26 resultados para Sarcin-Ricin
Translocation factor EF-G, possesses a low basal GTPase activity, which is stimulated by the ribosome. One potential region of the ribosome that triggers GTPase activity of EF-G is the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop (SRL) (helix 95) in domain VI of the 23S rRNA. Structural data showed that the tip of the SRL closely approaches GTP in the active center of EF-G, structural probing data confirmed that EF-G interacts with nucleotides G2655, A2660, G2661 and A2662.1-3 The exocyclic group of adenine at A2660 is required for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity by the ribosome as demonstrated using atomic mutagenesis.4 Recent crystal structures of EF-G on the ribosome, gave more insights into the molecular mechanism of EF-G GTPase activity.5 Based on the structure of EF-Tu on the ribosome1, the following mechanism of GTPase activation was proposed: upon binding of EF-G to the ribosome, the conserved His92 (E.coli) changes its position, pointing to the γ-phosphate of GTP. In this activated state, the phosphate of residue A2662 of the SRL positions the catalytic His in its active conformation. It was further proposed that the phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in a charge-relay system, enabling GTP hydrolysis. In order to test this mechanism, we use the atomic mutagenesis approach, which allows introducing non-natural modifications in the SRL, in the context of the complete 70S ribosome. Therefore, we replaced one of the non-bridging oxygens of A2662 by a methyl group. A methylphosphonat is not able to position or activate a histidine, as it has no free electrons and therefore no proton acceptor function. These modified ribosomes were then tested for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity. First experiments show that one of the two stereoisomers incorporated into ribosomes does not stimulate GTPase activity of EF-G, whereas the other is active. From this we conclude that indeed the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. Ongoing experiments aim at revealing the contribution of this non-bridging oxygen at A2662 to the mechanism of EF-G GTPase activation at the atomic level.
Translocation factor EF-G, possesses a low basal GTPase activity, which is stimulated by the ribosome. One potential region of the ribosome that triggers GTPase activity of EF-G is the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop (SRL) (helix 95) in domain VI of the 23S rRNA. Structural data showed that the tip of the SRL closely approaches GTP in the active center of EF-G, structural probing data confirmed that EF-G interacts with nucleotides G2655, A2660, G2661 and A2662.1-3 The exocyclic group of adenine at A2660 is required for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity by the ribosome as demonstrated using atomic mutagenesis.4 Recent crystal structures of EF-G on the ribosome, gave more insights into the molecular mechanism of EF-G GTPase activity.5 Based on the structure of EF-Tu on the ribosome1, the following mechanism of GTPase activation was proposed: upon binding of EF-G to the ribosome, the conserved His92 (E.coli) changes its position, pointing to the γ-phosphate of GTP. In this activated state, the phosphate of residue A2662 of the SRL positions the catalytic His in its active conformation. It was further proposed that the phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in a charge-relay system, enabling GTP hydrolysis. In order to test this mechanism, we use the atomic mutagenesis approach, which allows introducing non-natural modifications in the SRL, in the context of the complete 70S ribosome. Therefore, we replaced one of the non-bridging oxygens of A2662 by a methyl group. A methylphosphonat is not able to position or activate a histidine, as it has no free electrons and therefore no proton acceptor function. These modified ribosomes were then tested for stimulation of EF-G GTPase activity. First experiments show that one of the two stereoisomers incorporated into ribosomes does not stimulate GTPase activity of EF-G, whereas the other is active. From this we conclude that indeed the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662 is involved in EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. Ongoing experiments aim at revealing the contribution of this non-bridging oxygen at A2662 to the mechanism of EF-G GTPase activation at the atomic level.
An oligoribonucleotide (a 27-mer) that mimics the sarcin/ricin (S/R) domain of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA binds elongation factor EF-G; the Kd is 6.9 μM, whereas for binding to ribosomes it is 0.7 μM. Binding saturates when EF-G and the S/R RNA are equimolar; at saturation 70% of the input RNA is in complexes with EF-G. Binding of EF-G to S/R RNA does not require GTP but is inhibited by GDP; the inhibition by GDP is overcome by GTP. The effects of mutations of the S/R domain nucleotides G2655, A2660, and G2661 suggest that EF-G recognizes the conformation of the RNA rather than the identity of the nucleotides. EF-G also binds to an oligoribonucleotide (an 84-mer) that has the thiostrepton region of 23S rRNA; however, EF-G binds independently to S/R and thiostrepton oligoribonucleotides.
