962 resultados para Scratch Assay


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Moving cell fronts are an essential feature of wound healing, development and disease. The rate at which a cell front moves is driven, in part, by the cell motility, quantified in terms of the cell diffusivity $D$, and the cell proliferation rate �$\lambda$. Scratch assays are a commonly-reported procedure used to investigate the motion of cell fronts where an initial cell monolayer is scratched and the motion of the front is monitored over a short period of time, often less than 24 hours. The simplest way of quantifying a scratch assay is to monitor the progression of the leading edge. Leading edge data is very convenient since, unlike other methods, it is nondestructive and does not require labeling, tracking or counting individual cells amongst the population. In this work we study short time leading edge data in a scratch assay using a discrete mathematical model and automated image analysis with the aim of investigating whether such data allows us to reliably identify $D$ and $\lambda$�. Using a naıve calibration approach where we simply scan the relevant region of the ($D$;$\lambda$�) parameter space, we show that there are many choices of $D$ and $\lambda$� for which our model produces indistinguishable short time leading edge data. Therefore, without due care, it is impossible to estimate $D$ and $\lambda$� from this kind of data. To address this, we present a modified approach accounting for the fact that cell motility occurs over a much shorter time scale than proliferation. Using this information we divide the duration of the experiment into two periods, and we estimate $D$ using data from the first period, while we estimate �$\lambda$ using data from the second period. We confirm the accuracy of our approach using in silico data and a new set of in vitro data, which shows that our method recovers estimates of $D$ and $\lamdba$� that are consistent with previously-reported values except that that our approach is fast, inexpensive, nondestructive and avoids the need for cell labeling and cell counting.


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Quantifying the impact of biochemical compounds on collective cell spreading is an essential element of drug design, with various applications including developing treatments for chronic wounds and cancer. Scratch assays are a technically simple and inexpensive method used to study collective cell spreading; however, most previous interpretations of scratch assays are qualitative and do not provide estimates of the cell diffusivity, D, or the cell proliferation rate,l. Estimating D and l is important for investigating the efficacy of a potential treatment and provides insight into the mechanism through which the potential treatment acts. While a few methods for estimating D and l have been proposed, these previous methods lead to point estimates of D and l, and provide no insight into the uncertainty in these estimates. Here, we compare various types of information that can be extracted from images of a scratch assay, and quantify D and l using discrete computational simulations and approximate Bayesian computation. We show that it is possible to robustly recover estimates of D and l from synthetic data, as well as a new set of experimental data. For the first time, our approach also provides a method to estimate the uncertainty in our estimates of D and l. We anticipate that our approach can be generalized to deal with more realistic experimental scenarios in which we are interested in estimating D and l, as well as additional relevant parameters such as the strength of cell-to-cell adhesion or the strength of cell-to-substrate adhesion.


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Background: Standard methods for quantifying IncuCyte ZOOM™ assays involve measurements that quantify how rapidly the initially-vacant area becomes re-colonised with cells as a function of time. Unfortunately, these measurements give no insight into the details of the cellular-level mechanisms acting to close the initially-vacant area. We provide an alternative method enabling us to quantify the role of cell motility and cell proliferation separately. To achieve this we calibrate standard data available from IncuCyte ZOOM™ images to the solution of the Fisher-Kolmogorov model. Results: The Fisher-Kolmogorov model is a reaction-diffusion equation that has been used to describe collective cell spreading driven by cell migration, characterised by a cell diffusivity, D, and carrying capacity limited proliferation with proliferation rate, λ, and carrying capacity density, K. By analysing temporal changes in cell density in several subregions located well-behind the initial position of the leading edge we estimate λ and K. Given these estimates, we then apply automatic leading edge detection algorithms to the images produced by the IncuCyte ZOOM™ assay and match this data with a numerical solution of the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation to provide an estimate of D. We demonstrate this method by applying it to interpret a suite of IncuCyte ZOOM™ assays using PC-3 prostate cancer cells and obtain estimates of D, λ and K. Comparing estimates of D, λ and K for a control assay with estimates of D, λ and K for assays where epidermal growth factor (EGF) is applied in varying concentrations confirms that EGF enhances the rate of scratch closure and that this stimulation is driven by an increase in D and λ, whereas K is relatively unaffected by EGF. Conclusions: Our approach for estimating D, λ and K from an IncuCyte ZOOM™ assay provides more detail about cellular-level behaviour than standard methods for analysing these assays. In particular, our approach can be used to quantify the balance of cell migration and cell proliferation and, as we demonstrate, allow us to quantify how the addition of growth factors affects these processes individually.


