988 resultados para Sealer 26
O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em analisar através da caracterização química de fases cristalinas a composição e estrutura; e com a caracterização física a densidade, porosidade e área superficial dos seguintes cimentos endodônticos: MTA Fillapex, AH Plus, Sealer 26 e o Endofill. Para tal, foram realizadas análises dos cimentos antes da manipulação (pó e pastas) e depois da manipulação (corpos de prova). Empregando-se as técnicas de caracterização química: DRX e FRX e como técnicas de caracterização física: Picnometria de Hélio, a porosimetria de mercúrio, distribuição granulométrica e área superficial pela metodologia de BET. A caracterização química detalhou a composição dos cimentos sendo compatível com a descrição do fabricante e forneceu a quantificação das suas fases. A caracterização física mostrou que o MTA Fillapex apresentou os melhores resultados: a menor porosidade, o menor volume médio e o menor diâmetro do poro, o Sealer 26 dentre os cimentos resinosos apresentou o pior resultado, o Endofill mostrou-se melhor que o Sealer 26 tendo a maior densidade, o menor diâmetro das partículas, a distribuição granulométrica mais homogênea comparando-se a este. Os cimentos a base de resina mostraram um diâmetro do poro menor que o Endofill. Estes resultados podem estar ligados diretamente aos requisitos de um material obturador ideal. A metodologia utilizada produziu um detalhamento das características químicas e físicas dos cimentos estudados, mostrando um caminho para novas pesquisas na área.
Sealer 26® cement contains bisphenol epoxy resin associated with calcium hydroxide, presenting smaller radiopacity than other endodontic cements. Aiming to improve this property, iodoform has been added in its composition. However, this addition's possible changes in physical and chemical properties still need to be studied. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the apical sealing ability, solubility, and pH of Sealer 26® alone or with iodoform, at several proportions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three experimental mixtures of Sealer 26®, alone or with iodoform, were prepared and subjected to solubility test. Additionally, these combinations were inserted into polyethylene tubes and immersed in distilled water, and, their pH was evaluated after 24-h and 7-day periods. Subsequently, forty roots of extracted lower incisors subdivided into four groups of 10 specimens each, were retrograde filled with one of the previously described mixtures and gutta-percha points. The roots were immersed in Rhodamine B, under vacuum, for 72 hours. After this period, the specimens were longitudinally sectioned, root fragments photographed, these images scanned, and apical infiltration measured by Image tool software. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis, at a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Marginal leakage and solubility tests did not show any difference among the experimental groups (p > 0.05). pH analysis was only statistically different at 24-h period and between Sealer 26® alone and 1.1g iodoform group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The presence of iodoform in Sealer 26®, at the used proportions, did not alter the solubility, apical marginal leakage and pH properties of the original cement.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of apical foramen widening on the healing of chronic periapical lesions in dogs' teeth after root canal filling with Sealer 26 or Endomethasone.Study design. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were used. After pulp extirpation, the canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 180 days for induction of periapical lesions, and then instrumented up to a size 55 K-file at the apical cemental barrier. In 20 roots, the cemental canal was penetrated and widened up to a size 25 K-file; in the other 20 roots, the cemental canal was preserved (no apical foramen widening). All canals received a calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing for 21 days and were filled with gutta-percha and 1 of the 2 sealers: group 1: Sealer 26/apical foramen widening; group 2: Sealer 26/no apical foramen widening; group 3: Endomethasone/apical foramen widening; group 4: Endomethasone/no apical foramen widening. The animals were killed after 180 days, and serial histologic sections from the roots were prepared for histomorphologic analysis. Scores were assigned according to preestablished histomorphologic parameters and analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests.Results. Regarding new cementum formation, repair of cementum and bone resorption areas, presence of microorganisms, inflammatory cell infiltrate and periodontal ligament conditions, significantly better periapical healing was obtained when foramen widening was done and Sealer 26 was used.Conclusion. Apical foramen widening and calcium hydroxide-containing sealer were more favorable to the healing of chronic periapical lesions. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:932-940)