Dans un premier temps, nous avons modélisé la structure d’une famille d’ARN avec une grammaire de graphes afin d’identifier les séquences qui en font partie. Plusieurs autres méthodes de modélisation ont été développées, telles que des grammaires stochastiques hors-contexte, des modèles de covariance, des profils de structures secondaires et des réseaux de contraintes. Ces méthodes de modélisation se basent sur la structure secondaire classique comparativement à nos grammaires de graphes qui se basent sur les motifs cycliques de nucléotides. Pour exemplifier notre modèle, nous avons utilisé la boucle E du ribosome qui contient le motif Sarcin-Ricin qui a été largement étudié depuis sa découverte par cristallographie aux rayons X au début des années 90. Nous avons construit une grammaire de graphes pour la structure du motif Sarcin-Ricin et avons dérivé toutes les séquences qui peuvent s’y replier. La pertinence biologique de ces séquences a été confirmée par une comparaison des séquences d’un alignement de plus de 800 séquences ribosomiques bactériennes. Cette comparaison a soulevée des alignements alternatifs pour quelques unes des séquences que nous avons supportés par des prédictions de structures secondaires et tertiaires. Les motifs cycliques de nucléotides ont été observés par les membres de notre laboratoire dans l'ARN dont la structure tertiaire a été résolue expérimentalement. Une étude des séquences et des structures tertiaires de chaque cycle composant la structure du Sarcin-Ricin a révélé que l'espace des séquences dépend grandement des interactions entre tous les nucléotides à proximité dans l’espace tridimensionnel, c’est-à-dire pas uniquement entre deux paires de bases adjacentes. Le nombre de séquences générées par la grammaire de graphes est plus petit que ceux des méthodes basées sur la structure secondaire classique. Cela suggère l’importance du contexte pour la relation entre la séquence et la structure, d’où l’utilisation d’une grammaire de graphes contextuelle plus expressive que les grammaires hors-contexte. Les grammaires de graphes que nous avons développées ne tiennent compte que de la structure tertiaire et négligent les interactions de groupes chimiques spécifiques avec des éléments extra-moléculaires, comme d’autres macromolécules ou ligands. Dans un deuxième temps et pour tenir compte de ces interactions, nous avons développé un modèle qui tient compte de la position des groupes chimiques à la surface des structures tertiaires. L’hypothèse étant que les groupes chimiques à des positions conservées dans des séquences prédéterminées actives, qui sont déplacés dans des séquences inactives pour une fonction précise, ont de plus grandes chances d’être impliqués dans des interactions avec des facteurs. En poursuivant avec l’exemple de la boucle E, nous avons cherché les groupes de cette boucle qui pourraient être impliqués dans des interactions avec des facteurs d'élongation. Une fois les groupes identifiés, on peut prédire par modélisation tridimensionnelle les séquences qui positionnent correctement ces groupes dans leurs structures tertiaires. Il existe quelques modèles pour adresser ce problème, telles que des descripteurs de molécules, des matrices d’adjacences de nucléotides et ceux basé sur la thermodynamique. Cependant, tous ces modèles utilisent une représentation trop simplifiée de la structure d’ARN, ce qui limite leur applicabilité. Nous avons appliqué notre modèle sur les structures tertiaires d’un ensemble de variants d’une séquence d’une instance du Sarcin-Ricin d’un ribosome bactérien. L’équipe de Wool à l’université de Chicago a déjà étudié cette instance expérimentalement en testant la viabilité de 12 variants. Ils ont déterminé 4 variants viables et 8 létaux. Nous avons utilisé cet ensemble de 12 séquences pour l’entraînement de notre modèle et nous avons déterminé un ensemble de propriétés essentielles à leur fonction biologique. Pour chaque variant de l’ensemble d’entraînement nous avons construit des modèles de structures tertiaires. Nous avons ensuite mesuré les charges partielles des atomes exposés sur la surface et encodé cette information dans des vecteurs. Nous avons utilisé l’analyse des composantes principales pour transformer les vecteurs en un ensemble de variables non corrélées, qu’on appelle les composantes principales. En utilisant la distance Euclidienne pondérée et l’algorithme du plus proche voisin, nous avons appliqué la technique du « Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation » pour choisir les meilleurs paramètres pour prédire