43 resultados para Sedentarism
OBJECTIVE: Body mass index does not discriminate body fat from fat-free mass or determine changes in these parameters with physical activity and aging. Body fat mass index (BFMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) permit comparisons of subjects with different heights. This study evaluated differences in body mass index, BFMI, and FFMI in physically active and sedentary subjects younger and older than 60 y and determined the association between physical activity, age, and body composition parameters in a healthy white population between ages 18 and 98 y. METHODS: Body fat and fat-free mass were determined in healthy white men (n = 3549) and women (n = 3184), between ages 18 and 98 y, by bioelectrical impedance analysis. BFMI and FFMI (kg/m2) were calculated. Physical activity was defined as at least 3 h/wk of endurance-type activity for at least 2 mo. RESULTS: Physically active as opposed to sedentary subjects were more likely to have a low BFMI (men: odds ratio [OR], 1.4; confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.5; women: OR 1.9, CI 1.6-2.2) and less likely to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 0.2; CI, 0.1-0.2; women: OR, 0.1; CI, 0.02-0.2), low FFMI (men: OR, 0.5; CI, 0.3-0.9; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.6-0.9), or very high FFMI (men: OR, 0.6; CI, 0.4-0.8; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.5-1.0). Compared with subjects younger than 60 y, those older than 60 y were more like to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 6.5; CI, 4.5-9.3; women: OR, 14.0; CI, 9.6-20.5), and women 60 y and older were less likely to have a low BFMI (OR, 0.4; CI, 0.2-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: A clear association was found between low physical activity or age and height-normalized body composition parameters (BFMI and FFMI) derived from bioelectrical impedance analysis. Physically active subjects were more likely to have high or very high or low FFMI. Older subjects had higher body weights and BFMI.
The aim of this study was to analyze the quality of life of faculty and staff of the Presbítero Benjamín Núñez Campus of Universidad Nacional (UNA, Costa Rica) as well as to assess the influence of two factors, sense of coherence and physical exercise, in the quality of life of the subjects. A group of 37 faculty members and 30 staff members participated in the study. The SF-36 Questionnaire, the Sense of Coherence Scale, and a survey to measure physical exercise habits were used. In general, results showed a relatively good quality of life and similar scores were found in the Sense of Coherence Scale. Additionally, significant connections were found between certain factors related to sense of coherence and quality of life. Data confirmed that persons who practice physical exercise have a better quality of life than those who are not physically active. It was concluded that, although quality of life and sense of coherence were relatively good, new proposals must be designed and implemented to improve both aspects. In this sense, physical exercise proved to be one of the pillars in the development of innovative proposals aimed at bettering health in university employees, all of this within the “Healthy Universities” concept.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
OBJETIVO: Investigar fatores sociodemográficos, de risco ou de proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) que se associem ao aumento do índice de massa corporal (IMC) após os 20 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 769 mulheres e 572 homens do Sistema Municipal de Monitoramento de Fatores de Risco para DCNT, 2005, Florianópolis, SC. O aumento do IMC foi definido em percentagem, pela diferença entre o IMC em 2005 e aos 20 anos. RESULTADOS: Desde os 20 anos, o aumento do IMC foi superior a 10% para a maioria dos indivíduos. Nas análises múltiplas, o aumento do IMC foi associado a aumento da idade, baixo nível educacional (mulheres), ser casado (homens), não trabalhar, baixo nível de percepção de saúde, pressão alta, colesterol/triglicerídeos elevados (homens), realização de dieta, sedentarismo e ex-tabagismo (mulheres). CONCLUSÕES: Estratégias de saúde para prevenir o ganho de peso em nível populacional devem considerar principalmente os fatores sociodemográficos.
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de osteoporose auto-referida (com diagnóstico médico prévio) e de fatores de risco e proteção associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal baseado em dados do sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL). Foram entrevistados 54.369 indivíduos com idade >18 anos residentes em domicílios servidos por pelo menos uma linha telefônica fixa nas capitais brasileiras e Distrito Federal em 2006. Estimativas de osteoporose segundo fatores socioeconômicos, comportamentais e índice de massa corporal foram estratificadas por sexo. Foram calculados riscos de ocorrência de osteoporose para cada variável individualmente, e em modelo multivariado, considerando-se odds ratio como proxy da razão de prevalência. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de osteoporose referida foi de 4,4%, predominantemente entre mulheres (7,0%), com idade >45 anos, estado civil não solteiro e ex-fumante. Entre homens, ter mais de 65 anos, ser casado ou viúvo e sedentário associaram-se positivamente ao desfecho. CONCLUSÕES: Dentre os fatores associados à osteoporose, destacam-se aspectos modificáveis relacionados com a prevenção da doença, como a atividade física e tabagismo.