Due to the low radiopacity of Sealer 26, iodoform is frequently empirically added to this sealer. Thus, the interference of this procedure with the physicochemical properties of Sealer 26 must be evaluated. Objective: This study evaluated the influence of the addition of iodoform on setting time, flow, solubility, pH, and calcium release of an epoxy-based sealer. Material and Methods: The control group was pure Sealer 26, and the experimental groups were Sealer 26 added with 1.1 g, 0.55 g or 0.275 g of iodoform. Setting time evaluation was performed in accordance with the ASTM C266-03 speciflcation. The analysis of flow and solubility was in accordance with the ISO 6876-2001 speciflcation. For the evaluation of pH and calcium ion release, polyethylene tubes were filled with the materials and immersed in flasks with 10 ml of deionized water. After 24 h, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 45 days pH was measured. In 45 days, the calcium released was evaluated with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results: The addition of iodoform increased setting time in comparison with pure sealer (P < 0.05). As for flow, solubility, and calcium release, the mixtures presented results similar to pure sealer (p > 0.05). In the 24 h period, the mixture with 1.1 g and 0.55 g of iodoform showed lower pH than pure sealer and than sealer added with 0.275 g of iodoform (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The iodoform added to Sealer 26 interferes with its setting time and solubility properties. Further studies are needed to address the clinical signiflcance of this interference.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a citotoxicidade dos cimentos endodônticos Densell Endo, Pulp-Fill, Endofill, Sealer 26, Pulp Canal Sealer e GuttaFlow após 12, 24 e 72 horas de tempo de contato, utilizando-se uma linhagem de células endoteliais ECV-304. Para a avaliação da viabilidade celular, utilizou-se o teste de citotoxicidade MTT. Para cada cimento foram preparados 12 corpos de prova que foram distribuídos em seis grupos experimentais de acordo com as marcas comerciais, sendo quatro para cada tempo. Foi criado um grupo controle que não foi submetido à ação de cimento. Para avaliação do efeito dos cimentos sobre as células endoteliais, os corpos de prova foram inseridos nos poços da placa cultura, incubados a 37C em presença de 5% de CO2 e 100% de umidade. Os testes MTT foram realizados, em quadruplicata, após 12, 24 e 72 horas de contato das amostras com o tapete celular. Foi utilizada a prova Two-Way Anova com o teste Post Hoc de Bonferroni com nível de significância de 5%. Na análise de 12 horas, foi possível observar que o cimento GuttaFlow apresentou média de absorbância de 0,055, seguido do Sealer 26 (média = 0,038). Os cimentos Pulp Canal Sealer e Densell Endo apresentaram a mesma média de absorbância (0,031). O Pulp Fill e o Endofill foram os cimentos que apresentaram maior citotoxicidade (média de absorbância = 0,024 e 0,021, respectivamente). O grupo controle apresentou média de absorbância de 0,158. Em 24 horas observou-se que os cimentos GuttaFlow e Sealer 26 apresentaram as maiores médias de absorbância (0,041 e 0,037, respectivamente), seguidos pelo cimento Pulp Canal Sealer que apresentou média de absorbância de 0,035. Já os cimentos Densell Endo e Pulp Fill apresentaram médias de absorbância de 0,033 e 0,032, respectivamente. O cimento Endofill apresentou uma média de 0,026 e o grupo controle de 0,086. Quando analisados em 72 horas, o cimento Pulp Canal Sealer obteve média de absorbância de 0,049, seguido dos cimentos GuttaFlow e Pulp Fill, ambos com 0,048. Os cimentos Densell Endo, Sealer 26 e Endofill apresentaram respectivamente, médias de 0,044, 0,040 e 0,036. O grupo controle diferenciou-se significativamente de todos os grupos em todos os tempos. Quando analisadas as médias gerais de absorbância dos grupos analisados observou-se que o cimento GuttaFlow se apresentou como o cimento com menor índice de citotoxicidade, apresentando média de absorbência de 0,048. Logo após, apresentando médias de absorbância iguais (0,038) encontraram-se os cimentos Pulp Canal Sealer e Sealer 26; seguidos do Densell Endo e do Pulp Fill, com 0,036 e 0,035, respectivamente. O grupo controle apresentou média de absorbância de 0,098. Portanto, tendo como base os resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que o cimento Endofill foi o que apresentou maior citotoxicidade e o cimento GuttaFlow, o menos citotóxico.