968 resultados para Scrotal division


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The influence of the scrotal bipartition and of the year period on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation was evaluated in male goats raised in Piaui State, Brazil. Eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished in this study and arranged into three Groups (6 animals each) obeying the classification as goats presenting no scrotal bipartition (Group I), goats showing scrotal bipartition at 50% of the testicular length (Group II), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (Group III). The scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi temperatures were evaluated invasively with the aid of a digital thermometer and non-invasive with a pyrometer in the proximal, medial and distal portion. The data were acquired during the dry (October-November) and rainy (February-March) period of the year, measured in two shifts: morning (6h00-7h00) and afternoon (14h00-15h00). The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) following the SNK test for average comparison (p<0.05). The year period interfered on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation, due to increased temperatures of the scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi during the dry period in comparison with the rainy period. The bipartition level was also a factor which contributed to the influence of scrotal-testicular temperature regulation, due to lower average scrotal-testicular temperature rates observed during both periods in the goats with higher levels of scrotal bipartition (>50%). It is possible to conclude that with the experimental conditions applied on this study, the level of scrotal bipartition and the climatic conditions interfere with the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation in goats.


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The influence of the scrotal bipartition and of the year period on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation was evaluated in male goats raised in Piaui State, Brazil. Eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished in this study and arranged into three Groups (6 animals each) obeying the classification as goats presenting no scrotal bipartition (Group I), goats showing scrotal bipartition at 50% of the testicular length (Group II), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (Group III). The scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi temperatures were evaluated invasively with the aid of a digital thermometer and non-invasive with a pyrometer in the proximal, medial and distal portion. The data were acquired during the dry (October-November) and rainy (February-March) period of the year, measured in two shifts: morning (6h00-7h00) and afternoon (14h00-15h00). The results were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) following the SNK test for average comparison (p<0.05). The year period interfered on the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation, due to increased temperatures of the scrotal, testicular and spermatic funiculi during the dry period in comparison with the rainy period. The bipartition level was also a factor which contributed to the influence of scrotal-testicular temperature regulation, due to lower average scrotal-testicular temperature rates observed during both periods in the goats with higher levels of scrotal bipartition (>50%). It is possible to conclude that with the experimental conditions applied on this study, the level of scrotal bipartition and the climatic conditions interfere with the scrotal-testicular thermal regulation in goats.


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The scrotal-testicular biometry was evaluated in goats raised in Piaui state, Brazil, presenting different levels of scrotal division, in rainy and dry periods of the year. For this study, eighteen male goats at mating age were accomplished and arranged into three groups (6 animals each), obeying the classification as goats with no scrotal bipartition (GI), goats showing scrotal bipartition up to 50% of testicular length (GII), and goats with more than 50% of scrotal bipartition (GIII). The biometry of the scrotal-testicular was made evaluating the scrotal length (SL), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular length (TL) and testicular volume (TV). The results were evaluated following the variance analysis (ANOVA) and the SNK test applied on the average comparisons. The analysis of the data demonstrated high values, in dry and rainy periods, of SC (24.63cm/ 26.97cm), SL (16.61cm/ 18.24cm), TL (5.32cm/ 5.93cm), TV (173.81cm³/ 203.01cm³). This supports the hypothesis of the influence of the period of the year and of the scrotal bipartition on the scrotal-testicular biometry in goat.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição dos vasos arteriais nos testículos em caprinos com diferentes graus de divisão escrotal. A configuração escrotal foi classificada da seguinte forma: Grupo I: constituído por caprinos com escroto único, Grupo II: com escroto separado até a metade do testículo e Grupo III: com separação escrotal estendendo-se além da metade do testículos. As artérias foram injetadas e coradas com solução de acetado de vinil, sendo os orgãos (30 pares) submetidos à corrossão para obtenção dos moldes vasculares. As artérias testiculares emergem da aorta abdominal, com trajeto retilíneo, atravessam o canal inguinal, apresentam-se espiraladas e envolvidas parcialmente pelo plexo pampiniforme. Próximo à extremidade caudada do testículo, dividem-se mais freqüentemente nos ramos cranial e caudal, os quais emitem vasos colaterais, de onde emergem ramos penetrantes. Os testículos dos animais com nível intermediário de divisão escrotal (Grupo II) apresentam menor quantidade destes ramos, sendo os quadrantes mais povoados o ventrolateral e o dorsolateral. Conclui-se que a origem, o trajeto e a distribuição das artérias testiculares não apresentam variações relacionadas ao grau de divisão escrotal em caprinos.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal e do período do ano sobre a termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos criados no Estado do Piauí. Foram utilizados 18 reprodutores caprinos machos, divididos em três grupos de seis animais: O Grupo I contendo caprinos com escroto simples, o Grupo II, caprinos com escroto bipartido até 50% do comprimento testicular e o Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição superior a 50% do comprimento testicular. Os parâmetros avaliados foram as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático, obtidas de forma invasiva, com um termômetro digital termoacoplável, e não invasiva, com um pirômetro, nos terços proximal, médio e distal. Os dados foram coletados nos períodos seco (outubro-novembro) e chuvoso (fevereiro-março) do ano, bem como, nos turnos da manhã (6h00 às 7h00) e tarde (14h00 às 15h00). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) seguida do teste SNK para comparação das médias (p<0,05). O período do ano interferiu na termorregulação escroto-testicular, pois no período seco as temperaturas do escroto, testículo e funículo espermático foram mais elevadas que as observadas no período chuvoso. O grau de bipartição do escroto foi outro fator que modificou a temperatura escroto-testicular, já que os caprinos que apresentaram escroto com maior grau de bipartição demonstraram as menores médias das temperaturas escroto-testiculares em ambos os períodos e turnos avaliados. Conclui-se, portanto, que tanto o período do ano quanto o grau de bipartição do escroto influenciaram o processo de termorregulação escroto-testicular em caprinos.


