999 resultados para Seebeck effect
In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn
Der Spin Seebeck Effekt repräsentiert einen neuartigen Spin kalorischen Effekt mit vorteilhaften und aussichtsreichen Eigenschaften für Anwendungen in den Gebieten der Spintronik und Thermoelektrik.rnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung des Spin Seebeck Effekts in isolierenden, magnetischen Granaten und geben Antworten zum kontrovers diskutierten Ursprung des Effekts. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die Abhängigkeit des Spin Seebeck Effekts von der Dicke des Ferromagneten, der Temperatur, der Stärke des magnetisches Feldes, der Grenzflächen und des Detektormaterials, sowie Kombinationen dieser Parameter gemessen. Im Zuge dessen haben wir das Wachstum der untersuchten magnetischen Granate optimiert und eine umfassende Analyse der strukturellen und magnetischen Parameter durchgeführt, um Einflüsse der Probenqualität auszuschließen. Des Weiteren zeigte eine Untersuchung des magnetoresistiven Effekts, welcher als mögliche Ursache des Effekts galt, in Kombination mit einer Studie des Messaufbaus, dass parasitäre Einflüsse auf das Messergebnis ausgeschlossen werden können. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Spin Seebeck Effekt mit zunehmender Dicke des Ferromagneten eine Sättigung des Signals aufweist. Diese hängt zudem von der Temperatur ab, da mit abnehmender Temperatur die Sättigung erst bei dickeren Filmen auftritt. Außerdem fanden unsere Messungen ein Maximum des Spin Seebeck Effekts für Temperaturen unterhalb der Raumtemperatur, welcher sowohl von der Dicke des Materials als auch der Magnetfeldstärke und dem Detektormaterial beeinflusst wird. In Messungen bei hohen magnetischen Feldstärken beobachteten wir eine Unterdrückung des Messsignals, dessen Ursache mithilfe von Simulationen auf den magnonischen Ursprung des Spin Seebeck Effekts zurückgeführt werden kann. Dies unterstreicht, dass der Effekt auf vom Ferromagneten emittierten Magnonen basiert. Im letzten Abschnitt dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Messungen in einem bislang nicht untersuchten ferrimagnetischen Material, welche zwei Vorzeichenwechsel des Spin Seebeck Effekts als Funktion der Temperatur aufzeigen. Dieses bisher unbekannte Signalverhalten betont, dass der Effekt aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel der magnonischen Moden resultiert und zusätzlich vom Detektormaterial abhängt.rnSomit tragen unsere Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen im hohen Maße zur Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Ursprungs des Spin Seebeck Effekts bei und zeigen neuartige bisher nicht beobachtete Effekte, welche ein neues Kapitel für das Gebiet der Spin Kaloritronik eröffnen.
The structural, optical, and gas-sensing properties of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Gas response of the undoped and doped films to N02 (oxidizing) gas shows an increase and decrease in resistance, respectively, indicating p-type conduction in doped samples. The UV-Vis spectra of the films show decrease in the bandgap with increasing Cu concentration in ZnO. The observed p-type conductivity is attributed to the holes generated by incorporated Cu atoms on Zn sites in ZnO thin films. The X-ray diffraction spectra showed that samples are polycrystalline with the hexagonal wurtzite structure and increasing the concentration of Cu caused a decrease in the intensity of the dominant (002) peak. The surface morphology of films was studied by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of Cu was also confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Seebeck effect measurements were utilized to confirm the p-type conduction of Cu doped ZnO thin films. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.
