28 resultados para Scientism


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This thesis argues that through the prism of America’s Cold War, scientism has emerged as the metanarrative of the postnuclear age. The advent of the bomb brought about a new primacy for mechanical and hyperrational thinking in the corridors of power not just in terms of managing the bomb itself but diffusing this ideology throughout the culture in social sciences, economics and other such institutional systems. The human need to mitigate or ameliorate against the chaos of the universe lies at the heart of not just religious faith but in the desire for perfect control. Thus there has been a transference of power from religious faith to the apparent material power of science and technology and the terra firma these supposedly objective means supply. The Cold War, however was a highly ideologically charged opposition between the two superpowers, and the scientific methodology that sprang forth to manage the Cold War and the bomb, in the United States, was not an objective scientific system divorced from the paranoia and dogma but a system that assumed a radically fundamentalist idea of capitalism. This is apparent in the widespread diffusion of game theory throughout Western postindustrial institutions. The inquiry of the thesis thus examines the texts that engage and criticise American Cold War methodology, beginning with the nuclear moment, so to speak, and Dr Strangelove’s incisive satire of moral abdication to machine processes. Moving on chronologically, the thesis examines the diffusion of particular kinds of masculinity and sexuality in postnuclear culture in Crash and End Zone and finishing up its analysis with the ethnographic portrayal of a modern American city in The Wire. More than anything else, the thesis wishes to reveal to what extent this technocratic consciousness puts pressure on language and on binding narratives.


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This paper investigates the influence of an extensive family tradition in science-based interdisciplinary research on the origins and development of Ferdinand de Saussure's 'structuralism', or his 'scientization' of linguistic study.


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Durante a segunda metade do século XIX, a atenção dada à ciência, que ganha então maior espaço na literatura, cresce muito. A Medicina estava em ascensão, e grande foi a sua importância no controle de enfermidades e redução do número de mortes prematuras. Além disso, os médicos ainda enfrentavam, apesar de tudo, dificuldades para se estabelecerem socialmente, uma vez que ainda existia o costume da busca de curandeiros, boticários e benzedeiras. Eça de Queirós, que, neste particular, traça um panorama diversificado e valioso da situação portuguesa, aborda o cientificismo, colocando-o em xeque, juntamente com o discurso religioso, ambos ainda com tanto prestígio na esfera dos assuntos públicos. Muitos estudiosos ainda veem na obra de Eça um caráter exclusivamente doutrinador, e no discurso científico percebem apenas um contraponto ao discurso religioso. A análise de três obras que trazem médicos como personagens secundários ou como protagonistas na trama mostra que não era somente este o papel do cientificismo queirosiano em O Primo Basílio, O Crime do Padre Amaro e Os Maias. Através dos médicos dos romances da fase mais marcadamente realista-naturalista de Eça (Julião, Dr. Gouveia e Carlos Eduardo) é possível perceber o quanto Eça avança de posições mais doutrinárias (da década de 70) para posições mais complexas e problematizadoras (da década de 80)


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The transition from a positivist matrix to an idealistic one in Argentinean academic philosophy can be read as a result of a gradual and problematic pollution. It was, also, heavily traversed by considerations that exceeded the theoretical aspects. Based on the willingness to explore this transit, the article pays attention to one of the episodes of this contamination: how the Revista de Filosofía reads Croce and Gentile’s philosophy. Observing there some possibility of dialogue between positivist assumptions, with which the journal takes a position, and the idealism the article analyze how this dialogue and its limits were given from a political consideration. If the idealism was condemned, it is centrally owed to its performance during the first years of the government of Mussolini. If, meanwhile, it was some to rescue of that philosophy, it was that it contributed to think the revolutionary change.


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The concept of maternal imagination, whereby the disordered thoughts and impressions of pregnant women are used to explain the prevalence of monstrous births, was at its height during the early modern period, albeit it with many prior and subsequent manifestations. Against a more familiar, and enduring, medieval and Renaissance context of supernatural agency at work, the device of MI was seen as a 'naturalistic' model more in keeping with the advent of Enlightenment scientism. Nonetheless, the debate around it was ferocious and indicative more of a masculine anxiety about female desire and generative power than of a concern for impartial explanation. In problematizing a simply descriptive approach to archival material, my purpose is to explore what is at stake in the competing discourses that seem alternately, and even simultaneously, to empower and degrade the place of the mother. What is the unspoken of an historical debate that prefigures our contemporary interest in feminine excess?