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Avaliou-se a influência do grau de bipartição escrotal sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos em caprinos. Foram utilizados 30 animais, distribuídos em três grupos: Grupo I, animais que apresentavam escroto sem bipartição (n =10); Grupo II, animais com bipartição escrotal até 50% do comprimento dos testículos (n=10); e Grupo III, caprinos com bipartição escrotal acima de 50% do comprimento testicular (n=10). Os parâmetros avaliados foram peso corporal, perímetro escrotal, comprimento testicular, características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen, concentração plasmática de testosterona e libido dos animais, comparando caprinos com escroto bipartido e não bipartido. Os animais que apresentavam bipartição escrotal expressaram maior peso corporal e comprimento testicular, quando comparados com os animais do grupo sem escroto bipartido, sendo que estes apresentaram maior número de células espermáticas defeituosas. Conclui-se que a bipartição escrotal influencia positivamente alguns parâmetros biométricos bem como a qualidade do sêmen em caprinos.


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The process of spermatic division and differentiation (spermatogenesis) occurs with intratesticular temperature lower that the corporal temperature and for that is essential that the testicular thermoregulation mechanism occurs properly. For evaluation of the scrotal surface temperature can be used the infrared thermography or testicular sensors, besides that, can be evaluated the blood flux in the spermatic cord through the Doppler ultrasonography. Therefore the objective of this study was the evaluation of the scrotal thermography and Doppler flowmetry of the testicular artery of buffaloes subjected to environmental heat stress. For that were used seven healthy buffaloes, with age of 3 and 4 years, of the Murrah breed. For the surface scrotal temperature measurement (SST, degrees C) and superficial neck temperature (SNT, degrees C) was used the infrared termography (Infra Cam (TM) of the brand FLIR Systems Inc.), then Doppler flowmetry of the testicular artery in the region of the spermatic cord through the ultrasonography (Mylab 5, Esaote (R)) and measurement of the rectal temperature (RT, degrees C). The evaluations were done in two moments: moment 1 (M1) with all the animals in the shade (Temperature=32,2 degrees C) and moment 2 (M2) after 3 hours of exposure of animals to the sun (Temperature=38,7 degrees C To calculate the resistivity index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI), spectra were obtained from pulsed Doppler in three random regions of the testicular artery in the spermatic cord. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by T test, using a significance level of 5%. There was an increase (p<0,05) of RT (37,4 +/- 0,4(a) vs 39,0 +/- 0,3(b); M1 and M2 respectively), SST (30,6 +/- 1,4(a) vs 35,2,0 +/- 1,0(b); M1 and M2 respectively) and SNT (33,1 +/- 2,5(a) vs 38,5,0 +/- 0,3(b); M1 e M2 respectively) e RI (0,67 +/- 0,1(a) vs 0,74 +/- 0,1(b); M1 e M2 respectively) in M2. Increasing trend was observed (0,05>p>0,01) in PI (1,10 +/- 0,4(a) vs 1,23 +/- 0,2(b); M1 and M2 respectively) in M2. The results of the present study allow us to conclude the healthy buffaloes have the scrotal average surface temperature 3 degrees C lower that the body temperature and that the exposure of 3 hours to sun in healthy buffaloes causes thermal stress to the animals and changes in its surface scrotal temperature, and the Doppler flowmetry of the testicular artery demonstrating the importance of thermal management for breeding buffaloes. Besides that, the thermography and the Doppler ultrasonography presented great potential to detect changes of testicular perfusion, being a promising additional test in the buffalo andrological evaluation.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an obligate intracellular endosymbiont of a range of arthropod species. The microbe is best known for its manipulations of host reproduction that include inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, feminization, and male-killing. Like other vertically transmitted intracellular symbionts, Wolbachiarsquos replication rate must not outpace that of its host cells if it is to remain benign. The mosquito Aedes albopictus is naturally infected both singly and doubly with different strains of Wolbachia pipientis. During diapause in mosquito eggs, no host cell division is believed to occur. Further development is triggered only by subsequent exposure of the egg to water. This study uses diapause in Wolbachia-infected Aedes albopictus eggs to determine whether symbiont replication slows or stops when host cell division ceases or whether it continues at a low but constant rate. We have shown that Wolbachia densities in eggs are greatest during embryonation and then decline throughout diapause, suggesting that Wolbachia replication is dependent on host cell replication.