Measurable electrical signal is generated when a gas flows over a variety of solids, including doped semiconductors, even at the modest speed of a few meters per second. The underlying mechanism is an interesting interplay of Bernoulli's principle and the Seebeck effect. The electrical signal depends on the square of Mach number (M) and is proportional to the Seebeck coefficient (S) of the solids. Here we present experimental estimate of the response time of the signal rise and fall process, i.e. how fast the semiconductor materials respond to a steady flow as soon as it is set on or off. A theoretical model is also presented to understand the process and the dependence of the response time on the nature and physical dimensions of the semiconductor material used and they are compared with the experimental observations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The thermoelectric energy conversion can be performed directly on generators without moving parts, using the principle of SEEBECK effect, obtained in junctions of drivers' thermocouples and most recently in semiconductor junctions type p-n which have increased efficiency of conversion. When termogenerators are exposed to the temperature difference (thermal gradient) eletromotriz a force is generated inducing the appearance of an electric current in the circuit. Thus, it is possible to convert the heat of combustion of a gas through a burner in power, being a thermoelectric generator. The development of infrared burners, using porous ceramic plate, is possible to improve the efficiency of heating, and reduce harmful emissions such as CO, CO2, NOx, etc.. In recent years the meliorate of thermoelectric modules semiconductor (TEG's) has stimulated the development of devices generating and recovery of thermal irreversibility of thermal machines and processes, improving energy efficiency and exergy these systems, especially processes that enable the cogeneration of energy. This work is based on the construction and evaluation of a prototype in a pilot scale, for energy generation to specific applications. The unit uses a fuel gas (LPG) as a primary energy source. The prototype consists of a porous plate burner infrared, an adapter to the module generator, a set of semiconductor modules purchased from Hi-Z Inc. and a heat exchanger to be used as cold source. The prototype was mounted on a test bench, using a system of acquisition of temperature, a system of application of load and instrumentation to assess its functioning and performance. The prototype had an efficiency of chemical conversion of 0.31% for electrical and heat recovery for cogeneration of about 33.2%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 33.51%. The efficiency of energy exergy next shows that the use of primary energy to useful fuel was satisfactory, although the proposed mechanism has also has a low performance due to underuse of the area heated by the small number of modules, as well as a thermal gradient below the ideal informed by the manufacturer, and other factors. The test methodology adopted proved to be suitable for evaluating the prototype
An indirect method for the georeferencing of 3D point clouds obtained with terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data using control lines is presented. This technique could be used for rapid data acquisition where resources do not permit the use of expensive navigation sensors or the placement of pre-signalised targets. The most important characteristic is the development of a mathematical model based on the principle that the direction vector of the TLS straight line is coplanar with the plane defined by the origin of the TLS system, one endpoint of a control line and the direction vector of the control line in the ground reference coordinate system. The transformation parameters are estimated by minimising the distance between the control lines and their corresponding TLS straight lines. The proposed method was tested using both simulated and real data, and the advantages of this new approach are compared with conventional surveying methods. © 2013 This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.
In un quadro internazionale di forte interesse verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e sfide energetiche per il futuro, il DIEM, in collaborazione con altri istituti di ricerca ed imprese private, sta progettando l’integrazione di componentistica avanzata su di una caldaia alimentata a biomasse. Lo scopo finale è quello di realizzare una caldaia a biomasse che produca energia in maniera più efficiente e con un impatto ambientale ridotto. L’applicazione è indirizzata inizialmente verso caldaie di piccola-media taglia (fino a 350 kW termici) vista la larga diffusione di questa tipologia di impianto. La componentistica in oggetto è: - filtro sperimentale ad alta efficienza per la rimozione del particolato; - celle a effetto Seebeck per la produzione di energia elettrica direttamente da energia termica senza parti meccaniche in movimento; - pompa Ogden per la produzione di energia meccanica direttamente da energia termica; La finalità dell’attività di ricerca è la progettazione dell’integrazione dei suddetti dispositivi con una caldaia a biomassa da 290 kW termici per la realizzazione di un prototipo di caldaia stand-alone ad impatto ambientale ridotto: in particolare, la caldaia è in grado, una volta raggiunte le condizioni di regime, di autoalimentare le proprie utenze elettriche, garantendo il funzionamento in sicurezza in caso di black-out o consentendo l’installazione della caldaia medesima in zone remote e prive di allaccio alla rete elettrica. Inoltre, la caldaia può fornire, tramite l'utilizzo di una pompa a vapore o pompa Ogden, energia meccanica per il pompaggio di fluidi: tale opportunità si ritiene particolarmente interessante per l'integrazione della caldaia nel caso di installazione in ambito agricolo. Infine, l'abbinamento di un filtro ad alta efficienza e basso costo consente l'abbattimento delle emissioni inquinanti, favorendo una maggiore diffusione della tecnologia senza ulteriori impatti sull'ambiente.