l’activité d’une nouvelle séquence en la faisant correspondre à ces composantes principales. Finalement, nous avons confirmé le pouvoir prédictif du modèle à l’aide d’un nouvel ensemble de 8 variants dont la viabilité à été vérifiée expérimentalement dans notre laboratoire. En conclusion, les grammaires de graphes permettent de modéliser la relation entre la séquence et la structure d’un élément structural d’ARN, comme la boucle E contenant le motif Sarcin-Ricin du ribosome. Les applications vont de la correction à l’aide à l'alignement de séquences jusqu’au design de séquences ayant une structure prédéterminée. Nous avons également développé un modèle pour tenir compte des interactions spécifiques liées à une fonction biologique donnée, soit avec des facteurs environnants. Notre modèle est basé sur la conservation de l'exposition des groupes chimiques qui sont impliqués dans ces interactions. Ce modèle nous a permis de prédire l’activité biologique d’un ensemble de variants de la boucle E du ribosome qui se lie à des facteurs d'élongation.
Elongation factor-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis is a key reaction during the ribosomal elongation cycle. Recent crystal structures of G proteins, such as elongation factor G (EF-G) bound to the ribosome, as well as many biochemical studies, provide evidence that the direct interaction of translational GTPases (trGTPases) with the sarcin-ricin loop (SRL) of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is pivotal for hydrolysis. However, the precise mechanism remains elusive and is intensively debated. Based on the close proximity of the phosphate oxygen of A2662 of the SRL to the supposedly catalytic histidine of EF-G (His87), we probed this interaction by an atomic mutagenesis approach. We individually replaced either of the two nonbridging phosphate oxygens at A2662 with a methyl group by the introduction of a methylphosphonate instead of the natural phosphate in fully functional, reconstituted bacterial ribosomes. Our major finding was that only one of the two resulting diastereomers, the SP methylphosphonate, was compatible with efficient GTPase activation on EF-G. The same trend was observed for a second trGTPase, namely EF4 (LepA). In addition, we provide evidence that the negative charge of the A2662 phosphate group must be retained for uncompromised activity in GTP hydrolysis. In summary, our data strongly corroborate that the nonbridging proSP phosphate oxygen at the A2662 of the SRL is critically involved in the activation of GTP hydrolysis. A mechanistic scenario is supported in which positioning of the catalytically active, protonated His87 through electrostatic interactions with the A2662 phosphate group and H-bond networks are key features of ribosome-triggered activation of trGTPases.
The ribosome is a highly conserved cellular complex and constitutes the center of protein biosynthesis. As the ribosome consists to about 2/3 of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the rRNA is involved in most steps of translation. In order to investigate the role of some defined rRNA residues in different aspects of translation we use the atomic mutagenesis approach. This method allows the site-specific incorporation of unnatural nucleosides into the rRNA in the context of the complete 70S from Thermus aquaticus, and thereby exceeds the possibilities of conventional mutagenesis. We first studied ribosome-stimulated EF-G GTP hydrolysis. Here, we could show that the non-bridging phosphate oxygen of A2662, which is part of the Sarcin-Ricin-Loop, is required for EF-G GTPase activation by the ribosome. EF-G GTPase is a crucial step for tRNA translocation from the A- to the P-site, and from the P- to the E-site, respectively. We furthermore used the atomic mutagenesis approach to more precisely characterize the 23S rRNA functional groups involved in E-site tRNA binding. While the ribosomal A- and P-sites have been functionally well characterized in the past, the contribution of the E-site to protein biosynthesis is still poorly understood in molecular terms. Our data disclose the importance of the highly conserved E-site base pair G2421-C2395 for effective translation. Ribosomes with a disrupted G2421-C2395 base pair are defective in tRNA binding to the E-site. This results in an impaired translation of genuine mRNAs, while homo-polymeric templates are not affected. Cumulatively our data emphasize the importance of E-site tRNA occupancy and in particular the intactness of the 23S rRNA base pair G2421-C2395 for productive protein biosynthesis.
