8 resultados para Scopic


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Taking as starting points the books The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience, by Vivian Sobchak, and Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, by Jacques Lacan, this article proposes to look at two well renowned film objects – Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954, USA) and Peeping Tom (Michael Powell, 1960, UK) – in order to equate two forms of perception that, all things considered, come together as one: the perception of the mechanical apparatuses that record and project film and the optical and mental apparatuses that operate on the human filmmakers as well as their intradiegetic protagonists. In fact, these two films not only explore the characteristics and limits of vision and affection in their diegetic world, that is part of the filmmaker’s world itself, but reveals just how much the human lives through the eye and the expression of the machine itself. Film ontology is foremost a matter of (re)production rather than creation.


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In slaughterhouses, the biological risk is present not only from the direct or indirect contact with animal matter, but also from the exposure to bioaerosols. Fungal contamination was already reported from the floors and walls of slaughterhouses. This study intends to assess fungal contamination by cultural and molecular methods in poultry, swine/bovine and large animal slaughterhouses. Air samples were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples were collected by the swabbing method and subjected to further macro- and micro-scopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples using the impinger method in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. ochraceus complexes. Poultry and swine/bovine slaughterhouses presented each two sampling sites that surpass the guideline of 150 CFU/m3. Scopulariopsis candida was the most frequently isolated (59.5%) in poultry slaughterhouse air; Cladosporium sp. (45.7%) in the swine/bovine slaughterhouse; and Penicillium sp. (80.8%) in the large animal slaughterhouse. Molecular tools successfully amplified DNA from the A. fumigatus complex in six sampling sites where the presence of this fungal species was not identified by conventional methods. This study besides suggesting the indicators that are representative of harmful fungal contamination, also indicates a strategy as a protocol to ensure a proper characterization of fungal occupational exposure.


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Background Despite the small size of the incision, the scar left by open repair of epigastric hernia in children is unaesthetic. Few laparoscopic approaches to epigastric hernia repair have been previously proposed, but none has gain wide acceptance from pediatric surgeons. In this study, we present our experience with a scarless laparo- scopic approach using a percutaneous suturing technique for epigastric hernia repair in children. Methods Ten consecutive patients presenting with epi- gastric hernia 15 mm or further from the umbilicus were submitted to laparoscopic hernia repair. A 5-mm 308-angle laparoscope is introduced through a umbilical trocar and a 3-mm laparoscopic dissector is introduced through a stab incision in the right flank. After opening and dissecting the parietal peritoneum, the fascial defect is identified and closed using 2–0 polyglactin thread through a percutaneous suturing technique. Intraoperative and postoperative clinical data were collected. Results All patients were successfully submitted to la- paroscopic epigastric hernia repair. Median age at surgery was 79 months old and the median distance from the um- bilicus to the epigastric defect was 4 cm. Operative time ranged from 35 to 75 min. Every hernia was successfully closed without any incidents. Follow-up period ranges from 2 to 12 months. No postoperative complications or recurrence was registered. No scar was visible in these patients. Conclusion This scarless laparoscopic technique for epi- gastric hernia repair is safe and reliable. We believe this technique might become gold standard of care in the near future.


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Regional structural analysis of the Timmins area indicates four major periods of tectonic deformation. The DI deformation is characterized by a series of isoclinal FI folds which are outlined in the study area by bedding, pillow tops and variolitic flows. The D2 deformation developed the Porcupine Syncline and refolded the Fl folds about a NE. axis. A pervasive S2 foliation developed during low grade (greenschist) regional metamorphism associated with the D2 deformation. The S2 foliation developed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. The third phase of tectonic D3 deformation is recognized by the development of a S3 sub-horizontal crenulation cleavage which developed on the plane of the S2 foliation. No meso scopic folds are associated with this deformation. The 8 3 crenulation cleavage is observed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. The D4 tectonic deformation is recorded as a subvertical S4 crenulation cleavage which developed on the plane of the S2 foliation and also offsets the S3 crenulation cleavage. Macroscopic F4 folds have refolded the F2 axial plane. No metamorphic recrystallization is associated with this deformation. The S4 crenulation cleavage is observed south of the Destor-Porcupine Break. Petrographic evidence indicates that the Timmins area has been subjected to pervasive regional low grade (greenschist) metamorphism which has recrystallized the original mineralogy. South of the study are~ the Donut Lake ultramafic lavas have been subjected to contact medium grade (amphibolite facies) metamorphism associated with the intrusion of the Peterlong Lake Complex. The Archean volcanic rocks of the Timmins area have been subdivided into komatiitic, tholeiitic and calcalkaline suites based on Zr, Ti0 2 and Ni. The three elements were used because of their r e lative immobility during subsequent metamorphic events. Geochemical observations in the Timmins area indicates that the composition of the Goose Lake and Donut Lake Formations are a series of peridotitic, pyroxenitic and basaltic komatiites. The Lower Schumacher Formation is a sequence of basaltic komatiites while the upper part of the Lower Schumacher Formation is an intercalated sequence of basaltic komatiites and low Ti0 2 tholeiites. The variolitic flows are felsic tholeiites in composition and geochemical evidenc e sugg ests that they developed as a n immiscible splitting of a tholeiitic magma. The Upper Schumacher Formation is a sequence of tholeiitic rocks dis p laying a mild iron enrichment. The Krist and Boomerang Formations are the felsic calc-alkaline rocks of the study area which are characteristically pyroclastic. The Redstone Fo rmation is dominantly a calc-alkali ne sequence of volcani c rocks whose minor mafic end me mbers exposed in 1t.he study hav e basaltic komatiitic compositions. Geochemical evidence sugges ts that the Keewatin-type se dimentary rocks have a composition similar to a quartz diorite or a granodiorite. Fi e l d obs ervations and petrographic evidence suggests that they were derived fr om a distal source and now repr esent i n part a turbidite sequence. The Timiskaming-type sedimentary rocks approach the c omp osi t ion of the felsic calc-alkaline rocks of the study area . The basal conglomerate in the study are a sugge s ts that th e uni t was derived fr om a proximal source. Petrographic and ge ochemical evidence suggests that the peridotitic and pyroxenitic komatiites originated as a 35-55% partial melt within the mantle, in excess of 100 Km. depth. The melt ros e as a diapir with the subsequent effusion of the ultramafic lavas, The basaltic komatiites and tholeiitic rocks originated in the mantle from lesser degrees of partial melting and fractionated in low pressure chambers. Geochemical evidence suggests a "genetic link" between the basaltic komatiites and tholeiites, The calc-alkaline rocks developed as a result of the increa.se In PO in the magma chamber. The felsic calcalkaline rocks are a late stage effusion possibly the last major volcanic eruptions in the area.