First-principles electronic structure methods are used to predict the mobility of n-type carrier scattering in strained SiGe. We consider the effects of strain on the electron-phonon deformation potentials and the alloy scattering parameters. We calculate the electron-phonon matrix elements and fit them up to second order in strain. We find, as expected, that the main effect of strain on mobility comes from the breaking of the degeneracy of the six Δ and L valleys, and the choice of transport direction. The non-linear effects on the electron-phonon coupling of the Δ valley due to shear strain are found to reduce the mobility of Si-like SiGe by 50% per % strain. We find increases in mobility between 2 and 11 times that of unstrained SiGe for certain fixed Ge compositions, which should enhance the thermoelectric figure of merit in the same order, and could be important for piezoresistive applications.
International audience
The thermoelectric energy conversion can be performed directly on generators without moving parts, using the principle of SEEBECK effect, obtained in junctions of drivers' thermocouples and most recently in semiconductor junctions type p-n which have increased efficiency of conversion. When termogenerators are exposed to the temperature difference (thermal gradient) eletromotriz a force is generated inducing the appearance of an electric current in the circuit. Thus, it is possible to convert the heat of combustion of a gas through a burner in power, being a thermoelectric generator. The development of infrared burners, using porous ceramic plate, is possible to improve the efficiency of heating, and reduce harmful emissions such as CO, CO2, NOx, etc.. In recent years the meliorate of thermoelectric modules semiconductor (TEG's) has stimulated the development of devices generating and recovery of thermal irreversibility of thermal machines and processes, improving energy efficiency and exergy these systems, especially processes that enable the cogeneration of energy. This work is based on the construction and evaluation of a prototype in a pilot scale, for energy generation to specific applications. The unit uses a fuel gas (LPG) as a primary energy source. The prototype consists of a porous plate burner infrared, an adapter to the module generator, a set of semiconductor modules purchased from Hi-Z Inc. and a heat exchanger to be used as cold source. The prototype was mounted on a test bench, using a system of acquisition of temperature, a system of application of load and instrumentation to assess its functioning and performance. The prototype had an efficiency of chemical conversion of 0.31% for electrical and heat recovery for cogeneration of about 33.2%, resulting in an overall efficiency of 33.51%. The efficiency of energy exergy next shows that the use of primary energy to useful fuel was satisfactory, although the proposed mechanism has also has a low performance due to underuse of the area heated by the small number of modules, as well as a thermal gradient below the ideal informed by the manufacturer, and other factors. The test methodology adopted proved to be suitable for evaluating the prototype
We present a simplified and quantitative analysis of the Seebeck coefficient in degenerate bulk and quantum well materials whose conduction band electrons obey Kane's non-parabolic energy dispersion relation. We use k.p formalism to include the effect of the overlap function due to the band non-parabolicity in the Seebeck coefficient. We also address the key issues and the conditions in which the Seebeck coefficient in quantum wells should exhibit oscillatory dependency with the film thickness under the acoustic phonon and ionized impurity scattering. The effect of screening length in degenerate bulk and quantum wells has also been generalized for the determination of ionization scattering. The well-known expressions of the Seebeck coefficient in non-degenerate wide band gap materials for both bulk and quantum wells has been obtained as a special case and this provides an indirect proof of our generalized theoretical analysis.