OBJETIVO: Analisar prevalências de inatividade física e fatores associados, e exercícios e esportes praticados segundo escolaridade em 2.050 adultos de 18 a 59 anos de idade - Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de base populacional com amostra estratificada e em múltiplos estágios. A inatividade física global foi aferida pelo International Physical Activity questionary - IPAQ short version, e por questão sobre prática regular de atividade física no lazer. A análise dos dados levou em conta o desenho amostral. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de inatividade física no lazer foi maior entre as mulheres. Já a inatividade física pelo IPAQ foi maior entre os homens. Modelos de regressão múltipla de Poisson indicaram, nos homens, menor inatividade física pelo IPAQ nos solteiros e separados, estudantes e aqueles que não possuíam carro. A inatividade física no lazer foi maior nos homens acima de 40 anos e com menor escolaridade ou apenas estudantes. A inatividade física pelo IPAQ, nas mulheres, foi mais prevalente entre as com maior escolaridade, ocupações menos qualificadas e viúvas; a inatividade física no lazer diminuiu com o aumento da idade e da escolaridade. Entre as modalidades praticadas no lazer, a caminhada foi a mais prevalente nas mulheres e o futebol nos homens. A maioria das modalidades foi diretamente associada à escolaridade; aproximadamente 25% dos indivíduos com mais de 12 anos de estudo praticava caminhada. CONCLUSÕES: Estes resultados sugerem que intervenções e políticas públicas de promoção da atividade física devem considerar diferenças socioeconômicas, de gênero, bem como as modalidades e o contexto em que a atividade física é praticadA
As evidências sugerem que a deficiência androgênica na mulher exibe como principal manifestação clínica a disfunção sexual, especialmente a queda da libido. Entretanto, outros fatores podem também estar implicados na gênese da disfunção sexual, como o relacionamento interpessoal, os estressores sociais, o sedentarismo e o próprio fator masculino. A prevalência da disfunção sexual feminina oscila entre 9 por cento e 43 por cento e recentemente muitos estudos têm mostrado que a reposição com androgênios não só melhora o desempenho sexual, mas também os distúrbios do humor e sintomas vasomotores. Por isso, o profissional de saúde deve sempre incluir no diagnóstico diferencial da disfunção sexual a Síndrome de Deficiência Androgênica, mesmo em mulheres com concentrações séricas normais de estrogênios. O presente artigo tem como objetivo revisar os aspectos práticos da Síndrome de Deficiência Androgênica, enfocando especialmente o diagnóstico e tratamento. Para tanto, nos valemos da análise de 105 artigos publicados em revistas indexadas no PUBMED nos últimos 51 anos (até maio de 2010), incluindo consensos e opiniões de especialistas. Como conclusão, a Síndrome de Deficiência Androgênica na mulher é negligenciada, existindo ainda muitas controvérsias quanto ao seu diagnóstico e terapêutica, especialmente no tocante à escolha do androgênio, a via de administração e o tempo de duração de uso
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of traditional risk factors in patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) in comparison to those with systemic lupus erythematosus-secondary APS. Methods: Transversal study of 96 APS patients (Sapporo`s criteria). Demographic and clinical data, cardiovascular risk factors and drug use were investigated. Results: Thirty-nine Primary APS and 57 secondary APS were included. The groups did not differ regarding age (38.5 +/- 9.9 vs. 39.4 +/- 10.5 years, p=0.84) and female gender (84.6 vs. 96.5%, p=0.06), respectively. Arterial events were more observed in primary than secondary APS (59 vs. 36.8%, p=0.04) patients. No difference was seen concerning venous and obstetric events. In regard to traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, both groups were comparable related to current or previous smoking, sedentarism, family history for coronary disease, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, overweight and obesity. The frequencies of altered lipid profiles were alike in the two groups, except for a higher prevalence of low HDL-c levels in primary APS group (84.6 vs. 45.5%, p=0.0001). Concerning drug use, no significant differences were observed related to chloroquine and statin use, however the secondary APS patients had a higher rate of prednisone use (10.2 vs. 57.9%, p<0.001) as well as mean dose of corticosteroid (1.5 +/- 5.7 vs. 9.2 +/- 12.5mg/ /day, p=0.0001). Conclusion: Traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease are present and comparable between patients with primary and secondary APS, except for a high frequency of low HDL-c in primary APS patients.
