970 resultados para Sclerotiniaceae, PCR, SAPD-PCR, RAPD-PCR


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Botrytis cinerea ist einer der wichtigsten Phytopathogene, der im Bereich der Weinbereitung als Erreger des Edel- bzw. des Grauschimmels von Trauben eine zentrale Stellung einnimmt. Taxonomisch gehört dieser Organismus zur Familie der Sclerotiniaceae, die ausnahmslos Phytopathogene sind und weltweit große Schäden bei verschiedenen Pflanzen verursachen. Die molekularbiologische Identifikation von Vertretern dieser wichtigen Gruppe von Pflanzenpathogenen ist jedoch bis heute ein Problem. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit als Themenschwerpunkt die zweifelsfreie Identifikation einiger Vertreter der Sclerotiniaceae bearbeitet. Hier konnte von neun verschiedenen Organismen die ‚Internal Transcribed Spacer Region’ identifiziert und zusätzlich zur 18S rDNA für eine sichere Identifikation ausgeschlossen werden. Die Unterscheidung der einzelnen Gattungen und verschiedener B. cinerea-Stämme wurde mit Hilfe der neuartigen nSAPD-PCR Technologie erfolgreich überprüft. Hier konnten die drei Gattungen Botrytis, Monilinia sowie Sclerotinia zweifelsfrei differenziert werden. Ferner konnten von Monilinia fructigena, Sclerotinia minor und Sclerotinia sclerotiorum neue Laccase-Gene identifiziert und komplett sequenziert werden, die homolog zur Laccase2 (lcc2) von B. cinerea sind. Auf Basis dieser Sequenzen bzw. Sequenzunterschiede konnte eine Multiplex-PCR zur zweifelsfreien Identifi-kation dieser Spezies etabliert werden. Im Folgenden konnte dieses System auch an Umweltproben aus der Umgebung von Mainz und Wiesbaden, aus Flomborn (Rheinhessen) sowie aus Stollberg (Sachsen) überprüft werden. Anhand dieser Proben konnte gleichzeitig ein konstantes Vorkommen dieses Gens in allen über-prüften Organismen gezeigt werden. Somit ist es zum ersten Mal möglich, ver-schiedene Spezies der Sclerotiniaceae in einer Probe simultan nachzuweisen und zu differenzieren. Anschließend wurde die Laccase-Expression der jeweiligen Sclerotiniaceae überprüft. Für M. fructigena konnte mindestens eine konstitutiv exprimierte Laccase im Kulturüberstand detektiert werden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten weder S. minor noch S. sclerotiorum eine derartige Aktivität. Da B. cinerea lcc2 expri-miert, wurde dies auch für M. fructigena angenommen. Die reverse Transkription der codierenden mRNA konnte jedoch nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Die Analyse des Genoms von B. cinerea und S. sclerotiorum zeigte zudem 13 bzw. 8 mögliche Laccase-Gene. Somit ist es wahrscheinlich, dass M. fructigena mehr als einen codierenden Bereich für ein derartiges Enzym besitzt und somit eine oder mehrere andere Laccasen exprimiert. Auf Basis der codierenden DNA-Sequenzen konnten EDV-gestützte Prote-incharakterisierungen mit allen neu entdeckten Laccase-Sequenzen durchgeführt werden. Die hier ermittelten Eigenschaften legen den Schluss nahe, dass es sich ausnahmslos um Proteine handelt, die extrazellulär lokalisiert sind. So besitzen alle drei eine identisch lange Signalsequenz, die für die Translokation in die extra-zelluläre Matrix nötig ist. Des Weiteren zeigen alle Laccasen eine schwache Hydrophobizität, so dass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass diese Enzyme keine membranständigen Proteine sind. Auch konnten zahlreiche Glykosylie-rungspositionen ermittelt werden und bei M. fructigena die Glykosylierung der akti-ven Laccase nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren konnten alle konservierten Kupferbindepositionen ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich zur mRNA der Lcc2 von B. cinerea offenbarte die lcc2 von M. fructigena drei nicht-codierende Intronse-quenzen, für S. minor und S. sclerotiorum jedoch lediglich die ersten beiden. Somit bleibt für alle neu identifizierten Sequenzen die Frage nach der Expression offen. Es wurden weder Deletionen von Nukleotiden noch frame-shift Mutationen in den einzelnen Genen gefunden. Auch geben die Signalsequenzen bzw. die ent-haltenen Kupferbindepositionen keine Aufschluss über das Ausbleiben der Ex-pression dieser Gene. Da das von B. cinerea synthetisierte ß-1,3-1,6-Glucan in der Kellerwirtschaft große Filtrationsprobleme verursacht, wurde als ein zusätzlicher Themenschwerpunkt die Lyse dieses Polymers mit symbiontischen Mikroorganismen aus Termitendär-men untersucht. Da Termiten auf den Abbau von Polymeren, wie Cellulose und Hemicellulosen spezialisiert sind, lag die Vermutung nahe, dass auch das ß-Glucan von symbiontischen Mikroorganismen hydrolysiert werden kann. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit konnte zwar das ß-Glucan erfolgreich herge-stellt und in pulverisierter Form 5 verschiedenen Termitenspezies als Futter ange-boten werden, die anschließende Isolierung der Darmflora und die Untersuchung der isolierten Mikroorganismen auf ein mögliche glucanolytische Aktivität erbrach-te jedoch nicht den erhofften Erfolg. Hier wurden acht verschiedene filamentöse Ascomyceten bzw. Zygomyceten isoliert, eine lytische Aktivität konnte jedoch bei keiner dieser Spezies gezeigt werden.


