972 resultados para Seismological stations


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Este trabalho representa um estudo de dispersão da componente vertical da onda de superfície de Rayleigh com trajetórias na plataforma Sulamericana. Os registros utilizados são provenientes das estações localizadas no território Brasileiro; sendo a do Rio de Janeiro (RDJ), a de Brasília (BDF), a de Caicó (CAI) e a de Belém (BEB), pois estas são as únicas estações sismológicas no Brasil que têm sensores de período longo e que servem para o estudo de dispersão no intervalo de 4 a 50 segundos, aqui realizados. Os terremotos utilizados estão localizados ao longo da parte leste da cadeia Andina e dentro da plataforma Sulamericana com trajetórias tipicamente continental. Foram selecionados 34 eventos com a utilização dos seguintes critérios práticos: a localização, a magnitude mb e a profundidade, ocorridos durante o período de Janeiro de 1978 até Junho de 1987. O estudo de dispersão aqui abordado significa a determinação da velocidade de grupo e das amplitudes espectrais correspondentes aos harmônicos fundamental e primeiro superior. Normalmente os harmônicos de ordem segunda ou maior são raramente disponíveis na observação. Dois tipos de medidas foram feitas: (i) velocidade de grupo vs. período e (ii) amplitude vs. período. Os estudos de dispersão são fundamentais para determinação da estrutura da crosta e manto superior que estão diretamente relacionados com os fenômenos geológicos. Neste trabalho, regionalização é definida como a identificação das diferentes formas de curvas de dispersão, que estão relacionadas com as trajetórias epicentro-estação ao longo da plataforma Sulamericana e que venham ter uma correlação geológica como está descrito no item 4.3 deste trabalho. A distribuição dos epicentros se faz desde o extremo sul da Argentina até o extremo norte da Venezuela, objetivando iniciar com este trabalho uma sistemática voltada aos estudos de regionalização da plataforma Sulamericana na nossa instituição. Neste trabalho foram observados três tipos distintos de curvas em 27 trajetórias e agrupadas por famílias 1,2 e 3 respectivamente, onde procurou-se correlacionar suas diferentes formas com a geologia regional da plataforma Sulamericana. A obtenção da curva de dispersão foi feita através da técnica do filtro múltiplo (Dziewonski et al, 1969). Este filtro tem a propriedade de separar os harmônicos através das suas velocidades de grupo para cada frequência selecionada, e também de recuperar as amplitudes características dos harmônicos (Herrmann, 1973). O desenvolvimento teórico do filtro bem como suas limitações e forma de uso são tratados por Dziewonski et al (1972). Como parte do trabalho há a implantação, adaptações e o desenvolvimento de parte do fluxograma do filtro múltiplo, bem como a estruturação da digitalização dos dados para o processamento e interpretação não-automática dos resultados do processamento.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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For its particular position and the complex geological history, the Northern Apennines has been considered as a natural laboratory to apply several kinds of investigations. By the way, it is complicated to joint all the knowledge about the Northern Apennines in a unique picture that explains the structural and geological emplacement that produced it. The main goal of this thesis is to put together all information on the deformation - in the crust and at depth - of this region and to describe a geodynamical model that takes account of it. To do so, we have analyzed the pattern of deformation in the crust and in the mantle. In both cases the deformation has been studied using always information recovered from earthquakes, although using different techniques. In particular the shallower deformation has been studied using seismic moment tensors information. For our purpose we used the methods described in Arvidsson and Ekstrom (1998) that allowing the use in the inversion of surface waves [and not only of the body waves as the Centroid Moment Tensor (Dziewonski et al., 1981) one] allow to determine seismic source parameters for earthquakes with magnitude as small as 4.0. We applied this tool in the Northern Apennines and through this activity we have built up the Italian CMT dataset (Pondrelli et al., 2006) and the pattern of seismic deformation using the Kostrov (1974) method on a regular grid of 0.25 degree cells. We obtained a map of lateral variations of the pattern of seismic deformation on different layers of depth, taking into account the fact that shallow earthquakes (within 15 km of depth) in the region occur everywhere while most of events with a deeper hypocenter (15-40 km) occur only in the outer part of the belt, on the Adriatic side. For the analysis of the deep deformation, i.e. that occurred in the mantle, we used the anisotropy information characterizing the structure below the Northern Apennines. The anisotropy is an earth properties that in the crust is due to the presence of aligned fluid filled cracks or alternating isotropic layers with different elastic properties while in the mantle the most important cause of seismic anisotropy is the lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of the mantle minerals as the olivine. This last is a highly anisotropic mineral and tends to align its fast crystallographic axes (a-axis) parallel to the astenospheric flow as a response to finite strain induced by geodynamic processes. The seismic anisotropy pattern of a region is measured utilizing the shear wave splitting phenomenon (that is the seismological analogue to optical birefringence). Here, to do so, we apply on teleseismic earthquakes recorded on stations located in the study region, the Sileny and Plomerova (1996) approach. The results are analyzed on the basis of their lateral and vertical variations to better define the earth structure beneath Northern Apennines. We find different anisotropic domains, a Tuscany and an Adria one, with a pattern of seismic anisotropy which laterally varies in a similar way respect to the seismic deformation. Moreover, beneath the Adriatic region the distribution of the splitting parameters is so complex to request an appropriate analysis. Therefore we applied on our data the code of Menke and Levin (2003) which allows to look for different models of structures with multilayer anisotropy. We obtained that the structure beneath the Po Plain is probably even more complicated than expected. On the basis of the results obtained for this thesis, added with those from previous works, we suggest that slab roll-back, which created the Apennines and opened the Tyrrhenian Sea, evolved in the north boundary of Northern Apennines in a different way from its southern part. In particular, the trench retreat developed primarily south of our study region, with an eastward roll-back. In the northern portion of the orogen, after a first stage during which the retreat was perpendicular to the trench, it became oblique with respect to the structure.


