941 resultados para School effect


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Previous school obesity-prevention reviews have included multi-component interventions. Here, we aimed to review the evidence for the effect of isolated food environment interventions on both eating behaviours (including food purchasing) and/or body weight. Five electronic databases were searched (last updated 30 November 2013). Of the 1,002 unique papers identified, 55 reported on school food environment changes, based on a review of titles and abstracts. Thirty-seven further papers were excluded, for not meeting the inclusion criteria. The final selection consisted of 18 papers (14 United States, 4 United Kingdom). Two studies had a body mass index (BMI) outcome, 14 assessed purchasing or eating behaviours and two studies assessed both weight and behaviour. Seventeen of 18 papers reported a positive outcome on either BMI (or change in BMI) or the healthfulness of food sold or consumed. Two studies were rated as strong quality and 11 as weak. Only three studies included a control group. A school environment supportive of healthy eating is essential to combat heavy marketing of unhealthy food. Modification of the school food environment (including high-level policy changes at state or national level) can have a positive impact on eating behaviours. A need exists, however, for further high-quality studies.


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El artículo busca entender la manera en que el cambio en la conceptualización del examen del ICFES, a partir del 2000, afectó la importancia de la escuela en la predicción del logro del estudiante. El artículo muestra que la importancia bruta de la escuela, que entre 1997 y 1999 se situaba en niveles similares (entre el 27% y el 37%), se reduce considerablemente con el nuevo examen, ubicándose entre el 10% y el 27% para el 2000. Así, el poder discriminatorio a nivel de los colegios del nuevo examen, se reduce significativamente en las pruebas del núcleo común. Ello es igualmente cierto cuando se aborda la importancia neta del colegio, la cual oscilaba entre el 13% y el 20% en 1999 mientras que en el año 2000 el intervalo en que se movía iba del 6% al 11%.


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Le but de cette thèse a consisté à comprendre les facteurs de la persévérance et de l’abandon scolaire des nouveaux arrivants haïtiens au Québec et à New York. La recension d’écrits a révélé une sous-documentation de la thématique en question. Toutefois, l’élaboration du cadre conceptuel nous a permis de mieux cerner la problématique, d’analyser et de synthétiser plusieurs approches théoriques dont les théories du rendement scolaire des immigrants (Rong et Brown, 2001 ; Warikoo et Carter, 2009 ; Xie et Greenman, 2011), l’approche bourdieusienne des capitaux (1979a, 1979b, 1980), le structuro-fonctionnalisme de Merton (1965) et le courant effets-écoles/ effets-enseignants (Crahay, 2000 ; Bressoux, 1994a). Nous avons également mis en évidence deux approches compréhensives à savoir l’interactionnisme (Weber, 1959 ; Boudon, 1979, 1994 ; Goffman, 1998 ; Garfinkel, 1967) et l’approche du rapport au savoir de l’équipe ESCOL (Rochex, 2002 ; Charlot, 2003) dans l’objectif de faire valoir le caractère relatif des conclusions d’une recherche qualitative qui priorise la subjectivité des participants dans l’analyse des faits sociaux. Dans cette recherche, nous avons interviewé onze participants à Montréal et à Brooklyn, parmi lesquels sept hommes et quatre femmes. Ils ont tous une expérience d’abandon scolaire au secondaire ou au secteur des adultes. Nous avons utilisé l’entretien semi-dirigé comme méthode de collecte d’information et l’analyse thématique est celle de l’analyse des données. L’analyse des données nous a permis de classer les informations fournies par les participants en cinq rubriques : capital économique, capital culturel, capital social, encadrement institutionnel et facteurs spécifiques. Ces cinq rubriques regroupent les facteurs de la persévérance et du décrochage scolaire évoqués par les participants de la recherche. La réalisation de cette thèse nous apporte un bon éclairage quant à notre tentative de comprendre la dynamique de l’abandon scolaire des jeunes et des jeunes adultes immigrants haïtiens de première génération au Québec et à New York, au secondaire et au secteur de l’éducation des adultes. Nous avons mis en relation les résultats de la recherche avec ceux des travaux que nous avons recensés dans la problématique et dans le cadre conceptuel de cette thèse. La synthèse de ces résultats nous a amené à faire une proposition d’éléments d’un modèle d’analyse que nous qualifions de « relance scolaire des nouveaux arrivants haïtiens au Québec et à New York ». L’analyse et la synthèse des facteurs émergents de la recherche, plus précisément des six thèmes qui composent la rubrique des facteurs spécifiques : facteurs démographiques, motivation personnelle, lacunes de base, facteurs affectifs, traits de personnalité et problèmes de comportement, nous ont permis d’élaborer un autre concept qui peut représenter une grande contribution à la persévérance scolaire des nouveaux arrivants haïtiens. Il s’agit de l’encadrement psycho-intégrationnel qui est une forme d’accompagnement dont les jeunes et les jeunes adultes nouveaux arrivants haïtiens pourront être bénéficiaires au début en vue d’un bon démarrage sur le plan socioéducatif et de leur persévérance scolaire au pays d’accueil. L’encadrement psycho-intégrationnel, consistera à mettre en relation certains faits psychologiques qui ont marqué la vie pré-migratoire des élèves jeunes et jeunes adultes d’origine haïtienne avec les faits sociaux qui peuvent influencer leur vie au pays d’accueil. C’est une forme d’assistance individuelle dont l’État, les institutions sociales d’intégration et l’école constitueront les principales structures de matérialisation. Les principaux intervenants, notamment les psychologues, les travailleurs sociaux et les anthropo-sociologues se chargeront de comprendre et d’orienter les nouveaux arrivants quant au nouveau comportement à adopter pour une meilleure évolution sur les plans socio-culturel, professionnel et économique. Mots clés : Persévérance scolaire, relance scolaire, immigrants haïtiens, première génération, nouveaux arrivants.


