974 resultados para Schermi, adattativi, pervasive, kinect, framework, ingegnerizzazione, OpenNI
Ingegnerizzazione di sistemi software per schermi pervasivi che riconoscono l'attenzione degli osservatori e adattano ad essi i propri contenuti, interagendo tramite interfacce naturali. Viene proposto un framework per facilitare lo sviluppo di applicazioni che utilizzano kinect e OpenNI. Sulla base del framework realizzato viene presentato anche lo sviluppo di un prototipo per uno di questi sistemi, calato nel contesto accademico.
O desenvolvimento para a plataforma Microsoft Kinect (ou simplesmente Kinect) vem se intensificando à medida que o hardware apresenta-se constantemente como parte integrante de soluções para problemas importantes nas áreas de Computação Médica, Realidade Virtual ou mesmo seu propósito básico inicial: a indústria de Entretenimento. Com a sua popularização, as ferramentas básicas de desenvolvimento oferecidas pela Microsoft têm apresentado ao público geral complicações que poderiam ser evitadas, como a correta configuração e inicialização dos recursos oferecidos pelo hardware. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar um framework específico para a plataforma Kinect, que auxilie usuários que estão começando a desenvolver aplicações para essa plataforma, apresentando os principais componentes e como eles foram testados e avaliados pelos usuários. Este trabalho também apresenta uma pesquisa realizada com os jogos mais vendidos e melhores avaliados do Kinect, visando extrarir os principais componentes neles presentes para formar a estrutura do framework.
Abstract in English : Ubiquitous Computing is the emerging trend in computing systems. Based on this observation this thesis proposes an analysis of the hardware and environmental constraints that rule pervasive platforms. These constraints have a strong impact on the programming of such platforms. Therefore solutions are proposed to facilitate this programming both at the platform and node levels. The first contribution presented in this document proposes a combination of agentoriented programming with the principles of bio-inspiration (Phylogenesys, Ontogenesys and Epigenesys) to program pervasive platforms such as the PERvasive computing framework for modeling comPLEX virtually Unbounded Systems platform. The second contribution proposes a method to program efficiently parallelizable applications on each computing node of this platform. Résumé en Français : Basée sur le constat que les calculs ubiquitaires vont devenir le paradigme de programmation dans les années à venir, cette thèse propose une analyse des contraintes matérielles et environnementale auxquelles sont soumises les plateformes pervasives. Ces contraintes ayant un impact fort sur la programmation des plateformes. Des solutions sont donc proposées pour faciliter cette programmation tant au niveau de l'ensemble des noeuds qu'au niveau de chacun des noeuds de la plateforme. La première contribution présentée dans ce document propose d'utiliser une alliance de programmation orientée agent avec les grands principes de la bio-inspiration (Phylogénèse, Ontogénèse et Épigénèse). Ceci pour répondres aux contraintes de programmation de plateformes pervasives comme la plateforme PERvasive computing framework for modeling comPLEX virtually Unbounded Systems . La seconde contribution propose quant à elle une méthode permettant de programmer efficacement des applications parallélisable sur chaque noeud de calcul de la plateforme
La tesi nasce da un'attività di ricerca approfondita su alcune tecnologie innovative e all'avanguardia nell'ambito del mobile computing e dell'Internet of Things. Tra queste il focus principale è orientato allo studio del Bluetooth Low Energy, nuova specifica di Bluetooth caratterizzata principalmente da un consumo di energia assai ridotto. In particolare, si è approfondito il suo funzionamento nel caso dei beacon, piccoli dispositivi che permettono una localizzazione mediante l'invio di un segnale BLE. Inoltre è stata analizzata la possibilità di interazione con Android, poiché oggigiorno non si può evitare di pensare a come queste tecnologie possano interfacciarsi con il mondo degli smartphone e dei tablet. Come conseguenza di tale attività di ricerca è stato analizzato un caso di studio che permettesse di applicare le tecnologie studiate e la loro interazione. Si è pensato quindi a un piccolo sistema distribuito per schermi adattativi (capaci di modificare i contenuti visualizzati in relazione ad eventi esterni) affinché ogni schermo mostrasse dinamicamente l'orario delle lezioni di ciascuno studente all'avvicinarsi di quest'ultimo, e solo per il tempo di permanenza nei pressi dello schermo. Si è quindi progettato e sviluppato un prototipo, e infine durante il testing si sono potute verificare le attuali potenzialità di queste tecnologie e trarre conclusioni sulla possibilità della loro futura diffusione e di impiego in contesti differenti.
