941 resultados para Self-Awareness


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The present study investigated how social-cognitive development relates to children’s lie-telling and the effectiveness of a novel honesty promoting technique (i.e., self-awareness). Sixty-four children were asked not to peek at a toy in the experimenter’s absence and were later asked about whether they had peeked as a measure of their honesty. Half of the children were questioned in the self-awareness condition and half in the control condition. Additionally, children completed a battery of cognitive and social-cognitive tests to assess executive functioning and theory-of-mind understanding. While first-order theory-of-mind understanding, inhibitory control, and visuospatial working memory did not significantly relate to children’s lie-telling, measures of inhibitory control in conjunction with working memory and complex working memory were significantly related to children’s lie-telling. Finally, the novel honesty promoting technique was effective: children in the self-aware condition lied significantly less often than children in the control condition.


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Evidence from past research suggests that behaviours and characteristics related to body dissatisfaction may be associated with greater instability of perceptual body image, possibly due to problems in the integration of body-related multisensory information. We investigated whether people with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a condition characterised by body image disturbances, demonstrated enhanced susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion (RHI), which arises as a result of multisensory integration processes when a rubber hand and the participant's hidden real hand are stimulated in synchrony. Overall, differences in RHI experience between the BDD group and healthy and schizophrenia control groups (n = 17 in each) were not significant. RHI strength, however, was positively associated with body dissatisfaction and related tendencies. For the healthy control group, proprioceptive drift towards the rubber hand was observed following synchronous but not asynchronous stimulation, a typical pattern when inducing the RHI. Similar drifts in proprioceptive awareness occurred for the BDD group irrespective of whether stimulation was synchronous or not. These results are discussed in terms of possible abnormalities in visual processing and multisensory integration among people with BDD.


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Glen says, “current education is colonial; it ain’t ours. I tell ya who needs educatin’, wadjellas”. Glen is a Noongar man who, along with several other Aboriginal adults living in Western Australia, teaches me in a PhD research project about prisoner education from their perspective. His words pose a question for wadjellas like myself who are raised, taught and work in a white neo-colonial society. We have been raised in, taught in and work in a colonial system. As non-Aboriginal people we have unearned privileges which are often invisible and unacknowledged. How then to address the outcomes of this in a way that might lead to working co-operatively alongside Aboriginal people? What kind of ‘educatin’ could teach us about our own unacknowledged privilege and the disadvantage this can lead to for others? Is the standard cross-cultural awareness training enough?This paper shares some of the teachings of Glen and other participants in this research. It expresses the view that, ultimately, the usually unacknowledged legacy of colonisation and associated issue of denied Aboriginal sovereignty lies at the heart of much of the disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal people today when considering education and the prison system. Addressing gaps in non-Indigenous cultural self-awareness by learning from Aboriginal people is an important factor in improving their experiences of education.


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OBJECTIVE: Impaired awareness of hypoglycemia (IAH) and defective counterregulation significantly increase severe hypoglycemia risk in type 1 diabetes (T1D). We evaluated restoration of IAH/defective counterregulation by a treatment strategy targeted at hypoglycemia avoidance in adults with T1D with IAH (Gold score ≥4) participating in the U.K.-based multicenter HypoCOMPaSS randomized controlled trial. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eighteen subjects with T1D and IAH (mean ± SD age 50 ± 9 years, T1D duration 35 ± 10 years, HbA1c 8.1 ± 1.0% [65 ± 10.9 mmol/mol]) underwent stepped hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic clamp studies before and after a 6-month intervention. The intervention comprised the HypoCOMPaSS education tool in all and randomized allocation, in a 2 × 2 factorial study design, to multiple daily insulin analog injections or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy and conventional glucose monitoring or real-time continuous glucose monitoring. Symptoms, cognitive function, and counterregulatory hormones were measured at each glucose plateau (5.0, 3.8, 3.4, 2.8, and 2.4 mmol/L), with each step lasting 40 min with subjects kept blinded to their actual glucose value throughout clamp studies. RESULTS: After intervention, glucose concentrations at which subjects first felt hypoglycemic increased (mean ± SE from 2.6 ± 0.1 to 3.1 ± 0.2 mmol/L, P = 0.02), and symptom and plasma metanephrine responses to hypoglycemia were higher (median area under curve for symptoms, 580 [interquartile range {IQR} 420-780] vs. 710 [460-1,260], P = 0.02; metanephrine, 2,412 [-3,026 to 7,279] vs. 5,180 [-771 to 11,513], P = 0.01). Glycemic threshold for deterioration of cognitive function measured by four-choice reaction time was unchanged, while the color-word Stroop test showed a degree of adaptation. CONCLUSIONS: Even in long-standing T1D, IAH and defective counterregulation may be improved by a clinical strategy aimed at hypoglycemia avoidance.