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Background: The University of Queensland has through an Australian Government initiative, established a Rural Clinical Division (RCD) at four regional sites in the southern and central Queensland. Over the fi rst four years of the existence of the RCD, an integrated package of innovative medical education has been developed. Method: The integrated aspects of the RCD program include: The Rural Medical Rotation: Every medical student undertakes an eight week rural rotation in Year 3. Year 3 and 4 MBBS - 100 students are currently spending one to two years in the rural school and demand is increasing. Interprofessional Education - Medical and Allied Health students attend lectures, seminars and workshops together and often share the same rural clinical placement. Rural health projects - allow students to undertake a project of benefi t to the rural community. Information Technology (IT) - the Clinical Discussion Board (CDB) and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) demonstrate the importance of IT to medical students in the 21st century. Changing the Model of Medical Education - The Leichhardt Community Attachment Placement (LCAP), is a pilot study that resulted in the addition of three interns to the rural workforce. All aspects of the RCD are evaluated with surveys using both qualitative and quantitative free response questions, completed by all students regularly throughout the academic year. Results: Measures of impact include: Student satisfaction and quality of teaching surveys – 86-91% of students improved their clinical skills and understanding across all rotations. Academic results and progress – RCD students out-perform their urban colleagues. Intent to work in rural areas – 90% of students reported a greater interest in rural medicine. Intern numbers – rural / regional intern placements are increasing. Conclusions: The RCD proves to be a site for innovations all designed to help reach our primary goal of fostering increased recruitment of a rural medical workforce.


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This paper takes as its starting point recent claims by Beck-Gernsheim (2002) that we are living in an era of post-familial families. Beck-Gernsheim (2002) argues that our lives are no longer structured as they once were by tradition, class, religion and kin. Instead the family has become a transitional phase as individuals strive for fulfillment of personal goals and personal life projects. The demographic evidence to support these claims is clearly evident in relation to changing patterns of family formation and dissolution, as well as the movement of married women into paid employment. But what is less evident is a decline in traditional patterns of gender stratification within families. This paper uses recent national data from Australia to examine the relationship between post-familial status, as indicated by marital status and employment, and time spent on housework. The results show that gender is still a clear predictor of time spent on housework, but that within gender there is evidence that gender inequality may be declining in non-traditional households.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic correlations among real-time ultrasound carcass, BW, and scrotal circumference (SC) traits in Nelore cattle. Carcass traits, measured by real-time ultrasound of the live animal, were recorded from 2002 to 2004 on 10 farms across 6 Brazilian states on 2,590 males and females ranging in age from 450 to 599 d. Ultrasound records of LM area (LMA) and backfat thickness (BF) were obtained from cross-sectional images between the 12th and 13th ribs, and rump fat thickness (RF) was measured between the hook and pin bones over the junction between gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles. Also, BW (n = 22,778) and SC ( n = 5,695) were recorded on animals born between 1998 and 2003. The BW traits were 120, 210, 365, 450, and 550-d standardized BW (W120, W210, W365, W450, and W550), plus BW (WS) and hip height (HH) on the ultrasound scanning date. The SC traits were 365-, 450-, and 550-d standardized SC (SC365, SC450, and SC550). For the BW and SC traits, the database used was from the Nelore Breeding Program-Nelore Brazil. The genetic parameters were estimated with multivariate animal models and REML. Estimated genetic correlations between LMA and other traits were 0.06 (BF), -0.04 ( RF), 0.05 (HH), 0.58 (WS), 0.53 (W120), 0.62 (W210), 0.67 (W365), 0.64 ( W450 and W550), 0.28 (SC365), 0.24 (SC450), and 0.00 ( SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between BF and with other traits were 0.74 ( RF), -0.32 (HH), 0.19 (WS), -0.03 (W120), -0.10 (W210), 0.04 (W365), 0.01 (W450), 0.06 ( W550), 0.17 (SC365 and SC450), and -0.19 (SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between RF and other traits were -0.41 (HH), -0.09 (WS), -0.13 ( W120), -0.09 ( W210), -0.01 ( W365), 0.02 (W450), 0.03 (W550), 0.05 ( SC365), 0.11 ( SC450), and -0.18 (SC550). These estimates indicate that selection for carcass traits measured by real-time ultrasound should not cause antagonism in the genetic improvement of SC and BW traits. Also, selection to increase HH might decrease subcutaneous fat as correlated response. Therefore, to obtain animals suited to specific tropical production systems, carcass, BW, and SC traits should be considered in selection programs.