908 resultados para Scotchbond Dual Cure


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The indirect adhesive procedures constitute recently a substantial portion of contemporary esthetic restorative treatments. The resin cements have been used to bond tooth substrate and restorative materials. Due to recently introduction of the self-bonding resin luting cement based on a new monomer, filler and initiation technology has become important to study the degree of conversion of these new materials. In the present work the polymerization reaction and the filler content of dual-cured dental resin cements were studied by means of infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermogravimetry (TG). Twenty specimens were made in a metallic mold (8 mm diameter x 1 mm thick) from each of 2 cements, PanaviaA (R) F2.0 (Kuraray) and RelyX (TM) Unicem Applicap (3M/ESPE). Each specimen was cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/cm(2) for 30 s. Immediately after curing, 24 and 48 h, and 7 days DC was determined. For each time interval 5 specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FT-IR. The TG measurements were performed in Netzsch TG 209 under oxygen atmosphere and heating rate of 10A degrees C/min from 25 to 700A degrees C. A two-way ANOVA showed DC (%) mean values statistically significance differences between two cements (p < 0.05). The Tukey`s test showed no significant difference only for the 24 and 48 h after light irradiation for both resin cements (p > 0.05). The Relx-Y (TM) Unicem mean values were significantly higher than PanaviaA (R) F 2.0. The degree of conversion means values increasing with the storage time and the filler content showed similar for both resin cements.


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Objective: This study evaluated the surface hardness of a resin cement (RelyX ARC) photoactivated through indirect composite resin (Cristobal) disks of different thicknesses using either a light- emitting diode (LED) or quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) light source. Material and Methods: Eighteen resin cement specimens were prepared and divided into 6 groups according to the type of curing unit and the thickness of resin disks interposed between the cement surface and light source. Three indentations (50 g for 15 s) were performed on the top and bottom surface of each specimen and a mean Vickers hardness number (VHN) was calculated for each specimen. The data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test was used for post-hoc pairwise comparisons. Results: Increased indirect resin disk thickness resulted in decreased mean VHN values. Mean VHN values for the top surfaces of the resin cement specimens ranged from 23.2 to 46.1 (QTH) and 32.3 to 41.7 (LED). The LED curing light source produced higher hardness values compared to the QTH light source for 2- and 3-mm-thick indirect resin disks. The differences were clinically, but not statistically significant. Increased indirect resin disk thickness also resulted in decreased mean VHN values for the bottom surfaces of the resin cement: 5.8 to 19.1 (QTH) and 7.5 to 32.0 (LED). For the bottom surfaces, a statistically significant interaction was also found between the type of curing light source and the indirect resin disk thickness. Conclusions: Mean surface hardness values of resin cement specimens decreased with the increase of indirect resin disk thickness. The LED curing light source generally produced higher surface hardness values.


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The indirect adhesive procedures constitute recently a substantial portion of contemporary esthetic restorative treatments. The resin cements have been used to bond tooth substrate and restorative materials. Due to recently introduction of the self-bonding resin luting cement based on a new monomer, filler and initiation technology has become important to study the degree of conversion of these new materials. In the present work the polymerization reaction and the filler content of dual-cured dental resin cements were studied by means of infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermogravimetry (TG). Twenty specimens were made in a metallic mold (8 mm diameter × 1 mm thick) from each of 2 cements, Panavia® F2.0 (Kuraray) and RelyX™ Unicem Applicap (3M/ESPE). Each specimen was cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/cm 2 for 30 s. Immediately after curing, 24 and 48 h, and 7 days DC was determined. For each time interval 5 specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FT-IR. The TG measurements were performed in Netzsch TG 209 under oxygen atmosphere and heating rate of 10°C/min from 25 to 700°C. A two-way ANOVA showed DC (%) mean values statistically significance differences between two cements (p < 0.05). The Tukey's test showed no significant difference only for the 24 and 48 h after light irradiation for both resin cements (p > 0.05). The Relx-Y™ Unicem mean values were significantly higher than Panavia® F 2.0. The degree of conversion means values increasing with the storage time and the filler content showed similar for both resin cements. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.