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a capacidade de selamento apical de três materiais retrobturadores em dentes submetidos à infiltração microbiana por Enterococcus faecalis. Além de analisar a ocorrência da infiltração microbiana em relação à variável tempo. Para tal, foram utilizados 45 incisivos superiores permanentes humanos extraídos, instrumentados com o sistema rotatório ProTaper Universal (MAILLEFER) e obturados pela técnica Híbrida de Tagger, com cimento endodôntico: AH Plus (DENTSPLY). A apicetomia foi realizada com a remoção de 3mm do terço apical e o retropreparo confeccionado com pontas ultrasônicas. As amostras foram subdivididas, aleatoriamente, em três grupos com 15 dentes cada, e dois grupos controles. Os materiais utilizados para a retrobturação foram MTA branco (ANGELUS), Sealer 26 (Dentsply), Palacos-R (HERAEUS KULZER). Foram confeccionados dispositivos para fixação dos dentes aos tubos Eppendorfs. As amostras foram inoculadas com cepas de E. faecalis e incubadas a 37C, por um período de 60 dias, para análise da presença de turvação do meio Enterococosel. Para a realização da análise estatística foram utilizados os seguintes testes: Quiquadrado pela correção de Yates, Prova Exata de Fisher e pela curva de sobrevivência com os testes Mantel-Cox e o Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon. Os resultados mostraram que todos os grupos nos quais foi realizada a obturação e a posterior retrobturação apresentaram infiltração. Comparando todos os grupos, houve diferença significativa entre o Palacos-R e o Sealer 26. Mas não houve diferença significativa entre o Palacos-R e o MTA e nem do MTA com o Sealer 26. Em relação aos materiais retrobturadores, o Palacos-R obteve a menor infiltração, seguido do MTA branco e do Sealer 26.
A presente pesquisa avaliou a infiltração apical longitudinal nos canais radiculares preparados quimicamente com ou sem EDTA a 17% e obturados com dois tipos de cimentos obturadores à base de resina epóxica (AH Plus e Sealer 26); bem como avaliou a infiltração transversal em diferentes terços da raiz. Foram selecionados 80 caninos humanos permanentes, superiores e inferiores, em que foram realizados os preparos químicos-mecânicos; sendo as amostras divididas, aleatoriamente, em quatro grupos de 20 dentes. No grupo 1, os dentes foram irrigados com NaClO a 1% e obturados com cones de guta-percha e cimento Sealer 26; no grupo 2, os dentes foram irrigados com NaClO a 1% seguido de irrigação com EDTA a 17%; no grupo 3, os dentes foram irrigados com NaClO a 1% e obturados com cones de guta-percha e cimento AH Plus; no grupo 4, os dentes foram irrigados com NaClO a 1% seguido de irrigação com EDTA a 17% e obturados com cones de guta-percha e cimento AH Plus. As amostras foram fixadas em uma lâmina de cera, colocadas num recipiente raso contendo nanquim, durante 14 dias. Após, as amostras sofreram o processo de diafanização permitindo a visualização de forma tridimensional da estrutura dentária. Logo a seguir, foi utilizado microscópio estereoscópico para medir a infiltração longitudinal apical com auxílio de uma tela milimetrada. Com relação à infiltração transversal, após a diafanização e a medição da infiltração longitudinal apical, as amostras foram seccionadas com gilete, em três fatias, nos três terços (cervical, médio e apical). Cada fatia de dente foi colocada no microscópio estereoscópio e, em cima dessa fatia, colocada a tela milimetrada. Observaram-se, nos cortes transversais, a área total da amostra e a área infiltrada pelo corante e estabeleceu-se a porcentagem de infiltração em cada terço da raiz. Partiu-se para a análise dos resultados através dos testes estatísticos ANOVA e do teste Qui-Quadrado. Concluiu-se que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os cimentos e ou entre os grupos estudados quanto à infiltração longitudinal apical e transversal. Ambos os cimentos apresentaram um bom selamento longitudinal apical e transversal, e o EDTA não influenciou esses resultados.