Elongation factor-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis is a key reaction during the ribosomal elongation cycle. Recent crystal structures of G proteins, such as elongation factor G (EF-G) bound to the ribosome, as well as many biochemical studies, provide evidence that the direct interaction of translational GTPases (trGTPases) with the sarcin-ricin loop (SRL) of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is pivotal for hydrolysis. However, the precise mechanism remains elusive and is intensively debated. Based on the close proximity of the phosphate oxygen of A2662 of the SRL to the supposedly catalytic histidine of EF-G (His87), we probed this interaction by an atomic mutagenesis approach. We individually replaced either of the two nonbridging phosphate oxygens at A2662 with a methyl group by the introduction of a methylphosphonate instead of the natural phosphate in fully functional, reconstituted bacterial ribosomes. Our major finding was that only one of the two resulting diastereomers, the SP methylphosphonate, was compatible with efficient GTPase activation on EF-G. The same trend was observed for a second trGTPase, namely EF4 (LepA). In addition, we provide evidence that the negative charge of the A2662 phosphate group must be retained for uncompromised activity in GTP hydrolysis. (1) In summary, our data strongly corroborate that the nonbridging proSP phosphate oxygen at the A2662 of the SRL is critically involved in the activation of GTP hydrolysis. A mechanistic scenario is supported in which positioning of the catalytically active, protonated His87 through electrostatic interactions with the A2662 phosphate group and H-bond networks are key features of ribosome-triggered activation of trGTPases.
Elongation factor-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis is a key reaction during the ribosomal elongation cycle. Recent crystal structures of G proteins, such as elongation factor G (EF-G) bound to the ribosome, as well as many biochemical studies, provide evidence that the direct interaction of translational GTPases (trGTPases) with the sarcin-ricin loop (SRL) of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is pivotal for hydrolysis. However, the precise mechanism remains elusive and is intensively debated. Based on the close proximity of the phosphate oxygen of A2662 of the SRL to the supposedly catalytic histidine of EF-G (His87), we probed this interaction by an atomic mutagenesis approach. We individually replaced either of the two nonbridging phosphate oxygens at A2662 with a methyl group by the introduction of a methylphosphonate instead of the natural phosphate in fully functional, reconstituted bacterial ribosomes. Our major finding was that only one of the two resulting diastereomers, the SP methylphosphonate, was compatible with efficient GTPase activation on EF-G. The same trend was observed for a second trGTPase, namely EF4 (LepA). In addition, we provide evidence that the negative charge of the A2662 phosphate group must be retained for uncompromised activity in GTP hydrolysis. (1) In summary, our data strongly corroborate that the nonbridging proSP phosphate oxygen at the A2662 of the SRL is critically involved in the activation of GTP hydrolysis. A mechanistic scenario is supported in which positioning of the catalytically active, protonated His87 through electrostatic interactions with the A2662 phosphate group and H-bond networks are key features of ribosome-triggered activation of trGTPases.
The structure of a 29-nucleotide RNA containing the sarcin/ricin loop (SRL) of rat 28 S rRNA has been determined at 2.1 Å resolution. Recognition of the SRL by elongation factors and by the ribotoxins, sarcin and ricin, requires a nearly universal dodecamer sequence that folds into a G-bulged cross-strand A stack and a GAGA tetraloop. The juxtaposition of these two motifs forms a distorted hairpin structure that allows direct recognition of bases in both grooves as well as recognition of nonhelical backbone geometry and two 5′-unstacked purines. Comparisons with other RNA crystal structures establish the cross-strand A stack and the GNRA tetraloop as defined and modular RNA structural elements. The conserved region at the top is connected to the base of the domain by a region presumed to be flexible because of the sparsity of stabilizing contacts. Although the conformation of the SRL RNA previously determined by NMR spectroscopy is similar to the structure determined by x-ray crystallography, significant differences are observed in the “flexible” region and to a lesser extent in the G-bulged cross-strand A stack.
