985 resultados para Saproxylic insects
The “dehesa” is a traditional Iberian agrosilvopastoral ecosystem characterized by the presence of old scattered trees that are considered as “keystone-structures”, which favor the presence of a wide range of biodiversity. We show the high diversity of saproxylic beetles and syrphids (Diptera) in this ecosystem, including red-listed species. We analyzed whether saproxylic species distribution in the “dehesa” was affected by tree density per hectare, dominant tree species or vegetation coverage. Species diversity did not correlate with tree density; however, it was affected by tree species and shrub coverage but in a different way for each taxon. The highest beetle diversity was linked to Quercus pyrenaica, the most managed tree species, with eight indicator species. In contrast, Q. rotundifolia hosted more species of saproxylic syrphids. Regarding vegetation coverage, shrub coverage was the only variable that affected insect richness, again in a different way for both taxa. In contrast, beetle species composition was only affected by dominant tree species whereas syrphid species composition was not affected by tree species or shrub coverage. We concluded that the high diversity of saproxylic insects in the “dehesa” is related to its long history of agrosilvopastoral management, which has generated landscape heterogeneity and preserved old mature trees. However, the richness and composition of different taxa of insects respond in different ways to tree species and vegetation coverage. Consequently, conservation strategies should try to maintain traditional management, and different saproxylic taxa should be used to monitor the effect of management on saproxylic diversity.
Tree hollows offer an ideal niche for saproxylic insects in mature Mediterranean forests, where Diptera and Coleoptera are the richest groups. Co-occurrence is frequently observed among many species of both groups in these microhabitats, and some of these species have been considered to facilitate the presence of other species by acting as ecosystem engineers. One of the systems that is found in Mediterranean tree hollows is formed by cetonid (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) and syrphid (Diptera: Syrphidae) larvae. Here, cetonid larvae feed on wood and litter and produce a substrate that is easier to decompose. To assess the possible role of these larvae as facilitating agents for the saproxylic guild, we studied whether the presence of saprophagous Syrphidae inside tree hollows is associated with the activity of cetonid larvae. Furthermore, in laboratory conditions, we tested whether cetonid larvae activity can improve the development and fitness of the saprophagous syrphid species. Our results show that “cetonid activity” was the variable that best explained the presence of saprophagous syrphid species in natural conditions. Myathropa florea (L., 1758) was one of the species most influenced by this activity. The laboratory experiment gave similar results, demonstrating that an enriched substrate with Cetonia aurataeformis Curti, 1913 larval feces improves syrphid larval growth rate and fitness of adults (measured as longer wing length) of M. florea.
Saproxylic diversity assessment is a major goal for conservation strategies in woodlands and it should consider woodland composition and configuration at site and tree level as key modelling factors. However, in Mediterranean woodlands little is known about the relation with the environmental factors that structure their assemblages, especially those linked to tree hollow microhabitats. We assessed the diversity of Syrphidae (Diptera) and Coleoptera saproxylic guilds that co-occurred in tree hollows located in three different Iberian Mediterranean woodlands in the Cabañeros National Park (Spain). Furthermore, we evaluated how differences in tree hollow microenvironmental variables (understood as the physical and biotic characteristics of a hollow and tree individual) influenced saproxylic guild diversity both within and among woodland sites. We found that woodland sites that provided greater heterogeneity of trees and hollow microhabitats determined higher saproxylic guild diversity. Nevertheless, certain species or even complete guilds can be favoured in woodlands where some hollow microhabitats predominate as a consequence of historical tree management. In general, hollow volume was the main determining factor for saproxylic guild richness and abundance in woodland sites, and large hollow volume was usually related to higher diversity, which highlighted the importance of multi-habitat hollow trees. Moreover, saproxylic guilds also responded to other different microenvironmental variables, which indicated different ecological preferences among guilds. The conservation of saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean areas must be addressed to protect woodland sites that provide high diversity and large numbers of tree hollow microhabitats, and practices to enhance microhabitat heterogeneity should even be encouraged.
