adjustment framework to effectively combine object detection and SLAM in a unified system. Though the mathematical framework we will describe does not restrict to a particular sensing technology, in the experimental section we will refer, again, only to RGB-D sensing. We will discuss successful implementations of our algorithm showing the benefit of a joint object detection, camera tracking and environment mapping.


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A key to maintain Enterprises competitiveness is the ability to describe, standardize, and adapt the way it reacts to certain types of business events, and how it interacts with suppliers, partners, competitors, and customers. In this context the field of organization modeling has emerged with the aim to create models that help to create a state of self-awareness in the organization. This project's context is the use of Semantic Web in the Organizational modeling area. The Semantic Web technology advantages can be used to improve the way of modeling organizations. This was accomplished using a Semantic wiki to model organizations. Our research and implementation had two main purposes: formalization of textual content in semantic wiki pages; and automatic generation of diagrams from organization data stored in the semantic wiki pages.


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In a world where organizations are ever more complex the need for the knowledge of the organizational self is a growing necessity. The DEMO methodology sets a goal in achieving the specification of the organizational self capturing the essence of the organization in way independent of its implementation and also coherent, consistent, complete, modular and objective. But having such organization self notion is of little meaning if this notion is not shared by the organization actors. To achieve this goal in a society that has grown attached to technology and where time is of utmost importance, using a tool such as a semantic Wikipedia may be the perfect way of making the information accessible. However, to establish DEMO methodology in such platform there is a need to create bridges between its modeling components and semantic Wikipedia. It’s in that aspect that our thesis focuses, trying to establish and implement, using a study case, the principles of a way of transforming the DEMO methodology diagrams in comprehensive pages on semantic Wikipedia but keeping them as abstract as possible to allow expansibility and generalization to all diagrams without losing any valuable information so that, if that is the wish, those diagrams may be recreated from the semantic pages and make this process a full cycle.


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We provide all agent; the capability to infer the relations (assertions) entailed by the rules that, describe the formal semantics of art RDFS knowledge-base. The proposed inferencing process formulates each semantic restriction as a rule implemented within a, SPARQL query statement. The process expands the original RDF graph into a fuller graph that. explicitly captures the rule's described semantics. The approach is currently being explored in order to support descriptions that follow the generic Semantic Web Rule Language. An experiment, using the Fire-Brigade domain, a small-scale knowledge-base, is adopted to illustrate the agent modeling method and the inferencing process.


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This document is a survey in the research area of User Modeling (UM) for the specific field of Adaptive Learning. The aims of this document are: To define what it is a User Model; To present existing and well known User Models; To analyze the existent standards related with UM; To compare existing systems. In the scientific area of User Modeling (UM), numerous research and developed systems already seem to promise good results, but some experimentation and implementation are still necessary to conclude about the utility of the UM. That is, the experimentation and implementation of these systems are still very scarce to determine the utility of some of the referred applications. At present, the Student Modeling research goes in the direction to make possible reuse a student model in different systems. The standards are more and more relevant for this effect, allowing systems communicate and to share data, components and structures, at syntax and semantic level, even if most of them still only allow syntax integration.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Bioinformatics


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In this paper we present the theoretical and methodologicalfoundations for the development of a multi-agentSelective Dissemination of Information (SDI) servicemodel that applies Semantic Web technologies for specializeddigital libraries. These technologies make possibleachieving more efficient information management,improving agent–user communication processes, andfacilitating accurate access to relevant resources. Othertools used are fuzzy linguistic modelling techniques(which make possible easing the interaction betweenusers and system) and natural language processing(NLP) techniques for semiautomatic thesaurus generation.Also, RSS feeds are used as “current awareness bulletins”to generate personalized bibliographic alerts.


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We present a new approach to model and classify breast parenchymal tissue. Given a mammogram, first, we will discover the distribution of the different tissue densities in an unsupervised manner, and second, we will use this tissue distribution to perform the classification. We achieve this using a classifier based on local descriptors and probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature. We studied the influence of different descriptors like texture and SIFT features at the classification stage showing that textons outperform SIFT in all cases. Moreover we demonstrate that pLSA automatically extracts meaningful latent aspects generating a compact tissue representation based on their densities, useful for discriminating on mammogram classification. We show the results of tissue classification over the MIAS and DDSM datasets. We compare our method with approaches that classified these same datasets showing a better performance of our proposal


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A key argument for modeling knowledge in ontologies is the easy re-use and re-engineering of the knowledge. However, beside consistency checking, current ontology engineering tools provide only basic functionalities for analyzing ontologies. Since ontologies can be considered as (labeled, directed) graphs, graph analysis techniques are a suitable answer for this need. Graph analysis has been performed by sociologists for over 60 years, and resulted in the vivid research area of Social Network Analysis (SNA). While social network structures in general currently receive high attention in the Semantic Web community, there are only very few SNA applications up to now, and virtually none for analyzing the structure of ontologies. We illustrate in this paper the benefits of applying SNA to ontologies and the Semantic Web, and discuss which research topics arise on the edge between the two areas. In particular, we discuss how different notions of centrality describe the core content and structure of an ontology. From the rather simple notion of degree centrality over betweenness centrality to the more complex eigenvector centrality based on Hermitian matrices, we illustrate the insights these measures provide on two ontologies, which are different in purpose, scope, and size.