Descrizione delle Natural User Interface e del framework OpenNI 2.0 compreso di caso applicativo.
Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems and Technologies Area of Information Systems and Technology
Presented is an accurate swimming velocity estimation method using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) by employing a simple biomechanical constraint of motion along with Gaussian process regression to deal with sensor inherent errors. Experimental validation shows a velocity RMS error of 9.0 cm/s and high linear correlation when compared with a commercial tethered reference system. The results confirm the practicality of the presented method to estimate swimming velocity using a single low-cost, body-worn IMU.
There is growing interest in the use of context-awareness as a technique for developing pervasive computing applications that are flexible, adaptable, and capable of acting autonomously on behalf of users. However, context-awareness introduces various software engineering challenges, as well as privacy and usability concerns. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework and software infrastructure that together address known software engineering challenges, and enable further practical exploration of social and usability issues by facilitating the prototyping and fine-tuning of context-aware applications.
The life of humans and most living beings depend on sensation and perception for the best assessment of the surrounding world. Sensorial organs acquire a variety of stimuli that are interpreted and integrated in our brain for immediate use or stored in memory for later recall. Among the reasoning aspects, a person has to decide what to do with available information. Emotions are classifiers of collected information, assigning a personal meaning to objects, events and individuals, making part of our own identity. Emotions play a decisive role in cognitive processes as reasoning, decision and memory by assigning relevance to collected information. The access to pervasive computing devices, empowered by the ability to sense and perceive the world, provides new forms of acquiring and integrating information. But prior to data assessment on its usefulness, systems must capture and ensure that data is properly managed for diverse possible goals. Portable and wearable devices are now able to gather and store information, from the environment and from our body, using cloud based services and Internet connections. Systems limitations in handling sensorial data, compared with our sensorial capabilities constitute an identified problem. Another problem is the lack of interoperability between humans and devices, as they do not properly understand human’s emotional states and human needs. Addressing those problems is a motivation for the present research work. The mission hereby assumed is to include sensorial and physiological data into a Framework that will be able to manage collected data towards human cognitive functions, supported by a new data model. By learning from selected human functional and behavioural models and reasoning over collected data, the Framework aims at providing evaluation on a person’s emotional state, for empowering human centric applications, along with the capability of storing episodic information on a person’s life with physiologic indicators on emotional states to be used by new generation applications.
A ubiquitous assessment of swimming velocity (main metric of the performance) is essential for the coach to provide a tailored feedback to the trainee. We present a probabilistic framework for the data-driven estimation of the swimming velocity at every cycle using a low-cost wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU). The statistical validation of the method on 15 swimmers shows that an average relative error of 0.1 ± 9.6% and high correlation with the tethered reference system (rX,Y=0.91 ) is achievable. Besides, a simple tool to analyze the influence of sacrum kinematics on the performance is provided.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate projects funded in European 7th framework Information and Communication Technology- work programme. The research has been limited to issue ”Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure” and the aim is to find out which are the most important topics into which research will concentrate in the future. The thesis will provide important information for the Department of Information Technology in Lappeenranta University of Technology. First in this thesis will be investigated what are the requirements for the projects which were funded in “Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure” – programme 2007. Second the projects funded according to “Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure”-programme will be listed in to tables and the most important keywords will be gathered. Finally according to the keyword appearances the vision of the most important future topics will be defined. According to keyword-analysis the wireless networks are in important role in the future and core networks will be implemented with fiber technology to ensure fast data transfer. Software development favors Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and open source solutions. The interoperability and ensuring the privacy are in key role in the future. 3D in all forms and content delivery are important topics as well. When all the projects were compared, the most important issue was discovered to be SOA which leads the way to cloud computing.
