923 resultados para Seeds mixture
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o uso de refúgio tradicional em áreas separadas com a tecnologia alternativa de refúgio pela mistura de sementes não transgênicas no saco (refuge in the bag - RIB) em diferentes proporções. Foram utilizados os híbridos comerciais transgênicos AG 7000YG e DKB 390YG com refúgios plantados com as respectivas cultivares convencionais. Avaliaram-se sete tratamentos: RIB com quatro proporções de mistura de sementes não transgênicas (2,5, 5,0, 7,5 e 10%) no saco; refúgio tradicional, com 10% da área plantada exclusivamente com cultivar não transgênica; e área totalmente cultivada com plantas transgênicas ou totalmente com plantas não transgênicas. O híbrido DKB 390YG foi o mais produtivo. Para este híbrido, não foram observadas diferenças de produtividade entre os tratamentos, com exceção do controle inteiramente convencional, que produziu menos. Com o híbrido AG 7000YG, a tecnologia RIB com proporções de 5,0 e 7,5% de sementes não transgênicas apresentou as maiores produtividades, significativamente superiores às do refúgio tradicional, que não diferiu do controle convencional. Nos tratamentos RIB, as diferenças nas intensidades de dano por Spodoptera frugiperda não se refletiram em diferenças na produtividade. O refúgio no saco é alternativa viável para substituir o método de refúgio utilizado atualmente.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A method for the multi-elemental determination of metals (Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Sr and Zn), metalloids (B and Si), and non-metals (Cl, P and 5) in the babassu nut and mesocarp, sapucaia nut, coconut pulp, cupuassu pulp and seed, and cashew nut by axially viewed inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry is presented. A diluted oxidant mixture (2 ml HNO(3) + 1 ml H(2)O(2) + 3 ml H(2)O) was used to achieve the complete decomposition of the organic matrix in a closed-vessel microwave oven. The accuracy of the entire proposed method was confirmed by standard reference material analysis (peach leaves-NIST SRM1547). The certified values showed a good agreement at a 95% confidence limit (Student`s t-test). The average RSD for repeatability of calibration solutions measurements were in the range of 1.1-6.7%. Limits of quantification (LOQ = 10 x LOD) were in the level of 0.00072-0.0532 mg/l. The macro and micronutrient ranges in the different nuts and seeds did not exceed the dietary reference intake (DRI), except for Mn in the babassu nut. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Patógenos em sementes de milho (Zea mays) causam sérios problemas, como a perda de sua capacidade germinativa. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar qual o melhor tempo para infecção das sementes de milho com Fusarium graminearum, para posterior avaliação dos danos causados pelo fungo na germinação e vigor das mesmas. As sementes foram colocadas sobre meio de BDA contendo o patógeno e incubadas por 4, 8, 16 e 32 h. Após os respectivos períodos de incubação, estas foram submetidas ao teste de sanidade (papel de filtro), com duas variações, sem e com assepsia superficial, usando hipoclorito de sódio a 1% de cloro ativo, por 3 min. Determinado o melhor tempo para infecção, outras sementes foram infetadas com o patógeno, para realização dos testes de germinação e vigor (envelhecimento acelerado e teste de frio) com uma mistura de sementes sadias (colocadas sobre o meio BDA) e sementes inoculadas, resultando em 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% de sementes infetadas com o fungo em estudo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o período de incubação de 32 h foi suficiente para se obter sementes infetadas. Com relação à germinação, não houve diferenças significativas entre os diferentes níveis de infecção, provavelmente devido ao alto vigor das sementes de milho testadas. Quanto aos testes de vigor, os níveis de infecção diferiram significativamente da testemunha, apesar de não terem diferido entre si.