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Cell migration is a behaviour critical to many key biological effects, including wound healing, cancerous cell invasion and morphogenesis, the development of an organism from an embryo. However, given that each of these situations is distinctly different and cells are extremely complicated biological objects, interest lies in more basic experiments which seek to remove conflating factors and present a less complex environment within which cell migration can be experimentally examined. These include in vitro studies like the scratch assay or circle migration assay, and ex vivo studies like the colonisation of the hindgut by neural crest cells. The reduced complexity of these experiments also makes them much more enticing as problems to mathematically model, like done here. The primary goal of the mathematical models used in this thesis is to shed light on which cellular behaviours work to generate the travelling waves of invasion observed in these experiments, and to explore how variations in these behaviours can potentially predict differences in this invasive pattern which are experimentally observed when cell types or chemical environment are changed. Relevant literature has already identified the difficulty of distinguishing between these behaviours when using traditional mathematical biology techniques operating on a macroscopic scale, and so here a sophisticated individual-cell-level model, an extension of the Cellular Potts Model (CPM), is been constructed and used to model a scratch assay experiment. This model includes a novel mechanism for dealing with cell proliferations that allowed for the differing properties of quiescent and proliferative cells to be implemented into their behaviour. This model is considered both for its predictive power and used to make comparisons with the travelling waves which result in more traditional macroscopic simulations. These comparisons demonstrate a surprising amount of agreement between the two modelling frameworks, and suggest further novel modifications to the CPM that would allow it to better model cell migration. Considerations of the model’s behaviour are used to argue that the dominant effect governing cell migration (random motility or signal-driven taxis) likely depends on the sort of invasion demonstrated by cells, as easily seen by microscopic photography. Additionally, a scratch assay simulated on a non-homogeneous domain consisting of a ’fast’ and ’slow’ region is also used to further differentiate between these different potential cell motility behaviours. A heterogeneous domain is a novel situation which has not been considered mathematically in this context, nor has it been constructed experimentally to the best of the candidate’s knowledge. Thus this problem serves as a thought experiment used to test the conclusions arising from the simulations on homogeneous domains, and to suggest what might be observed should this non-homogeneous assay situation be experimentally realised. Non-intuitive cell invasion patterns are predicted for diffusely-invading cells which respond to a cell-consumed signal or nutrient, contrasted with rather expected behaviour in the case of random-motility-driven invasion. The potential experimental observation of these behaviours is demonstrated by the individual-cell-level model used in this thesis, which does agree with the PDE model in predicting these unexpected invasion patterns. In the interest of examining such a case of a non-homogeneous domain experimentally, some brief suggestion is made as to how this could be achieved.


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Most mathematical models of collective cell spreading make the standard assumption that the cell diffusivity and cell proliferation rate are constants that do not vary across the cell population. Here we present a combined experimental and mathematical modeling study which aims to investigate how differences in the cell diffusivity and cell proliferation rate amongst a population of cells can impact the collective behavior of the population. We present data from a three–dimensional transwell migration assay which suggests that the cell diffusivity of some groups of cells within the population can be as much as three times higher than the cell diffusivity of other groups of cells within the population. Using this information, we explore the consequences of explicitly representing this variability in a mathematical model of a scratch assay where we treat the total population of cells as two, possibly distinct, subpopulations. Our results show that when we make the standard assumption that all cells within the population behave identically we observe the formation of moving fronts of cells where both subpopulations are well–mixed and indistinguishable. In contrast, when we consider the same system where the two subpopulations are distinct, we observe a very different outcome where the spreading population becomes spatially organized with the more motile subpopulation dominating at the leading edge while the less motile subpopulation is practically absent from the leading edge. These modeling predictions are consistent with previous experimental observations and suggest that standard mathematical approaches, where we treat the cell diffusivity and cell proliferation rate as constants, might not be appropriate.


