966 resultados para Sections verticales


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La présente étude visait à développer un protocole de fixation et d'échantillonnage pour le poumon équin suivant les directives publiées sur l’utilisation d’une approche stéréologique de type « design-based ». Les poumons gauches de chevaux contrôles et atteints du souffle ont été fixés avec du formaldéhyde 10% pendant 48h à une pression constante de 25-30 cm d’H2O. Les poumons ont été sectionnés en 20-21 tranches d’une épaisseur d'environ 2,5 cm chacune; de 10-11 tranches ont été sélectionnées de façon aléatoire et systématique pour la mesure du volume de référence avec la méthode de Cavalieri. Un protocole d’échantillonnage systématique, aléatoire et uniforme utilisant le principe du « smooth fractionator » et un poinçon à biopsie de 17 mm ont été utilisés pour échantillonner une fraction représentative de chaque poumon. Les méthodes d’échantillonnage de sections verticales, uniformes et aléatoires (VUR) et d’échantillonnage isotropique, uniforme et aléatoire (IUR) ont toutes deux été effectuées pour comparer le nombre de voies respiratoires en coupe perpendiculaire obtenues à partir de chaque méthode. L'architecture globale et la qualité des tissus fixés ont également été évaluées. Des spécimens pulmonaires équins ont été échantillonnés avec succès selon un protocole visant à produire des données morphométriques valides. Les tissus ont été fixés avec un minimum d'artéfacts et contenaient une quantité suffisante de voies respiratoires en coupe perpendiculaire dans les deux types d’échantillons. En conclusion, un protocole de fixation et d'échantillonnage adapté au poumon équin permettant l'utilisation d'une approche stéréologique de type « design-based » a été élaboré pour l’étude du remodelage des voies respiratoires.


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El presente trabajo de investigación se ocupa del estudio de las vibraciones verticales inducidas por vórtices (VIV) en aquellos puentes que, por sus características geométricas y propiedades dinámicas, muestran cierta sensibilidad este tipo de fenómeno aeroelástico. El objeto principal es el análisis del mecanismo de interacción viento-estructura sobre secciones no fuseladas de geometría simple, con objeto de realizar una adecuada caracterización del problema y poder abordar posteriormente el análisis de otras secciones de geometría más compleja, representativas de los principales elementos estructurales de los puentes, como arcos, tableros, torres y pilas. Este aspecto es fundamental durante la fase de diseño del puente, donde deberán tenerse en cuenta también una serie de detalles que pueden influir significativamente su sensibilidad ante problemas aerodinámicos, como la morfología y dimensiones principales de la sección transversal del tablero, la disposición de barreras de seguridad y barreras cortaviento, o las riostras que unen diferentes elementos estructurales. La configuración de dos elementos en tándem o la construcción de un puente en las inmediaciones de otro existente son otros aspectos a considerar respecto a la sensibilidad frente a efectos aeroelásticos. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo principalmente mediante la implementación de simulaciones numéricas que reproducen la interacción entre la corriente de aire y secciones representativas de modelos estructurales, a partir de un código CFD basado en el método de las partículas de vórtices (VPM), siguiendo por tanto un esquema Lagrangiano. Los resultados han sido validados con datos experimentales existentes, valores procedentes de ensayos en túnel de viento y registros reales a partir de diferentes casos de estudio: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans- Tokyo Bay (1995) y Volgogrado (2010). Finalmente, se propone un modelo semi-empírico para la estimación del rango de velocidades críticas y amplitudes de oscilación basado en la utilización de las derivadas de flameo de Scanlan, y la densidad espectral de las fuerzas aerodinámicas en el dominio de la frecuencia. The present research work concerns the study of vertical vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) in bridges which show certain sensitivity to this type of aeroelastic phenomenon. It focuses on the analysis of the wind-structure interaction mechanism on bluff sections, with the objective of making a good characterisation of the problem and subsequently addressing the analysis of sections with a complex geometry, which are representative of the bridge structural elements, such as arches, decks, towers and piers. This issue is of relative importance during the bridge design phase, since minor details of the aforementioned elements can significantly influence its sensitivity to aerodynamic problems. The shape and main dimensions of the deck cross section, the addition of safety barriers and windshields, the presence of braces to enhance the structure mechanical properties, the utilisation of cross sections in tandem arrangement, or the erection of a new bridge in the vicinity of another existing one are some of the aspects to be considered regarding the sensitivity to the aeroelastic effects. The study has been carried out mainly through the implementation of numerical simulations that reproduces the interaction between the airflow and the representative cross section of a structural bridge model, by the use of a CFD code based on the vortex particle method (VPM), thus following a Lagrangian scheme. The results have been validated with existing experimental data, values from wind tunnel tests and full scale observations from the different case studies: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans-Tokyo Bay (1995) and Volgograd (2010). Finally, a new semi-empirical model is proposed for the estimation of the critical wind velocity ranges and oscillation amplitudes based on the use of the Scanlan’s flutter derivatives and the power spectral density of aerodynamic force time history in the frequency domain.


