997 resultados para Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


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Gradual authentication is a principle proposed by Meadows as a way to tackle denial-of-service attacks on network protocols by gradually increasing the confidence in clients before the server commits resources. In this paper, we propose an efficient method that allows a defending server to authenticate its clients gradually with the help of some fast-to-verify measures. Our method integrates hash-based client puzzles along with a special class of digital signatures supporting fast verification. Our hash-based client puzzle provides finer granularity of difficulty and is proven secure in the puzzle difficulty model of Chen et al. (2009). We integrate this with the fast-verification digital signature scheme proposed by Bernstein (2000, 2008). These schemes can be up to 20 times faster for client authentication compared to RSA-based schemes. Our experimental results show that, in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, fast verification digital signatures can provide a 7% increase in connections per second compared to RSA signatures, and our integration of client puzzles with client authentication imposes no performance penalty on the server since puzzle verification is a part of signature verification.


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Availability has become a primary goal of information security and is as significant as other goals, in particular, confidentiality and integrity. Maintaining availability of essential services on the public Internet is an increasingly difficult task in the presence of sophisticated attackers. Attackers may abuse limited computational resources of a service provider and thus managing computational costs is a key strategy for achieving the goal of availability. In this thesis we focus on cryptographic approaches for managing computational costs, in particular computational effort. We focus on two cryptographic techniques: computational puzzles in cryptographic protocols and secure outsourcing of cryptographic computations. This thesis contributes to the area of cryptographic protocols in the following ways. First we propose the most efficient puzzle scheme based on modular exponentiations which, unlike previous schemes of the same type, involves only a few modular multiplications for solution verification; our scheme is provably secure. We then introduce a new efficient gradual authentication protocol by integrating a puzzle into a specific signature scheme. Our software implementation results for the new authentication protocol show that our approach is more efficient and effective than the traditional RSA signature-based one and improves the DoSresilience of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, the most widely used security protocol on the Internet. Our next contributions are related to capturing a specific property that enables secure outsourcing of cryptographic tasks in partial-decryption. We formally define the property of (non-trivial) public verifiability for general encryption schemes, key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs), and hybrid encryption schemes, encompassing public-key, identity-based, and tag-based encryption avors. We show that some generic transformations and concrete constructions enjoy this property and then present a new public-key encryption (PKE) scheme having this property and proof of security under the standard assumptions. Finally, we combine puzzles with PKE schemes for enabling delayed decryption in applications such as e-auctions and e-voting. For this we first introduce the notion of effort-release PKE (ER-PKE), encompassing the well-known timedrelease encryption and encapsulated key escrow techniques. We then present a security model for ER-PKE and a generic construction of ER-PKE complying with our security notion.


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In wireless networks, the broadcast nature of the propagation medium makes the communication process vulnerable to malicious nodes (e.g. eavesdroppers) which are in the coverage area of the transmission. Thus, security issues play a vital role in wireless systems. Traditionally, information security has been addressed in the upper layers (e.g. the network layer) through the design of cryptographic protocols. Cryptography-based security aims to design a protocol such that it is computationally prohibitive for the eavesdropper to decode the information. The idea behind this approach relies on the limited computational power of the eavesdroppers. However, with advances in emerging hardware technologies, achieving secure communications relying on protocol-based mechanisms alone become insufficient. Owing to this fact, a new paradigm of secure communications has been shifted to implement the security at the physical layer. The key principle behind this strategy is to exploit the spatial-temporal characteristics of the wireless channel to guarantee secure data transmission without the need of cryptographic protocols.


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Extensive use of the Internet coupled with the marvelous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a huge demand for information security. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is the most widely used security protocol in the Internet which meets this demand. It provides protection against eaves droppings, tampering and forgery. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL. But recent attacks against RC4 and HMAC have raised questions in the confidence on these algorithms. Hence two novel cryptographic algorithms MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. The focus of this work is to demonstrate the performance of these new algorithms and suggest them as dependable alternatives to satisfy the need of security services in SSL. The performance evaluation has been done by using practical implementation method.


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Extensive use of the Internet coupled with the marvelous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a huge demand for information security. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is the most widely used security protocol in the Internet which meets this demand. It provides protection against eaves droppings, tampering and forgery. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL. But recent attacks against RC4 and HMAC have raised questions in the confidence on these algorithms. Hence two novel cryptographic algorithms MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. The focus of this work is to demonstrate the performance of these new algorithms and suggest them as dependable alternatives to satisfy the need of security services in SSL. The performance evaluation has been done by using practical implementation method.


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In this work, we examine unbalanced computation between an initiator and a responder that leads to resource exhaustion attacks in key exchange protocols. We construct models for two cryp-tographic protocols; one is the well-known Internet protocol named Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, and the other one is the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) which has built-in DoS-resistant mechanisms. To examine such protocols, we develop a formal framework based on Timed Coloured Petri Nets (Timed CPNs) and use a simulation approach provided in CPN Tools to achieve a formal analysis. By adopting the key idea of Meadows' cost-based framework and re¯ning the de¯nition of operational costs during the protocol execution, our simulation provides an accurate cost estimate of protocol execution compar- ing among principals, as well as the percentage of successful connections from legitimate users, under four di®erent strategies of DoS attack.