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate through radiographic and microscopic analysis the efficiency of the filling techniques by vertical hidraulic compression after the root canal mechanical instrumentation in vitro as well to evaluate the marginal apical leakage through macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Thirty human mandibular molars were used , they were divided on three groups, these were subdivided on six subgroups with five specimens each, come down to 106 root canals filled. Initially, the teeth were instrumented with Profile system series 29 and filled with two ways: single accessory cone or single cone associated with gutta-percha secundary cone, with Fill Canal sealer or Sealer 26. Completed the filling, the teeth were coated with araldit and finger -nail polish except for the apical 2 mm and dried for 3 hours, thep radiographs were taken of the teeth in orto and disto-radiai directions. Next, the coronal seal was carried out with composite resin photopolymerized and with their process of making impermeable. Teeth of positive controls were used without araldit and finger-nail polish whereas the negative controls were used with total coat of araldit and finger-nail polish. The specimens were placed in 2% Methylene Blue dye for 24 hours and thermocycled for 7 days. Afterwards, sections were made of each tooth at mesial and distal roat, after this the teeth were radiographed at buccolíngual direction for a macroscopic analysis and at buccolingual and mesiodistal directions for assessment of the marginal apical leakage. Cross sections were made 3 mm to 3mm since the tooth apice. The sections obtained for each group were observed with a stereomicroscope to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling and the marginal apical leakage. The results showed that: In the four techniques the marginal dye leakage was present in the apical third; in all groups the quality of the root canal filling in the radiography was better at mesial root canal and the single cone technique showed inefficient when only a single distal root canal was present. In the radiographic evaluation the best quality of the root canal filling was observed in the 1A group (single accessory cone + FiIl Canal), as in the mesial root as in the distal root wich Shcwed twe root canals: when the distaI root had only one canal. the best result was showed by 28 group (single accessory cone associated with secundary cone + Fill Canal) In the macroscopic analysis of longitudinal !eaKage (outside surface). less leakage was showed as In the mesial root as in the distal root in the negative control group (3) followed 2A group (single accessory cone + Sealer 26). When the microscopic analysis of tranversal leakage of both roots (inside surface) was carried out. the groups that showed less dye leakage were the negative control (38) followed the 28 group (single acessory cone associated with secundary cone + Sealer 26). The homogeneity o filling was best noted in the 1 A group (.single accessoty cone + Fill Canal). The groups that showed less dye penetration in the tranversal leakage (total area) were negative control (3B) and 2B
Foi propósito deste estudo analisar a influência da infiltração marginal coronária no comportamento dos tecidos periapicais de dentes de cães após obturação de canal e preparo para pino. Quarenta canais de dentes de cães foram instrumentados e obturados pela técnica da condensação lateral com cones de guta percha e os cimentos Roth e Sealer 26. Após preparo para pino, o remanescente da obturação foi protegido ou não com um plug do cimento temporário Lumicon. Após exposição ao meio oral por 90 dias, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças preparadas para análise histomorfológica. A técnica de Brown e Brenn mostrou 70% de casos com infiltração de microrganismos para o cimento Roth e 20% com o Sealer 26. Quando um plug de Lumicon foi empregado ocorreu 30% de casos de infiltração de microrganismos com o cimento Roth e 0,0% com o cimento Sealer 26. Reação inflamatória crônica foi mais freqüentemente observada com o cimento Roth do que com o Sealer 26. Foi concluído que o plug de Lumicon é eficiente no controle da infiltração coronária (p=0.05) e que o Sealer 26 foi mais biocompatível e selou melhor os canais radiculares do que o cimento Roth (p=0.01).