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Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the degree of monomer conversion of different resin cement shades when photocured under different feldspathic ceramic shades. The photocuring time was also evaluated as well as the translucency of each ceramic shade. Methods: Three VITA VM7 ceramic shades (Base Dentin 0M1, Base Dentin 2M2 and Base Dentin 5M3) were used to determine the translucency percentage. A spectrophotometer MiniScan was used to measure the opacity percentage of each specimen (2-mm-thick) and then the translucency was calculated. To measure the degree of conversion (DC), the resin cement (Variolink II; A3 Yellow and transparent) specimens (thickness: 100 μm) were photocured under a ceramic block (2-mm-thick) for 20 or 40 s. Specimens photocured without the ceramic block were used as control. Sixteen groups (n = 3) were evaluated. Micro-ATR/FTIR spectrometry was used to evaluate the extent of polymerization of all specimens after 24 h. The %DC was calculated of experimentally polymerized versus maximally polymerized composite. Results: The translucency percentages of 0M1, 2M2 and 5M3 ceramics were 12.41 (1.02)%, 5.75 (1.91)% and 1.07 (0.03)%, respectively. The %DC of both resin cement shades cured under ceramic 5M3 was significantly lower than the other groups (p < 0.05). The %DC of 0M1 groups exhibited no significant difference from 2M2 groups (p > 0.05), with the exception of the transparent cement photocured for 40 s. Conclusion: Photocuring under 2 mm ceramic showed that the increase in chroma saturation significantly decreased Variolink II resin cement %DC (100-μm-thick). © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of three different adhesives, each used as an intermediary layer, on microleakage of sealants applied under condition of salivary contamination. Materials and Methods: Six different experimental conditions were compared, 3 with adhesives and 3 without. After prophylaxis and acid etching of enamel, salivary contamination was placed for 10 s. In Group SC the sealant was applied after saliva without bonding agent and then light-cured. In Group SCA, after saliva, the surface was air dried, and then the sealant was applied and cured. In Groups ScB, SB and PB, a bonding agent (Scotchbond Dual Cure/3M, Single Bond/3M and Prime & Bond 2.1/Dentsply, respectively) was applied after the saliva and prior to the sealant application and curing. After storage in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hrs, the teeth were submitted to 500 thermal cycles (5°C and 55°C), and silver nitrate was used as a leakage tracer. Leakage data were collected on cross sections as percentage of total enamel-sealant interface length. Representative samples were evaluated under SEM. Results: Sealants placed on contaminated enamel with no bonding agent showed extensive microleakage (94.27% in SC; 42.65% in SCA). The SEM revealed gaps as wide as 20 μm in areas where silver nitrate leakage could be visualized. In contrast, all bonding agent groups showed leakage less than 6.9%. Placement of sealant with a dentin-bonding agent on contaminated enamel significantly reduced microleakage (P< 0.0001). The use of a bonding agent as an intermediary layer between enamel and sealant significantly reduced saliva's effect on sealant microleakage.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do tipo de sistema de cimentação (condicionamento ácido total ou autoadesivo), do modo de ativação (autoativado ou dual), do terço do conduto radicular (cervical, médio ou apical) e da espessura do filme de cimento sobre a resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro cimentados em dentes humanos. Quarenta raízes foram incluídas em resina epóxi, submetidas a tratamento endodôntico e obturadas com guta percha e cimento endodôntico sem eugenol. Decorridos sete dias, os condutos foram preparados a uma profundidade de 10mm com brocas padronizadas do sistema dos pinos de fibra (WhitePost DC #2) e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos, conforme o sistema de cimentação e o modo de ativação: (G1) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus (condicionamento ácido total), ativação dual, (G2) RelyX ARC/Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, autoativado, (G3) RelyX U100 (autoadesivo), dual e (G4) RelyX U100, autoativado. Após uma semana, cada raiz foi seccionada em máquina de corte, originando 6 fatias de 1 mm de espessura (n=60). Antes do ensaio de push-out cada fatia foi fotografada em ambas as faces, para determinação do raio dos pinos e da espessura do filme de cimento. Após o ensaio mecânico, novas imagens foram capturadas para determinação do modo de falha. Para automatizar a determinação da espessura de cimento, foi desenvolvida uma macro no software KS 400. Os dados foram estatisticamente analisados com ANOVA 3 fatores (resistência de união) e teste de Kruskall-Wallis (espessura do cimento). Comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com o teste Student-Newman-Keuls. Análise de regressão, modelo linear, foi empregada para verificar a correlação entre espessura do cimento e resistência de união. Todos os testes foram aplicados com α = 0,05. O fator cimento exerceu influência significativa para a resistência de união (p = 0,0402): o RelyX U100 apresentou a maior média. A ativação dual elevou os valores de resistência de união em comparação ao modo quimicamente ativado (p < 0,0001). Houve diferenças significantes entre os grupos, sendo G1 (22,4 4,0 MPa) > G3 (20,4 3,6 MPa) > G4 (17,8 5,2 MPa) > G2 (13,5 4,3 MPa). O terço do conduto não exerceu influência significativa sobre a resistência adesiva (p = 0,4749). As espessuras dos filmes de cimento foram estatisticamente diferentes nos diferentes terços: cervical (102 45 m) > médio (75 29 m) > apical (52 28m). Não foi observada forte correlação entre os valores de espessura e os de resistência ao push-out (r = - 0,2016, p = 0,0033). O tipo de falha predominante foi a mista, exceto para o G2, que apresentou 74% das falhas na interface cimento-pino. Dessa forma, o cimento autoadesivo apresentou melhor desempenho que o convencional, e ambos os sistemas duais, sobretudo o RelyX ARC, apresentaram dependência da fotoativação para atingirem maiores valores de resistência de união.