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The derivation of time evolution equations for slow collective variables starting from a micro- scopic model system is demonstrated for the tutorial example of the classical, two-dimensional XY model. Projection operator techniques are used within a nonequilibrium thermodynamics framework together with molecular simulations in order to establish the building blocks of the hydrodynamics equations: Poisson brackets that determine the deterministic drift, the driving forces from the macroscopic free energy and the friction matrix. The approach is rather general and can be applied for deriving the equations of slow variables for a broad variety of systems.


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The enzymatically catalyzed template-directed extension of ssDNA/primer complex is an impor-tant reaction of extraordinary complexity. The DNA polymerase does not merely facilitate the insertion of dNMP, but it also performs rapid screening of substrates to ensure a high degree of fidelity. Several kinetic studies have determined rate constants and equilibrium constants for the elementary steps that make up the overall pathway. The information is used to develop a macro-scopic kinetic model, using an approach described by Ninio [Ninio J., 1987. Alternative to the steady-state method: derivation of reaction rates from first-passage times and pathway probabili-ties. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 663–667]. The principle idea of the Ninio approach is to track a single template/primer complex over time and to identify the expected behavior. The average time to insert a single nucleotide is a weighted sum of several terms, in-cluding the actual time to insert a nucleotide plus delays due to polymerase detachment from ei-ther the ternary (template-primer-polymerase) or quaternary (+nucleotide) complexes and time delays associated with the identification and ultimate rejection of an incorrect nucleotide from the binding site. The passage times of all events and their probability of occurrence are ex-pressed in terms of the rate constants of the elementary steps of the reaction pathway. The model accounts for variations in the average insertion time with different nucleotides as well as the in-fluence of G+C content of the sequence in the vicinity of the insertion site. Furthermore the model provides estimates of error frequencies. If nucleotide extension is recognized as a compe-tition between successful insertions and time delaying events, it can be described as a binomial process with a probability distribution. The distribution gives the probability to extend a primer/template complex with a certain number of base pairs and in general it maps annealed complexes into extension products.


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The enormous impact of crystal engineering in modern solid state chemistry takes advantage from the connection between a typical basic science field and the word engineering. Regrettably, the engineering aspect of organic or metal organic crystalline materials are limited, so far, to descriptive structural features, sometime entangled with topological aspects, but only rarely with true material design. This should include not only the fabrication and structural description at micro- and nano-scopic level of the solids, but also a proper reverse engineering, a fundamental discipline for engineers. Translated into scientific language, the reverse crystal engineering refers to a dedicated and accurate analysis of how the building blocks contribute to generate a given material property. This would enable a more appropriate design of new crystalline material. We propose here the application of reverse crystal engineering to optical properties of organic and metal organic framework structures, applying the distributed atomic polarizability approach that we have extensively investigated in the past few years[1,2].


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El pensamiento visual contemporáneo trae consigo un campo nuevo deconocimiento. Los llamados estudios visuales implican nuevos problemas, que se caracterizan, a su vez, por niveles de complejidad inéditos y requerimientos transdisciplinarios de abordaje. Este estudio propone un análisis epistemológico a partir del problema de la construcción de la realidad, en su relación con el imaginario y el régimen escópico. En este sentido, se insiste en la apertura al estudio de la visualidad –sobre todo– desde una perspectiva compleja y transdisciplinaria.