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The Triatominae (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) contains the principal and potential Chagas disease vectors present in Mexico, Central America and South America. Triatoma flavida and T. bruneri are Cuban species. These species are closely related according to morphology and were considered synonyms until 1981, when they were separated on the grounds of external characters of the body and the morphology of male genitalia. The present study seeks to analyze genetic polymorphism of T. flavida and T. bruneri populations using RAPD techniques, and to assess the genetic relationship between these species. Ten random primers were used to evaluate the genetic variability among species using RAPD-PCR. The genetic flow among them was calculated. The dendrogram based on calculated Jaccard distances showed two clearly distinguishable clusters which coincided with the studied species. Within each species, moderate genetic differentiation (Fst 0.05-0.15) and migration rates (N > 1) were found among populations, that reveal gene flow and genetic homogeneity. Between species, the Fst value showed a high genetic differentiation and the migration rate was insufficient to maintain genetic homogeneity, and confirmed the absence of gene flow between them. Our results confirm the genetic variability among T. flavida and T. bruneri species.


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Thirteen strains of the genus Candida were isolated from catheter, urine and surgical wounds from individual patients of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Ten strains were characterized as Candida albicans, two as Candida glabrata, and one as Candida parapsilosis. Isolates were evaluated for molecular relatedness by random amplified polymorphic DNA technique using 15 primers. The analysis of the genomic DNA obtained revealed a low intraspecific polymorphism and did not allow for the differentiation between strains of the same species obtained from distinct clinical sources (catheter, urine and surgical wounds). The RAPD profiles generated were able to differentiate among the species of Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and Candida glabrata strains isolated in this study.


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O Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) é uma espécie importante economicamente para a Região Amazônica, porque sua madeira é fonte de linalol, insumo utilizado pelas perfumarias. Esta espécie foi explorada durante décadas e, ainda assim, o conhecimento acerca da diversidade genética intra-específica é muito restrito. Foram objetivos deste trabalho: 1) validar um protocolo para coleta de folhas de pau-rosa que permitisse preservar a integridade do DNA até a estocagem em "freezer"; 2) selecionar um protocolo para extração de DNA em quantidade e qualidade adequadas para geração de bandas RAPD e 3) desenvolver um critério para avaliar o grau de reprodutibilidade que pudesse auxiliar a seleção de bandas RAPD úteis para análises de diversidade genética. Imediatamente após a coleta, as folhas foram acondicionadas em tubos de polietileno com sílica gel e aí permaneceram por até 10 dias. Foram testados três protocolos para a extração de ácidos nucléicos destas folhas, condições ideais para as PCR e a reprodutibilidade dos padrões RAPD. Critérios para a eliminação das bandas que mais contribuíram para o afastamento dos resultados do ideal da reprodutibilidade total foram desenvolvidos e a significância estatística das diferenças geradas pela aplicação dos critérios ao conjunto de dados foi testada. DNA com qualidade e em quantidade suficiente para a geração de padrões RAPD, nas condições ideais definidas para as PCRs, foi obtido. A eliminação de bandas com reprodutibilidade menor que 70% não diferiu do controle. A eliminação de bandas com reprodutibilidade menor que 90% diferiu dos demais tratamentos em todos os arranjos testados (P < 5%).


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The aim of the present study was to examine genetic variability in populations of An. cruzii by employing PCR-RAPD and PCR-RFLP markers. All analyses were carried out using individuals of the F1 generation of wild caught females obtained in Santa Catarina State (Florianópolis and São Francisco do Sul), Paraná State (Morretes, Paranaguá and Guaratuba) and São Paulo State (Cananéia). In the PCR-RAPD experiments, seven primers were used for comparisons within and among populations. The restriction profile of the ITS2 including a fragment of both 5.8S and 28S regions of the rDNA was obtained with the enzymes BstUI, HaeIII, TaqI, HhaI, Sau96I, HinfI, HincII and NruI. The PCR-RAPD method detected a large number of polymorphic bands. Genetic distance among populations of An. cruzii varied from 0,0214 to 0,0673, suggesting that all individuals used in the analyses belong to a single species. The number of migrants per generation (Nm) was 4.3, showing the existence of gene flow among populations. The restriction profile of the ITS2, 5.8S and 28S gene regions was similar in all An. cruzii samples, whereas the results obtained by using HhaI and NruI are indicative that the individuals analyzed have nucleotide sequences distinct from those of An. cruzii samples from Peruíbe and Juquiazinho deposited in GenBank.