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Total cross sections for neutron scattering from nuclei, with energies ranging from 10 to 600 MeV and from many nuclei spanning the mass range 6Li to 238U, have been analyzed using a simple, three-parameter, functional form. The calculated cross sections are compared with results obtained by using microscopic (g-folding) optical potentials as well as with experimental data. The functional form reproduces those total cross sections very well. When allowance is made for Ramsauer-like effects in the scattering, the parameters of the functional form required vary smoothly with energy and target mass. They too can be represented by functions of energy and mass.


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During the past decade, a significant amount of research has been conducted internationally with the aim of developing, implementing, and verifying "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures. Application of these methods permits comprehensive assessment of the actual failure modes and ultimate strengths of structural systems in practical design situations, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. Advanced analysis has the potential to extend the creativity of structural engineers and simplify the design process, while ensuring greater economy and more uniform safety with respect to the ultimate limit state. The application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only members with compact cross-sections that are not subject to the effects of local buckling. This precluded the use of advanced analysis from the design of steel frames comprising a significant proportion of the most commonly used Australian sections, which are non-compact and subject to the effects of local buckling. This thesis contains a detailed description of research conducted over the past three years in an attempt to extend the scope of advanced analysis by developing methods that include the effects of local buckling in a non-linear analysis formulation, suitable for practical design of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. Two alternative concentrated plasticity formulations are presented in this thesis: the refined plastic hinge method and the pseudo plastic zone method. Both methods implicitly account for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. The accuracy and precision of the methods for the analysis of steel frames comprising non-compact sections has been established by comparison with a comprehensive range of analytical benchmark frame solutions. Both the refined plastic hinge and pseudo plastic zone methods are more accurate and precise than the conventional individual member design methods based on elastic analysis and specification equations. For example, the pseudo plastic zone method predicts the ultimate strength of the analytical benchmark frames with an average conservative error of less than one percent, and has an acceptable maximum unconservati_ve error of less than five percent. The pseudo plastic zone model can allow the design capacity to be increased by up to 30 percent for simple frames, mainly due to the consideration of inelastic redistribution. The benefits may be even more significant for complex frames with significant redundancy, which provides greater scope for inelastic redistribution. The analytical benchmark frame solutions were obtained using a distributed plasticity shell finite element model. A detailed description of this model and the results of all the 120 benchmark analyses are provided. The model explicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. Its accuracy was verified by comparison with a variety of analytical solutions and the results of three large-scale experimental tests of steel frames comprising non-compact sections. A description of the experimental method and test results is also provided.


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This paper describes the behaviour of very high strength (VHS) circular steel tubes strengthened by carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and subjected to axial tension. A series of tests were conducted with different bond lengths and number of layers. The distribution of strain through the thickness of CFRP layers and along CFRP bond length was studied. The strain was found to generally decrease along the CFRP bond length far from the joint. The strain through the thickness of the CFRP layers was also found to decrease from bottom to top layer. The effective bond length for high modulus CFRP was established. Finally empirical models were developed to estimate the maximum load for a given CFRP arrangement.


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The LiteSteel Beam (LSB) is a new hollow flange section with a unique geometry consisting of torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges and a relatively slender web. It is subjected to lateral distortional buckling when used as flexural members, which reduces its member moment capacity. An investigation into the flexural behaviour of LSBs using experiments and numerical analyses led to the development of new design rules for LSBs subject to lateral distortional buckling. However, the comparison of moment capacity results with the new design rules showed that they were conservative for some LSB sections while slightly unconservative for others due to the effects of section geometry. It is also unknown whether these design rules are applicable to other hollow flange sections such as hollow flange beams (HFB). This paper presents the details of a study into the lateral distortional buckling behaviour of hollow flange sections such as LSBs, HFBs and their variations. A geometrical parameter defined as the ratio of flange torsional rigidity to the major axis flexural rigidity of the web (GJf/EIxweb) was found to be a critical parameter in evaluating the lateral distortional buckling behaviour and moment capacities of hollow flange sections. New design rules were therefore developed by using a member slenderness parameter modified by K, where K is a function of GJf/EIxweb. The new design rules based on the modified slenderness parameter were found to be accurate in calculating the moment capacities of not only LSBs and HFBs, but also other types of hollow flange sections.


