952 resultados para Self-Organized Learners


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The paper explores the functionalities of eight start pages and considers their usefulness when used as a mashable platform for deployment of personal learning environments (PLE) for self-organized learners. The Web 2.0 effects and eLearning 2.0 strategies are examined from the point of view of how they influence the methods of gathering and capturing data, information and knowledge, and the learning process. Mashup technology is studied in order to see what kind of components can be used in PLE realization. A model of a PLE for self-organized learners is developed and it is used to prototype a personal learning and research environment in the start pages Netvibes, Pageflakes and iGoogle.


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In the region of self-organized criticality (SOC) interdependency between multi-agent system components exists and slight changes in near-neighbor interactions can break the balance of equally poised options leading to transitions in system order. In this region, frequency of events of differing magnitudes exhibits a power law distribution. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether a power law distribution characterized attacker-defender interactions in team sports. For this purpose we observed attacker and defender in a dyadic sub-phase of rugby union near the try line. Videogrammetry was used to capture players’ motion over time as player locations were digitized. Power laws were calculated for the rate of change of players’ relative position. Data revealed that three emergent patterns from dyadic system interactions (i.e., try; unsuccessful tackle; effective tackle) displayed a power law distribution. Results suggested that pattern forming dynamics dyads in rugby union exhibited SOC. It was concluded that rugby union dyads evolve in SOC regions suggesting that players’ decisions and actions are governed by local interactions rules.


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A three-dimensional surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)/plasmonic sensing platform based on plasma-enabled, catalyst-free, few-layer vertical graphenes decorated with self-organized Au nanoparticle arrays is demonstrated. This platform is viable for multiple species detection and overcomes several limitations of two-dimensional sensors.


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A simple and effective method of controlling the growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays in a lowerature plasma is presented. Ni catalyst was pretreated by plasma immersion ion implantation prior to the nanotube growth by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Both the size distribution and the areal density of the catalyst nanoparticles decrease due to the ion-surface interactions. Consequently, the resulting size distribution of the vertically aligned carbon nanotubes is reduced to 50 ∼ 100 nm and the areal density is lowered (by a factor of ten) to 10 8 cm -2, which is significantly different from the very-high-density carbon nanotube forests commonly produced by thermal chemical vapor deposition. The efficiency of this pretreatment is compared with the existing techniques such as neutral gas annealing and plasma etching. These results are highly relevant to the development of the next-generation nanoelectronic and optoelectronic devices that require effective control of the density of nanotube arrays.


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The possibility of effective control of morphology and electrical properties of self-organized graphene structures on plasma-exposed Si surfaces is demonstrated. The structures are vertically standing nanosheets and can be grown without any catalyst and any external heating upon direct contact with high-density inductively coupled plasmas at surface temperatures not exceeding 673–723 K. Study of nucleation and growth dynamics revealed the possibility to switch-over between the two most common (turnstile- and maze-like) morphologies on the same substrates by a simple change of the plasma parameters. This change leads to the continuous or discontinuous native oxide layer that supports self-organized patterns of small carbon nanoparticles on which the structures nucleate. It is shown that by tailoring the nanoparticle arrangement one can create various three-dimensional architectures and networks of graphene nanosheet structures. We also demonstrate effective control of the degree of graphitization of the graphene nanosheet structures from the initial through the final growth stages. This makes it possible to tune the electrical resistivity properties of the produced three-dimensional patterns/networks from strongly dielectric to semiconducting. Our results contribute to enabling direct integration of graphene structures into presently dominant Si-based nanofabrication platform for next-generation nanoelectronic, sensor, biomedical, and optoelectronic components and nanodevices.