Ingots with compositions CrSi2-x (with 0 < x < 0.1) were synthesized by vacuum arc melting followed by uniaxial hot pressing for densification. This paper reports the temperature and composition dependence of the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity of CrSi2-x samples in the temperature range of 300 K to 800 K. The silicon-deficient samples exhibited substantial reductions in resistivity and Seebeck coefficient over the measured temperature range due to the formation of metallic secondary CrSi phase embedded in the CrSi2 matrix phase. The thermal conductivity was seen to exhibit a U-shaped curve with respect to x, exhibiting a minimum value at the composition of x = 0.04. However, the limit of the homogeneity range of CrSi2 suppresses any further decrease of the lattice thermal conductivity. As a consequence, the maximum figure of merit of ZT = 0.1 is obtained at 650 K for CrSi1.98.
Quinary chalcogenide compounds Cu2.1Zn0.9Sn1-xInxSe4 (0 <= x <= 0.1) were prepared by melting (1170K) followed by annealing (773 K) for 172 h. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data accompanied by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and Raman spectra of all the samples confirmed the formation of a tetragonal kesterite structure with Cu2FeSnS4-type. The thermoelectric properties of all the samples were measured as a function of temperature in the range of 300-780K. The electrical resistivity of all the samples exhibits metallic-like behavior. The positive values of the Seebeck coefficient and the Hall coefficient reveal that holes are the majority charge carriers. The codoping of copper and indium leads to a significant increase of the electrical resistivity and the Seebeck coefficient as a function of temperature above 650 K. The thermal conductivity of all the samples decreases with increasing temperature. Lattice thermal conductivity is not significantly modified as the doping content may infer negligible mass fluctuation scattering for copper/zinc and indium/tin substitution. Even though, the power factors (S-2/rho) of indium-doped samples Cu2.1Zn0.9Sn1-xInxSe4 (x = 0.05, 0.075) are almost the same, the maximum zT = 0.45 at 773K was obtained for Cu2.1Zn0.9Sn0.925In0.075Se4 due to its smaller value of thermal conductivity. (C) 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Recently, research in copper based quaternary chalcogenide materials has focused on the study of thermoelectric properties due to the complexity in the crystal structure. In the present work, stoichiometric quaternary chalcogenide compounds Cu2+xCd1-x,GeSe4 (x = 0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125) were prepared by solid state synthesis. The powder X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples showed a tetragonal crystal structure with the space group I-42m of the main phase, whereas the samples with x = 0 and x = 0.025 revealed the presence of an orthorhombic phase in addition to the main phase as confirmed by Rietveld analysis. The elemental composition of all the samples characterized by Electron Probe Micro Analyzer showed a slight deviation from the nominal composition. The transport properties were measured in the temperature range of 300 K-723 K. The electrical conductivity of all the samples increased with increasing Cu content due to the enhancement of the hole concentration caused by the substitution of Cd (divalent) by Cu (monovalent). The positive Seebeck coefficient of all the samples in the entire temperature ranges indicates that holes are the majority carriers. The Seebeck coefficient of all the samples decreased with increasing Cu content and showed a reverse trend to the electrical conductivity. The total thermal conductivity of all the samples decreased with increasing temperature which was dominated by the lattice contribution. The maximum figure of merit ZT = 0.42 at 723 K was obtained for the compound Cu2.1Cd0.9GeSe4. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seebeck nanoantennas, which are based on the thermoelectric effect, have been proposed for electromagnetic energy harvesting and infrared detection. The responsivity and frequency dependence of three types of Seebeck nanoantennas is obtained by electromagnetic simulation for different materials. Results show that the square spiral antenna has the widest bandwidth and the highest induced current of the three analyzed geometries. However, the geometry that presented the highest temperature gradient was the bowtie antenna, which favors the thermoelectric effect in a Seebeck nanoantenna. The results also show that these types of devices can present a voltage responsivity as high as 36 μV/W36 μV/W for titanium–nickel dipoles resonant at far-infrared wavelengths.