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The study of urban morphology has become an expanding field of research within the architectural discipline, providing theories to be used as tools in the understanding and design of urban landscapes from the past, the present and into the future. Drawing upon contemporary architectural design theory, this investigation reveals what a sectional analysis of an urban landscape can add to the existing research methods within this field. This paper conducts an enquiry into the use of the section as a tool for urban morphological analysis. Following the methodology of the British school of urban morphology, sections through the urban fabric of the case study city of Brisbane are compared. The results are categorised to depict changes in scale, components and utilisation throughout various timeframes. The key findings illustrate how the section, when read in conjunction with the plan can be used to interpret changes to urban form and the relationship that this has to the quality of the urban environment in the contemporary city.


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Dual-mode vibration of nanowires has been reported experimentally through actuation of the nanowire at its resonance frequency, which is expected to open up a variety of new modalities for the NEMS that could operate in the nonlinear regime. In the present work, we utilize large scale molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the dual-mode vibration of <110> Ag nanowires with triangular, rhombic and truncated rhombic cross-sections. By incorporating the generalized Young-Laplace equation into Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the influence of surface effects on the dual-mode vibration is studied. Due to the different lattice spacing in principal axes of inertia of the {110} atomic layers, the NW is also modeled as a discrete system to reveal the influence from such specific atomic arrangement. It is found that the <110> Ag NW will under a dual-mode vibration if the actuation direction is deviated from the two principal axes of inertia. The predictions of the two first mode natural frequencies by the classical beam model appear underestimated comparing with the MD results, which are found to be enhanced by the discrete model. Particularly, the predictions by the beam theory with the contribution of surface effects are uniformly larger than the classical beam model, which exhibit better agreement with MD results for larger cross-sectional size. However, for ultrathin NWs, current consideration of surface effects is still experiencing certain inaccuracy. In all, for all different cross-sections, the inclusion of surface effects is found to reduce the difference between the two first mode natural frequencies. This trend is observed consistent with MD results. This study provides a first comprehensive investigation on the dual-mode vibration of <110> oriented Ag NWs, which is supposed to benefit the applications of NWs that acting as a resonating beam.


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Thin-sectioned samples mounted on glass slides with common petrographic epoxies cannot be easily removed (for subsequent ion-milling) by standard methods such as heating or dissolution in solvents. A method for the removal of such samples using a radio frequency (RF) generated oxygen plasma has been investigated for a number of typical petrographic and ceramic thin sections. Sample integrity and thickness were critical factors that determined the etching rate of adhesive and the survivability of the sample. Several tests were performed on a variety of materials in order to estimate possible heating or oxidation damage from the plasma. Temperatures in the plasma chamber remained below 138°C and weight changes in mineral powders etched for 76 hr were less than ±4%. A crystal of optical grade calcite showed no apparent surface damage after 48 hr of etching. Any damage from the oxygen plasma is apparently confined to the surface of the sample, and is removed during the ion-milling stage of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample preparation.


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Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets have many outstanding properties such as high strength, high elastic modulus, light weight and good durability which are made them a suitable alternative for steel in strengthening work. This paper describe the ultimate load carrying capacity of steel hollow sections at effective bond length in terms of its cross sectional area and the stress distribution within bond region for different layers CFRP. It was found that depending on their size and orientation of uni- directional CFRP layers, the ultimate tensile load was different. Along with these tests, non linear finite element analysis was also performed to validate the ultimate load carrying capacity depending on their cross sections. The predicted ultimate loads from FE analysis are found very close to the laboratory test results. The validated model has been used to determine the stress distribution at bond joint for different orientation of CFRP. This research shows the effect of stress distribution and suitable wrapping layer to be used for the strengthening of steel hollow sections in tension.


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Application of "advanced analysis" methods suitable for non-linear analysis and design of steel frame structures permits direct and accurate determination of ultimate system strengths, without resort to simplified elastic methods of analysis and semi-empirical specification equations. However, the application of advanced analysis methods has previously been restricted to steel frames comprising only compact sections that are not influenced by the effects of local buckling. A refined plastic hinge method suitable for practical advanced analysis of steel frame structures comprising non-compact sections is presented in a companion paper. The method implicitly accounts for the effects of gradual cross-sectional yielding, longitudinal spread of plasticity, initial geometric imperfections, residual stresses, and local buckling. The accuracy and precision of the method for the analysis of steel frames comprising non-compact sections is established in this paper by comparison with a comprehensive range of analytical benchmark frame solutions. The refined plastic hinge method is shown to be more accurate and precise than the conventional individual member design methods based on elastic analysis and specification equations.