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My focus is on assessment criteria of language proficiency in community college education. To demand clear writing is an application of scientism; it seeks to keep separate the fact/value distinction of positivism. This dangerously undermines the democratizing possibilities of education, since clear writing, taken to its extreme, is ultimately anonymous and dehumanizing. The active student-as-citizen is, therefore, subsumed under the neoliberal dictate of the passive student-as-consumer. The process of language acquisition is reduced to a fictitious act of knowledge transmission and regurgitation, and, therefore, those subversive aspects of language learning, such as creativity and critical inquiry, are undermined. An initial overview of the tenets of modernity will provide a conceptual framework for this examination.


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Scientists hold a wide range of beliefs on matters of religion, although popular media coverage in the UK commonly suggests that atheism is a core commitment for scientists. Considering the relationship between religion and science is a recommended topic in the English National Curriculum for lower secondary pupils (11-14 year-olds), and it is expected that different perspectives will be considered. However it is well established that many pupils may have difficulty accessing sophisticated ideas about the nature of science, and previous research suggests some may identify science with scientism. To explore pupil impressions of the relationship between science and religion, 13-14 year old pupils were surveyed in one class from each of four English secondary schools, by asking them to rate a set of statements about the relationship between science and religion, and scientific and religious perspectives on the origins of the world, and of life on earth, on the value of prayer and on the status of miracles. The survey revealed diverse views on these issues, reflecting the wider society. However it was found that a considerable proportion of the pupils in the sample considered religious beliefs and scientific perspectives to be opposed. The basis and potential consequences of such views are considered, and the need for more attention to this area of student thinking is highlighted.


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The drug quinine figured as an object of enforced consumption in British India between the late 1890s and the 1910s, when the corresponding diagnostic category malaria itself was redefined as a mosquito-borne fever disease. This article details an overlapping milieu in which quinine, mosquitoes and malaria emerged as intrinsic components of shared and symbiotic histories. It combines insights from new imperial histories, constructivism in the histories of medicine and literature about non-humans in science studies to examine the ways in which histories of insects, drugs, disease and empire interacted and shaped one another. Firstly, it locates the production of historical intimacies between quinine, malaria and mosquitoes within the exigencies and apparatuses of imperial rule. In so doing, it explores the intersections between the worlds of colonial governance, medical knowledge, vernacular markets and pharmaceutical business. Secondly, it outlines ways to narrate characteristics and enabling properties of non-humans (such as quinines and mosquitoes) while retaining a constructivist critique of scientism and empire. Thirdly, it shows how empire itself was reshaped and reinforced while occasioning the proliferation of categories and entities like malaria, quinine and mosquitoes.


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As Sociology becomes a mandatory subject in the curricular componentof Brazilian high schools, we find anopportune moment to proposals and changes in the subject and in teaching, in a general aspect. It s noticed the great importance of the role that the create imagination plays in individual s formation (BACHELARD), and it s also seen that Brazilian education system has marginalized imagination to the detriment of a unifocused scientism that sterilizes creativity, playfulness and poetry in its educational process. Nevertheless, a way of thinking redefinitions to the educational horizons of Sociology as a subject and education is upheld. An educational practice that reconnects the prosaic and the poetic, using images/songs as paths/strategies of the teaching-learning process. As for that, the school structure was used where the tutor work was done to undertake experiences that made the use of songs as strategy to facilitate/stimulate the learning of the subject Sociology in high school. From thoughts and results of this experience, plus the bibliographic studies, analysis were made. The goal of this essay is to make use and stimulate the creation of poetic images from the teaching point of view, specially the Sociology subject in high school, rethinking and searching more efficient and playful ways of approaching and building educational methods from images; stimulating the development of the Thinking Reform and the Anthropoetics of the human gender (MORIN); acknowledging that imagination is an indispensable part of our integral formation