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Spreading cell fronts play an essential role in many physiological processes. Classically, models of this process are based on the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation; however, such continuum representations are not always suitable as they do not explicitly represent behaviour at the level of individual cells. Additionally, many models examine only the large time asymptotic behaviour, where a travelling wave front with a constant speed has been established. Many experiments, such as a scratch assay, never display this asymptotic behaviour, and in these cases the transient behaviour must be taken into account. We examine the transient and asymptotic behaviour of moving cell fronts using techniques that go beyond the continuum approximation via a volume-excluding birth-migration process on a regular one-dimensional lattice. We approximate the averaged discrete results using three methods: (i) mean-field, (ii) pair-wise, and (iii) one-hole approximations. We discuss the performace of these methods, in comparison to the averaged discrete results, for a range of parameter space, examining both the transient and asymptotic behaviours. The one-hole approximation, based on techniques from statistical physics, is not capable of predicting transient behaviour but provides excellent agreement with the asymptotic behaviour of the averaged discrete results, provided that cells are proliferating fast enough relative to their rate of migration. The mean-field and pair-wise approximations give indistinguishable asymptotic results, which agree with the averaged discrete results when cells are migrating much more rapidly than they are proliferating. The pair-wise approximation performs better in the transient region than does the mean-field, despite having the same asymptotic behaviour. Our results show that each approximation only works in specific situations, thus we must be careful to use a suitable approximation for a given system, otherwise inaccurate predictions could be made.


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Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) have the ability to release multiple growth factors in response to hypoxia. In this study, we investigated the potential of ASCs to prevent tissue ischemia. We found conditioned media from hypoxic ASCs had increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and enhanced endothelial cell tubule formation. To investigate the effect of injecting rat ASCs into ischemic flaps, 21 Lewis rats were divided into three groups: control, normal oxygen ASCs (10(6) cells), and hypoxic preconditioned ASCs (10(6) cells). At the time of flap elevation, the distal third of the flap was injected with the treatment group. At 7 days post flap elevation, flap viability was significantly improved with injection of hypoxic preconditioned ASCs. Cluster of differentiation-31-positive cells were more abundant along the margins of flaps injected with ASCs. Fluorescent labeled ASCs localized aside blood vessels or throughout the tissue, dependent on oxygen preconditioning status. Next, we evaluated the effect of hypoxic preconditioning on ASC migration and chemotaxis. Hypoxia did not affect ASC migration on scratch assay or chemotaxis to collagen and laminin. Thus, hypoxic preconditioning of injected ASCs improves flap viability likely through the effects of VEGF release. These effects are modest and represent the limitations of cellular and growth factor-induced angiogenesis in the acute setting of ischemia.


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Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Alkyl esters of p–hydroxybenzoic acid (parabens) are widely used as preservatives in personal care products, foods and pharmaceuticals. Their oestrogenic activity, their measurement in human breast tissue and their ability to drive proliferation of oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cells has opened a debate on their potential to influence breast cancer development. Since proliferation is not the only hallmark of cancer cells, we have investigated the effects of exposure to parabens at concentrations of maximal proliferative response on migratory and invasive properties using three oestrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, T-47-D, ZR-75-1). Cells were maintained short-term (1 week) or long-term (20±2 weeks) in phenol-red-free medium containing 5% charcoal-stripped serum with no addition, 10-8M 17-oestradiol, 1-5x10-4M methylparaben, 10-5M n-propylparaben or 10-5M n-butylparaben. Long-term exposure (20±2 weeks) of MCF-7 cells to methylparaben, n-propylparaben or n-butylparaben increased migration as measured using a scratch assay, time-lapse microscopy and xCELLigence technology: invasive properties were found to increase in matrix degradation assays and migration through matrigel on xCELLigence. Western immunoblotting showed an associated downregulation of E-cadherin and -catenin in the long-term paraben-exposed cells which could be consistent with a mechanism involving epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Increased migratory activity was demonstrated also in long-term paraben-exposed T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells using a scratch assay and time-lapse microscopy. This is the first report that in vitro, parabens can influence not only proliferation but also migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells.


