748 resultados para Saraceni, Gina
Estimates of dolphin school sizes made by observers and crew members aboard tuna seiners or by observers on ship or aerial surveys are important components of population estimates of dolphins which are involved in the yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific. Differences in past estimates made from tuna seiners and research ships and aircraft have been noted by Brazier (1978). To compare various methods of estimating dolphin school sizes a research cruise was undertaken with the following major objectives: 1) compare estimates made by observers aboard a tuna seiner and in the ship's helicopter, from aerial photographs, and from counts made at the backdown channel, 2) compare estimates of observers who are told the count of the school size after making their estimate to the observer who is not aware of the count to determine if observers can learn to estimate more accurately, and 3) obtain movie and still photographs of dolphin schools of known size at various stages of chase, capture and release to be used for observer training. The secondary objectives of the cruise were to: 1) obtain life history specimens and data from any dolphins that were killed incidental to purse seining. These specimens and data were to be analyzed by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ) , 2) record evasion tactics of dolphin schools by observing them from the helicopter while the seiner approached the school, 3) examine alternative methods for estimating the distance and bearing of schools where they were first sighted, 4) collect the Commission's standard cetacean sighting, set log and daily activity data and expendable bathythermograph data. (PDF contains 31 pages.)
Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que pretende fomentar la lectura y escritura entre el alumnado, a trav??s de la creaci??n de una p??gina web en honor al IV centenario de El Quijote. Se realiza en el IES Auringis en Ja??n. Los objetivos son: incentivar la participaci??n del profesorado en proyectos que superen el ??mbito exclusivo del centro, aprovechando las facilidades que proporcionan al respecto las nuevas tecnolog??as; habilitar foros donde el profesorado puedan compartir experiencias, buscar soluciones a problemas profesionales cotidianos, lanzar ideas; fomentar entre el alumnado el h??bito de lectura por medio del boca a boca, m??todo que, al menos por ahora, consideramos m??s efectivo que el de la imposici??n de lecturas obligatorias; propiciar que el alumnado cuenten la lectura como una posibilidad m??s de entre las que existen para ocupar el tiempo de ocio; luchar contra el prejuicio elitista que gira en torno a lo libresco; fomentar enfoques interdisciplinares del hecho de leer; festejar el IV centenario de la publicaci??n de la primera parte de El Quijote. El proceso consta: reuniones previas a la elaboraci??n del proyecto de innovaci??n; redacci??n del proyecto de innovaci??n; investigaciones tendentes a darle contenido a la p??gina web; encuentros con autores; premios literarios; exposiciones sobre autores y libros; lecturas p??blicas; asistencia a los actos conmemorativos; participaci??n en experiencias de 'Book-crossing'; feria del libro; redacci??n de la memoria de progreso; redacci??n de la memoria final. Los resultados obtenidos: p??gina web, exposiciones, encuentros con autores, premios literarios, feria del libro.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de pacientes con asma, mediante un taller basado en la Guía Internacional para el Manejo del Asma (GINA). Participó un grupo de 10 pacientes con edades entre 1,5 y 6 años con sus padres; el estudio fue transversal, con un diseño preprueba-posprueba, e incluyó un grupo testigo. El taller multidisciplinario para padres e hijos con asma trató temas de adherencia, tratamiento de sostén y asistencia en crisis; su duración fue de cinco horas.Los resultados muestran mediante el estadístico t de Student que los grupos testigo y experimental en la preprueba son homogéneos; así mismo, en el grupo experimental se comprobó que el cambio entre la pre y posprueba es significativo para los indicadores: visitas no programadas t = 0,000206037, conocimiento de padres t = 0,000727699, crisis t = 0,000135318 y factores de riesgo t = 0,000003192 (para todos los casos p < 0,01).Se analizó también el comportamiento del grupo testigo y se observa que no tiene cambios significativos; en relación con la comparación de la posprueba entre el grupo testigo y el experimental, se aprecian diferencias significativas. Las conclusiones se centran en los beneficios de la intervención multidisciplinaria y la eficiencia del taller basado en la GINA.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
En portada : para representarse en el teatro de la ciudad de Valencia
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
No more published.
Previous studies have reported that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate impaired performance during working memory (WM) tasks. The current study aimed to determine whether WM impairments in schizophrenia are accompanied by reduced slow wave (SW) activity during on-line maintenance of mnemonic information. Event-related potentials were obtained from patients with schizophrenia and well controls as they performed a visuospatial delayed response task. On 50% of trials, a distractor stimulus was introduced during the delay. Compared with controls, patients with schizophrenia produced less SW memory negativity, particularly over the right hemisphere, together with reduced frontal enhancement of SW memory negativity in response to distraction. The results indicate that patients with schizophrenia generate less maintenance phase neuronal activity during WM performance, especially under conditions of distraction.
Examined whether discrete working memory deficits underlie positive, negative and disorganised symptoms of schizophrenia. 52 outpatients (mean age 37.5 yrs) with schizophrenia were studied using items drawn from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Linear regression and correlational analyses were conducted to examine whether symptom dimension scores were related to performance on several tests of working memory function. Severity of negative symptoms correlated with reduced production of words during a verbal fluency task, impaired ability to hold letter and number sequences on-line and manipulate them simultaneously, reduced performance during a dual task, and compromised visuospatial working memory under distraction-free conditions. Severity of disorganisation symptoms correlated with impaired visuospatial working memory under conditions of distraction, failure of inhibition during a verbal fluency task, perseverative responding on a test of set-shifting ability, and impaired ability to judge the veracity of simple declarative statements. The present study provides evidence that the positive, negative and disorganised symptom dimensions of the PANSS constitute independent clusters, associated with unique patterns of working memory impairment.