998 resultados para Secondary Electrons Emission
Measurements on polymers (Teflon FEP and Mylar) have shown that the secondary electron emission from uncharged surfaces exceeds that from surfaces containing a positive surface charge. The reduced emission of charged surfaces is due to recombination between electrons undergoing emission and trapped holes within the charged layer. During the experiments the surface of the material was kept at a negative potential to assure that all secondary electrons reaching the surface from within the material are actually emitted. An analysis of the results yielded the maximum escape depth of the secondary electrons, and showed that the ratio of the maximum escape depth of the secondaries from Mylar to the maximum escape depth from Teflon is almost the same as the ratio of the corresponding second crossover energies of this polymers.
We have studied the radial dependence of the energy deposition of the secondary electron generated by swift proton beams incident with energies T = 50 keV–5 MeV on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA). Two different approaches have been used to model the electronic excitation spectrum of PMMA through its energy loss function (ELF), namely the extended-Drude ELF and the Mermin ELF. The singly differential cross section and the total cross section for ionization, as well as the average energy of the generated secondary electrons, show sizeable differences at T ⩽ 0.1 MeV when evaluated with these two ELF models. In order to know the radial distribution around the proton track of the energy deposited by the cascade of secondary electrons, a simulation has been performed that follows the motion of the electrons through the target taking into account both the inelastic interactions (via electronic ionizations and excitations as well as electron-phonon and electron trapping by polaron creation) and the elastic interactions. The radial distribution of the energy deposited by the secondary electrons around the proton track shows notable differences between the simulations performed with the extended-Drude ELF or the Mermin ELF, being the former more spread out (and, therefore, less peaked) than the latter. The highest intensity and sharpness of the deposited energy distributions takes place for proton beams incident with T ~ 0.1–1 MeV. We have also studied the influence in the radial distribution of deposited energy of using a full energy distribution of secondary electrons generated by proton impact or using a single value (namely, the average value of the distribution); our results show that differences between both simulations become important for proton energies larger than ~0.1 MeV. The results presented in this work have potential applications in materials science, as well as hadron therapy (due to the use of PMMA as a tissue phantom) in order to properly consider the generation of electrons by proton beams and their subsequent transport and energy deposition through the target in nanometric scales.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The secondary electron emission of dielectrics usually is measured by the pulse method, in which the dielectric is irradiated with short pulses of electrons. Attempts to use a dynamic method, in which the dielectric is irradiated continuously, have failed because the dielectric becomes charged and this charge interferes with the emission process. The dynamic method can, however, be applied to metals where volume charges are prevented. This article reports dynamic measurements of the total secondary emission yield from stainless steel, platinum, and aluminum and compares them with results from the current pulse method. In order to apply the dynamic method to metals a simple but important change in the setup was introduced: a dielectric slab was placed between the electrode and the metallic sample, which permitted the sample surface potential and therefore the energy of the incident electrons to change continuously. Unlike for dielectrics, the emission curves for metals are identical when obtained by the two methods. However, for a sample with deliberately oxidized surfaces the total secondary emission yield is smaller when measured with the dynamic method as compared with the pulse method, just as happens for dielectrics. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)03413-7].
The polymer surface degradation and/or modification evolution of Teflon FEP and Mylar C films caused by a low energy electron beam were analyzed using a new method that consists in measuring the second crossover energy shift in the electronic emission curve. Upon prolonged irradiation, the second crossover energy shifts irreversibly to lower values in Teflon FEP but to higher values in Mylar C, indicating distinct mechanisms of surface degradation for the two polymers. The method represents a relatively inexpensive way to monitor early stages of surface degradation since the secondary electron emission comes from a maximum depth below the geometric surface of 100 mn in insulators. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electron irradiation of solids produces a backemission of secondary electrons (energies between 0 and 50 eV) and reflected primaries (energies between 50 eV and that of the incident beam). For insulators, it is shown that an externally applied positive electric field penetrating into the solid material, energizes electrons generated by the primary irradiation and enables them to travel back to the surface of incidence and be emitted (stimulated secondary emission).