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Esposizione delle basi teoriche e delle tecniche di apprendimento in robotica, analisi del concetto di self-awareness ed esempi applicativi, concetti derivati quali continous self modelling e self-reflection, e casi di studio esemplificativi.


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Variabilities associated with CMOS evolution affect the yield and performance of current digital designs. FPGAs, which are widely used for fast prototyping and implementation of digital circuits, also suffer from these issues. Proactive approaches start to appear to achieve self-awareness and dynamic adaptation of these devices. To support these techniques we propose the employment of a multi-purpose sensor network. This infrastructure, through adequate use of configuration and automation tools, is able to obtain relevant data along the life cycle of an FPGA. This is realised at a very reduced cost, not only in terms of area or other limited resources, but also regarding the design effort required to define and deploy the measuring infrastructure. Our proposal has been validated by measuring inter-die and intra-die variability in different FPGA families.


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Los sistemas técnicos son cada vez más complejos, incorporan funciones más avanzadas, están más integrados con otros sistemas y trabajan en entornos menos controlados. Todo esto supone unas condiciones más exigentes y con mayor incertidumbre para los sistemas de control, a los que además se demanda un comportamiento más autónomo y fiable. La adaptabilidad de manera autónoma es un reto para tecnologías de control actualmente. El proyecto de investigación ASys propone abordarlo trasladando la responsabilidad de la capacidad de adaptación del sistema de los ingenieros en tiempo de diseño al propio sistema en operación. Esta tesis pretende avanzar en la formulación y materialización técnica de los principios de ASys de cognición y auto-consciencia basadas en modelos y autogestión de los sistemas en tiempo de operación para una autonomía robusta. Para ello el trabajo se ha centrado en la capacidad de auto-conciencia, inspirada en los sistemas biológicos, y se ha explorado la posibilidad de integrarla en la arquitectura de los sistemas de control. Además de la auto-consciencia, se han explorado otros temas relevantes: modelado funcional, modelado de software, tecnología de los patrones, tecnología de componentes, tolerancia a fallos. Se ha analizado el estado de la técnica en los ámbitos pertinentes para las cuestiones de la auto-consciencia y la adaptabilidad en sistemas técnicos: arquitecturas cognitivas, control tolerante a fallos, y arquitecturas software dinámicas y computación autonómica. El marco teórico de ASys existente de sistemas autónomos cognitivos ha sido adaptado para servir de base para este análisis de autoconsciencia y adaptación y para dar sustento conceptual al posterior desarrollo de la solución. La tesis propone una solución general de diseño para la construcción de sistemas autónomos auto-conscientes. La idea central es la integración de un meta-controlador en la arquitectura de control del sistema autónomo, capaz de percibir la estado funcional del sistema de control y, si es necesario, reconfigurarlo en tiempo de operación. Esta solución de metacontrol se ha formalizado en cuatro patrones de diseño: i) el Patrón Metacontrol, que define la integración de un subsistema de metacontrol, responsable de controlar al propio sistema de control a través de la interfaz proporcionada por su plataforma de componentes, ii) el patrón Bucle de Control Epistémico, que define un bucle de control cognitivo basado en el modelos y que se puede aplicar al diseño del metacontrol, iii) el patrón de Reflexión basada en Modelo Profundo propone una solución para construir el modelo ejecutable utilizado por el meta-controlador mediante una transformación de modelo a modelo a partir del modelo de ingeniería del sistema, y, finalmente, iv) el Patrón Metacontrol Funcional, que estructura el meta-controlador en dos bucles, uno para el control de la configuración de los componentes del sistema de control, y otro sobre éste, controlando las funciones que realiza dicha configuración de componentes; de esta manera las consideraciones funcionales y estructurales se desacoplan. La Arquitectura OM y el metamodelo TOMASys son las piezas centrales del marco arquitectónico desarrollado para materializar la solución compuesta de los patrones anteriores. El metamodelo TOMASys ha sido desarrollado para la representación de la estructura y su relación con los requisitos funcionales de cualquier sistema autónomo. La Arquitectura OM es un patrón de referencia para la construcción de una metacontrolador integrando los patrones de diseño propuestos. Este meta-controlador se puede integrar en la arquitectura de cualquier sistema control basado en componentes. El elemento clave de su funcionamiento es un modelo TOMASys del sistema decontrol, que el meta-controlador usa para monitorizarlo y calcular las acciones de reconfiguración necesarias para adaptarlo a las circunstancias en cada momento. Un proceso de ingeniería, complementado con otros recursos, ha sido elaborado para guiar la aplicación del marco arquitectónico OM. Dicho Proceso de Ingeniería OM define la metodología a seguir para construir el subsistema de metacontrol para un sistema autónomo a partir del modelo funcional del mismo. La librería OMJava proporciona una implementación del meta-controlador OM que se puede integrar en el control de cualquier sistema autónomo, independientemente del dominio de la aplicación o de su tecnología de implementación. Para concluir, la solución