La aparición y avance de la enfermedad del marchitamiento del pino (Pine Wilt Desease, PWD), causada por Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), el nematodo de la madera del pino (NMP), en el suroeste de Europa, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar la fenología y la dispersión de su único vector conocido en Europa, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Col., Cerambycidae). El análisis de 12 series de emergencias entre 2010 y 2014, registradas en Palencia, València y Teruel, con material procedente de diversos puntos de la península ibérica, demostró una alta variabilidad en la fenología de M. galloprovincialis y la divergencia térmica respecto de las poblaciones portuguesas. Para éstas, el establecimiento de los umbrales térmicos de desarrollo de las larvas post-dormantes del vector (12,2 y 33,5ºC) permitió la predicción de la emergencia mediana para la fecha en la que se acumulaban de 822 grados-día. Ninguna de las series analizadas en este trabajo necesitó de dichos grados-día estimados para la emergencia mediana. Asimismo, la emergencia se adelantó en las regiones más calurosas, mientras que se retrasó en las zonas más templadas. Más allá de la posible variabilidad entre poblaciones locales peninsulares, se detectaron indicios de que la diferencia en la acumulación de calor durante el otoño puede afectar el grado de maduración de las larvas invernantes, y su posterior patrón temporal de emergencia. Por último, también fueron observados comportamientos de protandria en las emergencias. Respecto a la fenología de su vuelo, entre los años 2010 y 2015, fueron ejecutados un total de 8 experimentos de captura de M. galloprovincialis mediante trampas cebadas con atrayentes en diferentes regiones (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia y Alicante) permitiendo el seguimiento del periodo de vuelo. Su análisis permitió constatar la disminución de las capturas y el acortamiento del periodo de vuelo con la altitud, el inicio del vuelo en el mes de mayo/junio a partir de los 14ºC de temperatura media diaria, la influencia de las altas temperaturas en la disminución de las capturas estivales (potencial causante de perfiles bimodales en las curvas de vuelo en las zonas menos frías), la evolución de la proporción de sexos a lo largo del periodo de vuelo (que muestra una mayor captura de hembras al inicio y de machos al final) y el comportamiento diurno y ligado a las altas temperaturas del vuelo circadiano del insecto. Dos redes de muestreo sistemático de insectos saproxílicos instaladas en la Comunitat Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 parcelas, año 2013) y en Murcia (Red ESFP, 20 parcelas, años 2008-2010) permitieron el estudio de la comunidad de insectos relacionada con M. galloprovincialis. Cada una de las parcelas contaba con una trampa cebada con atrayentes y una estación meteorológica. El registro de más de 250 especies de coleópteros saproxílicos demostró el potencial que tiene el empleo de redes de trampas vigía para la detección temprana de organismos exóticos, además de permitir la caracterización y evaluación de las comunidades de entomofauna útil, representando una de las mejores herramientas de la gestión integrada de plagas. En este caso, la comunidad de saproxílicos estudiada mostró ser muy homogénea respecto a la variación ambiental de las zonas de muestreo, y que pese a las pequeñas variaciones entre las comunidades de los diferentes ecosistemas, el rol que M. galloprovincialis desempeña en ellas a lo largo de todo el gradiente estudiado es el mismo. Con todo, el análisis mediante redes de interacción mostró su relevancia ecológica al actuar de conector entre los diferentes niveles tróficos. Por último, un total de 12 experimentos de marcaje-liberación-recaptura desarrollados entre 2009 y 2012 en Castellón, Teruel, Valencia y Murcia permitieron evaluar el comportamiento dispersivo de M. galloprovincialis. Las detecciones mediante trampas cebadas de los insectos liberados se dieron por lo menos 8 días después de la emergencia. La abundancia de población pareció relacionada con la continuidad, la naturalización de la masa, y con la afección previa de incendios. La dispersión no estuvo influida por la dirección ni la intensidad de los vientos dominantes. La abundancia de material hospedante (en lo referente a las variables de masa y a los índices de competencia) influyó en la captura del insecto en paisajes fragmentados, aunque la ubicación de las trampas optimizó el número de capturas cuando se ubicaron en el límite de la masa y en zonas visibles. Por último también se constató que M. galloprovincialis posee suficiente capacidad de dispersión como para recorrer hasta 1500 m/día, llegando a alcanzar distancias máximas de 13600m o de 22100 m. ABSTRACT The detection and expansion of the Pine Wilt Desease (PWD), caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae), Pine Wood Nematode (PWN), in southwestern Europe since 1999, has triggered off the study of the phenology and the dispersion of its unique vector in the