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A identificação e caracterização da diversidade genética de plantas por meio de técnicas moleculares envolvem a avaliação de vários indivíduos, necessitando-se, portanto, de métodos rápidos e precisos de extração do DNA. O co-isolamento de polissacarídeos, fenóis e compostos secundários é o principal problema encontrado no isolamento e purificação de DNA vegetal. Folhas das diversas espécies de Passiflora possuem níveis variados desses compostos que podem comprometer este procedimento. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade e quantidade de DNA de folhas de variedades de Passiflora spp., utilizando-se de três métodos de extração. Os três métodos forneceram DNA em qualidade e quantidade suficientes para a realização da técnica PCR-RAPD.


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Considerado como um dos mais sérios patógenos da batata (Solanum tuberosum), em regiões de clima tropical, subtropical, assim como em zonas mais quentes de clima temperado, Ralstonia solanacearum é uma espécie com significativa diversidade genética. Ela é caracterizada em um sistema binário de raças e biovares, com base nas espécies hospedeiras e na capacidade de utilizar diferentes fontes de carbono. A tentativa de utilizar a resistência genética como forma de controle de R. solanacearum não tem demonstrado estabilidade, devido a alterações climáticas nas diferentes regiões e a variabilidade das estirpes do patógeno. Devido às características epidemiológicas diferentes para essas biovares, estirpes da biovar 2 são mais factíveis de serem erradicadas em um sistema de controle integrado. Em um levantamento realizado em quatro regiões produtoras de batata do Rio Grande do Sul, foram obtidos isolados de R. solanacearum de 25 lavouras de dez municípios. Após a análise bioquímica dos isolados verificou-se a presença das biovares 1 e 2, com predominância da última. Os isolados obtidos foram submetidos à avaliação da variabilidade genética por PCR, utilizando seqüências repetitivas ERIC e BOX e oligonucleotídeos aleatórios (RAPD). A PCR-ERIC e BOX puderam diferenciar claramente as biovares 1 e 2. Porém, ambas não detectaram variabilidade entre isolados da biovar 2 e apenas PCR-BOX detectou variabilidade entre isolados da biovar 1. Já através de RAPD demonstrou-se claramente a separação das biovares verificando-se que os mesmos apresentam um perfil característico dependente da região da qual os isolados foram obtidos.


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RAPD-PCR molecular markers were used to identify common bean and soybean hybrid plants derived from crosses between closely related progenitors, with no apparent phenotypic differences. Primers OP-F12 and OP-0O3 were used to identify true hybrids derived from crosses between common bean cultivars Rudá (A 285) and AN 910408, and soybean cultivars Cristalina and Bossier, respectively. Each primer generated one polymorphic DNA band which was present in the male progenitor and absent in the female progenitor. As RAPD bands are normally inherited as dominant characters, the presence of these bands in the F1 plants confirmed their status.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) UANL