completa ha sido validada con el desarrollo de un robot móvil autónomo que incorpora un meta-controlador con la Arquitectura OM. Las propiedades de auto-consciencia y adaptación proporcionadas por el meta-controlador han sido validadas en diferentes escenarios de operación del robot, en los que el sistema era capaz de sobreponerse a fallos en el sistema de control mediante reconfiguraciones orquestadas por el metacontrolador. ABSTRACT Technical systems are becoming more complex, they incorporate more advanced functionalities, they are more integrated with other systems and they are deployed in less controlled environments. All this supposes a more demanding and uncertain scenario for control systems, which are also required to be more autonomous and dependable. Autonomous adaptivity is a current challenge for extant control technologies. The ASys research project proposes to address it by moving the responsibility for adaptivity from the engineers at design time to the system at run-time. This thesis has intended to advance in the formulation and technical reification of ASys principles of model-based self-cognition and having systems self-handle at runtime for robust autonomy. For that it has focused on the biologically inspired capability of self-awareness, and explored the possibilities to embed it into the very architecture of control systems. Besides self-awareness, other themes related to the envisioned solution have been explored: functional modeling, software modeling, patterns technology, components technology, fault tolerance. The state of the art in fields relevant for the issues of self-awareness and adaptivity has been analysed: cognitive architectures, fault-tolerant control, and software architectural reflection and autonomic computing. The extant and evolving ASys Theoretical Framework for cognitive autonomous systems has been adapted to provide a basement for this selfhood-centred analysis and to conceptually support the subsequent development of our solution. The thesis proposes a general design solution for building self-aware autonomous systems. Its central idea is the integration of a metacontroller in the control architecture of the autonomous system, capable of perceiving the functional state of the control system and reconfiguring it if necessary at run-time. This metacontrol solution has been formalised into four design patterns: i) the Metacontrol Pattern, which defines the integration of a metacontrol subsystem, controlling the domain control system through an interface provided by its implementation component platform, ii) the Epistemic Control Loop pattern, which defines a modelbased cognitive control loop that can be applied to the design of such a metacontroller, iii) the Deep Model Reflection pattern proposes a solution to produce the online executable model used by the metacontroller by model-to-model transformation from the engineering model, and, finally, iv) the Functional Metacontrol pattern, which proposes to structure the metacontroller in two loops, one for controlling the configuration of components of the controller, and another one on top of the former, controlling the functions being realised by that configuration; this way the functional and structural concerns become decoupled. The OM Architecture and the TOMASys metamodel are the core pieces of the architectural framework developed to reify this patterned solution. The TOMASys metamodel has been developed for representing the structure and its relation to the functional requirements of any autonomous system. The OM architecture is a blueprint for building a metacontroller according to the patterns. This metacontroller can be integrated on top of any component-based control architecture. At the core of its operation lies a TOMASys model of the control system. An engineering process and accompanying assets have been constructed to complete and exploit the architectural framework. The OM Engineering Process defines the process to follow to develop the metacontrol subsystem from the functional model of the controller of the autonomous system. The OMJava library provides a domain and application-independent implementation of an OM Metacontroller than can be used in the implementation phase of OMEP. Finally, the complete solution has been validated in the development of an autonomous mobile robot that incorporates an OM metacontroller. The functional selfawareness and adaptivity properties achieved thanks to the metacontrol system have been validated in different scenarios. In these scenarios the robot was able to overcome failures in the control system thanks to reconfigurations performed by the metacontroller.


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Accurate self-awareness in clients who have had an acquired brain injury (ABI) has been associated with positive outcomes. However, providing intervention that improves clients' self-awareness is a challenging task for occupational therapists. The present paper provides an overview of the literature regarding models to guide intervention, intervention considerations, descriptions of interventions, and research evidence for interventions. Professionals can draw upon cognitive rehabilitation models and specific models of self-awareness. Facilitatory interventions, such as education, feedback, behaviour therapy and psychotherapy have been recommended to a greater extent than compensatory interventions. The development of interventions for improving self-awareness is at an early stage, and research on the effectiveness of interventions is limited. Future research is required into the effectiveness of interventions to improve clients' self-awareness before structured intervention guidelines can be developed.