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Deterministic synthesis of self-organized quantum dot arrays for renewable energy, biomedical, and optoelectronic applications requires control over adatom capture zones, which are presently mapped using unphysical geometric tessellation. In contrast, the proposed kinetic mapping is based on simulated two-dimensional adatom fluxes in the array and includes the effects of nucleation, dissolution, coalescence, and process parameters such as surface temperature and deposition rate. This approach is generic and can be used to control the nanoarray development in various practical applications. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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The formation of vertically aligned single-crystalline silicon nanostructures via "self-organized" maskless etching in Ar+ H 2 plasmas is studied. The shape and aspect ratio can be effectively controlled by the reactive plasma composition. In the optimum parameter space, single-crystalline pyramid-like nanostructures are produced; otherwise, nanocones and nanodots are formed. This generic nanostructure formation approach does not involve any external material deposition. It is based on a concurrent sputtering, etching, hydrogen termination, and atom/radical redeposition and can be applied to other nanomaterials.


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The formation of arrays of vertically aligned nanotips on a moderately heated (up to 500 degrees C) Si surface exposed to reactive low-temperature radio frequency (RF) Ar+H(2) plasmas is studied. It is demonstrated that the nanotip surface density, aspect ratio and height dispersion strongly depend on the substrate temperature, discharge power, and gas composition. It is shown that nanotips with aspect ratios from 2.0 to 4.0 can only be produced at a higher RF power density (41.7 mW cm(-3)) and a hydrogen content of about 60%, and that larger aspect ratios can be achieved at substrate temperatures of about 300 degrees C. The use of higher (up to 500 degrees C) temperatures leads to a decrease of the aspect ratio but promotes the formation of more uniform arrays with the height dispersion decreasing to 1.5. At lower (approximately 20 mW cm(-3)) RF power density, only semispherical nanodots can be produced. Based on these experimental results, a nanotip formation scenario is proposed suggesting that sputtering, etching, hydrogen termination, and atom/radical re-deposition are the main concurrent mechanisms for the nanostructure formation. Numerical calculations of the ion flux distribution and hydrogen termination profiles can be used to predict the nanotip shapes and are in a good agreement with the experimental results. This approach can be applied to describe the kinetics of low-temperature formation of other nanoscale materials by plasma treatment.


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The formation of long self-organized carbon connections (where the length is much greater than the diameter) between Ag nanoparticles on a Si(1 0 0) surface in atmospheric pressure Ar + CH4 microplasmas is demonstrated. A growth scenario explaining the connection nucleation and growth is proposed, and this is supported by numerical simulations which reveal that the electric field pattern around the growing connections affects the surface diffusion of carbon adatoms, the main driving force for the observed self-organization. Results suggest that the microplasma-generated surface charges can be used as effective controls for the self-organized formation of complex carbon-based nano-networks for integrated nanodevices.


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Ag nanoparticles and Fe-coated Si micrograins were separately deposited onto Si(1 0 0) surfaces and then exposed to an Ar + CH4 microplasma at atmospheric pressure. For the Ag nanoparticles, self-organized carbon nanowires, up to 400 nm in length were produced, whereas for the Fe-coated Si micrograins carbon connections with the length up to 100 μm were synthesized on the plasma-exposed surface area of about 0.5 mm2. The experiment has revealed that long carbon connections and short nanowires demonstrate quite similar behavior and structure. While most connections/nanowires tended to link the nearest particles, some wires were found to 'dissolve' into the substrate without terminating at the second particle. Both connections and nanowires are mostly linear, but long carbon connections can form kinks which were not observed in the carbon nanowire networks. A growth scenario explaining the carbon structure nucleation and growth is proposed. Multiscale numerical simulations reveal that the electric field pattern around the growing connections/nanowires strongly affects the surface diffusion of carbon adatoms, the main driving force for the observed self-organization in the system. The results suggest that the microplasma-generated surface charges can be used as effective controls for the self-organized formation of complex carbon-based nano-networks for integrated nanodevices.


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The self-organized growth of uniform carbon nanocone arrays using low-temperature non-equilibrium Ar + H 2 + CH 4 plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is studied. The experiment shows that size-, shape-, and position-uniform carbon nanocone arrays can develop even from non-uniformly fragmented discontinuous nickel catalyst films. A three-stage scenario is proposed where the primary nanocones grow on large catalyst particles during the first stage, and the secondary nanocones are formed between the primary ones at the second stage. Finally, plasma-related effects lead to preferential growth of the secondary nanocones and eventually a uniform nanopattern is formed. This does not happen in a CVD process with the same gas feedstock and surface temperature. The proposed three-stage growth scenario is supported by the numerical experiment which generates nanocone arrays very similar to the experimentally synthesized nanopatterns. The self-organization process is explained in terms of re-distribution of surface and volumetric fluxes of plasma-generated species in a developing nanocone array. Our results suggest that plasma-related self-organization effects can significantly reduce the non-uniformity of carbon nanostructure arrays which commonly arises from imperfections in fragmented Ni-based catalyst films.