Clusters of galaxies are expected to be reservoirs of cosmic rays (CRs) that should produce diffuse γ-ray emission due to their hadronic interactions with the intra-cluster medium. The nearby Perseus cool-core cluster, identified as the most promising target to search for such an emission, has been observed with the MAGIC telescopes at very-high energies (VHE, E ≥ 100 GeV) for a total of 253 hr from 2009 to 2014. The active nuclei of NGC 1275, the central dominant galaxy of the cluster, and IC 310, lying at about 0.6º from the centre, have been detected as point-like VHE γ-ray emitters during the first phase of this campaign. We report an updated measurement of the NGC 1275 spectrum, which is described well by a power law with a photon index Γ = 3.6 ± 0.2_(stat) ± 0.2_(syst) between 90 GeV and 1200 GeV. We do not detect any diffuse γ-ray emission from the cluster and so set stringent constraints on its CR population. To bracket the uncertainties over the CR spatial and spectral distributions, we adopt different spatial templates and power-law spectral indexes α. For α = 2.2, the CR-to-thermal pressure within the cluster virial radius is constrained to be ≤ 1 − 2%, except if CRs can propagate out of the cluster core, generating a flatter radial distribution and releasing the CR-to-thermal pressure constraint to ≤ 20%. Assuming that the observed radio mini-halo of Perseus is generated by secondary electrons from CR hadronic interactions, we can derive lower limits on the central magnetic field, B_(0), that depend on the CR distribution. For α = 2.2, B_(0) ≥ 5 − 8 µG, which is below the ∼25 µG inferred from Faraday rotation measurements, whereas for α ≤ 2.1, the hadronic interpretation of the diffuse radio emission contrasts with our γ-ray flux upper limits independently of the magnetic field strength.
This work was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Program (U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract No. DA 28 043 AMC 00073(E).
Microquasars are potential candidates to produce a non-negligible fraction of the observed galactic cosmic rays. The protons accelerated at the jet termination shock interact with the interstellar medium and may produce detectable fluxes of extended emission at different energy bands: high-energy and very high-energy gamma-rays produced by neutral pion-decay, synchrotron and bremsstrahlung emission in a wide energy range generated by the secondary electrons produced by charged pion-decay. We discuss the association between this scenario and some of the unidentified EGRET sources in the galactic plane.
Laser-induced photoelectric and photoemission optogalvanic effects in a Ne-Nd hollow cathode discharge have been studied using a continuous wave laser source. The potential barrier for photoinduced electron emission from the cathode decreases as the applied voltage is increased. Owing to secondary electron emission in the plasma, the photocurrent is greater than that without discharge. The multiplication of secondary electrons and the quantum efficiency are also investigated.
Recent studies have demonstrated that sheath dynamics in plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) is significantly affected by an external magnetic field, especially in the case when the magnetic field is parallel to the workpiece surface or intersects it at small angles. In this work we report the results from two-dimensional, particle-in-cell (PIC) computer simulations of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion implantation system at different bias voltages. The simulations begin with initial low-density nitrogen plasma, which extends with uniform density through a grounded cylindrical chamber. Negative bias voltage is applied to a cylindrical target located on the axis of the vacuum chamber. An axial magnetic field is created by a solenoid installed inside the target holder. A set of simulations at a fixed magnetic field of 0.0025 T at the target surface is performed. Secondary electron emission from the target subjected to ion bombardment is also included. It is found that the plasma density around the cylindrical target increases because of intense background gas ionization by the electrons drifting in the crossed E x B fields. Suppression of the sheath expansion and increase of the implantation current density in front of the high-density plasma region are observed. The effect of target bias on the sheath dynamics and implantation current of the magnetic field enhanced PIII is discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The behavior of plasma and sheath characteristics under the action of an applied magnetic field is important in many applications including plasma probes and material processing. Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) has been developed as a fast and efficient surface modification technique of complex shaped three-dimensional objects. The PIII process relies on the acceleration of ions across a high-voltage plasma sheath that develops around the target. Recent studies have shown that the sheath dynamics is significantly affected by an external magnetic field. In this work we describe a two-dimensional computer simulation of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion implantation system. Negative bias voltage is applied to a cylindrical target located on the axis of a grounded cylindrical vacuum chamber filled with uniform nitrogen plasma. An axial magnetic field is created by a solenoid installed inside the cylindrical target. The computer code employs the Monte Carlo method for collision of electrons and neutrals in the plasma and a particle-in-cell (PIC) algorithm for simulating the movement of charged particles in the electromagnetic field. Secondary electron emission from the target subjected to ion bombardment is also included. It is found that a high-density plasma region is formed around the cylindrical target due to the intense background gas ionization by the magnetized electrons drifting in the crossed ExB fields. An increase of implantation current density in front of high density plasma region is observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The biggest advantage of plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) is the capability of treating objects with irregular geometry without complex manipulation of the target holder. The effectiveness of this approach relies on the uniformity of the incident ion dose. Unfortunately, perfect dose uniformity is usually difficult to achieve when treating samples of complex shape. The problems arise from the non-uniform plasma density and expansion of plasma sheath. A particle-in-cell computer simulation is used to study the time-dependent evolution of the plasma sheath surrounding two-dimensional objects during process of plasma immersion ion implantation. Before starting the implantation phase, steady-state nitrogen plasma is established inside the simulation volume by using ionization of gas precursor with primary electrons. The plasma self-consistently evolves to a non-uniform density distribution, which is used as initial density distribution for the implantation phase. As a result, we can obtain a more realistic description of the plasma sheath expansion and dynamics. Ion current density on the target, average impact energy, and trajectories of the implanted ions were calculated for three geometrical shapes. Large deviations from the uniform dose distribution have been observed for targets with irregular shapes. In addition, effect of secondary electron emission has been included in our simulation and no qualitative modifications to the sheath dynamics have been noticed. However, the energetic secondary electrons change drastically the plasma net balance and also pose significant X-ray hazard. Finally, an axial magnetic field has been added to the calculations and the possibility for magnetic insulation of secondary electrons has been proven.