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The formation of new blood vessels from the pre-existing vasculature (angiogenesis) is a crucial stage in cancer progression and, indeed, angiogenesis inhibitors are now used as anticancer agents, clinically. Here we have explored the potential of flavonoid derivatives as antiangiogenic agents. Specifically, we have synthesised methoxy and 4-thio derivatives of the natural flavones quercetin and luteolin, two of which (4-thio quercetin and 4-thio luteolin) had never been previously reported. Seven of these compounds showed significant (P<0.05) antiangiogenic activity in an in vitro scratch assay. Their activity ranged from an 86% inhibition of the vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF)-stimulated migration (observed for methoxyquercetin at 10 µM and for luteolin at 1 µM) to a 36% inhibition (for thiomethoxy quercetin at 10 µM). Western blotting studies showed that most (4 out of 7) compounds inhibited phosphorylation of the VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2), suggesting that the antiangiogenic activity was due to an interference with the VEGF/VEGFR2 pathway. Molecular modelling studies looking at the affinity of our compounds towards VEGFR and/or VEGF confirmed this hypothesis, and indeed the compound with the highest antiangiogenic activity (methoxyquercetin) showed the highest affinity towards VEGFR and VEGF. As reports from others have suggested that structurally similar compounds can elicit biological responses via a non-specific, promiscuous membrane perturbation, potential interactions of the active compounds with a model lipid bilayer were assessed via DSC. Luteolin and its derivatives did not perturb the model membrane even at concentrations 10 times higher than the biologically active concentration and only subtle interactions were observed for quercetin and its derivatives. Finally, cytotoxicity assessment of these flavonoid derivatives against MCF-7 breast cancer cells demonstrated also a direct anticancer activity albeit at generally higher concentrations than those required for an antiangiogenic effect (10 fold higher for the methoxy analogues). Taken together these results show promise for flavonoid derivatives as antiangiogenic agents.


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Objectives: The search for agents that are capable of preventing restenosis and reduce the risk of late thrombosis is of utmost importance. In this study we aim to evaluate the in vitro effects of ibuprofen on proliferation and migration of human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (HCASMCs) and on human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) migration. Methods: Cell proliferation was evaluated by direct cell counting using trypan blue exclusion. Cell migration was assessed by wound healing “scratchassay and by time lapse video-microscopy. Protein expression was assessed by immunoblotting, and morphological changes were studied by immunocytochemistry. The involvement of the PPARγ pathway was studied with the selective agonist troglitazone, and the use of highly selective antagonists of PPARγ such as PGF2α and GW9662. Results: We demonstrate that ibuprofen inhibits proliferation and migration of HCASMCs and induces a switch in HCASMCs towards a differentiated and contractile phenotype, and that these effects are mediated through the PPARγ pathway. Importantly we also show that the effects of ibuprofen are cell type specific as it does not affect migration and proliferation of endothelial cells. Conclusions: Taken together, our results suggest that ibuprofen could be an effective drug for the development of novel drug eluting stents, which could lead reduced rates of restenosis and potentially other complications of DES stent implantation.


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Background: In many types of cancer, prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) is associated with tumour related processes including proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and apoptosis. However in gliomas the role of this prostanoid is poorly understood. Here, we report on the proliferative, migratory, and apoptotic effects of PGE(1), PGE(2) and Ibuprofen (IBP) observed in the T98G human glioma cell line in vitro. Methods: T98G human glioma cells were treated with IBP, PGE(1) or PGE(2) at varying concentrations for 24-72 hours. Cell proliferation, mitotic index and apoptotic index were determined for each treatment. Caspase-9 and caspase-3 activity was measured using fluorescent probes in live cells (FITC-LEHD-FMK and FITC-DEVD-FMK respectively). The migratory capacity of the cells was quantified using a scratch migration assay and a transwell migration assay. Results: A significant decrease was seen in cell number (54%) in the presence of 50 mu M IBP. Mitotic index and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation were also decreased 57% and 65%, respectively, by IBP. The apoptotic index was increased (167%) and the in situ activity of caspase-9 and caspase-3 was evident in IBP treated cells. The inhibition of COX activity by IBP also caused a significant inhibition of cell migration in the monolayer scratch assay (74%) and the transwell migration assay (36%). In contrast, the presence of exogenous PGE(1) or PGE(2) caused significant increases in cell number (37% PGE(1) and 45% PGE(2)). When mitotic index was measured no change was found for either PG treatment. However, the BrdU incorporation rate was significantly increased by PGE(1) (62%) and to a greater extent by PGE(2) (100%). The apoptotic index was unchanged by exogenous PGs. The addition of exogenous PGs caused an increase in cell migration in the monolayer scratch assay (43% PGE(1) and 44% PGE(2)) and the transwell migration assay (28% PGE(1) and 68% PGE(2)). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that treatments which alter PGE(1) and PGE(2) metabolism influence the proliferative and apoptotic indices of T98G glioma cells. The migratory capacity of the cells was also significantly affected by the change in prostaglandin metabolism. Modifying PG metabolism remains an interesting target for future studies in gliomas.