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Internet today has become a vital part of day to day life, owing to the revolutionary changes it has brought about in various fields. Dependence on the Internet as an information highway and knowledge bank is exponentially increasing so that a going back is beyond imagination. Transfer of critical information is also being carried out through the Internet. This widespread use of the Internet coupled with the tremendous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a vital need for infonnation security.Internet has also become an active field of crackers and intruders. The whole development in this area can become null and void if fool-proof security of the data is not ensured without a chance of being adulterated. It is, hence a challenge before the professional community to develop systems to ensure security of the data sent through the Internet.Stream ciphers, hash functions and message authentication codes play vital roles in providing security services like confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the data sent through the Internet. There are several ·such popular and dependable techniques, which have been in use widely, for quite a long time. This long term exposure makes them vulnerable to successful or near successful attempts for attacks. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop new algorithms with better security.Hence studies were conducted on various types of algorithms being used in this area. Focus was given to identify the properties imparting security at this stage. By making use of a perception derived from these studies, new algorithms were designed. Performances of these algorithms were then studied followed by necessary modifications to yield an improved system consisting of a new stream cipher algorithm MAJE4, a new hash code JERIM- 320 and a new message authentication code MACJER-320. Detailed analysis and comparison with the existing popular schemes were also carried out to establish the security levels.The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) I Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most widely used security protocols in Internet. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL I TLS. But recent attacks on RC4 and HMAC have raised questions about the reliability of these algorithms. Hence MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. Detailed studies on the performance of these new algorithms were carried out; it has been observed that they are dependable alternatives.


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Unlike the mathematical encryption and decryption adopted in the classical cryptographic technology at the higher protocol layers, it is shown that characteristics intrinsic to the physical layer, such as wireless channel propagation, can be exploited to lock useful information. This information then can be automatically unlocked using real time analog RF means. In this paper retrodirective array, RDA, technology for spatial encryption in the multipath environment is for the first time combined with the directional modulation, DM, method normally associated with free space secure physical layer communications. We show that the RDA can be made to operate more securely by borrowing DM concepts and that the DM enhanced RDA arrangement is suitable for use in a multipath environment.


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To provide card holder authentication while they are conducting an electronic transaction using mobile devices, VISA and MasterCard independently proposed two electronic payment protocols: Visa 3D Secure and MasterCard Secure Code. The protocols use pre-registered passwords to provide card holder authentication and Secure Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) for data confidentiality over wired networks and Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) between a wireless device and a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) gateway. The paper presents our analysis of security properties in the proposed protocols using formal method tools: Casper and FDR2. We also highlight issues concerning payment security in the proposed protocols.


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El fin de este proyecto es conseguir que el intercambio de información que se realiza entre las distintas entidades a la hora de comprar un producto, se haga de una manera segura y confidencial. Los objetivos de este proyecto serán: • Con el protocolo SSL garantizar la confidencialidad y autenticación de los usuarios. • Infraestructura TCP/IP para poder conectar las distintas entidades. • Desarrollo de un código para construir las firmas asiméticas de datos. • Implementar las transacciones que se realizan entre las entidades para poder comprar un producto. • Comprobar que al comprar un producto se realizan los intercambios necesarios entre las entidades. • A la hora de realizar la compra del producto, la tarjeta que utilizará el cliente tendrá una identidad desconocida para el comerciante. Solo el banco podrá identificarla. El proyecto se desarrollará utilizando las librerías de Java JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)y JSSE(Java Secure Sockets Extension.


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This paper presents models of parameters of Sea Surface Layer (SSL), such as chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature (SST), Primary Productivity (PP) and Total Suspended Matter (TSM) for the region adjacent to the continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil. Concentrations of these parameters measured in situ were compared in time quasi-synchronous with images AQUA-MODIS between the years 2003 to 2011. Determination coefficients between samples in situ and bands reflectance sensor AQUA-MODIS were representative. From that, concentrations of SSL parameters were acquired for the continental shelf of the RN (eastern and northern) analyzing the geographic distribution of variation of these parameters between the years 2009-2012. Geographical and seasonal variations mainly influenced by global climate phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña, were found through the analysis of AQUA-MODIS images by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). Images show qualitatively the variance and availability of TSM in the regions, as well as their relationship with coastal erosion hotspots, monitored along the coast of the RN. In one of the areas identified as being of limited availability of TSM, we developed a methodology for assessment and evaluation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of beach surfaces (emerged and submerged sections) from the integration of topographic and bathymetric data measured in situ and accurately georeferenced compatible to studies of geomorphology and coastal dynamics of short duration. The methodology consisted of surveys with GNSS positioning operated in cinematic relative mode involved in topographic and bathymetric executed in relation to the stations of the geodetic network of the study area, which provided geodetic link to the Brazilian Geodetic System (GBS), univocal , fixed, and relatively stable over time. In this study Ponta Negra Beach, Natal / RN, was identified as a region with low variance and availability of MPS in the region off, as characterized by intense human occupation and intense coastal erosion in recent decades, which presents potential of the proposed methodology for accuracy and productivity, and the progress achieved in relation to the classical methods of surveying beach profiles


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This document describes algorithms based on Elliptic Cryptography (ECC) for use within the Secure Shell (SSH) transport protocol. In particular, it specifies Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement, Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (ECMQV) key agreement, and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) for use in the SSH Transport Layer protocol.


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U-Healthcare means that it provides healthcare services "at anytime and anywhere" using wired, wireless and ubiquitous sensor network technologies. As a main field of U-healthcare, Telehealth has been developed as an enhancement of Telemedicine. This system includes two-way interactive web-video communications, sensor technology, and health informatics. With these components, it will assist patients to receive their first initial diagnosis. Futhermore, Telehealth will help doctors diagnose patient's diseases at early stages and recommend treatments to patients. However, this system has a few limitations such as privacy issues, interruption of real-time service and a wrong ordering from remote diagnosis. To deal with those flaws, security procedures such as authorised access should be applied to as an indispensible component in medical environment. As a consequence, Telehealth system with these protection procedures in clinical services will cope with anticipated vulnerabilities of U-Healthcare services and security issues involved.