686 resultados para Satisfaction parental
Abstract While Europe is slowly recovering from the economic recession, its effects on labour markets are still visible. The number of jobless families has increased and previous research has shown that unemployment can affect the wellbeing of both parents and their children. In this study we explored the links between parental unemployment and youth life satisfaction by considering the potential moderating roles played by satisfaction with family life and perceived family wealth. We used descriptive statistics, correlations, simple moderation and moderated moderation models of regression on data from a representative sample of 3937 Portuguese students (Mage = 13.9 years; SD ± 1.7; 48 % boys). Results showed that the negative effects of parental unemployment on youth life satisfaction were moderated by youth perceived satisfaction with family life but not by perceived wealth. This suggested that during family unemployment, young people satisfied with their family life are less vulnerable to the negative effects of parental unemployment on their life satisfaction. The relationship between parental unemployment and youth well-being requires further research, especially during periods of labour market crisis.
Background: Portugal is among the European countriesmost severely hit by the economic recession and the fifth with the highest unemployment rate. Given that adolescents' development is highly influenced by their living contexts, monitoring the repercussions of the economic recession is essential for the evaluation and improvement of their current and future public health. Objective: To investigate youth perceived repercussions of the economic recession, its association with life satisfaction, as well as to assess differences across parental employment status and family perceived wealth. Methods: Data were drawn from the Portuguese 2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged children survey, aWHO collaborative cross-national study, with a nationally representative sample of 2748 students (Mage = 14.7 years ± 1.2; 48% boys). Descriptive statistics and linear regression models were performed. Results: Levels of life satisfaction are lower when young people perceive that the economic recession generated negative lifestyle changes. Having unemployed parents was found to be significantly associated with perceiving such repercussions and family wealth to decrease the perception of repercussions of the recession. Conclusions: Findings enhance our understanding of how Portuguese youth are being affected by the socioeconomic conditions surrounding them. Such information contributes to improve future research and also allow some considerations about the policies aimed at protecting young people'swellbeing during a period of high unemployment and socioeconomic downturn.
Le torticolis postural est une affection courante dans le milieu pédiatrique en particulier depuis que les parents ont adopté les lignes directrices de la campagne « Back to Sleep ». Habituellement, un programme d’exercices à domicile est présenté aux parents afin de promouvoir une récupération optimale toutefois, peu d’outils existent pour les accompagner dans la réalisation de ces exercices. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer l'impact de l'addition du nouveau livret d’intervention pour le torticolis (LIT) sur la résolution du torticolis (restitution de l’amplitude passive du cou), le stress parental et la satisfaction à l’égard du traitement reçu et sur l'observance des parents au traitement à domicile. Cinquante-huit nourrissons référés en physiothérapie pour un torticolis postural ont été recrutés et randomisés au cours de leur première visite à l’un ou l’autre de ces 2 groupes: Physiothérapie + LIT (n = 29) ou Physiothérapie + traitement standard (n = 29). Des évaluateurs ont évalué à l’aveugle les patients 1 et 3 mois après leur visite initiale, 30 minutes avant leur consultation en physiothérapie. L’amplitude articulaire passive du cou en rotation était mesurée à l’aide d’un goniomètre arthrodial. Le niveau de stress parental a été évalué en utilisant l’Indice de Stress Parental (ISP). Les parents ont reçu l’ISP à la fin de la visite initiale et ont été invités à le compléter à la maison et le retourner à la visite suivante en physiothérapie ou à la visite de 1 mois. La satisfaction des parents à l’égard du traitement reçu a été évaluée en utilisant la Mesure du Processus de Soins (MPOC-56) à 3 mois. L'observance au traitement a été estimée en demandant aux parents de rapporter la durée quotidienne de positionnement des nourrissons sur le ventre pendant la semaine dernière à l’évaluation. L’analyse de nos données consista à d’abord décrire les performances des 2 groupes à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des tests de t ont permis de comparer le changement à la rotation passive cervicale, entre la visite de 1 mois et la visite initiale ainsi qu’entre la visite de 3 mois et la visite initiale. Des tests de t ont aussi été calculés pour comparer les scores de chaque sous-échelle du ISP (stress parental) et du MPOC-56 (satisfaction des soins) entre les groupes. Le test du chi carré a été réalisé pour comparer l'adhérence entre les deux groupes à 1 et 3-mois. Les résultats ont montré une tendance à un