180 resultados para Sarcomas sinoviais
Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente de 24 anos de idade, que apresentou dor e aumento do volume do hálux esquerdo há três meses. A ultra-sonografia mostrou massa sólida, hipoecóide, heterogênea, com áreas císticas e calcificação, no dorso do hálux esquerdo, em partes moles, com estrutura tendínea no seu interior, sem aparente comprometimento de estruturas ósseas. O estudo com Doppler colorido mostrou hipervascularização central e periférica na lesão. A ressonância magnética evidenciou massa sólida, de partes moles, com estrutura tendínea no seu interior, com médio sinal em T1 e alto sinal em T2, com realce intenso e heterogêneo pelo meio de contraste paramagnético, sem acometimento de estruturas ósseas. A paciente foi submetida a procedimento cirúrgico, com ressecção da lesão descrita, no dorso do hálux esquerdo, e o exame anatomopatológico demonstrou tratar-se de sarcoma sinovial fibroso monofásico.
OBJETIVOS: Os sarcomas sinoviais são tumores raros e agressivos que acometem adultos jovens, com sobrevida doençaespecífica em cinco anos de 57 a 63%. O presente estudo analisa a experiência institucional com este tumor, dando ênfase à associação entre variáveis clínicas, padrões de recorrência e sobrevida. MÉTODO: Entre 1970 e 2001 foram identificados 57 pacientes com sarcomas sinoviais. Fatores demográficos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos foram pesquisados. Associações entre variáveis clínicas e a sobrevida livre de recidiva local, livre de metástases e doença-específica em cinco anos foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: A idade mediana dos pacientes foi 26 anos, 56% eram masculinos, 79% eram brancos. Localizavam-se em membro inferior em 74%, proximalmente em 53%. O sintoma mais comum foi a presença de tumor em 42%. Na admissão 18% eram intactos, 42% manipulados e 40% recidivados. A maioria era maior que 5 cm., e três pacientes apresentavam metástase linfonodal. A cirurgia mais freqüente foi ressecção ampla, 30% necessitou amputação. Margens amplas foram obtidas em 65%, 51% eram tumores bifásicos. Neoadjuvância foi utilizada em 46% e adjuvância em 58% dos casos. As sobrevidas livre de recidiva local , metástases e doença específica em cinco anos foram 60±8%, 47±7% e 58±7%. A localização proximal do tumor associou-se com preservação de membro (p=-0,001), margens inadequadas (p=0,006) e subtipo bifásico (p=0,047). CONCLUSÕES: Os dados confirmam a hipótese de tratar-se de tumor agressivo, com altos índices de recidiva local e à distância. Os resultados do tratamento são comparáveis a outros centros especializados. Tratamento fora destes centros deve ser desencorajado.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the microvascular density in canine soft-tissue sarcomas. Immunohistochemistry for VEGF expression was performed on 20 canine neoplasms by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method using an anti-VEGF mouse monoclonal antibody (ab-119). The Volume fraction of microvessels in the sarcomas was quantified in hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. At least 10 fields of view (40x magnification) per neoplasm were analyzed by positioning a grid with 100 points and counting the microvessels that fell into the intersection points. This percentage was considered the volume fraction of these microvessels in the tumor section. VEGF expression was detected in 65% of the neoplasms. In 92.3% of the neoplasms, the expression occurred in the peritumor region; in 46.15%, in the intratumor region; and in 38.46%, the expression was present in both regions. The cells responsible for VEGF expression were fibroblasts and macrophages in the peritumor region or in the pseudocapsule and neoplastic cells in the intratumor region. Greater intratumoral VEGF was expressed in hemangiopericytomas (P = 0.04). No difference was present in the volume fraction of tumor microvessels between VEGF-positive and VEGF-negative neoplasms (P = 0.3416) or for the different types of neoplasms (P = 0.5). The results of this study suggest that VEGF participates in the angiogenesis of soft-tissue sat-coma in dogs. Additional research will be necessary to elucidate the contribution of VEGF to the progression of malignancy.