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Esta pesquisa estudou a influência de diferentes velocidades de corte e marcas de discos diamantados nos valores de resistência adesiva, durante a preparação dos espécimes a serem submetidos à microtração, e na integridade das amostras por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV). Vinte blocos da cerâmica à base de dissilicato de lítio (IPS e.max Press) foram unidos com cimento resinoso (Rely X ARC) a blocos de compósito (Z100), construídos incrementalmente. Foram seguidas as recomendações dos fabricantes no tratamento da superfície da cerâmica e aplicação do cimento resinoso. Após 24 horas em água destilada a 37C, os espécimes foram divididos em dois grupos de discos: marcas Buehler e Extec e subdivididos nas velocidades de 200rpm e 400rpm (B2; E2; B4 e E4, respectivamente). Cada espécime foi cortado em dois eixos perpendiculares para obtenção de palitos com área adesiva de 1,0mm. Para cada condição experimental, os palitos foram separados, aleatoriamente, 15 palitos para análise ao MEV e 30 palitos para serem submetidos à força de tração. As médias de resistência adesiva em MPa foram E4=20,312 ; B4= 24,2 11,3 ; B2= 25,2 9,0 e E2= 28,6 10,4. Na análise estatística, observou-se que os valores de resistência adesiva na velocidade de 200rpm foram significativamente maiores comparados a velocidade de 400rpm, independente do disco empregado. Ao MEV, observou-se melhor integridade dos palitos na velocidade de 200rpm com presença de trincas menos extensas nas bordas externas. Constatou-se também que o disco Extec na velocidade de 400rpm apresentou movimentos excêntricos ao corte e obteve-se maior número de perdas prematuras, uma diminuição significante na média da área total de união (p<0,05), além de diferença significativa nos valores de resistência comparada a velocidade de 200rpm. Concluiu-se que a utilização de diferentes velocidades e sua interação com o disco empregado interfere na integridade dos espécimes e nos valores de resistência adesiva, sendo mais acentuada ao se utilizar o disco da marca Extec.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma avaliação tridimensional da rugosidade superficial em 3 tipos de pinos de fibra - DT LightPost, FRC Postec Plus e Transluma Post - submetidos a diferentes tratamentos de superfície e avaliar os efeitos dos pré-tratamentos na resistência adesiva a um compósito de presa dual Biscore. Os tratamentos de superfície foram: imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico, jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m, imersão em peróxido de hidrogênio, jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m seguido de imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico e jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50m seguido de imersão em peróxido de hidrogênio. No experimento 1, 75 pinos foram divididos em 3 grupos (n = 25), de acordo com seu fabricante e subdivididos em cinco subgrupos. A rugosidade superficial foi medida usando um rugosímetro tridimensional e analisada com o software de análise 3D. Os valores de rugosidade foram obtidos antes e após diferentes tratamentos de superfície na área dos mesmos corpos-de-prova. Para o experimento 2, foram utilizados os mesmos corpos-de-prova, os mesmos grupos e subgrupos do experimento 1, tendo sido adicionado o subgrupo de controle (n=90) e a resistência adesiva a um compósito presa dual Biscore foi mensurada através de um teste push-out. A resistência adesiva foi medida em uma máquina universal de ensaios, com uma célula de carga tipo SLBL-5kN em uma velocidade de 0,5 mm / min. Os resultados do experimento 1 foram analisados através de um teste estatístico t-Student. Jateamento e jateamento seguido de imersão em ácido hidrofluorídrico produziram um aumento estatisticamente significante na rugosidade, contudo somente o tratamento por jateamento proporcionou um aumento significativo nos valores de rugosidade. Os resultados do experimento 2 foram obtidos através de um um teste t-unilateral de hipótese com variância desconhecida. Concluiu-se que o jateamento com óxido de alumínio a 50μm em uma distância de 30 mm a 2,5 bar de pressão por 5 segundos foi suficiente para modificar a topografia dos pinos de fibra de vidro e quartzo e que o jateamento com partículas de 50 μ alumina a distância de 30 mm a 2,5 bar de pressão por 5 segundos foi o único tratamento de superfície que aumentou a resistência adesiva do compósito Biscore aos pinos DT Light Post e Transluma Post. Os pinos FRC Postec Plus não demostraram um aumento estatisticamente significante na resistência adesiva em nenhum grupo.