continent, Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The analysis of 12 emergence series between 2010 and 2014 registered in Palencia, Teruel and Valencia (Spain), registered from field colonized material collected at several locations of the Iberian Peninsula, showed a high variability in the emergence phenology of M. galloprovincialis. In addition, these patterns showed a very acute thermal divergence regarding a development model fitted earlier in Portugal. Such model forecasted the emergence of 50% of M. galloprovincialis individuals in the Setúbal Peninsula (Portugal) when an average of 822 degree-days (DD) were reached, based on the accumulation of heat from the 1st of March until emergence and lower and upper thresholds of 12.2 ºC and 33,5 °C respectively. In our results, all analyzed series needed less than 822 DD to complete the 50% of the emergence. Also, emergency occurred earlier in the hottest regions, while it was delayed in more temperate areas. Beyond the possible variability between local populations, the difference in the heat accumulation during the fall season may have affected the degree of maturation of overwintering larvae, and subsequently, the temporal pattern of M. galloprovincialis emergences. Therefore these results suggest the need to differentiate local management strategies for the PWN vector, depending on the location, and the climatic variables of each region. Finally, protandrous emergence patterns were observed for M. galloprovincialis in most of the studied data-sets. Regarding the flight phenology of M. galloprovincialis, a total of 8 trapping experiments were carried out in different regions of the Iberian Peninsula (Castellón, Teruel, Segovia and Alicante) between 2010 and 2015. The use of commercial lures and traps allowed monitoring of the flight period of M. galloprovincialis. The analyses of such curves, helped confirming different aspects. First, a decline in the number of catches and a shortening of the flight period was observed as the altitude increased. Flight period was recorded to start in May / June when the daily average temperature went over 14 ° C. A significant influence of high temperatures on the decrease of catches in the summer was found in many occasions, which frequently lead to a bimodal profile of the flight curves in warm areas. The evolution of sex ratio along the flight period shows a greater capture of females at the beginning of the period, and of males at the end. In addition, the circadian response of M. galloprovincialis to lured traps was described for the first time, concluding that the insect is diurnal and that such response is linked to high temperatures. Two networks of systematic sampling of saproxylic insects were installed in the Region of Valencia (Red MUFFET, 15 plots, 2013) and Murcia (Red ICPF, 20 plots, 2008-2010). These networks, intended to serve the double purpose of early-detection and long term monitoring of the saproxylic beetle assemblies, allowed the study of insect communities related to M. galloprovincialis. Each of the plots had a trap baited with attractants and a weather station. The registration of almost 300 species of saproxylic beetles demonstrated the potential use of such trapping networks for the early detection of exotic organisms, while at the same time allows the characterization and evaluation of useful entomological fauna communities, representing one of the best tools for the integrated pest management. In this particular case, the studied community of saproxylic beetles was very homogeneous with respect to environmental variation of the sampling areas, and despite small variations between communities of different ecosystems, the role that M. galloprovincialis apparently plays in them across the studied gradient seems to be the same. However, the analysis through food-webs showed the ecological significance of M. galloprovincialis as a connector between different trophic levels. Finally, 12 mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out between 2009 and 2012 in Castellón, Teruel, Valencia and Murcia (Spain) with the aim to describe the dispersive behavior of M. galloprovincialis as well as the stand and landscape characteristics that could influence its abundance and dispersal. No insects younger than 8 days were caught in lured traps. Population abundance estimates from mark-release-recapture data, seemed related to forest continuity, naturalization, and to prior presence of forest fires. On the other hand, M. galloprovincialis dispersal was not found to be significantly influenced by the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. The abundance of host material, very related to stand characteristics and spacing indexes, influenced the insect abundance in fragmented landscapes. In addition, the location of the traps optimized the number of catches when they were placed in the edge of the forest stands and in visible positions. Finally it was also found that M. galloprovincialis is able to fly up to 1500 m / day, reaching maximum distances of up to 13600 m or 22100 m.
The “dehesa” (grassland with scattered oak trees) is a typical Mediterranean ecosystem from west Iberian Peninsula that has resulted from the transformation of the forest by clearing and brushwood removing and the landscape is maintained mainly bulls and/or Iberian pigs. This ecosystem is characterized by the presence of old scattered trees that are considered as “keystone-structures”, which favor the presence of a wide range of biodiversity, especially those species that are wood-dependent (saproxylic insects). Saproxylics are a diversified group involved in the recycling process of nutrients in forest, and thus they are considered as a bioindicator group of the quality and conservation status of habitats, including a wide number of species under some categories of threat according the IUCN criteria. It is widely recognized the importance of studying the main factors that determine the structure and distribution of species assemblages at both spatial and temporal scales, nevertheless, the saproxylic assemblages has been poorly studied from the temporal dimension. With this study we provide knowledge about the effect of the “dehesa” heterogeneity, species seasonality and distribution on this habitat and we highlight the importance of the maintaining of traditional practices as a tool for saproxylic insect diversity and conservation.
Se aporta la relación de especies de coleópteros y sírfidos saproxílicos que habitan en ecosistemas de dehesa del oeste ibérico. Se ha estudiado la Reserva Biológica de Campanarios de Azaba, provincia de Salamanca, designada en 2013 como primera Reserva Entomológica de España por la Asociación española de Entomología. Durante los 19 meses de muestreo se registraron 9.603 ejemplares de coleópteros saproxílicos pertenecientes a 157 especies (40 familias) y 477 ejemplares de sírfidos saproxílicos pertenecientes a 18 especies. Para la recolección del material se utilizaron trampas de emergencia y trampas de ventana. Entre los insectos capturados hay diez especies amenazadas, ya sea a nivel europeo o de España, que, a la vista de los resultados, mantienen poblaciones abundantes en este ecosistema de dehesa del oeste ibérico.
The assessment of the relation between species diversity, species interactions and stability is a major goal for conservation strategies of saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean woodlands. In these woodlands, tree hollows in standing living trees are key microhabitats for saproxylic biodiversity. We assess the variation in the tree hollow-saproxylic insect network among three woodland sites in the Cabañeros National Park (Spain), and evaluate their implications for saproxylic assemblages’ persistence, through simulations of three possible scenarios of loss of tree hollow microhabitats. The composition of tree hollows is closely related to biotic and ecological complexity of saproxylic networks, and together exhibit positive effects on network stability. By other side, different scenarios entail different reorganizations of saproxylic diversity of species and interactions, and the variation of the main interacting attributes. Woodlands providing higher proportion of large tree hollows are less sensitive to microhabitat loss. Conservation strategies for saproxylic insects in Iberian Mediterranean woodlands should consider woodland composition and configuration as key factors in the selection of priority conservation areas.
The assessment of the relationship between species diversity, species interactions and environmental characteristics is indispensable for understanding network architecture and ecological distribution in complex networks. Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats within Mediterranean woodlands are highly dependent on woodland configuration and on microhabitat supply they harbor, so can be studied under the network analysis perspective. We assessed the differences in interacting patterns according to woodland site, and analysed the importance of functional species in modelling network architecture. We then evaluated their implications for saproxylic assemblages’ persistence, through simulations of three possible scenarios of loss of tree hollow microhabitat. Tree hollow-saproxylic insect networks per woodland site presented a significant nested pattern. Those woodlands with higher complexity of tree individuals and tree hollow microhabitats also housed higher species/interactions diversity and complexity of saproxylic networks, and exhibited a higher degree of nestedness, suggesting that a higher woodland complexity positively influences saproxylic diversity and interaction complexity, thus determining higher degree of nestedness. Moreover, the number of insects acting as key interconnectors (nodes falling into the core region, using core/periphery tests) was similar among woodland sites, but the species identity varied on each. Such differences in insect core composition among woodland sites suggest the functional role they depict at woodland scale. Tree hollows acting as core corresponded with large tree hollows near the ground and simultaneously housing various breeding microsites, whereas core insects were species mediating relevant ecological interactions within saproxylic communities, e.g. predation, competitive or facilitation interactions. Differences in network patterns and tree hollow characteristics among woodland sites clearly defined different sensitivity to microhabitat loss, and higher saproxylic diversity and woodland complexity showed positive relation with robustness. These results highlight that woodland complexity goes hand in hand with biotic and ecological complexity of saproxylic networks, and together exhibited positive effects on network robustness.
The knowledge of the distributional patterns of saproxylic beetles is essential for conservation biology due to the relevance of this fauna in the maintenance of ecological processes and the endangerment of species. The complex community of saproxylic beetles is shaped by different assemblages that are composed of species linked by the microhabitats they use. We evaluate how different the species distribution patterns that are obtained can be, depending on the analyzed assemblage and to what extent these can affect conservation decisions. Beetles were sampled using hollow emergence and window traps in three protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Species richness, composition, and diversity turnover were analyzed for each sampling method and showed high variation depending on the analyzed assemblage. Beta diversity was clearly higher among forests for the assemblage captured using window traps. This method collects flying insects from different tree microhabitats and its captures are influenced by the forest structuring. Within forests, the assemblages captured by hollow emergence traps, which collect the fauna linked to tree hollows, showed the largest turnover of species, as they are influenced by the characteristics of each cavity. Moreover, the selection of the forest showing the highest species richness strongly depended on the studied assemblage. This study demonstrates that differences in the studied assemblages (group of species co-occurring in the same habitat) can also lead to significant differences in the identified patterns of species distribution and diversity turnover. This fact will be necessary to take into consideration when making decisions about conservation and management.
Trypsins and chymotrypsins are well-studied serine peptidases that cleave peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of basic and hydrophobic l-amino acids, respectively. These enzymes are largely responsible for the digestion of proteins. Three primary processes regulate the activity of these peptidases: secretion, precursor (zymogen) activation and substrate-binding site recognition. Here, we present a detailed phylogenetic analysis of trypsins and chymotrypsins in three orders of holometabolous insects and reveal divergent characteristics of Lepidoptera enzymes in comparison with those of Coleoptera and Diptera. In particular, trypsin subsite S1 was more hydrophilic in Lepidoptera than in Coleoptera and Diptera, whereas subsites S2-S4 were more hydrophobic, suggesting different substrate preferences. Furthermore, Lepidoptera displayed a lineage-specific trypsin group belonging only to the Noctuidae family. Evidence for facilitated trypsin auto-activation events were also observed in all the insect orders studied, with the characteristic zymogen activation motif complementary to the trypsin active site. In contrast, insect chymotrypsins did not seem to have a peculiar evolutionary history with respect to their mammal counterparts. Overall, our findings suggest that the need for fast digestion allowed holometabolous insects to evolve divergent groups of peptidases with high auto-activation rates, and highlight that the evolution of trypsins led to a most diverse group of enzymes in Lepidoptera.
The gene transformer-2 of Anastrepha fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) and its evolution in insects
Background: In the tephritids Ceratitis, Bactrocera and Anastrepha, the gene transformer provides the memory device for sex determination via its auto-regulation; only in females is functional Tra protein produced. To date, the isolation and characterisation of the gene transformer-2 in the tephritids has only been undertaken in Ceratitis, and it has been shown that its function is required for the female-specific splicing of doublesex and transformer pre-mRNA. It therefore participates in transformer auto-regulatory function. In this work, the characterisation of this gene in eleven tephritid species belonging to the less extensively analysed genus Anastrepha was undertaken in order to throw light on the evolution of transformer-2. Results: The gene transformer-2 produces a protein of 249 amino acids in both sexes, which shows the features of the SR protein family. No significant partially spliced mRNA isoform specific to the male germ line was detected, unlike in Drosophila. It is transcribed in both sexes during development and in adult life, in both the soma and germ line. The injection of Anastrepha transformer-2 dsRNA into Anastrepha embryos caused a change in the splicing pattern of the endogenous transformer and doublesex pre-mRNA of XX females from the female to the male mode. Consequently, these XX females were transformed into pseudomales. The comparison of the eleven Anastrepha Transformer-2 proteins among themselves, and with the Transformer-2 proteins of other insects, suggests the existence of negative selection acting at the protein level to maintain Transformer-2 structural features. Conclusions: These results indicate that transformer-2 is required for sex determination in Anastrepha through its participation in the female-specific splicing of transformer and doublesex pre-mRNAs. It is therefore needed for the auto-regulation of the gene transformer. Thus, the transformer/transfomer-2 > doublesex elements at the bottom of the cascade, and their relationships, probably represent the ancestral state ( which still exists in the Tephritidae, Calliphoridae and Muscidae lineages) of the extant cascade found in the Drosophilidae lineage ( in which tra is just another component of the sex determination gene cascade regulated by Sex-lethal). In the phylogenetic lineage that gave rise to the drosophilids, evolution co-opted for Sex-lethal, modified it, and converted it into the key gene controlling sex determination.