plus grand changement de la rotation passive du cou à 1-mois dans le groupe LIT (Intervalle de Confiance à 95% = 95% IC= 1,97-8,77 ; p = 0, 17) mais pas à 3 mois. Les parents du groupe LIT ont obtenu des scores de stress plus faibles après avoir reçu l'outil d'intervention (95%IC= 49,20-57,94 ; p = 0, 01) et ont déclaré être plus satisfaits que les parents du groupe témoin pour le traitement reçu (95%IC= 6,7-6,8 ; p=0,03) e o partenariat avec les thérapeutes (95%IC= 6,3-6,9 ; p<0,001). Enfin, l'observance au traitement a été plus élevée dans le groupe LIT que dans le groupe contrôle en particulier à 3-mois (p = 0.01). Le nouveau livret d'intervention pour le torticolis accompagné d'un traitement de physiothérapie a tendance à contribuer à une restitution plus rapide de l’amplitude passive du cou en rotation, peut aider à diminuer le niveau de stress parental, contribuer à une plus grande satisfaction à l’égard du traitement et améliorer l’observance au traitement à domicile.
The opinions of parents in relation to the education of their gifted child were examined, with particular attention paid to their satisfaction and the type and amount of programming their child is receiving. This study employed a mixed methods research design that focused on parents’ experiences with gifted education programming and their perceptions and level of satisfaction with these programs. A survey was used to gather the perceptions and opinions of parents of gifted children in Ontario. The data were quantified and used to make observations in relation to differences in parental satisfaction and to provide a more thorough understanding of the experiences of parents in Ontario in regards to the education of gifted children. Information was also gathered regarding the recommendations that parents have for the improvement of education for their gifted child. The results of the study found that parents of gifted children were satisfied with the connections their child made within a gifted placement with like-minded peers and with opportunities for their children to learn in a more individualized and in-depth manner. However, parents expressed dissatisfaction with the timing of the initial gifted identification and the lack of knowledge that teachers, in both regular and specialized classrooms, have about gifted children and the types of programming best suited to these children. The results of the study also showed parental dissatisfaction with the lack of funding allocated to gifted education programs by district school boards and the lack of involvement they were allowed with respect to the education of their child.
This study employed a qualitative research design to explore therapists' and parents' perspectives of paediatric occupational therapy and speech pathology assessment reports. Aims of the study were to explore the intentions of therapists when writing reports, to expand upon existing literature on parental satisfaction and preferences with respect to paediatric clinical reports, to highlight documentation practices that would serve to maximize parental use of allied health reports, and to develop specific guidelines on how reports can be written to ensure they are useful and beneficial to therapists and parents. Participants were 15 parents of children who had been assessed at 1 of 2 university clinics and subsequently received a written report, and 11 therapists employed at the same university clinics. Questionnaires were used to seek information from therapists concerning the purpose of assessment reports and essential aspects to include when writing reports for parents. In-depth interviews were used to seek information about how understandable and beneficial clinical reports were to parents. The data were subjected to thematic analysis. From comments of therapists' intentions and parents' stated needs, and in accordance with literature reviewed, guidelines were identified for the production of parent-oriented reports. Conclusions drawn from this study can be specifically applied to services producing paediatric occupational therapy or speech pathology assessment reports, but are widely relevant to paediatric allied health services. (author abstract)
This study assessed the implications of parental attachment security and parental conflict behavior for offspring's relational adjustment (attachment security, loneliness, and relationship satisfaction). Further, reports of parental conflict behavior were obtained from both parents and offspring, addressing questions regarding agreement between reporters and the origin and extent of discrepant perceptions. Results revealed consistent patterns of conflict behavior and moderate agreement between reporters. However, offspring reported parental conflict behavior more negatively than parents, especially when offspring or parents were anxious about relationships. Parental attachment security had direct associations with offspring's relationship anxiety, whereas associations between parental attachment and offspring's loneliness and discomfort with closeness were mediated by parental conflict behavior. Parental conflict behavior was also associated with offspring's relationship satisfaction. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanisms involved in the intergenerational transmission of relationship difficulties.
