969 resultados para Seed production


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Seed production and soil seed hanks of H. contortus were studied in a subset of treatments within an extensive grazing study conducted in H. contortus pasture in southern Queensland between 1990 and 1996. Seed production of H. contortus in autumn ranged from 260 to 1800 seeds/m2 with much of this variation due to differences in rainfall between years. Seed production was generally higher in the silver-leaved ironbark than in the narrow-leaved ironbark land class and was also influenced by a consistent stocking rate x pasture type interaction. Inflorescence density was the main factor contributing to the variable seed production and was related to the rainfall received during February. The number of seeds per inflorescence was unaffected by seasonal rainfall, landscape position, stocking rate or legume oversowing. Seed viability was related to the rainfall received during March. Soil seed banks in spring varied from 130 to 520 seeds/m2 between 1990 and 1995 with generally more seed present in the silver-leaved ironbark than in the narrow-leaved ironbark land class. There were poor relationships between viable seed production and the size of the soil seed bank, and between the size of the soil seed bank and seedling recruitment. This study indicates that H. contortus has the potential to produce relatively large amounts of seed and showed that the seasonal pattern of rainfall plays a major role in achieving this potential


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The aquatic herb Limnocharis flava, native to tropical America, is the target of an eradication program in Queensland but little is known about its reproductive biology. Their field and glasshouse studies showed that seedlings exhibited relatively high survival (64%) and that fruits containing over 1000 seeds could be produced on young plants within 46 days, at any time of the year. Mature fruits, follicles and seeds were also buoyant. The authors findings were incorporated into the eradication program and influenced the frequency of infestation monitoring.


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The pattern of growth and development of seed crops of stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis) was derived from measurements made on experimental and commercial crops in north Queensland. The three cultivars Cook, Endeavour, and Schofield differed appreciably only in the timetable of their development. Each had distinct successive phases of vegetative and reproductive development culminating in total annual seed production of 700-800 kg ha-1 from a healthy closed canopy, the main recorded cause of reduced production being the disease Botrytis sp. In a healthy crop of Cook, the peak quantity of standing seed represented almost 90 per cent of the total accountable seed, and the rise to and decline from this peak proceeded at rates of the order of 3-4 per cent per day. It is deduced that, although there appears to be little potential for either increase in overall production or improvement in synchronization or retention characteristics beyond that currently attained by a closed canopy of healthy plants, there is scope for an increase in the efficiency of recovery of standing seed. Maximum recovery will be achieved through attention to choice of time of harvest, presentation of a minimum amount of extraneous vegetation to the harvester, and improvement in harvester separation.


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The consequences of defoliation on seed production of stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis) were examined in field experiments at Walkamin in north Queensland. The practical aim of defoliation is to present a level uncompacted crop canopy to the harvester without a reduction in the quantity of seed carried at harvest ripeness. It was concluded that the latest date at which defoliation is reasonably certain to achieve its objectives is about four weeks before first flower initiation. In north Queensland, this means late February for cvv. Cook and Endeavour and early April for cv. Schofield. The results suggest that development of the population of individual shoots must be synchronized to produce the highest peaks of standing seed; that this is best achieved by ensuring that a closed crop canopy with a ceiling shoot population exists at the time of first flower initiation; and that poorly synchronized shoot development is a consequence of defoliating too late and a cause of reduced seed production.


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Strips within commercial crops of Stylosanthes guyanensis in the Mareeba district of north Queensland were sprayed with diquat 4, 6 and 10 days before harvest and compared with unsprayed strips. Pre-harvest desiccation made combine harvesting easier, but did not increase harvest yield. Where seed formation and maturation was still possible, desiccation prevented this without substantially increasing the loss of seed to the ground; increased harvest efficiency was thus offset by a diminished quantity of standing seed. However, where there was little or no further potential for seed development, diquat had virtually no effect on the quantity of standing seed or harvest efficiency. It was concluded that the results warranted neither recommendation nor further evaluation of preharvest desiccation of S. guyanensis seed crops.