Because of the scarcity of information about the comparison of training to sedentarism beforehand immobilization and rehabilitation through muscle mechanical properties, the present work investigates this theme. Seventy rats were divided into 7 groups: 1-control (C); 2-trained (T); 3-sedentary (S); 4-trained and immobilized (TI); 5-sedentary and immobilized (SI); 6-trained, immobilized and rehabilitated (TIR); 7-sedentary, immobilized and rehabilitated (SIR). Interventions: Swimming training; Sedentarism (reduced size cages); Cast immobilization (pelvic limb) and water rehabilitation. Load at the limit of proportionality (LLP), maximum limit load (MLL) and stiffness (St) were the mechanical properties determined after a mechanical test of traction of the gastrocnemius. The training improved all mechanical properties when compared to sedentarism. After immobilization, LLP and MLL were reduced in TI and SI. However, there was no difference in St between C and TI. Additionally, TI showed improved MLL when compared to SI. The comparison of TI and TIR showed significant melioration in all properties after remobilization. SIR showed an improvement only in MLL when compared to SI. Significant melioration in LLP and St was observed in TIR compared to SIR. We demonstrated that the training before immobilization and rehabilitation had a positive effect on the muscle mechanical behavior compared to sedentarism. This analysis is of fundamental importance because it helps characterize the muscle tissue under different functional demands.
Background:Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Knowledge about cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) in young adults and their modification over time are measures that change the risks and prevent CVDs.Objectives:To determine the presence of CVRFs and their changes in different health care professionals over a period of 20 years.Methods:All students of medicine, nursing, nutrition, odontology, and pharmacy departments of Federal University of Goiás who agreed to participate in this study were evaluated when they started their degree courses and 20 years afterward. Questionnaires on CVRFs [systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and family history of early CVD, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sedentarism] were administered. Cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, height, and body mass index were determined. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate distribution, the chi-square test was used to compare different courses and sexes, and the McNemar test was used for comparing CVRFs. The significance level was set at a p value of < 0.05.Results:The first stage of the study included 281 individuals (91% of all the students), of which 62.9% were women; the mean age was 19.7 years. In the second stage, 215 subjects were reassessed (76% of the initial sample), of which 59.07% were women; the mean age was 39.8 years. The sample mostly consisted of medical students (with a predominance of men), followed by nursing, nutrition, and pharmacy students, with a predominance of women (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain, SAH, and dyslipidemia were observed among physicians and dentists (p < 0.05). Excessive weight gain and SAH and a reduction in sedentarism (p < 0.05) were observed among pharmacists. Among nurses there was an increase in excessive weight and alcohol consumption (p < 0.05). Finally, nutritionists showed an increase in dyslipidemia (p < 0.05).Conclusion:In general, there was an unfavorable progression of CVRFs in the population under study, despite it having adequate specialized knowledge about these risk factors.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease which may cause obstructions of the coronary, cerebral and peripheral arteries. It is typically multifactorial, most often dependent on risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, sedentarism, and obesity. It is the single main cause of death in most developed countries due to myocardial infarction, angina, sudden death, and heart failure. Several epidemiological studies suggest that moderate alcohol intake, especially red wine, decrease cardiac mortality due to atherosclerosis. The alcohol effect is described by a J curve, suggesting that moderate drinkers may benefit while abstainers and heavy drinkers are at higher risk. Experimental studies indicate that most beneficial effects of drinking are attributable to flavonoids that are present in red wine, purple grape juice and several fruits and vegetables. The mechanisms include antiplatelet actions, increases in high-density lipoprotein, antioxidation, reduced endothelin-1 production, and increased endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression which causes augmented nitric oxide production by endothelial cells. These findings lead to the concept that moderate red wine drinking, in the absence of contraindications, may be beneficial to patients who are at risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular events. Moreover, a diet based on fruits and vegetables containing flavonoids may be even more beneficial.
Actualmente se reconoce la actividad física (AF) como estrategia para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, en virtud del problema de salud pública que representa el sedentarismo en el ámbito mundial y que se acentúa en el colectivo de personas en situación de discapacidad. Este proyecto se articula desde referentes teóricos relacionados con la AF, la discapacidad y los imaginarios sociales. Tiene como objetivo avanzar en la comprensión de los imaginarios que tienen las personas con discapacidad en torno a la AF, como un elemento fundamental en el diseño de políticas y programas para su fomento y efectiva articulación en la vida cotidiana de estos sujetos. Se parte de un diseño metodológico fenomenológico que permite recontrastar las categorías teóricas analíticas con las obtenidas del grupo objetivo. Se realiza la recolección de datos hasta obtener saturación de la información, mediante la técnica de entrevista individual semiestructurada a personas con discapacidad pertenecientes a diversos grupos en Bogotá. Los resultados de la primera fase permiten identificar como principales categorías, la manera como se entiende la AF (formal y no formal asociada a una visión anatómica del cuerpo), su finalidad (rehabilitación, bienestar y socialización) y las limitaciones para su práctica (accesibilidad, falta de apoyo estatal y exclusión social). Se concluye que las categorías identificadas en el marco teórico, coinciden con las emergentes de los datos obtenidos.