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Using American panel data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, this article investigates the effect of working during grade 12 on attainment.We employ, for the first time in the related literature, a semiparametric propensity score matching approach combined with difference-in-differences. We address selection on both observables and unobservables associated with part-time work decisions, without the need for instrumental variable. Once such factors are controlled for, little to no effects on reading and math scores are found. Overall, our results therefore suggest a negligible academic cost from part-time working by the end of high school.


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This study shows that there is positive regulatory effect of feedback from pupils to teachers on Assessment for Learning (AfL), classroom proactiveness, and on visible and progressive learning but not on behaviour. This research finding further articulates feedback from pupil to teacher as a paradigm shift from the classical paradigm of feedback from teacher to pupil. Here, the emphasis is geared towards pupils understanding of objectives built from previous knowledge. These are then feedback onto the teachers by the pupils in the form of discrete loops of cues and questions, where they are with their learning. This therefore enables them to move to the next level of understanding, and thus acquired independence, which in turn is reflected by their success in both formative and summative assessments. This study therefore shows that when feedback from pupil to teacher is used in combination with teacher to pupil feedback, AfL is ameliorated and hence, visible and accelerated learning occurs in a gender, nor subject non-dependent manner.


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The problem was to determine whether a method of aural and visual vocal training that included a program of portable electronic piano keyboard experience would be more effective in teaching sight-singing skills to novice high school chorus students than a method that included only aural and visual vocal training. A sub-problem was to determine whether novice chorus students enjoyed playing electronic keyboards in chorus as a reinforcement experience in sight-singing training. Students were randomly assigned to two treatment groups, tested with the Musical Aptitude Profile, Tonal Imagery, part A, and then trained separately. The experimental group sang repetitions of melodic patterns and utilized techniques associated with the Kodály Method while simultaneously playing keyboard. The comparison group received a similar treatment without using keyboards. The students were pre- and post-tested in sight-singing using the Vocal Sight-Reading Inventory. Results of the Analysis of Covariance using MAP scores as the covariate revealed no significant difference (p<.05) between post-test scores of the two groups. Improvement was noted in 96% of students from pre-test to post-test regardless of grouping. The repeated measures ANOVA revealed a significant relationship (p<.006) between aptitude group and post-test score. High aptitude students in both groups were found to benefit more from the training than low aptitude students. High aptitude keyboard group students achieved an average gain score that was 8.67 points higher than the comparison group. Of the total experimental group, 92% enjoyed playing keyboards in chorus. It is recommended that future research be undertaken to study the use of keyboards with advanced high school choruses and with uncertain singers in the high school chorus. Research is also needed to develop graded, valid, and reliable sight-singing tests for use in high school chorus. Techniques of the Kodály Method should be further investigated for use in high school sight-singing training.