The objective of this work was to evaluate ricin concentration in castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis) of 20 accessions from the Banco de Germoplasma de Mamoneira of the Embrapa Algodão, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil, using the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Significant differences were observed among accessions. BRA 3271 had the highest ricin concentration in seeds (32.18 ng µg-1), and BRS Paraguaçu had the lowest (3.53 ng µg-1). There is the possibility of selecting genotypes with different ricin concentrations, which can be used according on the interest of the breeding programs.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tagging of RNases, such as the ribotoxin α-sarcin, with the variable domains of antibodies directed to surface antigens that are selectively expressed on tumor cells endows cellular specificity to their cytotoxic action. A recombinant single-chain immunotoxin based on the ribotoxin α-sarcin (IMTXA33αS), produced in the generally regarded as safe (GRAS) yeast Pichia pastoris, has been recently described as a promising candidate for the treatment of colorectal cancer cells expressing the glycoprotein A33 (GPA33) antigen, due to its high specific and effective cytotoxic effect on in vitro assays against targeted cells. Here we report the in vivo antitumor effectiveness of this immunotoxin on nude mice bearing GPA33-positive human colon cancer xenografts. Two sets of independent assays were performed, including three experimental groups: control (PBS) and treatment with two different doses of immunotoxin (50 or 100 μg/ injection) (n = 8). Intraperitoneal administration of IMTXA33αS resulted in significant dose-dependent tumor growth inhibition. In addition, the remaining tumors excised from immunotoxin-treated mice showed absence of the GPA33 antigen and a clear inhibition of angiogenesis and proliferative capacity. No signs of immunotoxin-induced pathological changes were observed from specimens tissues.Overall these results show efficient and selective cytotoxic action on tumor xenografts, combined with the lack of severe side effects, suggesting that IMTXA33αS is a potential therapeutic agent against colorectal cancer.
Toxins have been thoroughly studied for their use as therapeutic agents in search of an improvement in toxic efficiency together with a minimization of their undesired side effects. Different studies have shown how toxins can follow different intracellular pathways which are connected with their cytotoxic action inside the cells. The work herein presented describes the different pathways followed by the ribotoxin a-sarcin and the fungal RNase T1,as toxic domains of immunoconjugates with identical binding domain, the single chain variable fragment of a monoclonal antibody raised against the glycoprotein A33. According to the results obtained both immunoconjugates enter the cells via early endosomes and, while a-sarcin can translocate directly into the cytosol to exert its deathly action, RNase T1 follows a pathway that involves lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. These facts contribute to explaining the different cytotoxicity observed against their targeted cells, and reveal how the innate properties of the toxic domain, apart from its catalytic features, can be a key factor to be considered for immunotoxin optimization.
Fungal ribotoxins that block protein synthesis can be useful warheads in the context of a targeted immunotoxin. α-Sarcin is a small (17 kDa) fungal ribonuclease produced by Aspergillus giganteus that functions by catalytically cleaving a single phosphodiester bond in the sarcin–ricin loop of the large ribosomal subunit, thus making the ribosome unrecognisable to elongation factors and leading to inhibition of protein synthesis. Peptide mapping using an ex vivo human T cell assay determined that α-sarcin contained two T cell epitopes; one in the N-terminal 20 amino acids and the other in the C-terminal 20 amino acids. Various mutations were tested individually within each epitope and then in combination to isolate deimmunised α-sarcin variants that had the desired properties of silencing T cell epitopes and retention of the ability to inhibit protein synthesis (equivalent to wild-type, WT α-sarcin). A deimmunised variant (D9T/Q142T) demonstrated a complete lack of T cell activation in in vitro whole protein human T cell assays using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from donors with diverse HLA allotypes. Generation of an immunotoxin by fusion of the D9T/Q142T variant to a single-chain Fv targeting Her2 demonstrated potent cell killing equivalent to a fusion protein comprising the WT α-sarcin. These results represent the first fungal ribotoxin to be deimmunised with the potential to construct a new generation of deimmunised immunotoxin therapeutics.