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Toxoplasma gondii, Hammondia hammondi, Neospora caninum, Neospora hughesi and Hammondia heydorni are members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family. They are closely related coccidians with similarly sized oocysts. Molecular diagnostic techniques, especially those based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can be successfully applied for the differentiation of Hammondia-like oocysts. In this paper, we describe a rapid and simple method for the identification of H. heydorni oocysts among other members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family, using a heminested-PCR (hnPCR-AP10) based on a H. heydorni RAPD fragment available in molecular database. DNA of oocysts of H. heydorni yielded a specific fragment of 289-290 bp in the heminested-PCR assay. No product was yielded when the primers were used for the amplification of DNA extracted from T. gondii, N. caninum, N. hughesi and H. hammondi, thus allowing the differentiation of H. heydorni among other members of the Toxoplasmatinae sub-family. The hnPCR-AP10 was capable of detecting H. heydorni genetic sequences from suspensions with at least 10 oocysts. In conclusion, the hnPCR-AP10 proved to be a reliable method to be used in the identification of H. heydorni oocysts from feces of dogs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Salmonella é uma das principais causas de doenças transmitidas por alimentos em todo o mundo, sendo que no Rio Grande do Sul ela tem sido apontada como o principal agente de toxinfecções alimentares nos últimos anos. Nesse trabalho, foram caracterizadas linhagens de Salmonella isoladas de alimentos envolvidos em Salmoneloses ocorridas no Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2001 a 2002. Entre os 85 isolados investigados, 79 (93%) foram sorotipificados como S. Enteritidis, enquanto os outros seis isolados foram classificados como S. Javiana (n=1), S. Infantis (n=1), S. Agona (n=1), S. Typhimurium (n=1) e S. enterica subsp. enterica (1,4,5) (n=2). A resistência das amostras de S. Enteritidis a dez agentes antimicrobianos foi investigada. De modo geral, altas porcentagens de sensibilidade foram verificadas. As maiores porcentagens de resistência foram apresentadas em relação ao ácido nalidíxico (21,5%), à gentamicina (12,7%) e à estreptomicina (11,4%). A resistência a um ou mais antimicrobianos foi verificada em 30 amostras (37,97%), o que permitiu que os isolados fossem agrupados em 32 perfis de susceptibilidade. Apenas duas amostras apresentaram resistência múltipla a quatro drogas. Quando os isolados de S. Enteritidis foram submetidos à PCR-Ribotipificação, somente dois perfis (R1 e R2) foram identificados, sendo que o perfil R1 agrupou 92,4% dos isolados. . Os mesmos isolados também foram analisados por RAPD, sendo possível identificar quatro perfis de bandas (A a D). O perfil A agrupou 81% das amostras, enquanto os perfis B, C e D agruparam 9%, 5% e 5% dos isolados, respectivamente. Os resultados das análises de PCR-Ribotipificação e de RAPD sugerem que uma mesma linhagem de S. Enteritidis foi isolada a partir de alimentos envolvidos em Salmoneloses ocorridas em diferentes cidades do Estado durante o período de 2001 a 2002.


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Flavobacterium columnare is a cosmopolite bacteria and it is one of the main problem in Brazilian aquaculture, causing high mortalities index and economic damage. The main factors that contribute to columnaris disease are inadequate water quality, excess handling, high density of fish and temperature variations. For a successful epidemiological study and disease control, it is essential to differentiate the F. columnare from other yellow pigmentation bacteria. The present study used molecular techniques to characterize, by RAPD-PCR, two strains of F. columnare isolated from Oreochromis niloticus and Brycon orbignyanus. Data were analyzed as binary (0 and 1) and a genetic similarity matrix was generated by Jaccard's coefficient. Cluster analysis was performed by the neighbor joining method. The RAPD-PCR technique confirmed to be a usefull tool to obtain genetic profiles from F. columnare isolates based on the oligonucleotides used and to verify genetic similarity.


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Haematobia irritans is a hematophagous parasite of cattle that causes significant economic losses in many parts of the world, including Brazil. In the present work, one American and four Brazilian populations of this species were studied by Random Amplified Polymorpht DNA (RAPD) to assess basically genetic variability within and between populations. Ten different decamer random primers were employed in the genomic DNA amplification, yielding 117 fragments in the five H.. irritans populations. In Drosophila prosaltans, used as an outgroup, 81 fragments were produced. Forty-three of these fragments were shared by both species. Among the H. irritans samples, that from Rio Branco (Acre State, Brazil) produced the smallest numbers of fragments and polymorphic bands. This high genetic homogenity may be ascribed to its geographic origin (in the Northwest of Brazil), which causes high isolation and low gene flow, unlike the other Brazilian populations, from the South Central region, in which cattle trade is very intensive. Marker fragments (exclusive bands) detected in every sample enabled the population origin to be characterized, but they are also potentially useful for further approaches such as the putative origin of Brazilian populations from North America. Similarity indices [Nei & Li, 1979, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76: 5269-5273] and phylogenetic trees, rooted by using the outgroup and produced by the Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony (PAUP 4.0-Swofford, 2001) program showed the closest relationships between flies from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Turiuba (both from São Paulo State, Brazil) while flies from the geographically distant Rio Branco showed the greatest differentiation relative to the others.


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The prawn genus Macrobrachium belongs to the family Palaemonidae. Its species are widely distributed in lakes, reservoirs, floodplains, and rivers in tropical and subtropical regions of South America. Globally, the genus Macrobrachium includes nearly 210 known species, many of which have economic and ecological importance. We analyzed three species of this genus (M. jelskii, M. amazonicum and M. brasiliense) using RAPD-PCR to assess their genetic variability, genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationship between them and to look for molecular markers that enable separation of M. jelskii and M. amazonicum, which are closely related syntopic species. Ten different random decamer primers were used for DNA amplification, yielding 182 fragments. Three of these fragments were monomorphic and exclusive to M. amazonicum or M. jelskii and can be used as specific molecular markers to identify and separate these two species. Similarity indices and a phylogenetic tree showed that M. amazonicum and M. jelskii are closest to each other, while M. brasiliense was the most differentiated species among them; this may be attributed to the different habitat conditions to which these species have been submitted. This information will be useful for further studies on these important crustacean species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)