O diagnóstico dos sarcomas cutâneos é desafiante, devido à complexidade e heterogeneidade deste grupo de lesões, cuja apresentação nos tecidos superficiais (pele e tecido celular subcutâneo) impõe diagnóstico diferencial obrigatório com tumores benignos e processos inflamatórios. Apesar de serem tumores pouco frequentes alguns tipos assumem grande importância por serem localmente invasivos, com elevada morbi-mortalidade associada, taxas de recidiva local e metastização significativas. Os autores apresentam cinco casos clínico-patológicos de sarcomas cutâneos – sarcoma de Kaposi, dermatofibrossarcoma protuberans, fibroxantoma atípico, leiomiossarcoma e angiossarcoma – e fazem uma breve revisão da literatura sobre os tipos de sarcoma cutâneo com maior interesse na Dermatologia, salientando os aspectos fisiopatológicos, clínicos, histopatológicos e terapêuticos particulares.
Estudo histopatológico da implantação intracerebral de sarcomas, realizado em ratos (fibrosarcoma) e em camundongos (sarcoma 180). A implantação intracerebral de fibrosarcoma desenvolveu, em cerca de 45 dias, neoplasia relativamente bem delimitada, com pequena infiltração do parênquima nervoso adjacente, nunca se propagando a maiores distãncias devido a forte coesão entre as suas células, com grande diferenciação de fibrilas reticulares e de colágeno. Ao contrário, a inoculação do sarcoma 180, principalmente sob a forma ascítica, levou rapidamente a um quadro de forte hipertensão intracraniana, com disseminação das células neoplásticas pelos espaços subaracnoideanos e intraventriculares. Ambas as neoplasias propagavam-se pelos espaços subaracnoideanos e intraventriculares. Ambas as neoplasias propagavam-se pelos espaços perivasculares, porém o faziam de maneira diversa; o sarcoma 180 tinha uma disseminação muito intensa e rápida, que se fazia a longas distâncias, enquanto que o fibrossarcoma somente se disseminava nos vasos próximos à neoplasia em desenvolvimento. Tomando por base observações próprias e outras colhidas na bibliografia especializada, conclui-se que os agentes etiológicos destes tumores exercem sua ação sobre tipos celulares diferentes.
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) with complex genomic profiles (50% of all STS) are predominantly composed of spindle cell/pleomorphic sarcomas, including leiomyosarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, angiosarcoma, extraskeletal osteosarcoma, and spindle cell/pleomorphic unclassified sarcoma (previously called spindle cell/pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma). These neoplasms show, characteristically, gains and losses of numerous chromosomes or chromosome regions, as well as amplifications. Many of them share recurrent aberrations (e.g., gain of 5p13-p15) that seem to play a significant role in tumor progression and/or metastatic dissemination. In this paper, we review the cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and clinicopathologic characteristics of the most common STS displaying complex genomic profiles. Features of diagnostic or prognostic relevance will be discussed when needed.
Having determined in a phase I study the maximum tolerated dose of high-dose ifosfamide combined with high-dose doxorubicin, we now report the long-term results of a phase II trial in advanced soft-tissue sarcomas. Forty-six patients with locally advanced or metastatic soft-tissue sarcomas were included, with age <60 years and all except one in good performance status (0 or 1). The chemotherapy treatment consisted of ifosfamide 10 g m(-2) (continuous infusion for 5 days), doxorubicin 30 mg m(-2) day(-1) x 3 (total dose 90 mg m(-2)), mesna and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor. Cycles were repeated every 21 days. A median of 4 (1-6) cycles per patient was administered. Twenty-two patients responded to therapy, including three complete responders and 19 partial responders for an overall response rate of 48% (95% CI: 33-63%). The response rate was not different between localised and metastatic diseases or between histological types, but was higher in grade 3 tumours. Median overall survival was 19 months. Salvage therapies (surgery and/or radiotherapy) were performed in 43% of patients and found to be the most significant predictor for favourable survival (exploratory multivariate analysis). Haematological toxicity was severe, including grade > or =3 neutropenia in 59%, thrombopenia in 39% and anaemia in 27% of cycles. Three patients experienced grade 3 neurotoxicity and one patient died of septic shock. This high-dose regimen is toxic but nonetheless feasible in multicentre settings in non elderly patients with good performance status. A high response rate was obtained. Prolonged survival was mainly a function of salvage therapies.
