9 resultados para Schizophyllum
Surface fibrils (fimbriae) have been observed on fungi from every major group. Fimbriae are thought to be involved in the following cell to cell interactions: conjugation, flocculation and adhesion. Several higher fungi exibit two other types of interactions: hyphal fusion (anastomosis) and clamp connection formation. As a prelude to examining the role of fimbriae in these processes, the fimbriae of two fungi that undergo these fusion events were examined. Electron microscopy studies revealed that Coprinus cinereus and Schizophyllum commune are fimbriated. C. cinereus fimbriae were 5 nm in diameter and 0.5 to 20 11m in length. Fimbriae of C. cinereus oidia were more numerous and longer than those of the hyphal stage. S. commune fimbriae were also 5 nm in diameter, but were only 0.5 to 2 11m in length. There was an unequal distribution of fimbriae on the hyphal surfaces of S. commune . Fimbriae were sparsely distributed over the entire hyphal surface, with higher densities of fibrils present on the side growths of the hyphae found in the older sections of the mycelium. Antiserum raised against Ustilago violacea fimbrial protein (AU) crossreacted strongly with 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus mycelial proteins. In contrast, AU bound very weakly to 89 and 92 kd S. commune mycelial proteins. Since AU cross-reacted poorly with S. commune fimbrial proteins, it was impossible to further characterize the fimbriae of this specIes. The 37 and 39 kd C. cinereus proteins, were isolated by electroelution and were shown to be able to form fibrils the same diameter as oidial fimbriae. The 37 kd protein was shown to be composed of several proteins with isoelectric points ranging from pH 6.1 to 7.63. Furthermore, the 37 kd protein was found to be multimeric, while the 39 kd protein was not. These results strongly suggested that the 37 kd protein is the structural fimbrial protein of C. cine reus . Finally, a series of experiments were designed to determine whether fimbriae are required for conjugation in U. violacea Conjugation was inhibited significantly with AU, but not with pre-immune serum or AU preincubated with purified fimbrial protein. Thus, it was concluded that fimbriae play a central role in mating in this organism.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,菌物多样性是生物多样性的重要组成。我国位于亚太竹区,是世界竹类的分布中心之一,有着极为丰富的竹种资源,并孕育着丰富的菌物资源。近年来,我国对木材腐朽菌,特别是多孔菌进行了广泛深入的研究,发表了许多新种和中国新记录种,但是对生于竹材上的腐朽菌却少见报道。因此,开展竹材腐朽真菌种类的研究对深入认识腐朽菌物种多样性,积极利用这些菌物资源,防治竹类病害以及竹材保藏都具有重要意义。 本论文按照多孔菌现代分类学方法对采集自我国10省市18个自然保护区、森林公园和林场的竹材腐朽真菌标本进行了初步的研究。对11种重要的竹材腐朽菌进行详细的描述和显微结构绘图,记载了每种的寄主、国内分布,并对每种与其相似种的联系和区别以及腐朽类型进行了讨论。 研究结果显示,我国范围内共记录及描述竹材腐朽真菌从5属增加到28属,新增属分别为:假芝属、薄孔菌属、小薄孔菌属、蜡孔菌属、拟蜡孔菌属、小集毛孔菌属、囊孔菌属、浅孔菌属、圆齿菌属、产丝齿菌属、耙齿菌属、容氏孔菌属、锐孔菌属、多年卧孔菌属、木层孔菌属、硬孔菌属、中国干腐菌属、干皮孔菌属、褶菌属、栓孔菌属、附毛孔菌属、孢孔菌属和中国记录属拟浅孔菌属 (Grammotheloposis),其中广义多孔菌有20属,革菌2属,齿菌1属;有15属为白腐菌,1属褐腐。 新增竹材腐朽真菌19种,其中多孔菌有15种,革菌1种,齿菌1种,褶菌2属。相似干朽菌(Serpula similis)和棕榈浅孔菌(Grammothele fuligo)竹区分布较多,前者是腐朽病原菌,后者腐朽作用不强,但影响竹材美观。二者在中国南方竹区广泛分布,是对竹材危害较严重的种类。而长江以北分布极少。另外有药用菌4种,分别为浅黄囊孔菌(Flavodon flavus)、宽棱木层孔菌(Phellinus torulosus)、裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)和灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)。待定种1种(Grammotheloposis sp.)。
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Seventy-five fungal strains from different groups of basidiomycetes, newly isolated from rotten wood, were screened for pectinolytic activity. Despite the fact that basidiomycetes are scarcely referred to as pectinase producers, the polygalacturonase (PG) activity was detected in 76 % of the strains; 16 % with activity higher than 40 nkat/g, 40 % between 13.3 and 40 nkat/g, and 44 % with activity lower than 13.3 nkat/g. The highest productions were obtained among the fungi from order Aphyllophorales, family Polyporaceae. The characterization of the enzymes from the highest PG producers (Lentinus sp., Gloeophyllum striatum, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Schizophyllum commune) showed optimum temperature for catalytic activity at 60-70°C and two peaks of pH optimum (3.5-4.5 and 8.5-9.5). The enzymes exhibited high pH stability (3.0-11.0) but after incubation at 40°C for 1 h their activity dropped by 18-73 %.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.
Hydrophobins are small (similar to 100 aa) proteins that have an important role in the growth and development of mycelial fungi. They are surface active and, after secretion by the fungi, self-assemble into amphipathic membranes at hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces, reversing the hydrophobicity of the surface. In this study, molecular dynamics simulation techniques have been used to model the process by which a specific class I hydrophobin, SC3, binds to a range of hydrophobic/ hydrophilic interfaces. The structure of SC3 used in this investigation was modeled based on the crystal structure of the class II hydrophobin HFBII using the assumption that the disulfide pairings of the eight conserved cysteine residues are maintained. The proposed model for SC3 in aqueous solution is compact and globular containing primarily P-strand and coil structures. The behavior of this model of SC3 was investigated at an air/water, an oil/water, and a hydrophobic solid/water interface. It was found that SC3 preferentially binds to the interfaces via the loop region between the third and fourth cysteine residues and that binding is associated with an increase in a-helix formation in qualitative agreement with experiment. Based on a combination of the available experiment data and the current simulation studies, we propose a possible model for SC3 self-assembly on a hydrophobic solid/water interface.