Aim The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between registered nurses’ (RN) job satisfaction and their intention to leave critical care nursing in Saudi Arabia. Background Many studies have identified critical care areas as stressful work environments for nurses and have identified factors contributing to job satisfaction and staff retention. However, very little research has examined these relationships in the Saudi context. Design and Methods This study utilised an exploratory, cross-sectional survey design to examine the relationship between RN job satisfaction and intention to leave at King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital, Saudi Arabia. Respondents completed a self-administered survey including demographic items and validated measures of job satisfaction and intention to leave. A convenience sample of 182 RNs working in critical care areas during the data collection period were included. Results Regression analysis predicting RN intention to leave found that demographic variables including age, parental status and length of ICU experience, and three of the job satisfaction subscales including perceived workload, professional support and pay and prospects for promotion, were significantly associated with the outcome variable. Conclusion This study adds to the existing literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to leave critical care areas among RNs working in Saudi Arabia. These findings point to the need for management and policy interventions targeting nurses’ workloads, professional support and pay and promotion in order to improve nurse retention.
Aim: This study investigated: (1) concurrent relationships between measures of family life and parental satisfaction with life in parents of an adult with Down syndrome and (2) influence of early family functioning on current parental satisfaction. Method: Sixty-two families were interviewed using a semi-structured interview, and responded to a series of questionnaires related to family functioning when their child with Down syndrome was between 7 and 15 years. Fifteen years later parents were asked to provide data on their current situation, including mental health, and satisfaction and difficulties with respect to care-giving in relation to their adult child. Results: Over half the families provided data to the second phase of the study. Life circumstances were appreciably worse for a small group of families than had been the case 15 years previously; however, these changes were generally unrelated to their parenting role. Overall, parents reported experiencing satisfaction from their care-giving role and did not report high levels of difficulties emanating from this role. Conclusions: Most parents demonstrated good levels of personal functioning, although there was a small group for whom this was not the case. Earlier functioning did not make a strong contribution to current levels of life satisfaction.
The study in its entirety focused on factors related to adolescents decisions concerning drug use. The term drug use is taken here to include the use of tobacco products, alcohol, narcotics, and other addictive substances. First, the reasons given for drug use (attributions) were investigated. Secondly, the influence of personal goals, the beliefs involved in decision making, psychosocial adjustment including body image and involvement with peers, and parental relationships on drug use were studied. Two cohorts participated in the study. In 1984, a questionnaire on reasons for drug use was administered to a sample of adolescents aged 14-16 (N=396). A further questionnaire was administered to another sample of adolescents aged 14-16 (N=488) in 1999. The results for both cohorts were analyzed in Articles I and II. In Articles III and IV further analysis was carried out on the second cohort (N=488). The research report presented here provides a synthesis of all four articles, together with material from a further analysis. In a comparison of the two cohorts it was found that the attributions for drug use had changed considerably over the intervening fifteen-year period. In relation to alcohol and narcotics use an increase was found in reasons involving inner subjective experiences, with mention of the good feeling and fun resulting from alcohol and narcotics use. In addition, the goals of alcohol consumption were increasingly perceived as drinking to get drunk, and for its own sake. The attributions for the adolescents own smoking behavior were quite different from the attributions for smoking by others. The attributions were only weakly influenced by the participants gender or by their smoking habits, either in 1984 or 1999. In relation to participants own smoking, the later questionnaire elicited more mention of inner subjective experiences involving "good feeling. In relation to the perceived reasons for other people s smoking, it elicited more responses connected with the notion of "belonging. In the second sample, the results indicated that the levels of body satisfaction among adolescent girls are lower than those among adolescent boys. Overall, dissatisfaction with one's physical appearance seemed to relate to drug use. Girls were also found to engage in more discussions than boys; this applied to (i) discussion with peers (concerning both intimate and general matters), and (ii) discussion with parents (concerning general matters). However, more