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Self-assembly of size-uniform and spatially ordered quantum dot (QD) arrays is one of the major challenges in the development of the new generation of semiconducting nanoelectronic and photonic devices. Assembly of Ge QD (in the ∼5-20 nm size range) arrays from randomly generated position and size-nonuniform nanodot patterns on plasma-exposed Si (100) surfaces is studied using hybrid multiscale numerical simulations. It is shown, by properly manipulating the incoming ion/neutral flux from the plasma and the surface temperature, the uniformity of the nanodot size within the array can be improved by 34%-53%, with the best improvement achieved at low surface temperatures and high external incoming fluxes, which are intrinsic to plasma-aided processes. Using a plasma-based process also leads to an improvement (∼22% at 700 K surface temperature and 0.1 MLs incoming flux from the plasma) of the spatial order of a randomly sampled nanodot ensemble, which self-organizes to position the dots equidistantly to their neighbors within the array. Remarkable improvements in QD ordering and size uniformity can be achieved at high growth rates (a few nms) and a surface temperature as low as 600 K, which broadens the range of suitable substrates to temperature-sensitive ultrathin nanofilms and polymers. The results of this study are generic, can also be applied to nonplasma-based techniques, and as such contributes to the development of deterministic strategies of nanoassembly of self-ordered arrays of size-uniform QDs, in the size range where nanodot ordering cannot be achieved by presently available pattern delineation techniques.


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The paper presents an investigation of self-organizational and -assembly processes of nanostructure growth on surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas. We have considered three main growth stages-initial, or sub-monolayer growth stage, separate nanostructure growth stage, and array growth stages with the characteristic sizes of several nm, several tens of nm, and several hundreds of nm, respectively, and have demonstrated, by the experimental data and hybrid multiscale numerical simulations, that the plasma parameters can strongly influence the surface processes and hence the kinetics of self-organization and -assembly. Our results show that plasma-controlled self-organization is a promising way to assemble large regular arrays of nanostructures. © 2008 IUPAC.


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This work presents the details of the numerical model used in simulation of self-organization of nano-islands on solid surfaces in plasma-assisted assembly of quantum dot structures. The model includes the near-substrate non-neutral layer (plasma sheath) and a nanostructured solid deposition surface and accounts for the incoming flux of and energy of ions from the plasma, surface temperature-controlled adatom migration about the surface, adatom collisions with other adatoms and nano-islands, adatom inflow to the growing nano-islands from the plasma and from the two-dimensional vapour on the surface, and particle evaporation to the ambient space and the two-dimensional vapour. The differences in surface concentrations of adatoms in different areas within the quantum dot pattern significantly affect the self-organization of the nano-islands. The model allows one to formulate the conditions when certain islands grow, and certain ones shrink or even dissolve and relate them to the process control parameters. Surface coverage by selforganized quantum dots obtained from numerical simulation appears to be in reasonable agreement with the available experimental results.


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An advanced inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-assisted rf magnetron sputtering deposition method is developed to synthesize regular arrays of pear-shaped ZnO nanodots on a thin SiNx buffer layer pre-deposited onto a silicon substrate. It is shown that the growth of ZnO nanodots obey the cubic root-law behavior. It is also shown that the synthesized ZnO nanodots are highly-uniform, controllable by the experimental parameters, and also feature good structural and photoluminescent properties. These results suggest that this custom-designed ICP-based technique is very effective and highly-promising for the synthesis of property- and size-controllable highly-uniform ZnO nanodots suitable for next-generation light emitting diodes, energy storage, UV nanolasers, and other applications.