1000 resultados para Sanchez, Eduardo: Blair Witch Project
L'utilizzo del marketing non convenzionale, o unconventional marketing in inglese, è stato utilizzato in tante campagne pubblicitarie, che vanno dall'azienda sportiva della Nike, alle agenzie legate agli aiuti umanitari come l'UNICEF. Ma questo nuovo modo di sponsorizzare i prodotti è arrivato anche nel mondo dell'audiovisivo. Prima nel cinema, con The Blair Witch Project, e successivamente nella televisione. Ma ora, con il mondo che si sta sempre più digitalizzando, e con l'arrivo delle piattaforme streaming, questa tecnica basata sull'avvicinamento dello spettatore al prodotto multimediale nella maniera più creativa possibile è diventata la chiave per vincere l'attenzione del pubblico. Questa tesi raccoglie i maggiori esempi di campagne pubblicitarie di prodotti seriali originali appartenenti a tre delle maggiori piattaforme streaming (Netflix, Disney+ e Amazon Prime Video) che hanno utilizzato l'Unconventional Marketing nelle sue varie forme e sfaccettature, per arrivare a risvegliare la curiosità del maggior numero di persone possibili e consolidare la fedeltà degli spettatori già nel mezzo di questo percorso seriale.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
We analyzed the impact of chronic exposure to urban air pollution on the development of atherosclerosis. Hyperlipemic mice (LDLR(-/-)) were submitted to a high fat diet and air pollution for four months. We measured the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modifications (TBARS), the presence of anti-oxLDL and an apoB-derived peptide (apoB-D) in blood and the degree of atherosclerosis in the aortic arch. Air pollution increased the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation as well as anti-oxLDL and anti-apo-B levels. These levels were even higher than in mice submitted to a high fat diet and non-polluted air. The lipid content of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta was increased in groups with a high cholesterol diet independently of the air quality. However, the thickness of the arterial wall was greater in mice fed a high lipid diet with polluted air. Thus, we conclude that urban air pollution exacerbates the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, atherogenesis and vascular remodeling in hyperlipemic mice and that an immune response accompanies this process. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is among the most widespread livestock pathogens in many countries. Despite advances in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease, little is known about the involvement of oxidative stress. Therefore, this study examined the antioxidant status and the markers of oxidative stress in BLV-infected dairy cows. BLV infection was associated with an increase in triacylglycerol levels, a decrease in glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and a tendency toward lower superoxide dismutase activity in the infected animals. No significant difference was observed in other markers of oxidative stress (i.e., conjugated dienes, hydroperoxides and malondialdehyde) in the infected animals compared to controls. A novel method for the analysis of oxidative stress, Z-scan based on the measurement of the mean-value of 9 in low density lipoprotein indicated that the infected animals had low-density lipoprotein particles that were slightly less modified than those from the healthy group. Thus, we conclude that BLV infection is associated with a selective decrease in GSH-Px activity without any alteration in the common plasma markers of oxidative stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Malaria in Brazil is endemic in the Amazon region, but autochthonous cases with low parasitaemia occur in the Atlantic Forest area of the country. According to Brazilian legislation no test is mandatory for blood donors from non-endemic areas. However if they have traveled to malaria transmission regions they are deferred for six months before they can donate. This report describes a transfusion-transmitted malaria case in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where one recipient received infected blood and developed the disease. He lived in Sao Paulo and had no previous transfusion or trips to endemic areas, including those of low endemicity, such as Atlantic Forest. Thick blood smears confirmed Plasmodiummalariae. All donors lived in Sao Paulo and one of them (Donor 045-0) showed positive hemoscopy and PCR. This asymptomatic donor had traveled to Juquia, in the Atlantic Forest area of S ao Paulo State, where sporadic cases of autochthonous malaria are described. DNA assay revealed P. malariae in the donor's (Donor 045-0) blood. Serum archives of the recipient and of all blood donors were analyzed by ELISA using both P. vivax and P. falciparum antigens, and IFAT with P. malariae. Donor 045-0's serum was P. malariae IFAT positive and the P. vivax ELISA was reactive. In addition, two out of 44 donors' archive sera were also P. vivax ELISA reactive. All sera were P. falciparum ELISA negative. This case suggests the need of reviewing donor selection criteria and deferral strategies to prevent possible cases of transfusion-transmitted malaria.
Antiretroviral therapy has been associated with side effects, either from the drug itself or in conjunction with the effects of human immunodeficiency virus infection. Here, we evaluated the side effects of the protease inhibitor (PI) indinavir in hamsters consuming a normal or high-fat diet. Indinavir treatment increased the hamster death rate and resulted in an increase in triglyceride, cholesterol and glucose serum levels and a reduction in anti-oxLDL auto-antibodies. The treatment led to histopathological alterations of the kidney and the heart. These results suggest that hamsters are an interesting model for the study of the side effects of antiretroviral drugs, such as PIs.