than a quarter of the boys (out of the entire population) reported only low intimacy with both parents and peers. If both drinking and smoking were considered, it seemed that girls in particular who reported drinking and smoking also reported high intimacy with parents and peers. Boys who reported drinking and smoking reported only medium intimacy with parents and peers. In addition, having an intimate relationship with one's peers was associated with a greater tendency to drink purely in order to get drunk. Overall, the results seemed to suggest that drug use is connected with a close relationship with peers and (surprisingly) with a close relationship with parents. Nevertheless, there were also indications that to some extent peer relationships can also protect adolescents from smoking and alcohol use. The results, which underline the complexity of adolescent drug use, are taken up in the Discussion section. It may be that body image and/or other identity factors play a more prominent role in all drug use than has previously been acknowledged. It does appear that in the course of planning support campaigns for adolescents at risk of drug use, we should focus more closely on individuals and their inner world. More research on this field is clearly needed, and therefore some ideas for future research are also presented.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2006
Les familles d’accueil sont une composante essentielle du système de protection de l’enfance. Or, le réseau québécois est confronté à certaines difficultés de recrutement et de rétention. De plus, deux importants chantiers modifieront la pratique entourant l’accueil familial : le déploiement de l’approche S’occuper des Enfants (SOCEN) et la mise en application de la Loi sur la représentation des ressources (LRR), qui engendre une professionnalisation du rôle de famille d’accueil. Il importe donc de s’intéresser à l’expérience des parents d’accueil, afin d’identifier certaines pistes pour mieux faire face à ces défis et transformations. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influencent la satisfaction des parents d’accueil dans leur rôle. Un sous-objectif est de comprendre si l’approche SOCEN a une influence sur cette satisfaction. Pour ce faire, des entrevues individuelles semi-directives ont été effectuées auprès de treize parents d’accueil d’une région du Québec qui implante l’approche SOCEN depuis 2003. Une analyse de contenu thématique concernant leur satisfaction, leur motivation et les défis qu’ils rencontrent a été effectuée. Les résultats montrent que selon les parents d’accueil, la satisfaction dans leur rôle s’incarne dans trois dimensions distinctes: la dimension parentale, la dimension professionnelle et la dimension personnelle. Les facteurs qui influencent leur satisfaction sont : les enjeux de parentalité en contexte de placement à long terme, l’impact du placement sur la famille du parent d’accueil et les enjeux de reconnaissance. Il ressort également que les principes et les outils proposés par l’approche SOCEN pourraient agir sur les facteurs évoqués et ainsi augmenter la satisfaction des parents d’accueil dans leur rôle.
This issue of Challenges examines the progress made thus far on childcare leave for parents —mothers and fathers— and turns a spotlight on pending debts in this regard. Few legislative or practical measures exist for satisfying the many types of early childhood care needs, and inequalities of origin are still rife. In order to meet those needs, the policy response must be aimed at ensuring universal satisfaction of children's right to care regardless of the formal employment status (or otherwise) of their parents, and the existing models of care from birth must be thoroughly reviewed.
This study investigated whether the associations between (a) the quality of the parent-child relationship and peer acceptance and (b) early adolescents’ life satisfaction differed depending on the importance of family values in the respective culture. As part of the Value of Children Study, data from a sub-sample of N = 1,034 adolescents (58% female, M age = 13.62 years, SD = 0.60 years) from 11 cultures was analyzed. Multilevel analyses revealed a positive relation between parental admiration and adolescents’ life satisfaction independent of cultural membership. Further, the higher the importance
This longitudinal panel study investigated predictors of career adaptability development and its effect on development of sense of power and experience of life satisfaction among 330 Swiss eighth graders. A multivariate measure of career adaptability consisting of career choice readiness, planning, exploration, and confidence was applied. Based on Motivational Systems Theory four groups of predictors were assessed: positive emotional disposition, goal decidedness, capability beliefs and social context beliefs. Influence of gender, age, immigration background, parental educational level, and college-bound or vocational education plans were also assessed. Perceived social support and positive emotional disposition, non-immigration background, and continuing to vocational education were single significant predictors of more career adaptability development over the school year. Supporting the connection of career adaptability and positive youth development, increase in career adaptability over time predicted increase in sense of power and experience of life satisfaction.