904 resultados para School Reading
"The county library plan for school service: a catechism": p. 24-27. "Printed matter available": p. 30.
On cover: Baldwin's readers.
ABSTRACT Title of Document: PRINCIPAL EFFECTIVENESS: MIDDLE SCHOOL LEADERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PRINCIPAL PRACTICES TO IMPROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL READING ACHIEVEMENT Kathleen R. Brady, Doctor of Education, 2016 Directed By: Dr. John Norris, Department of Education The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to examine school leaders’ perceptions of leadership practices that contribute to principal effectiveness in improving reading achievement in middle schools in a large public school district. The data was gathered through the use of a Web-based survey that was emailed to 97 school based leaders including 20 principals, 40 assistant principals, 17 reading department chairpersons, and 20 professional development lead teachers in middle schools with grade 6-8 and 7-8 configurations. Data were collected and analyzed in order to make inferences about principal practices at middle school. The findings of this study indicated few differences between middle school principals’, assistant principals’, reading department chairpersons’, and professional development lead teachers’ perceptions of principal leadership practices that are most important to and have the greatest impact on student reading achievement success. Furthermore, the findings indicated that participants’ three top ranked resources needed to increase the effectiveness of principals in order to improve reading achievement at middle schools include implementing a collaborative planning protocol to support literacy instruction, adding a reading coach to the middle school staff, and providing professional development activities focused on literacy instruction across the content areas. The results were used to make recommendations that may contribute to middle school principal effectiveness.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015
This paper presents a study comparing two elementary school reading programs, the Scott Foresman 2000 Reading series and the Specialized Program Individualized Reading Excellence (S.P.I.R.E.) program.
Learning to read is a key goal during primary school: reading difficulties may curtail children’s learning trajectories. Controversy remains regarding what types of interventions are effective for children at risk for academic failure, such as children in disadvantaged areas. We present data from a complex intervention to test the hypothesis that phonic skills and word recognition abilities are a pivotal and specific causal mechanism for the development of reading skills in children at risk for poorer literacy outcomes.
Over 500 pupils across 16 primary schools took part in a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial from school year 1 to year 3. Schools were randomly allocated to the intervention or the control arm. The intervention involved a literacy-rich after-school programme. Children attending schools in the control arm of the study received the curriculum normally provided. Children in both arms completed batteries of language, phonic skills, and reading tests every year. We used multilevel mediation models to investigate mediating processes between intervention and outcomes.
Children who took part in the intervention displayed improvements in reading skills compared to those in the control arm. Results indicated a significant indirect effect of the intervention via phonics encoding.
The results suggest that the intervention was effective in improving reading abilities of children at risk, and this effect was mediated by improving children’s phonic skills. This has relevance for designing interventions aimed at improving literacy skills of children exposed to socio-economic disadvantage. Results also highlight the importance of methods to investigate causal pathways from intervention to outcomes.
O estudo ora desenvolvido parte do pressuposto segundo o qual o texto é entendido como o lugar de constituição e de interação de sujeitos sociais, como um evento no qual convergem ações linguísticas, cognitivas e sociais, segundo uma concepção dialógica do texto (BAKHTIN, 1992). Nos dias atuais, os livros didáticos continuam, em muitas das salas de aula brasileiras, a ditar os procedimentos de ensino (MESERANI, 2001 e MARCUSCHI apud DIONÍSIO; BEZERRA, 2005) e entende-se que a articulação das atividades de trabalho com textos, encontradas em tais materiais para o Ensino Fundamental (EF), a recursos como a intertextualidade e a interdiscursividade, importantes para a construção da textualidade e para a produção de sentidos, configura-se como um tema de pesquisa relevante. Assim, nessa investigação analisam-se a) as instruções metodológicas presentes no Manual do Professor e b) as atividades de produção e recepção textual retiradas de duas coleções de livro didático de Ensino Fundamental (6 ao 9 anos). Tal investigação prioriza o aspecto qualitativo, a natureza analítico-descritiva e o caráter interpretativista de pesquisa e visa a trazer novas referências para pesquisas em Língua Portuguesa no nível estudado, estabelecendo um diálogo com as práticas de ensino de leitura e escrita na escola, além de permitir uma análise crítica da forma como o livro didático é utilizado em sala. A análise apoia-se, principalmente, na Semiolinguística, uma vertente da Análise de Discurso Francesa (ADF), que constitui um olhar sobre o discurso, entendido como um processo interativo em uma determinada situação, resultante de um contrato (CHARAUDEAU, 2008) atribuído por um determinado grupo social, em uma dada situação sociointerativa. Considerando-se a análise dos LDP, observa-se a pouca ênfase que os autores dão ao papel da intertextualidade como recurso coesivo, tendo em vista a coerência textual, e como modo de manifestação da argumentatividade inerente a qualquer texto; da mesma forma, em relação à interdiscursividade, ressalta-se a falta de menção aos pressupostos discursivos e aos outros índices de polifonia, assim como à ironia, nas atividades de leitura e de produção escrita
Le présent mémoire expose les effets de l’enseignement réciproque sur la compréhension en lecture en français langue seconde d’élèves allophones immigrants nouvellement arrivés en situation de grand retard scolaire, scolarisés dans des classes d’accueil au secondaire. Deux groupes expérimentaux et un groupe contrôle ont pris part à la recherche. Deux modèles d’intervention en enseignement réciproque ont été proposés aux groupes expérimentaux, soit une intervention traditionnelle ou une intervention qui favorise l’ouverture aux langues maternelles. Un questionnaire administré en grand groupe ainsi que des entretiens individuels menés auprès de 11 élèves sous forme d’études de cas ont permis de mesurer les effets des interventions et de présenter des portraits de lecteurs. Les résultats au questionnaire valident que les interventions ont eu des effets significatifs sur la compréhension en lecture des élèves des groupes expérimentaux comparativement aux élèves du groupe contrôle. De plus, les 11 études de cas vont dans le même sens et révèlent que les élèves des groupes expérimentaux, au post-test, se sont améliorés dans la mise en place des stratégies cognitives et métacognitives. Finalement, lorsque les deux groupes expérimentaux sont comparés entre eux, les deux présentent des gains significatifs sur le plan de la compréhension en lecture. Cependant, le groupe ayant participé à des interventions avec une ouverture aux langues maternelles présente des changements de perceptions plus positifs et explicites à l’égard de la relation, en lecture, entre les langues.
This is a reading of the work of Mary Martha Sherwood, the Victorian Evangelist and Children’s Author (and pupil at the Abbey School, Reading). Based upon research on Sherwood’s private correspondences and diary conducted at UCLA with the aid of a Mitzi Myers (this before my arrival at Reading), the essay offers a radical reinterpretation of her work. Previously understood in terms of a rigid, if self-contradictory and ‘anxious’, Evangelism, the essay reads the diary through Sherwood’s little known Biblical scholarship. Through this I argue that Sherwood grants her own writing the status of Biblical truth precisely because of its contradictions and ‘anxiety’.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)