Determining the season of death by means of the composition of the families of insects infesting carrion is rarely attempted in forensic studies and has never been statistically modelled. For this reason, a baseline-category logit model is proposed for predicting the season of death as a function of whether the area where the carcass was exposed is sunlit or shaded and of the relative abundance of particular families of carrion insects (Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Sarcophagidae, and Formicidae). The field study was conducted using rodent carcasses (20-252 g) in an urban forest in southeastern Brazil. Four carcasses (2 in a sunlit and 2 in a shaded area) were placed simultaneously at the study site, twice during each season from August 2003 through June 2004. The feasibility of the model, measured in terms of overall accuracy, is 64 +/- 14%. It is likely the proposed model will assist forensic teams in predicting the season of death in tropical ecosystems, without the need of identifying the species of specimens or the remains of carrion insects.
A virulent strain of Wolbachia has recently been identified in Drosophila that drastically reduces adult lifespan. It has been proposed that this phenotype might be introduced into insect disease vector populations to reduce pathogen transmission. Here we model the requirements for spread of such an agent and the associated reduction in disease transmission. First, a simulation of mosquito population age structure was used to describe the age distribution of mosquitoes transmitting dengue virus. Second, given varying levels of cytoplasmic incompatibility and fecundity effect, the maximum possible longevity reduction that would allow Wolbachia to invade was obtained. Finally, the two models were combined to estimate the reduction in disease transmission according to different introduction frequencies. With strong CI and limited effect of fecundity, an introduction of Wolbachia with an initial frequency of 0.4 could result in a 60–80% reduction of transmitting mosquitoes. Greater reductions are possible at higher initial release rates.
Wolbachia pipientis is an intracellular bacterial parasite of arthropods that enhances its transmission by manipulating host reproduction, most commonly by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility. The discovery of isolates with modified cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotypes and others with novel virulence properties is an indication of the potential breadth of evolutionary strategies employed by Wolbachia.
Bacterial endosymbionts of insects have long been implicated in the phenomenon of cytoplasmic incompatibility, in which certain crosses between symbiont-infected individuals lead to embryonic death or sex ratio distortion. The taxonomic position of these bacteria has, however, not been known with any certainty. Similarly, the relatedness of the bacteria infecting various insect hosts has been unclear. The inability to grow these bacteria on defined cell-free medium has been the major factor underlying these uncertainties. We circumvented this problem by selective PCR amplification and subsequent sequencing of the symbiont 16S rRNA genes directly from infected insect tissue. Maximum parsimony analysis of these sequences indicates that the symbionts belong in the α-subdivision of the Proteobacteria, where they are most closely related to the Rickettsia and their relatives. They are all closely related to each other and are assigned to the type species Wolbachia pipientis. Lack of congruence between the phylogeny of the symbionts and their insect hosts suggests that horizontal transfer of symbionts between insect species may occur. Comparison of the sequences for W. pipientis and for Wolbachia persica, an endosymbiont of ticks, shows that the genus Wolbachia is polyphyletic. A PCR assay based on 16S primers was designed for the detection of W. pipientis in insect tissue, and initial screening of insects indicates that cytoplasmic incompatibility may be a more general phenomenon in insects than is currently recognized.