(Nota sobre a germinação de sementes de Vochysia tucanorum tratadas com reguladores vegetais). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta germinativa sob luz branca e escuro de sementes de Vochysia tucanorum Mart. tratadas com GA3 e CEPA. Sementes recém-coletadas de uma área de Cerrado foram armazenadas durante 14 dias em duas temperaturas (25 ± 2 °C e 7 ± 1 °C). Após o período de armazenamento, as sementes foram pré-tratadas com água destilada (controle), ácido giberélico (GA3), ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico (CEPA) e uma mistura de GA3 + CEPA; em seguida, as sementes foram semeadas em placas de Petri sobre papel filtro umedecido com água destilada e colocadas para germinar em escuro e sob luz branca. Os resultados sugerem que as sementes não são fotoblásticas nem dormentes, no entanto um comportamento fotoblástico emerge quando as sementes foram previamente armazenadas em baixa temperatura e embebidas em soluções de GA3 e CEPA. em geral, não houve diferença entre as temperaturas de armazenamento de 7 °C e 25 °C. A germinação sob luz branca de sementes pré-tratadas com CEPA + GA3 e CEPA foi antecipada, em comparação com o controle de água destilada, sendo que o efeito da mistura CEPA + GA3 foi mais pronunciado do que o de CEPA sozinho. Assim, a taxa de germinação de sementes de V. tucanorum, sob luz branca, pode ser melhorada pela embebição das mesmas em soluções de CEPA ou de CEPA + GA3.
O tamanho reduzido das sementes de milheto dificulta sua semeadura uniforme, principalmente para os produtores que não possuem semeadoras apropriadas. Assim, a mistura das sementes com os fertilizantes fosfatados vem sendo utilizada para facilitar a semeadura. Entretanto, o período de contato pode provocar prejuízos na germinação e no vigor. Avaliou-se a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de milheto submetidas a diferentes períodos de contato (0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120h) com os fertilizantes superfosfato simples (SFS) e superfosfato triplo (SFT), em um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 8x2 (n=4). Os atributos químicos e físicos dos fertilizantes foram previamente determinados. Foi utilizada a proporção de 1 kg de sementes para 2,5 kg de fertilizante. Após manutenção da mistura em saco plástico no laboratório, as sementes foram separadas dos fertilizantes e submetidas à determinação de umidade, germinação, primeira contagem e condutividade elétrica. Paralelamente, na casa de vegetação, em caixas plásticas contendo terra, determinou-se a emergência e o índice de velocidade de emergência, sem e com a manutenção dos fertilizantes. Porque apresentam resíduos ácidos, tanto SFS como SFT afetaram de maneira semelhante e negativamente a germinação e o vigor das sementes de milheto em mistura, na medida em que se aumentou o período de contato.
This experiment was carried out at Plant Production Sector, Agronomical Science College-Botucatu, S.P., Brazil, in March, 2000. The aim of this assay was to determine the yield of essential oil of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Miller) in different stages of development. Essential oils were prepared by hydrodistillation from the seeds using of Clevenger apparatus. The water utilized for the extraction of essential oil was sufficient to cover 100 g of seeds and the mixture was distilled for three hours. The volume of essential oil in the graduated side -arm of Clevenger apparatus was observed. There were no significative difference statistic was observed (Tukey 5%) in percentage (v/m) of oil content, based on dry weight of green seeds compared with dry weight of mature seeds, when they were harvested in two different stages of development. There was significative difference statistic between data obtained of humidity content of green seeds when these were compared with mature seeds. These results shows that others specifics studies about adaptation of fennel in tropical conditions are necessary, because the obtained data were different of data described on literature.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to characterize lychee seeds regarding their centesimal composition, and also to evaluate their antioxidant potential and fatty acid profile. Design/methodology/approach: To obtain the extract, dehydrated and grinded seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 min, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant subjected to a rotoevaporator at 40
