6 resultados para Scaptodrosophila


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Understanding the pattern in which adult drosophilids of different species are distributed across and within different vegetation types is necessary for accurate interpretation of their local ecology and diversity. Such studies have been conducted mainly in temperate regions, and there is no basis for extrapolating their conclusions to tropical areas. This study describes the vertical distribution (0-20 m) of drosophilids attracted to banana baits in five different vegetation types in subtropical eastern Australia including open woodland, and rain-forest types. The distribution of most of the 15 common species could be characterized three-dimensionally by vegetation type and height above forest floor. Only one species, Scaptodrosophila lativittata, was common in all vegetation types and it was a canopy species in rain forests and a ground-level species in open woodland. Vertical distribution of some species clearly matched that of their larval hosts, but it did not in others. For example, the fungivore Leucophenga scutellata was mostly trapped well above the forest floor, yet it breeds at ground level, suggesting behavioural mode can influence vertical distributions. We conclude that the vertical dimension, although still poorly understood in relation to drosophilid habitats, needs to be taken into account when conducting and interpreting studies aimed at understanding drosophilid populations and communities in the subtropics.


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The drosophilid fauna in Australia offers an important study system for evolutionary studies. Larval hosts are unknown for most species, however, and this imposes serious limits to understanding their ecological context. The present paper reports the first systematic, large-scale field survey of potential larval hosts to be conducted, in order to obtain an overview of the host utilisation patterns of Australian drosophilids. Potential hosts (mostly fruit and fungi) were collected from different vegetation types in northern and eastern Australia. Host data were obtained for 81 drosophilid species from 17 genera (or 28% of the known Fauna). Most genera were restricted to either fruit or fungi, although Scaptodrosophila spp. and Drosophila spp. were recorded from fruit, fungi, flowers and compost, and Drosophila spp. also emerged from the parasitic plant Balanophora fungosa. There was no evidence that use of either fruit or fungi was correlated to host phylogeny. Drosophilids emerged from hosts collected from all sampled vegetation types (rainforest, open forest, heath and domestic environments). Vegetation type influenced drosophilid diversity, both by affecting host availability and because some drosophilid species apparently restricted their search for hosts to particular vegetation types.


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The drosophilid fauna is well documented in eastern Australia but is poorly known in other parts of the continent. This paper summarises what is known of this fauna in the Northern Territory (NT), and includes results from banana trapping in the humid and arid zones. The 42 recorded species include species that breed in fruit, fungi and/or flowers, and a larval predator of scale insects. Drosophilids occur in all three major climate zones (humid, semiarid and arid) but predominate in the humid zone. Banana-attracted species in the humid zone (wet-dry tropics) were common in all sampled habitats: urban, rainforest and open woodland. They included predominantly urban and/or rainforest species. Of the species collected in open woodland, some are likely to be breeding there, whereas others may have been intercepted during movement across the area. The semiarid fauna is a depauperate version of that found in the humid region. Only three species have been recorded in the arid region: an endemic arid specialist, and two cosmopolitan species (D. simulans and D. melanogaster ) in urban Alice Springs. Overall, the NT drosophilid fauna represents a depauperate version of that found in eastern Australia, probably because of climatic factors and natural barriers to range expansion. There is little evidence of regional endemism, with probably only one (and at most three) species endemic to the NT, and no evidence of independent, natural dispersion from nearby Indonesia.


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En el Parque Nacional Yasuní, reconocido como un sector de alto endemismo y biodiversidad, ubicado al noroeste de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana se realizó el inventario taxonómico de la familia Drosophilidae. Para la captura de los individuos se utilizaron trampas con atrayente de banano y solución de levadura de cerveza. La identificación taxonómica se realizó usando caracteres morfológicos y la terminalia de los machos. En total se colectaron 7425 individuos clasificados en 34 especies de los géneros: Drosophila Fallén, 1823, Scaptodrosophila Duda, 1923, Neotanygastrella Duda, 1923 y Zaprionus Coquillett, 1901. Seis de estas especies son nuevos registros para el Ecuador: D. araicas Pavan & Nacrur, 1950, D. equinoxialis Dobzhansky, 1946, D. kikkawai Burla, 1954, D. subsaltans Magalhães, 1956, D. neocordata Magalhães, 1956 y D. peninsularis Patterson & Wheeler, 1942. Estos datos incrementan el número de especies registrados para el país y para la región amazónica.


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Foram realizadas coletas em três áreas de Mata Atlântica bem preservada no sul do Brasil para a avaliação do efeito da sazonalidade e da variação espacial, assim como da influência do desflorestamento e do efeito de borda sobre as populações e assembléias de drosofilídeos. A maioria das espécies analisadas apresentou flutuações bem definidas e cíclicas ao longo do tempo (o que refletiu na riqueza, dominância e diversidade de espécies e no número total de indivíduos capturados) mas apenas poucas apresentaram abundâncias significativamente distintas entre pontos de mata fitogeograficamente similares. Entretanto, quando consideradas áreas desflorestadas ou sob influência destas, a maioria das espécies exibiu uma seleção de hábitat. Esta seletividade foi refletida na composição de espécies das assembléias, que exibiu diferenças importantes entre a área desflorestada, o limite de fragmento florestal, a borda florestal e o interior da mata, e também no número total de indivíduos capturados e na riqueza de espécies. Contudo, parâmetros influenciados diretamente pela distribuição das abundâncias das espécies (diversidade e dominância) não diferiram entre tais ambientes. Estes resultados sugerem que tanto a heterogeneidade temporal quanto a espacial são importantes promotoras e mantenedoras da diversidade e oferecem subsídios para o planejamento de políticas de preservação, como a implantação de unidades de conservação e de corredores ecológicos. Além disso, neste estudo foram observadas 145 espécies (125 do gênero Drosophila, 13 de Zygothrica, duas de Diathoneura e uma de Amiota, Cladochaeta, Neotanygastrella, Scaptodrosophila e Zaprionus, sendo 60 delas ainda não descritas), o que representa uma das maiores riquezas já observadas em estudos com drosofilídeos no Brasil. Dentre as espécies descritas, 24 não haviam sido registradas em Santa Catarina sendo que 19 destas ainda não haviam sido registradas no sul do Brasil e duas na América do Sul. Este estudo estende para105 o número de espécies de drosofilídeos registrado em Santa Catarina.


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Habitat fragmentation is the main cause of biodiversity loss, as remnant fragments are exposed to negative influences that include edge effects, prevention of migration, declines in effective population sizes, loss of genetic variability and invasion of exotic species. The Drosophilidae (Diptera), especially species of the genus Drosophila, which are highly sensitive to environmental variation, have been used as bioindicators. A twelve-month field study was conducted to evaluate the abundance and richness of drosophilids in an edge-interior transect in a fragment of semideciduous forest in São Paulo State, Brazil. One objective of the study was to evaluate the applied methodology with respect to its potential use in future studies addressing the monitoring and conservation of threatened areas. The species abundance along the transect showed a clear gradient, with species associated with disturbed environments, such as Drosophila simulans, Scaptodrosophila latifasciaeformis and Zaprionus indianus, being collected at the fragment edge and the species D. willistoni and D. mediostriata being found in the fragment's interior. Replacement of these species occurred at approximately 60 meters from the edge, which may be a reflection of edge effects on species abundance and richness because the species found within the habitat fragment are more sensitive to variations in temperature and humidity than those sampled near the edge. The results support the use of this methodology in studies on environmental impacts. © 2013 Penariol and Madi-Ravazzi; licensee Springer.