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Purpose: To evaluate dye penetration in adhesively bonded cervical amalgam restorations. Materials and Methods: the specimens were randomly divided into four groups and the adhesives Prime & Bond 2. 1, Prime & Bond 2.1 Dual Cure, Scotchbond Multi Purpose Plus and Amalgambond Plus were tested. After being restored and polished, the teeth were thermocycled 1,000 times at temperatures varying between 5degreesC +/- 2degreesC and 55degreesC +/- 2degreesC. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Kruskal-Wallis test and multiple comparisons. Results: Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus demonstrated lower levels of microleakage in enamel and dentin. The dual adhesives were more effective than the one bottle adhesive.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recent bonding systems have been advocated as multi-purpose bonding agents. The aim of this study was to determine if some of these bonding systems could be associated to composite resins from different manufacturers. This investigation was conducted to test lhe shear bond strength of three bonding systems: Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products), Optibond Light Cure (Kerr) and Optibond Dual Cure (Kerr), when each of them was associated to lhe composite resins: Z1 00 (3M Dental Products), Prisma - APH (Dentsply) and Herculite XRV (Kerr). Seventy-two flat dentin bonding sites were prepared to 600 grit on human premolars mounted using acrilic resins. The teeth were assigned at random to 9 groups of 8 samples each. A split die with a 3mm diameter was placed over lhe surface of lhe dentin treated with one of lhe adhesive systems, and lhe selected composite resin was inserted and light cured. The split mold was removed and all samples were termocycled and stored in 37ºC water for 24 hours before testing. Shear bond strength was determined using an lnstron Universal testing machine. Some failures were examined under lhe S.E.M. Data was analysed by one-way analysis of variance, that demonstrated a significant difference (p<0,05) in the mean shear bond strength among Optibond Light Cure (15,446 MPa), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (13,339 MPa) and Optibond Dual Cure (10,019 MPa). These values did not depend on the composite resin used. The association between bonding system/composite resin was statistycally significant (p<0,05) and the best results were obtained when the composite resins Z100 and Herculite were used with the adhesive system Optibond Light Cure, and when the composite resin APH was used with the adhesive system Scotchbond Multi-Purpose