Die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung ist ein attraktives Forschungsgebiet des vergangenen und aktuellen Jahrzehnts. Es handelt von unaufdringlicher Unterstützung von Menschen in ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben durch Rechner. Diese Unterstützung wird durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Rechnern ermöglicht die sich spontan zu verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken zusammen finden, um Informationen auszutauschen und zu verarbeiten. Umgebende Intelligenz ist eine Anwendung der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung und eine strategische Forschungsrichtung der Information Society Technology der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der umbebenden Intelligenz ist komfortableres und sichereres Leben. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung charakterisieren sich durch Heterogenität der verwendeten Rechner. Diese reichen von Kleinstrechnern, eingebettet in Gegenstände des täglichen Gebrauchs, bis hin zu leistungsfähigen Großrechnern. Die Rechner verbinden sich spontan über kabellose Netzwerktechnologien wie wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth, oder UMTS. Die Heterogenität verkompliziert die Entwicklung und den Aufbau von verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Middleware ist eine Software Technologie um Komplexität durch Abstraktion zu einer homogenen Schicht zu reduzieren. Middleware bietet eine einheitliche Sicht auf die durch sie abstrahierten Ressourcen, Funktionalitäten, und Rechner. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung sind durch die spontane Verbindung von Rechnern gekennzeichnet. Klassische Middleware geht davon aus, dass Rechner dauerhaft miteinander in Kommunikationsbeziehungen stehen. Das Konzept der dienstorienterten Architektur ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Middleware die auch spontane Verbindungen zwischen Rechnern erlaubt. Die Funktionalität von Middleware ist dabei durch Dienste realisiert, die unabhängige Software-Einheiten darstellen. Das Wireless World Research Forum beschreibt Dienste die zukünftige Middleware beinhalten sollte. Diese Dienste werden von einer Ausführungsumgebung beherbergt. Jedoch gibt es noch keine Definitionen wie sich eine solche Ausführungsumgebung ausprägen und welchen Funktionsumfang sie haben muss. Diese Arbeit trägt zu Aspekten der Middleware-Entwicklung für verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke in der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung bei. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Middleware und Grundlagentechnologien. Die Beiträge liegen als Konzepte und Ideen für die Entwicklung von Middleware vor. Sie decken die Bereiche Dienstfindung, Dienstaktualisierung, sowie Verträge zwischen Diensten ab. Sie sind in einem Rahmenwerk bereit gestellt, welches auf die Entwicklung von Middleware optimiert ist. Dieses Rahmenwerk, Framework for Applications in Mobile Environments (FAME²) genannt, beinhaltet Richtlinien, eine Definition einer Ausführungsumgebung, sowie Unterstützung für verschiedene Zugriffskontrollmechanismen um Middleware vor unerlaubter Benutzung zu schützen. Das Leistungsspektrum der Ausführungsumgebung von FAME² umfasst: • minimale Ressourcenbenutzung, um auch auf Rechnern mit wenigen Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone und Kleinstrechnern, nutzbar zu sein • Unterstützung für die Anpassung von Middleware durch Änderung der enthaltenen Dienste während die Middleware ausgeführt wird • eine offene Schnittstelle um praktisch jede existierende Lösung für das Finden von Diensten zu verwenden • und eine Möglichkeit der Aktualisierung von Diensten zu deren Laufzeit um damit Fehlerbereinigende, optimierende, und anpassende Wartungsarbeiten an Diensten durchführen zu können Eine begleitende Arbeit ist das Extensible Constraint Framework (ECF), welches Design by Contract (DbC) im Rahmen von FAME² nutzbar macht. DbC ist eine Technologie um Verträge zwischen Diensten zu formulieren und damit die Qualität von Software zu erhöhen. ECF erlaubt das aushandeln sowie die Optimierung von solchen Verträgen.