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Robustness of the track allocation problem is rarely addressed in literatures and the obtained track allocation schemes (TAS) embody some bottlenecks. Therefore, an approach to detect bottlenecks is needed to support local optimization. First a TAS is transformed to an executable model by Petri nets. Then disturbances analysis is performed using the model and the indicators of the total trains' departure delays are collected to detect bottlenecks when each train suffers a disturbance. Finally, the results of the tests based on a rail hub linking six lines and a TAS about thirty minutes show that the minimum buffer time is 21 seconds and there are two bottlenecks where the buffer times are 57 and 44 seconds respectively, and it indicates that the bottlenecks do not certainly locate at the area where there is minimum buffer time. The proposed approach can further support selection of multi schemes and robustness optimization.


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The track allocation problem (TAP) at a multi-track, multi-platform mainline railway station is defined by the station track layout and service timetable, which implies combinations of spatial and temporal conflicts. Feasible solutions are available from either traditional planning or advanced intelligent searching methods and their evaluations with respect to operational requirements are essential for the operators. To facilitate thorough analysis, a timed Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) model is presented here to encapsulate the inter-relationships of the spatial and temporal constraints in the TAP.


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Routing trains within passenger stations in major cities is a common scheduling problem for railway operation. Various studies have been undertaken to derive and formulate solutions to this route allocation problem (RAP) which is particularly evident in mainland China nowadays because of the growing traffic demand and limited station capacity. A reasonable solution must be selected from a set of available RAP solutions attained in the planning stage to facilitate station operation. The selection is however based on the experience of the operators only and objective evaluation of the solutions is rarely addressed. In order to maximise the utilisation of station capacity while maintaining service quality and allowing for service disturbance, quantitative evaluation of RAP solutions is highly desirable. In this study, quantitative evaluation of RAP solutions is proposed and it is enabled by a set of indices covering infrastructure utilisation, buffer times and delay propagation. The proposed evaluation is carried out on a number of RAP solutions at a real-life busy railway station in mainland China and the results highlight the effectiveness of the indices in pinpointing the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions. This study provides the necessary platform to improve the RAP solution in planning and to allow train re-routing upon service disturbances.


