894 resultados para Seepage Face


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A two-dimensional finite difference model, which solves mixed type of Richards' equation, whose non-linearity is dealt with modified Picard's iteration and strongly implicit procedure to solve the resulting equations, is presented. Modeling of seepage flow through heterogeneous soils, which is common in the field is addressed in the present study. The present model can be applied to both unsaturated and saturated soils and can handle very dry initial condition and steep wetting fronts. The model is validated by comparing experimental results reported in the literature. Newness of this two dimensional model is its application on layered soils with transient seepage face development, which has not been reported in the literature. Application of the two dimensional model for studying unconfined drainage due to sudden drop of water table at seepage face in layered soils is demonstrated. In the present work different sizes of rectangular flow domain with different types of layering are chosen. Sensitivity of seepage height due to problem dimension of layered system is studied. The effect of aspect ratio on seepage face development in case of the flow through layered soil media is demonstrated. The model is also applied to random heterogeneous soils in which the randomness of the model parameters is generated using the turning band technique. The results are discussed in terms of phreatic surface and seepage height development and also flux across the seepage face. Such accurate modeling of seepage face development and quantification of flux moving across the seepage face becomes important while modeling transport problems in variably saturated media.


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Observations of horizontal and vertical variations in piezometric head in a homogeneous, laboratory aquifer are presented and discussed. The observed fluctuations are induced by a simple harmonic oscillation in the clear water reservoir acting across a sloping boundary. The data qualitatively supports existing theories in that higher harmonics are generated in the active forcing zone and that a significant increase in the inland, asymptotic watertable over height (relative to that found for the vertical boundary case) is observed. The observed overheight is shown to be accurately reproduced by existing small-amplitude perturbation theory. Detailed measurements in the vicinity of the sloping boundary reveal that the signal of generated higher harmonics is strongest near the sand surface and that vertical flows are significant in this region. The aquifer is of finite-depth and is influenced by capillary effects, the experimental data therefore exposes limitations of theories which are based on the assumption of a shallow aquifer free of capillary effects. The dispersive properties of the measured pressure wave in the aquifer are comparable to those found from field observations and likewise do not agree with those predicted by the capillary free, shallow aquifer theory. Although some improvement is obtained, discrepancies between the data and theory persist even when a finite-depth aquifer and capillary effects are considered in the theoretical model. Further sand column experiments eliminate a truncated capillary fringe as a possible contributor to these discrepancies. However, the neglect of horizontal flows in the fringe may have caused the discrepancies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Theoretical developments as well as field and laboratory data have shown the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations to increase with the fluctuation frequency. The numerical solution of a full, partially saturated flow equation can be computationally expensive. In this paper, the influence of the capillary fringe on water table fluctuations is simplified through its parameterisation into the storage coefficient of a fully-saturated groundwater flow model using the complex effective porosity concept [Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. Water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling. Advances in Water Resources 23 (1), 503-515; Nielsen, P., Perrochet, P., 2000. ERRATA: water table dynamics under capillary fringes: experiments and modelling (Advances in Water Resources 23 (2000) 503-515). Advances in Water Resources 23, 907-908]. The model is applied to sand flume observations of periodic water table fluctuations induced by simple harmonic forcing across a sloping boundary, analogous to many beach groundwater systems. While not providing information on the moisture distribution within the aquifer, this approach can reasonably predict the water table fluctuations in response to periodic forcing across a sloping boundary. Furthermore, he coupled ground-surface water model accurately predicts the extent of the seepage face formed at the sloping boundary. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The coupling of sandy beach aquifers with the swash zone in the vicinity of the water table exit point is investigated through simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous shoreline (swash front) location, pore pressures and the water table exit point. The field observations reveal new insights into swash-aquifer coupling not previously gleaned from measurements of pore pressure only. In particular, for the case where the exit point is seaward of the observation point, the pore pressure response is correlated with the distance between the exit point and the shoreline in that when the distance is large the rate of pressure drop is fast and when the distance is small the rate decreases. The observations expose limitations in a simple model describing exit point dynamics which is based only on the force balance on a particle of water at the sand surface and neglects subsurface pressures. A new modified form of the model is shown to significantly improve the model-data comparison through a parameterization of the effects of capillarity into the aquifer storage coefficient. The model enables sufficiently accurate predictions of the exit point to determine when the swash uprush propagates over a saturated or a partially saturated sand surface, potentially an important factor in the morphological evolution of the beach face. Observations of the shoreward propagation of the swash-induced pore pressure waves ahead of the runup limit shows that the magnitude of the pressure fluctuation decays exponentially and that there is a linear increase in time lags, behavior similar to that of tidally induced water table waves. The location of the exit point and the intermittency of wave runup events is also shown to be significant in terms of the shore-normal energy distribution. Seaward of the mean exit point location, peak energies are small because of the saturated sand surface within the seepage face acting as a "rigid lid'' and limiting pressure fluctuations. Landward of the mean exit point the peak energies grow before decreasing landward of the maximum shoreline position.