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Stylosanthes humilis swards grown at Brisbane in irrigated boxes were defoliated (about 60 per cent removal of tops) at floral initiation, first flower appearance, or advanced flowering stages ; seed yield was 45, 16, and 14 per cent respectively of seed yield in undefoliated swards. Decreased yields were primarily due to poor seed set of florets, were also associated with reduced inflorescence density and floret number per inflorescence, and occurred despite increases (in some defoliation treatments) in seed size, leaf growth rate, and differentiation of leaves and branches. Total seasonal plant growth was independent of defoliation treatment.


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The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was begun during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program include desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communication and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy-coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 79 pages.)


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In northeast Thailand, fish seed production by private hatcheries is being encouranged by the Department of Fisheries. Dissemination of technical knowledge to hatcheries has considerably improved fish seed availability over the last decade, which has stimulated the adoption of fish culture.


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A simple and low-cost breeding technology for breeding the striped murrel, Channa striatus in hapas in ponds was developed in India.


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In tropical countries like India, climatic conditions vary in different parts, as a result the breeding of fast growing species such as Catla and silver carps poses considerable problems due to erratic or late monsoon or prolonged dry spell. Hence it is not possible to meet the fish seed requirement of the country. Therefore: to meet the future requirement and to over-come the environmental conditions a Modern carp Hatchery CIFE D-81 was designed. The system provides optimum temperature, silt free clean, cool, highly oxygenated water, low current and continuous removal of metabolites. It has been successfully demonstrated at Rawatbhata (Rajasthan), Badkhal (Haryana), Badbhada (M.P), Guntur and East Godavari District (A.P). Recently a Modern Carp Hatchery was installed in a semi-arid zone, Damdama (Haryana), during 1984, where it has produced record 1.88 crores of fish seed and worked successfully.


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The introduction of the controlled hatchery system "Model CIFE D-81" resulted in a production of 60 lakhs Indian major carp seed in the drought area of eastern Uttar Pradesh. The hatchery system provided optimum temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH for breeding and hatching and also removed the metabolites generated. The technology is simple and the success of the program attracts pisciculturists.


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The fish seed production in recent times has emerged as a cottage industry, with the development of controlled hatchery system. Two units of six buckets of vertical hatchery system i.e. Modern Carp Hatchery CIFE D-81 were installed in a private fish farm. 130.25 lakh spawn of Indian Major Carp (Cyprinidae) was produced during the 1988 season, with an average survival rate of 70%. The results support the viability of technology especially for the economically weaker section.


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Ethylestrenol (17β Hydroxy-17alpha-ethyl-estr-4-en-3-one) and Stanozolal (17β-Hydroxy-17alpha-methyl 1-5 alpha-androstano-(3,2-C)-pyrazole), both synthetic androgenic steroids, were fed via diet at 3ppm to the fry of catla, rohu and silver carp which were reared up to fingerling stage over a period of 167-172 days in earthen ponds. Ethylestrenol enhanced growth in silver carp and rohu but retarded growth in catla. Stanozolal depressed growth in all the 3 species. Length-weight relationship for these fry had been worked out and the relative condition factor in all the cases was very close to or slightly above 1.0.


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Two synthetic androgenic steroids, Ethylestrenol (17 β - Hydroxy - 17 α ethyl - estr - 4 - en - 3 - one) and Stanozolal (17 β - Hydroxy- 17 α - methyl - 5 a - androstano - 3, 2 - C - pyrazole) were fed via diet at 3 ppm to the spawn of Rohu and Mrigal which were reared up to fry stage over a period of 15 days in earthen carp nurseries. Both hormones enhanced growth of spawn. A maximum of 25.78% increase in length and 25.69% increase in weight as compared to the controls has been recorded. Growth rate was recorded to be 0.8 mm & 2.48 mg/day (control), and 1.13 mm & 2.67 mg/day (Stanozolol treated) in case of Mrigal spawn; and 0.91 mm & 2.39 mg/day (control), 1.12 mm & 2.90 mg/day (Ethylestrenol treated), and 1.10 mm & 2.57 mg/day (Stanozolol treated) in case of Rohu spawn. A decrease in the values of Relative Condition Factor upon hormone administration was also noticed.