Els sarcomes de cap i coll són tumors relativament estranys, representant un 2% de tots els tumors de cap i coll i un 4-10% del total dels sarcomes. Per tant els localitzats a la mandíbula representen un percentatge encara menor, no recollits específicament en cap estudi. La histopatologia heterogènia i les diverses localitzacions fan d'ells una entitat difícil d'estudiar. En aquest treball de recerca es pretén descriure l'etiologia i comportament dels sarcomes de cap i coll i recolzar els resultat de la literatura que promulguen la cirurgia com arma terapèutica principal, basant-nos en l'experiència del servei de Cirurgia Oral i Maxil·lofacial de l'Hosptial Vall d'Hebron en els últims 10 anys en el maneig del sarcoma mandibular.
BACKGROUND: In high-quality cancer registration systems, about one in eight incident cancers are second primary cancers. This is due to a combination of careful diagnostic ascertainment, shared genetic determinants, shared exposure to environmental factors and consequences of treatment for first cancer. METHODS: We used data derived from the Swiss population-based cancer Registries of Vaud and Neuchâtel, including 885,000 inhabitants. RESULTS: Among 107,238 (52% males) first cancers occurring between 1976 and 2010, a total of 126 second sarcomas were observed through active and passive follow-up versus 68.2 expected, corresponding to a standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of 1.85 (95 % CI 1.5-2.2). Significant excess sarcoma risks were observed after skin melanoma (SIR = 3.0), breast cancer (2.2), corpus uteri (2.7), testicular (7.5), thyroid cancer (4.2), Hodgkin lymphoma (5.7) and leukemias (4.0). For breast cancer, the SIR was 3.4 ≥5 years after sarcoma diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The common denominator of these neoplasms is the utilization of radiotherapy in their management. Some sarcomas following breast cancer may be due to shared genetic components (i.e., in the Li-Fraumeni syndrome), as well as possibly to shared environmental factors, with sarcomas, including overweight, selected dietary and reproductive factors which are, however, too little defined for any quantitative risk assessment.
Breast sarcomas are rare neoplasms of the breast that need to be clearly distinguished from the very common breast carcinomas and treated in a multidisciplinary manner modelled after treatment paradigms in other sarcoma locations. An increasing need to differentiate sarcoma sub-types based on molecular characteristics that will also be depicted in differential treatment sensitivities and development of specifically targeted therapies are equally valid in sarcomas in general and in breast sarcomas in particular. Of special interest in breast are sarcomas developing after breast irradiation for a previous breast carcinoma, a scenario that is increasingly common, given the increasing trends of breast conservation in the surgical treatment of breast carcinoma that necessitates the adjuvant use of radiotherapy.
Alterations of the p53 pathway are among the most frequent aberrations observed in human cancers. We have performed an exhaustive analysis of TP53, p14, p15, and p16 status in a large series of 143 soft tissue sarcomas, rare tumors accounting for around 1% of all adult cancers, with complex genetics. For this purpose, we performed genomic studies, combining sequencing, copy number assessment, and expression analyses. TP53 mutations and deletions are more frequent in leiomyosarcomas than in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas. Moreover, 50% of leiomyosarcomas present TP53 biallelic inactivation, whereas most undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas retain one wild-type TP53 allele (87.2%). The spectrum of mutations between these two groups of sarcomas is different, particularly with a higher rate of complex mutations in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas. Most tumors without TP53 alteration exhibit a deletion of p14 and/or lack of mRNA expression, suggesting that p14 loss could be an alternative genotype for direct TP53 inactivation. Nevertheless, the fact that even in tumors altered for TP53, we could not detect p14 protein suggests that other p14 functions, independent of p53, could be implicated in sarcoma oncogenesis. In addition, both p15 and p16 are frequently codeleted or transcriptionally co-inhibited with p14, essentially in tumors with two wild-type TP53 alleles. Conversely, in TP53-altered tumors, p15 and p16 are well expressed, a feature not incompatible with an oncogenic process.