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Il presente lavoro tratta la stabilità del fronte di scavo, rinforzato con barre di consolidamento ed interessato da drenaggi in avanzamento, di gallerie sotto falda in rocce tenere o terreni. Tale studio è stato sviluppato dal progetto di Tesi attraverso l’analisi all’equilibrio limite che approssima il fronte di scavo con un rettangolo e considera un meccanismo di rottura composto da un cuneo, a tergo del fronte, caricato da un prisma. Il metodo descritto consente di tenere conto dell’effetto stabilizzante delle barre, mediante una distribuzione della pressione di supporto non uniforme. Nel caso di gallerie sotto falda, lo stesso metodo permette inoltre di considerare l’effetto destabilizzante dei gradienti idraulici. Sono state ricavate soluzioni analitiche per la valutazione della stabilità, ed implementate successivamente nel software di analisi numerica MATLAB. Dalle analisi condotte è emerso che il numero minimo di barre per garantire la stabilità del fronte di scavo è in molti casi elevato e risulta impossibile da porre in opera in terreni scarsamente coesivi o in gallerie sotto elevati battenti d’acqua. Per risolvere questa situazione si può prevedere l’inserimento di drenaggi in avanzamento, con lo scopo di diminuire i gradienti idraulici nei pressi del fronte della galleria. Il modello che descrive il nuovo andamento dei carichi idraulici, considerando la presenza di dreni, è stato realizzato con il software commerciale agli elementi finiti COMSOL. Una volta determinati gli andamenti dei carichi idraulici, sono stati condotti studi parametrici sull’effetto dei dreni combinato con gli elementi di rinforzo. Dopo tali analisi sono stati ricavati nomogrammi adimensionali che tengano conto della presenza contemporanea delle barre e dei dreni. Tali diagrammi costituiscono uno strumento utile e valido per la progettazione del rinforzo del fronte di scavo. Infine sono stati realizzati confronti fra casi di studio reali e risultati ottenuti dal modello.


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Between the 1970s and the 1990s the level and type of emotionality in the Commonwealth Employment Service (the Australian national employment service) altered. Within a context of changing economic conditions and concomitant work intensification, it is argued that untenable working conditions resulted in new recruits adopting a coping strategy that led to the use rather than the suppression of emotions. The use of emotions provided workers with job satisfaction and greater control over service interactions. Management subsequently commandeered the use of emotions to complement the introduction of private sector management techniques and service delivery reforms, regaining control over worker-client interactions.


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This paper presents a new method of eye localisation and face segmentation for use in a face recognition system. By using two near infrared light sources, we have shown that the face can be coarsely segmented, and the eyes can be accurately located, increasing the accuracy of the face localisation and improving the overall speed of the system. The system is able to locate both eyes within 25% of the eye-to-eye distance in over 96% of test cases.


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Hybrid face recognition, using image (2D) and structural (3D) information, has explored the fusion of Nearest Neighbour classifiers. This paper examines the effectiveness of feature modelling for each individual modality, 2D and 3D. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the fusion of feature modelling techniques for the 2D and 3D modalities yields performance improvements over the individual classifiers. By fusing the feature modelling classifiers for each modality with equal weights the average Equal Error Rate improves from 12.60% for the 2D classifier and 12.10% for the 3D classifier to 7.38% for the Hybrid 2D+3D clasiffier.


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While the subject of cyberbullying of children and adolescents has begun to be addressed, there has been less attention or research on cyberbullying in the workplace. Whilst male-dominated workplaces such as manufacturing settings have been found to have an increased risk of workplace bullying, the prevalence of cyberbullying in this sector is not known. This exploratory study investigated the prevalence and methods of face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying of males at work. One hundred and three surveys (a modified version of the NAQ-R1), were returned from randomly selected members of the Australian Manufacturing Worker’s Union (AMWU). The results showed that 34% of the respondents were bullied face-to-face, and 10.7% were cyberbullied. All victims of cyberbullying also experienced face-to-face bullying. The implications for organisations of their “duty of care” in regards to this new form of bullying are indicated.