Aim To evaluate the radiopacity of calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealers (Acroseal, Sealapex and Sealer 26), a glass-ionomer-based sealer (Activ GP Sealer) and a zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer (Intrafill).Methodology Five disc-shaped specimens (10 x 1 mm) were fabricated from each material, according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 6876/2001 standard. After setting of the materials, radiographs were taken using occlusal films and a graduated aluminum step-wedge varying from 2 to 16 mm in thickness. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 Kvp, 10 mA, 18 pulses s(-1) and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity compared with that of the aluminum step-wedge, using WIXWIN-2000 software (Gendex). Data (mm Al) were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test.Results Intrafill was the most radiopaque material (7.67 mm Al) followed by Sealer 26 (6.33 mm Al), Sealapex (6.05 mm Al) and Acroseal (4.03 mm Al). Activ GP was the least radiopaque material (1.95 mm Al, P < 0.05).Conclusions The sealers evaluated in this study had different radiopacities. However, except for the glass-ionomer-based sealer, all materials had radiopacity values above the minimum recommended by the ISO standard.
Objective: Hydroxyl (OH(-)) and calcium (Ca(++)) ion release was evaluated in six materials: G1) Sealer 26, G2) White mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), G3) Epiphany, G4) Epiphany + 10% calcium hydroxide (CH), G5) Epiphany + 20% CH, and G6) zinc oxide and eugenol. Material and Methods: Specimens were placed in polyethylene tubes and immersed in distilled water. After 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, 7, 14, and 28 days, the water was assessed for pH with a pH meter and for Ca++ release by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results: G1, G2, G4, and G5 had the highest pH until 14 days (p < 0.05). G1 presented the highest Ca(++) release until 6 h, and G4 and G5, from 12 h through 14 days. Ca(++) release was greater for G1 and G2 at 28 days. G6 released the least Ca(++). Conclusions: MTA, Sealer 26, Epiphany, and Epiphany + CH release OH-and Ca(++) ions. Epiphany + CH may be an alternative as retrofilling material.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of 5 root-end filling materials (white MTA-Angelus, grey MTA-Angelus, IRM, Super EBA and Sealer 26). Five specimens (10 mm diameter X 1 mm thickness) were made from each material and radiographed next to an aluminum stepwedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. Radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity of the materials was compared to that of the aluminum stepwedge using VIXWIN 2000 software in millimeters of aluminum ( mm Al). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. Radiopacity values varied from 3 mm Al to 5.9 mm Al. Sealer 26 and IRM presented the highest radiopacity values (p<0.05), while white/grey MTA and Super EBA presented the lowest radiopacity values (p<0.05). The tested root- end filling materials presented different radiopacities, white/grey MTA and Super EBA being the least radiopaque materials.
Introduction: To evaluate calcium ion release and pH of Sealer 26 (S26) (Dentsply, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil), white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Endo CPM Sealer (CPM1) (EGEO SRL Bajo licencia MTM Argentina SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Endo CPM Sealer in a thicker consistency (CPM 2), and zinc oxide and eugenol cement (ZOE). Methods: Material samples (n = 10) were placed in polyethylene tubes and immersed in 10 mL of distilled water. After 3, 6,12,24, and 48 hours and 7,14, and 28 days, the water pH was determined with a pH meter, and calcium release was assessed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. An empty tube was used as the control group. Results: The control group presented a pH value of 6.9 at all studied periods and did not show the presence of calcium ion. S26 presented greater hydroxyl ion release up to 12 hours (p < 0.05). From 24 hours until 28 days, S26, MTA, CPM1, and CPM2 had similar results. in ail periods, ZOE presented the lowest hydroxyl ion release. CPM1, followed by CPM2, released the most calcium ions until 24 hours (p < 0.05). Between 48 hours and 7 days, CPM1 and CPM2 had the highest release. A greater calcium ion release was observed for CPM2, followed by CPM1 at 14 days and for S26, CPM1, and CPM2 at 28 days. ZOE released the least calcium ions in all periods. Conclusion: Sealer 26, MTA, and Endo CPM sealer at normal or thicker consistency release hydroxyl and calcium ions. Endo CPM sealer may be an alternative as root-end filling material. (J Endod 2009;35:1418-1421)