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Findings are presented from a longitudinal study of over 1,500 adolescents. Some were engaged in interventions aimed at reducing social disaffection. Participants completed measures of social-identification, academic self-concept and motivation, and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Consistent with our previous research, developmental trends in identity and self-concept were found - adolescents became more negative about some school-based factors and more positive about aspects of identity. Trends were less clear in the 120 adolescents receiving interventions. Findings demonstrate the importance of psychology in work with young people. [Source: (2008) 'Invited Address, IUPsyS Invited Symposium, Invited Symposium, Symposium, Paper Session, Poster Session', International Journal of Psychology, 43:3, 348 - 527]


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The aim of the present review was to perform a systematic in-depth review of the best evidence from controlled trial studies that have investigated the effects of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education and performance in school-aged children (4-18 years) from the UK and other developed countries. The twenty-nine studies identified for the review examined the effects of breakfast consumption, sugar intake, fish oil and vitamin supplementation and 'good diets'. In summary, the studies included in the present review suggest there is insufficient evidence to identify any effect of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education or performance of school-aged children from the developed world. However, there is emerging evidence for the effects of certain fatty acids which appear to be a function of dose and time. Further research is required in settings of relevance to the UK and must be of high quality, representative of all populations, undertaken for longer durations and use universal validated measures of educational attainment. However, challenges in terms of interpreting the results of such studies within the context of factors such as family and community context, poverty, disease and the rate of individual maturation and neurodevelopment will remain. Whilst the importance of diet in educational attainment remains under investigation, the evidence for promotion of lower-fat, -salt and -sugar diets, high in fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, as well as promotion of physical activity remains unequivocal in terms of health outcomes for all schoolchildren.


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Background: Previous research has produced conflicting results regarding the effects of season of birth and age-position on cognitive attainments. In Northern Ireland the school year divides the summer season into two providing an opportunity to evaluate the relative contribution of season of birth and age-position effects. Aims: To investigate the relationship between attainment in literacy skills and month of birth for primary and secondary school pupils and to determine the relationship between motor skills and month of birth in primary school pupils. Sample: One thousand one hundred and twenty four primary school pupils participated, and results for key stage 3 (KS3) English and GCSE English Language, for 3,493 Year 10 and 3,697 Year 12 secondary school pupils, respectively, were obtained. Method: Primary school pupils were individually assessed using standardised reading and spelling tests, as well as tests of motor skill. They were also assessed using a standardised group reading test in their class groups. For the secondary school pupils, the results for two year cohorts, in KS3 English and GCSE English language, respectively, were analysed. Results: For the primary school pupils there was evidence of both a season of birth and an age-position effect on all of the cognitive measures, particularly in the early years of schooling. There was, also, evidence of a significant age-position effect at both KS3 and GCSE in favour of the older pupils. For the younger primary school pupils there was evidence of significant age-position effects on both motor measures. Conclusions: The findings from the present study suggest that month of birth may be related to both season of birth and age-position effects. These effects may be compounded, particularly in the early years of primary school, when summer born children are youngest in their year, as in England. In Northern Ireland, age-position effects are also evident in secondary school public examination results, which may have implications for long-term life choices. © 2009 The British Psychological Society.


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A meta-analysis was undertaken on a form of cooperative learning, peer tutoring. The effects of experimental design on outcomes were explored, as measured by Effect Size (ES). 185 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Highest ES were reported for quasi-experimental studies. ES reduced as experimental design moved from single pre-test factor matched, to multiple-factor matched randomized controlled trials. ES reduced when designs used standardised, rather than self-designed measures, The implications for future meta-analyses and research in cooperative learning are explored.


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A meta-analysis was undertaken on a form of cooperative learning, peer tutoring. The effects of experimental design on outcomes were explored, as measured by Effect Size (ES). Forty three articles with 82 effect size studies were included in the meta-analysis. Highest ES were reported for quasi-experimental studies. ES reduced as experimental design moved from single pre-test factor matched, to multiple-factor matched randomized controlled trials. ES reduced when designs used standardised, rather than self-designed measures. The implications for future meta-analyses and research in cooperative learning are explored.


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School playtime provides opportunities for children to engage in physical activity (PA). Playground playtime interventions designed to increase PA have produced differing results. However, nature can also promote PA, through the provision of large open spaces for activity. The purpose of this study is to determine which playtime interventions are most effective at increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and if this varies by school location. Fifty-two children from an urban and rural school participated in a playground sports (PS) and nature-based orienteering intervention during playtime for one week. MVPA was assessed the day before and on the final day of the interventions using accelerometers. Intervention type (p < 0.05) and school location (p < 0.001) significantly influenced MVPA; with PS increasing MVPA more than nature-based orienteering. Urban children seemed to respond to the interventions more positively; however, differences in baseline MVPA might influence these changes. There was a positive correlation for fitness and MVPA during PS (r = 0.32; p < 0.05), but not nature-based orienteering (p > 0.05). The provision of PS influences PA the most; however, a variety of interventions are required to engage less fit children in PA.