Petroleum and derivatives have been considered one of the main environmental contaminants. Among petroleum derivatives, the volatile organic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) represent a major concern due to their toxicity and easy accumulation in groundwater. Biodegradation methods seem to be suitable tools for the clean-up of BTEX contaminants from groundwater. Genotoxic and mutagenic potential of BTEX prior and after biodegradation process was evaluated through analyses of chromosomal aberrations and MN test in meristematic and F 1 root cells using the Allium cepa test system. Seeds of A. cepa were germinated into five concentrations of BTEX, non-biodegraded and biodegraded, in ultra-pure water (negative control), in MMS 4×10 -4M (positive control) and in culture medium used in the biodegradation (blank biodegradation control). Results showed a significant frequency of both chromosomal and nuclear aberrations. The micronucleus (MN) frequency in meristematic cells was significant for most of tested samples. However, MN was not present in significant levels in the F 1 cells, suggesting that there was no permanent damage for the meristematic cell. The BTEX effects were significantly reduced in the biodegraded samples when compared to the respective non-biodegraded concentrations. Therefore, in this study, the biodegradation process showed to be a reliable and effective alternative to treat BTEX-contaminated waters. Based on our results and available data, the BTEX toxicity could also be related to a synergistic effect of its compounds. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper aimed at evaluating fatty acids profile and the total alteration of lemon seeds extract added to soybean oil under thermoxidation, verifying the isolated and synergistic effect of these antioxidants. Therefore, Control treatments, LSE (2,400 mg/kg Lemon Seeds Extract), TBHQ (mg/kg), Mixture 1 (LSE + 50 mg/kg TBHQ) and Mixture 2 (LSE + 25 mg/kg TBHQ) were subjected to 180 C for 20 h. Samples were taken at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 h intervals and analyzed as for fatty acid profile and total polar compounds. Results were subjected to variance analyses and Tukey tests at a 5% significance level. An increase in the percentage of saturated fatty acids and mono-unsaturated, and decrease in polyunsaturated fatty acids was observed, regardless of the treatments studied. For total polar compounds, it was verified that Mixtures 1 and 2 presented values lower than 25% with 20 h of heating, not surpassing the limits established in many countries for disposal of oils and fats under high temperatures, thus proving the synergistic effect of antioxidants. © 2011 Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India).
In the seed production system, genetic purity is one of the fundamental requirements for its commercialization. The present work had the goal of determined the sample size for genetic purity evaluation, in order to protect the seed consumer and the producer and to evaluate the sensitivity of microsatellite technique for discriminating hybrids from their respective relatives and for detecting mixtures when they are present in small amounts in the samples. For the sequential sampling, hybrid seeds were marked and mixed in with the seed lots, simulating the following levels of contamination: 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0%. After this, groups of 40 seeds were taken in sequence, up to a maximum of 400 seeds, with the objective of determining the quantity of seeds necessary to detect the percentage of mixture mentioned above. The sensitivity of microsatellite technique was evaluated by mixing different proportions of DNA from the hybrids with their respective seed lines. For the level of mixture was higher than 1:8 (1P1:8P2; 8P1:1P2), the sensitivity of the marker in detecting different proportions of the mixture varied according to the primer used. In terms of the sequential sampling, it was verified that in order to detect mixture levels higher than 1% within the seed lot- with a risk level for both the producer and the consumer of 0.05- the size of the necessary sample was smaller than the size needed for the fixed sample size. This also made it possible to reduce costs, making it possible to use microsatellites to certify the genetic purity of corn seeds lots.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to assess the organic matter changes in quantity and quality, particularly of the humic fraction in the surface layer (0?20 cm), of a Typic Plinthustalf soil under different management of plant mixtures used as green manure for mango (Mangifera indica L.) crops. The plant mixtures, which were seeded between rows of mango trees, were formed by two groups of leguminous and non -leguminous plants. Prior to sowing, seeds were combined in different proportions and compositions constituting the following treatments: 100% non-leguminous species (NL); 100% leguminous species (L); 75% L and 25% NL; 50% L and 50% NL; 25% L and 75% NL; and 100% spontaneous vegetation, considered a control. The plant mixtures that grew between rows of mango trees caused changes in the chemical composition of the soil organic matter, especially for the treatments 50% L and 50% NL and 25% L and 75% NL, which increased the content of humic substances in the soil organic matter. However, the treatment 25% L and 75% NL was best at minimising loss of total organic carbon from the soil. The humic acids studied have mostly aliphatic characteristics, showing large amounts of carboxylic and nitrogen groups and indicating that most of the organic carbon was formed by humic substances, with fulvic acid dominating among the alkali soluble fractions.