In dieser Arbeit wurden erstmalig orts- und energieaufgelöste Untersuchungen der ferroelektrischen Elektronenemission (FEE) durchgeführt. Als Modellsystem diente Triglyzinsulfat (TGS). Als spektromikroskopische Methode kam die Emissions-Elektronenmikroskopie zum Einsatz. Typische Schaltfelder betrugen 2 kV/mm, angelegt wurde eine sinusoïdale Wechselspannung mit 300 Hz. Die Temperatur, bei der die FEE verschwindet (32°C), liegt unterhalb der Curie-Temperatur des TGS (TC=49°C). Dieser Unterschied kann auf den Einfluss des Extraktionsfeldes des Emissions-Elektronenmikroskops (1 kV/mm) zurückgeführt werden. Oberhalb der Curie-Temperatur konnte keine Emission beobachtet werden. Die Elektroden vor und nach der Messung waren identisch, d.h. nicht zerstört, wie man es erwarten würde, wenn ein Oberflächenplasma gezündet wurde. Bei ca. 150 V/mm beginnt die Intensität der beobachteten Emission Schwankungen aufzuweisen. Dies könnte die Ursache in dem Einsatz von ersten Zündungen eines Mikroplasmas mit destruktiver Wirkung haben. Die ortsintegrierte Energieverteilung weist bei Spannungsamplituden bis 300 V zwei Maxima auf. Dies deutet auf zwei Emissionsmechanismen hin, einen sekundären (ca. 10 eV) und einen primären (ca. 13 bis 45 eV) Effekt. Die Hochenergie-Abschneidekanten korrelieren im Bereich bis 200 V bis auf wenige eV mit der angelegten Spannungsamplitude. Die Messung der ortsaufgelösten Energieverteilung zeigt, dass die primäre Emission aus den Bereichen ohne Elektrode stammt. Sie wird der FEE zugeschrieben. Diese Elektronen können– auf Grund der lokalen Felder – auf die Elektroden beschleunigt werden und hier sekundäre Prozesse auslösen (niederenergetischer Bereich des Spektrums). Dies wird durch die lokalen Spektren dieser Bereiche bestätigt.
The first part of this work deals with the inverse problem solution in the X-ray spectroscopy field. An original strategy to solve the inverse problem by using the maximum entropy principle is illustrated. It is built the code UMESTRAT, to apply the described strategy in a semiautomatic way. The application of UMESTRAT is shown with a computational example. The second part of this work deals with the improvement of the X-ray Boltzmann model, by studying two radiative interactions neglected in the current photon models. Firstly it is studied the characteristic line emission due to Compton ionization. It is developed a strategy that allows the evaluation of this contribution for the shells K, L and M of all elements with Z from 11 to 92. It is evaluated the single shell Compton/photoelectric ratio as a function of the primary photon energy. It is derived the energy values at which the Compton interaction becomes the prevailing process to produce ionization for the considered shells. Finally it is introduced a new kernel for the XRF from Compton ionization. In a second place it is characterized the bremsstrahlung radiative contribution due the secondary electrons. The bremsstrahlung radiation is characterized in terms of space, angle and energy, for all elements whit Z=1-92 in the energy range 1–150 keV by using the Monte Carlo code PENELOPE. It is demonstrated that bremsstrahlung radiative contribution can be well approximated with an isotropic point photon source. It is created a data library comprising the energetic distributions of bremsstrahlung. It is developed a new bremsstrahlung kernel which allows the introduction of this contribution in the modified Boltzmann equation. An example of application to the simulation of a synchrotron experiment is shown.