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This paper gives clues for the educative action in nutrition subjects. It deals about the professors experiences deployments lived in 2003 e 2004, both in Nutrition undergraduate course of the Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in Nutrition Education and Supervised Internship in Social Nutrition academic disciplines, as well as in the II Update Course in Nutrition Practices for Health Basic Care , offered to the supervisors nutritionists of internship, in this same department, being able to be characterized as an action-research, with interventionism purpose. The study stands out the importance of a new point of view about the nutritionist formation to overcome the limits imposed by the scientism, and the adoption of a complex and reflexive reference about the educational practice in this area. The corpus is made up by 81 undergraduate students alimentary autobiography (source of generating subjects for interventions with the nutritionists), 17 questionnaires and 05 interviews, being 03 of them biography (the start up for an initial dialogue with the nutritionists). The data found and the professors experiences allied to a theoretic reference, by the light of the education proposals for the XXI century were used as establishment elements for the proposition of five guidance axles used to build a complex and reflexive nutrition education, which are: 1) Take the cookery and the culture of eating together as significant elements for the human being integral formation; 2) Conceive the religion manifestations associated to feeding process as relevant elements of the human food culture; 3) Discuss the rupture nature/culture aiming the preservation of live in earth; 4) Search for the overcoming of the identity conflicts by a higher inclosing conscience degrees of being part of this process. 5) Face the limits of fragmented formation. The presented thesis stands that the autobiography method, allied to the freirean pedagogy and to a complex reference, could be taken as an important tool to the health educative subjects, contributing to the formation of reflective individuals able to transform themselves and the world.


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Phenomenology is the focus of this study for its critique of the limits of positivist science, which guides most of the fields of study including Psychology. The clinical formation process in Psychology courses is especially difficult for students-interns who adopt phenomenology as their clinical framework. Such difficulty is due to the incompatibility between theory provided in Psychology courses a science traditionally based on paradigms of scientism , and the theoretical-methodological proposal adopted by the aforementioned approach. As a backdrop for our study, we carefully examined the thought of philosopher Martin Heidegger, especially the Era of Technique. This contemporary technicism society was studied so that we could understand the socio-cultural status where this formation lies. Thus, we questioned if this panorama upon which Clinical Psychology rests favors the development of a phenomenological attitude and a special look at the meanings of existence, as defined in phenomenological clinical practice. Knowing such limits, our research aimed at understanding the experience of formation of clinical psychologists who take part in internships in the field of phenomenology-existentialism. Such study was, then, a phenomenological-hermeneutic research based on Heideggerian ontology and used a semi-structured interview as access tool. Six students of the UFRN higher-degree Psychology course who were doing their supervised internship in clinical psychology and the referred approach took part in this research. The research revealed that the phenomenological-existential formation phase opens a door to discoveries on the part of the intern that transcend the dimension of the other, for they show a self disclosure while a person in the word. Despite the initial discomforts caused by the course curriculum itself and by the freedom for clinical practice, so characteristic of phenomenology, the narratives demonstrate that such difficulties may start a process of search for new meanings, which show a search for sharpening their practices and for a path in balance with the existence of the other


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O presente artigo procura refletir sobre a produção de conhecimento e verdade no contemporâneo articuladas com o conceito de biopoder e a imersão do sujeito na construção desse conhecimento. Mediante tais reflexões, chega-se à conclusão que as ciências humanas precisam rever o lugar cômodo do cientificismo acadêmico para repensar e relativizar a verdade visando a transformação das práticas sociais objetivantes e historicamente construídas para uma outra forma de conhecimento capaz de questionar as instâncias instituídas nos campos do saber e do poder a fim de propor novos paradigmas científicos e uma subjetividade mais autêntica e com novas significações


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Desde sua publicação, não têm faltado ataques ao critério da refutabilidade - a solução proposta por Popper para seu problema da demarcação. A crítica do presente artigo é mais fundamental: seu alvo é o próprio problema da demarcação. Como preliminar, mostra-se haver na obra de Popper não apenas um, mas dois problemas da demarcação, distintos e incompatíveis. Uma análise do antiessencialismo de Popper é o ponto de partida para a demonstração da tese central do artigo, a saber, a tese de que o problema da demarcação deve ser abandonado, por ser parte de uma abordagem cientificista da questão do valor das ciências.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC