12 resultados para Scientometry


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If Project Management (PM) is a well-accepted mode of managing organizations, more and more organizations are adopting PM in order to satisfy the diversified needs of application areas within a variety of industries and organizations. Concurrently, the number of PM practitioners and people involved at various level of qualification is vigorously rising. Thus the importance to characterize, define and understand this field and its underlying strength, basis and development is paramount. For this purpose we will referee to sociology of actor-networks and qualitative scientometrics leading to the choice of the co-word analysis method in enabling us to capture the project management field and its dynamics. Results of a study based on the analysis of EBSCO Business Source Premier Database will be presented and some future trends and scenarios proposed. The main following trends are confirmed, in alignment with previous studies: continuous interest for the “cost engineering” aspects, on going interest for Economic aspects and contracts, how to deal with various project types (categorizations), the integration with Supply Chain Management and Learning and Knowledge Management. Furthermore besides these continuous trends, we can note new areas of interest: the link between strategy and project, Governance, the importance of maturity (organizational performance and metrics, control) and Change Management. We see the actors (Professional Bodies, Governmental Bodies, Agencies, Universities, Industries, Researchers, and Practitioners) reinforcing their competing/cooperative strategies in the development of standards and certifications and moving to more “business oriented” relationships with their members and main stakeholders (Governments, Institutions like European Community, Industries, Agencies, NGOs…), at least at central level.


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Certain statistic and scientometric features of articles published in the journal “International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education” are examined in this paper, for the period 1992-2009, by applying nonparametric statistics and Shannon’s entropy (diversity) formula. The main findings of this analysis are: a) after 2004 the research priorities of researchers in geographical and environmental education seem to have changed, b) “teacher education” has been the most recurrent theme throughout these 18 years, followed by “values & attitudes” and “inquiry & problem solving” c) the themes “GIS” and “Sustainability” were the most “stable” throughout the 18 years, meaning that they maintained their ranks as publication priorities more than other themes, d) citations of IRGEE increase annually, e) the average thematic diversity of articles published during the period 1992-2009 is 82.7% of the maximum thematic diversity (very high), meaning that the Journal has the capacity to attract a wide readership for the 10 themes it has successfully covered throughout the 18 years of its publication.


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Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix Cuba développe et commercialise des vaccins et méthodes en biotechnologies médicales dont certains sont des premières mondiales. L'île est alors encore considérée comme un pays en voie de développement et est la cible d’un embargo imposé par les États-Unis depuis plus de trente ans. Or les biotechnologies sont une science aussi coûteuse en matériel qu'en ressources humaines très spécialisées et elles sont de ce fait réservées aux pays de la sphère scientifique centrale. Ces réussites suggèrent la mise en place d'un potentiel scientifique et technique réel autant qu'elles peuvent constituer un artéfact dans un secteur moins développé ou moins pérenne qu'il n'y paraît. Quel est le vrai visage des biotechnologies cubaines au milieu des années deux-mille ? C'est à cette question que tente de répondre cette étude. Elle consiste dans un premier temps à retracer les paramètres du développement des institutions de recherche en biotechnologies dans un contexte qui connaît peu de répit depuis l'avènement de la Révolution : indicateurs socio-économiques bas, embargo, planification socialiste, isolement géopolitique, crises économiques mondiales, dissolution du bloc soviétique... Elle se poursuit avec une analyse bibliométrique permettant de donner un visage quantitatif des réalisations cubaines dans le domaine : au-delà des réalisations mises de l'avant, dans quelles revues et dans quels domaines les chercheurs cubains en biotechnologie publient-ils ? Avec quels pays collaborent-ils et par quels pays sont-ils cités ? Quelle est leur place dans le monde ? Nous exploiterons l'ensemble de ces indicateurs et de ces éléments historiques pour conclure, au tournant des années deux-mille, à l'existence d'un potentiel scientifique et technique développé mais d'une science aux ressources maigres constamment tenue de rapporter un certain capital économique aussi bien que politique. En cohérence avec la dialectique socialiste propre à l'île, les sciences cubaines, depuis 1959, ne constituent jamais une fin en soi mais restent un moyen politique et social. En 2006 elles le sont encore. Malgré leurs réalisations elles touchent aux limites de la planification et réclament leur indépendance face au politique afin d'exploiter pleinement leur potentiel, bien réel.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The number of citations received by authors in scientific journals has become a major parameter to assess individual researchers and the journals themselves through the impact factor. A fair assessment therefore requires that the criteria for selecting references in a given manuscript should be unbiased with regard to the authors or journals cited. In this paper, we assess approaches for citations considering two recommendations for authors to follow while preparing a manuscript: (i) consider similarity of contents with the topics investigated, lest related work should be reproduced or ignored; (ii) perform a systematic search over the network of citations including seminal or very related papers. We use formalisms of complex networks for two datasets of papers from the arXiv and the Web of Science repositories to show that neither of these two criteria is fulfilled in practice. By representing the texts as complex networks we estimated a similarity index between pieces of texts and found that the list of references did not contain the most similar papers in the dataset. This was quantified by calculating a consistency index, whose maximum value is one if the references in a given paper are the most similar in the dataset. For the areas of "complex networks" and "graphenes", the consistency index was only 0.11-0.23 and 0.10-0.25, respectively. To simulate a systematic search in the citation network, we employed a traditional random walk search (i.e. diffusion) and a random walk whose probabilities of transition are proportional to the number of the ingoing edges of the neighbours. The frequency of visits to the nodes (papers) in the network had a very small correlation with either the actual list of references in the papers or with the number of downloads from the arXiv repository. Therefore, apparently the authors and users of the repository did not follow the criterion related to a systematic search over the network of citations. Based on these results, we propose an approach that we believe is fairer for evaluating and complementing citations of a given author, effectively leading to a virtual scientometry.


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Various factors are believed to govern the selection of references in citation networks, but a precise, quantitative determination of their importance has remained elusive. In this paper, we show that three factors can account for the referencing pattern of citation networks for two topics, namely "graphenes" and "complex networks", thus allowing one to reproduce the topological features of the networks built with papers being the nodes and the edges established by citations. The most relevant factor was content similarity, while the other two - in-degree (i.e. citation counts) and age of publication - had varying importance depending on the topic studied. This dependence indicates that additional factors could play a role. Indeed, by intuition one should expect the reputation (or visibility) of authors and/or institutions to affect the referencing pattern, and this is only indirectly considered via the in-degree that should correlate with such reputation. Because information on reputation is not readily available, we simulated its effect on artificial citation networks considering two communities with distinct fitness (visibility) parameters. One community was assumed to have twice the fitness value of the other, which amounts to a double probability for a paper being cited. While the h-index for authors in the community with larger fitness evolved with time with slightly higher values than for the control network (no fitness considered), a drastic effect was noted for the community with smaller fitness. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho consiste num estudo epistemológico tendo por objeto a produção teóricometodológica em Comunicação Organizacional produzida no Brasil e no exterior. A tese procurou identificar, descrever, comparar e avaliar suas principais denominações, escolas, correntes teóricas, vinculações filosóficas e fatores sociais condicionantes. Para esse empreendimento houve a necessidade de elaboração de uma ampla revisão bibliográfica em epistemologia, assim como a proposição de metodologia específica para estudos epistemológicos. Essa metodologia contemplou abordagens qualitativas, provenientes da Filosofia, e abordagens quantitativas, provenientes da Bibliometria, entre outros. Neste caso, foram avaliados 1.181 registros e 517 documentos internacionais disponíveis nas bases de dados Web of Science, além da literatura produzida no Brasil e no exterior sobre o assunto. O estudo demonstrou que, em sua concepção hegemônica, a Comunicação Organizacional é profundamente marcada pelas ciências do management e concebida como um conjunto de práticas e atividades de comunicação voltadas à eficácia empresarial. Entretanto, enquanto realidade social e histórica, a comunicação organizacional é um objeto muito mais amplo e extenso, devido não apenas à existência de diversas formas de organização, mas também porque a interação das organizações, na atual configuração da sociedade em rede, é cada vez mais complexa.(AU)


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Este trabalho consiste num estudo epistemológico tendo por objeto a produção teóricometodológica em Comunicação Organizacional produzida no Brasil e no exterior. A tese procurou identificar, descrever, comparar e avaliar suas principais denominações, escolas, correntes teóricas, vinculações filosóficas e fatores sociais condicionantes. Para esse empreendimento houve a necessidade de elaboração de uma ampla revisão bibliográfica em epistemologia, assim como a proposição de metodologia específica para estudos epistemológicos. Essa metodologia contemplou abordagens qualitativas, provenientes da Filosofia, e abordagens quantitativas, provenientes da Bibliometria, entre outros. Neste caso, foram avaliados 1.181 registros e 517 documentos internacionais disponíveis nas bases de dados Web of Science, além da literatura produzida no Brasil e no exterior sobre o assunto. O estudo demonstrou que, em sua concepção hegemônica, a Comunicação Organizacional é profundamente marcada pelas ciências do management e concebida como um conjunto de práticas e atividades de comunicação voltadas à eficácia empresarial. Entretanto, enquanto realidade social e histórica, a comunicação organizacional é um objeto muito mais amplo e extenso, devido não apenas à existência de diversas formas de organização, mas também porque a interação das organizações, na atual configuração da sociedade em rede, é cada vez mais complexa.(AU)


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Este trabalho consiste num estudo epistemológico tendo por objeto a produção teóricometodológica em Comunicação Organizacional produzida no Brasil e no exterior. A tese procurou identificar, descrever, comparar e avaliar suas principais denominações, escolas, correntes teóricas, vinculações filosóficas e fatores sociais condicionantes. Para esse empreendimento houve a necessidade de elaboração de uma ampla revisão bibliográfica em epistemologia, assim como a proposição de metodologia específica para estudos epistemológicos. Essa metodologia contemplou abordagens qualitativas, provenientes da Filosofia, e abordagens quantitativas, provenientes da Bibliometria, entre outros. Neste caso, foram avaliados 1.181 registros e 517 documentos internacionais disponíveis nas bases de dados Web of Science, além da literatura produzida no Brasil e no exterior sobre o assunto. O estudo demonstrou que, em sua concepção hegemônica, a Comunicação Organizacional é profundamente marcada pelas ciências do management e concebida como um conjunto de práticas e atividades de comunicação voltadas à eficácia empresarial. Entretanto, enquanto realidade social e histórica, a comunicação organizacional é um objeto muito mais amplo e extenso, devido não apenas à existência de diversas formas de organização, mas também porque a interação das organizações, na atual configuração da sociedade em rede, é cada vez mais complexa.(AU)


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2.


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We present the Hungarian National Scientific Bibliography project: the MTMT. We argue that presently available commercial systems cannot be used as a comprehensive national bibliometric tool. The new database was created from existing databases of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, but expected to be re-engineered in the future. The data curation model includes harvesting, the work of expert bibliographers and author feedback. MTMT will work together with the other services in the web of scientific information, using standard protocols and formats, and act as a hub. It will present the scientific output of Hungary together with the repositories containing the full text, wherever available. The database will be open, but not freely harvestable, and only for non-commercial use.