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Network RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) is a technology that is based on GPS (Global Positioning System) or more generally on GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) observations to achieve centimeter-level accuracy positioning in real time. It is enabled by a network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). CORS placement is an important problem in the design of network RTK as it directly affects not only the installation and running costs of the network RTK, but also the Quality of Service (QoS) provided by the network RTK. In our preliminary research on the CORS placement, we proposed a polynomial heuristic algorithm for a so-called location-based CORS placement problem. From a computational point of view, the location-based CORS placement is a largescale combinatorial optimization problem. Thus, although the heuristic algorithm is efficient in computation time it may not be able to find an optimal or near optimal solution. Aiming at improving the quality of solutions, this paper proposes a repairing genetic algorithm (RGA) for the location-based CORS placement problem. The RGA has been implemented and compared to the heuristic algorithm by experiments. Experimental results have shown that the RGA produces better quality of solutions than the heuristic algorithm.


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The health effects of environmental hazards are often examined using time series of the association between a daily response variable (e.g., death) and a daily level of exposure (e.g., temperature). Exposures are usually the average from a network of stations. This gives each station equal importance, and negates the opportunity for some stations to be better measures of exposure. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model that weighted stations using random variables between zero and one. We compared the weighted estimates to the standard model using data on health outcomes (deaths and hospital admissions) and exposures (air pollution and temperature) in Brisbane, Australia. The improvements in model fit were relatively small, and the estimated health effects of pollution were similar using either the standard or weighted estimates. Spatial weighted exposures would be probably more worthwhile when there is either greater spatial detail in the health outcome, or a greater spatial variation in exposure.


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With the progressive exhaustion of fossil energy and the enhanced awareness of environmental protection, more attention is being paid to electric vehicles (EVs). Inappropriate siting and sizing of EV charging stations could have negative effects on the development of EVs, the layout of the city traffic network, and the convenience of EVs' drivers, and lead to an increase in network losses and a degradation in voltage profiles at some nodes. Given this background, the optimal sites of EV charging stations are first identified by a two-step screening method with environmental factors and service radius of EV charging stations considered. Then, a mathematical model for the optimal sizing of EV charging stations is developed with the minimization of total cost associated with EV charging stations to be planned as the objective function and solved by a modified primal-dual interior point algorithm (MPDIPA). Finally, simulation results of the IEEE 123-node test feeder have demonstrated that the developed model and method cannot only attain the reasonable planning scheme of EV charging stations, but also reduce the network loss and improve the voltage profile.


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The relationship between public transportation and home values has proven to be complex, with studies providing divergent findings. Using Victorian Valuer General Data for 2009, this paper applies a hedonic pricing approach to the Melbourne metropolitan housing market in order to estimate the impacts of proximity to a train station on residential property prices. The findings reveal a negative impact on dwelling price for those properties within 125 metres from a train station and a positive relationship between dwelling price and proximity for properties more than 125 metres away.


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Airborne particulate pollutant is considered to be one of the major harmful emissions produced by vehicle engines as it has been directly linked to serious health problems. Passengers spend long times at bus stations and may be exposed to high concentrations of pollution. Particle pollution at two bus stations in Brisbane, Australia were monitored. The two bus stations consisted of markedly different site geography and surroundings with one situated in a street canyon and the other elevated above ground level. The same flow of traffic operated through both stations. Real time measurements of ultrafine particle concentration, size distribution and meteorological conditions were carried out on the platform continuously over several days. The results showed that the particle number concentrations were significantly different at the two stations, suggesting that the layout of site geometry and surroundings was a dominant determining factor through the injection of fresh air into the station platforms and the rates of dilution.


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Network Real-Time Kinematic (NRTK) is a technology that can provide centimeter-level accuracy positioning services in real time, and it is enabled by a network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS). The location-oriented CORS placement problem is an important problem in the design of a NRTK as it will directly affect not only the installation and operational cost of the NRTK, but also the quality of positioning services provided by the NRTK. This paper presents a Memetic Algorithm (MA) for the location-oriented CORS placement problem, which hybridizes the powerful explorative search capacity of a genetic algorithm and the efficient and effective exploitative search capacity of a local optimization. Experimental results have shown that the MA has better performance than existing approaches. In this paper we also conduct an empirical study about the scalability of the MA, effectiveness of the hybridization technique and selection of crossover operator in the MA.