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Aim: To assess the immediate influence of dentine bonding systems (DBS) associated with 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on glass-fibre post-bond strength to root dentine, in terms of coronal, middle and apical thirds. Methodology: Sixty bovine roots were root filled and randomly assigned to 1 of 6 groups (n = 10): SBMP (3-step etch-and-rinse system, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose), SB (2-step etch-and-rinse system, Single Bond 2), SE (2-step self-etching system, Clearfil SE Bond) and SBMP-CHX, SB-CHX and SE-CHX, respectively, associated with CHX. For all groups, a glassfibre post was luted with a dual-cure resin cement, RelyX ARC. After 7-day storage, specimens were subjected to the push-out test. Failure modes were analysed under optical microscopy (40x). Bond strength values were statistically analysed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni tests (P < 0.05). Results: The effect of DBS was significant (P < 0.05), and SE reached higher bond strength in comparison with the other DBS tested. CHX association did not show improvement with any DBS (P > 0.05); rather, it negatively affected SE, which was detected for all thirds. There was no difference between thirds (P > 0.05), except for the SE-CHX, which presented lower values for the apical third (P < 0.05). Adhesive cement/dentine adhesive failure was predominant for all groups. CHX did not influence the failure mode for any DBS (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The performance of the dentine bonding systems was material dependent. CHX did not improve immediate bond strength; however, CHX negatively affected the bond strength of the self-etching system, especially in the third apical


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Hydroxyl terminated azide binders can undergo a spurious reaction with diisocyanates to form tetrazoline-5-one via an inter molecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction apart from urethane/allophanate groups which has been overlooked. This has serious implications on solid propellants. The computed activation barrier using density functional theory (DFT) for urethane formation reaction is 28.4 kJ mol(-1) and that for tetrazoline-5-one formation reaction is 108.0 kJ mol(-1). DFT studies reveal that the rate limiting step of the reaction is 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between azide and isocyanate. A dual cure was observed in the temperature ranges 42-77 degrees C and 78-146 degrees C by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and rheological studies, confirming multiple reactions. Tetrazoline-5-one formation was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR).


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different light-curing units on the bond strength (push-out) of glass fiber posts in the different thirds of the root (cervical, middle and apical) with different adhesive luting resin systems (dual-cure total-etch; dual-cured and self-etch bonding system; and dual-cure self-adhesive cements), Disks of the samples (n = 144) were used, with approximately 1 mm of thickness of 48 bovine roots restored with glass fiber posts, that were luted with resin cements photo-activated by halogen LCU (QTH, Optilux 501) and blue LED (Ultraled), with power densities of 600 and 550 mW/cm(2), respectively. A universal testing machine (MTS 810 Material Test System) was used with a 1 mm diameter steel rod at cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until post extrusion, with load cell of 50 kg, for evaluation of the push-out strength in the different thirds of each sample. The push-out strength values in kgf were converted to MPa and analyzed through Analysis of Variance and Tukey`s test, at significance level of 5%. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the QTH and LED LCUs. The self-adhesive resin cement had lower values of retention. The total-etch and self-adhesive system resin cements seem to be a possible alternative for glass fiber posts cementation into the radicular canal and the LED LCU can be applied as an alternative to halogen light on photo-activation of dual-cured resin cements.