Studies on autochthonous malaria in low-transmission areas in Brazil have acquired epidemiological relevance because they suggest continued transmission in what remains of the Atlantic Forest. In the southeastern portion of the state of São Paulo, outbreaks in the municipality of Juquitiba have been the focus of studies on the prevalence of Plasmodium, including asymptomatic cases. Data on the occurrence of the disease or the presence of antiplasmodial antibodies in pregnant women from this region have not previously been described. Although Plasmodium falciparum in pregnant women has been widely addressed in the literature, the interaction of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae with this cohort has been poorly explored to date. We monitored the circulation of Plasmodium in pregnant women in health facilities located in Juquitiba using thick blood film and molecular protocols, as well as immunological assays, to evaluate humoural immune parameters. Through real-time and nested polymerase chain reaction, P. vivax and P. malariae were detected for the first time in pregnant women, with a positivity of 5.6%. Immunoassays revealed the presence of IgG antibodies: 44% for ELISA-Pv, 38.4% for SD-Bioline-Pv and 18.4% for indirect immunofluorescence assay-Pm. The high prevalence of antibodies showed significant exposure of this population to Plasmodium. In regions with similar profiles, testing for a malaria diagnosis might be indicated in prenatal care.
Neodymium based fluorescence presents several advantages in comparison to conventional rare earth or enzyme-substrate based fluorescence emitting sources (e.g.Tb, HRP). Based on this fact we have herein explored a Nd-based fluoroimmunoassay. We efficiently detected the presence of an oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) in human plasma a well-known marker for cardiovascular diseases, which causes around 30% of deaths worldwide. Conventional fluoroimmunoassay uses time-resolved luminescence techniques, with detection in the visible range, to eliminate the fluorescence background from the biological specimens. By using an immunoassay based on functionalized Y(2)O(3):Nd(3+) nanoparticles, where the excitation and emission processes in the Nd(3+) ion occur in the near-infrared (NIR) region, we have succeeded in eliminating the interferences from the biological fluorescence background, avoiding the use of time-resolved techniques. This yields higher emission intensity from the Nd(3+)-nanolabels and efficient detection of anti-oxidized low-density lipoproteins (anti-oxLDL) by Y(2)O(3):Nd(3+)-antibody-antigen conjugation, leading to a novel biolabeling method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oxoisoaporphine nanocapsules for treating depression. Nanocapsule systems are described that incorporate compounds of formula I or II that allow controlled, timed release of said compounds. Also described are the production method, the pharmaceutical compositions and the use for preparing a drug.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We present measurements of Underlying Event observables in pp collisions at root s = 0 : 9 and 7 TeV. The analysis is performed as a function of the highest charged-particle transverse momentum p(T),L-T in the event. Different regions are defined with respect to the azimuthal direction of the leading (highest transverse momentum) track: Toward, Transverse and Away. The Toward and Away regions collect the fragmentation products of the hardest partonic interaction. The Transverse region is expected to be most sensitive to the Underlying Event activity. The study is performed with charged particles above three different p(T) thresholds: 0.15, 0.5 and 1.0 GeV/c. In the Transverse region we observe an increase in the multiplicity of a factor 2-3 between the lower and higher collision energies, depending on the track p(T) threshold considered. Data are compared to PYTHIA 6.4, PYTHIA 8.1 and PHOJET. On average, all models considered underestimate the multiplicity and summed p(T) in the Transverse region by about 10-30%.
The present study assesses the oxidative burst activity from polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) from bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-infected cows. Fifteen clinically healthy cows were divided into serologically positive cows without any hematological alteration, serologically positive animals with persistent lymphocytosis (PL) and healthy serologically negative cows. The oxidative burst activity from the PMNLs was evaluated by now cytometry using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate as a probe. PMNLs from each cow were incubated with heat-killed Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) to stimulate oxidative burst activity. The results of the present work showed no significant difference in the oxidative burst activity without any stimulus and elicited by S. caucus. Conversely, a decrease in the oxidative burst index induced by E. coli in PMNLs was observed in BLV-infected cows.
En este trabajo se presentan los diagramas tensióndeformación de un nuevo acero inoxidable con bajo contenido en níquel, un inoxidable convencional AISI 304 y un acero al carbono de uso común en estructuras de hormigón armado. Dicha ductilidad se ha estudiado determinando la tensión máxima (fmax), la tensión en el límite elástico (fy) y la deformación bajo carga máxima (εmax). Los tres materiales se han evaluado utilizando criterios aceptados internacionalmente, como son el índice p (capacidad de rotación plástica), el índice A* (área plástica de endurecimiento) y el índice de tenacidad Id (energía total absorbida en el punto de alargamiento bajo carga máxima), los resultados obtenidos se han comparado con los aceros convencionales de armaduras 500SD, 500N y 500H (EC-2).
La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable, de los tipos austeníticos y dúplex, con el objetivo de prolongar la vida útil de las estructuras de hormigón, es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Los aceros inoxidables son aleaciones fundamentalmente de cromo y níquel, con muy alta resistencia a la corrosión, especialmente por cloruros. El elevado coste del níquel y sus grandes fluctuaciones en el mercado, han favorecido la aparición de nuevos aceros inoxidables con bajo contenido en dicha aleación y, por lo tanto, más económicos, que sin embargo presentan una resistencia a la corrosión similar a los tradicionales. En este trabajo se ha evaluado la resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros de dos nuevos aceros inoxidables de bajo contenido en níquel. Uno de los aceros es austenítico, de producción en forma de chapa, y el otro dúplex, que se comercializa como barra corrugada. La resistencia a la corrosión se ha evaluado, respectivamente, mediante ensayos electroquímicos de dichos aceros embebidos en solución simulada de poros de hormigón y en probetas de mortero contaminados con diferentes cuantías de cloruros. Los resultados de los ensayos se han comparado con los del acero austenítico tradicional AISI 304 y del acero al carbono B500SD.