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AIM: To investigate the biological features of A549 cells in which epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors expression were suppressed by RNA interference (RNAi). METHODS: A549 cells were transfected using short small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) formulated with Lipofectamine 2000. The EGF receptor numbers were determined by Western blotting and flowcytometry. The antiproliferative effects of sequence specific double stranded RNA (dsRNA) were assessed using cell count, colony assay and scratch assay. The chemosensitivity of transfected cells to cisplatin was measured by MTT. RESULTS: Sequence specific dsRNA-EGFR down-regulated EGF receptor expression dramatically. Compared with the control group, dsRNA-EGFR reduced the cell number by 85.0 %, decreased the colonies by 63.3 %, inhibited the migration by 87.2 %, and increased the sensitivity of A549 to cisplatin by four-fold. CONCLUSION: Sequence specific dsRNA-EGFR were capable of suppressing EGF receptor expression, hence significantly inhibiting cellular proliferation and motility, and enhancing chemosensitivity of A549 cells to cisplatin. The successful application of dsRNA-EGFR for inhibition of proliferation in EGF receptor overexpressing cells can help extend the list of available therapeutic modalities in the treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).


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Cell migration requires the initial formation of cell protrusions, lamellipodia and/or filopodia, the attachment of the leading lamella to extracellular cues and the formation and efficient recycling of focal contacts at the leading edge. The small calcium binding EF-hand protein S100A4 has been shown to promote cell motility but the direct molecular mechanisms responsible remain to be elucidated. In this work, we provide new evidences indicating that elevated levels of S100A4 affect the stability of filopodia and prevent the maturation of focal complexes. Increasing the levels of S100A4 in a rat mammary benign tumor derived cell line results in acquired cellular migration on the wound healing scratch assay. At the cellular levels, we found that high levels of S100A4 induce the formation of many nascent filopodia, but that only a very small and limited number of those can stably adhere and mature, as opposed to control cells, which generate fewer protrusions but are able to maintain these into more mature projections. This observation was paralleled by the fact that S100A4 overexpressing cells were unable to establish stable focal adhesions. Using different truncated forms of the S100A4 proteins that are unable to bind to myosin IIA, our data suggests that this newly identified functions of S100A4 is myosin-dependent, providing new understanding on the regulatory functions of S100A4 on cellular migration.


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Background Drugs of plant origin such as Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis or Hypericum perforatum have been frequently used to promote wound healing. While their effect on wound healing using preparations at pharmacological concentrations was supported by several in vitro and clinical studies, investigations of herbal homeopathic remedies on wound healing process are rare. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a commercial low potency homeopathic remedy Similasan® Arnica plus Spray on wound closure in a controlled, blind trial in vitro. Methods We investigated the effect of an ethanolic preparation composed of equal parts of Arnica montana 4x, Calendula officinalis 4x, Hypericum perforatum 4x and Symphytum officinale 6x (0712–2), its succussed hydroalcoholic solvent (0712–1) and unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) on NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Cell viability was determined by WST-1 assay, cell growth using BrdU uptake, cell migration by chemotaxis assay and wound closure by CytoSelect ™Wound Healing Assay Kit which generated a defined “wound field”. All assays were performed in three independent controlled experiments. Results None of the three substances affected cell viability and none showed a stimulating effect on cell proliferation. Preparation (0712–2) exerted a stimulating effect on fibroblast migration (31.9%) vs 14.7% with succussed solvent (0712–1) at 1:100 dilutions (p < 0.001). Unsuccussed solvent (0712–3) had no influence on cell migration (6.3%; p > 0.05). Preparation (0712–2) at a dilution of 1:100 promoted in vitro wound closure by 59.5% and differed significantly (p < 0.001) from succussed solvent (0712–1), which caused 22.1% wound closure. Conclusion Results of this study showed that the low potency homeopathic remedy (0712–2) exerted in vitro wound closure potential in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This effect resulted from stimulation of fibroblasts motility rather than of their mitosis.