964 resultados para Salt domes


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"March 1972."


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Submarine Landslides: An Introduction 1 By RIo Lee, W.C. Schwab, and J.S. Booth U.S. Atlantic Continental Slope Landslides: Their Distribution, General Anributes, and Implications 14 By J.S. Booth, D.W. O'Leary, Peter Popenoe, and W.W. Danforth Submarine Mass Movement, a Formative Process of Passive Continental Margins: The Munson-Nygren Landslide Complex and the Southeast New England Landslide Complex 23 By D.W. O'Leary The Cape Fear Landslide: Slope Failure Associated with Salt Diapirism and Gas Hydrate Decomposition 40 By Peter Popenoe, E.A. Schmuck, and W.P. Dillon Ancient Crustal Fractures Control the Location and Size of Collapsed Blocks at the Blake Escarpment, East of Florida 54 By W.P. Dillon, J.S. Risch, K.M. Scanlon, P.C. Valentine, and Q.J. Huggett Tectonic and Stratigraphic Control on a Giant Submarine Slope Failure: Puerto Rico Insular Slope 60 By W.C. Schwab, W.W. Danforth, and K.M. Scanlon Slope Failure of Carbonate Sediment on the West Florida Slope 69 By D.C. Twichell, P.C. Valentine, and L.M. Parson Slope Failures in an Area of High Sedimentation Rate: Offshore Mississippi River Delta 79 By J.M. Coleman, D.B. Prior, L.E. Garrison, and H.J. Lee Salt Tectonics and Slope Failure in an Area of Salt Domes in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico 92 By B.A. McGregor, R.G. Rothwell, N.H. Kenyon, and D.C. Twichell Slope Stability in Regions 01 Sea-Floor Gas Hydrate: Beaufort Sea Continental Slope 97 By R.E. Kayen and H.J. Lee Mass Movement Related to Large Submarine Canyons Along the Beringian Margin, Alaska 104 By P.R. Carlson, H.A. Karl, B.D. Edwards, J.V. Gardner, and R. Hall Comparison of Tectonic and Stratigraphic Control of Submarine Landslides on the Kodiak Upper Continental Slope, Alaska 117 By M.A. Hampton Submarine Landslides That Had a Significant Impact on Man and His Activities: Seward and Valdez, Alaska 123 By M.A. Hampton, R.W. Lemke, and H.W. Coulter Processes Controlling the Style of Mass Movement in Glaciomarine Sediment: Northeastern Gulf of Alaska 135 By W.C. Schwab and H.J. Lee Contents V VI Contents Liquefaction of Continental Shelf Sediment: The Northern California Earthquake of 1980 143 By M.E. Field A Submarine Landslide Associated with Shallow Sea-Floor Gas and Gas Hydrates off Northern California 151 By M.E. Field and J.H. Barber, Jr. Sur Submarine Landslide, a Deep-Water Sediment Slope Failure 158 By C.E. Gutmacher and W.R. Normark Seismically Induced Mudflow in Santa Barbara Basin, California 167 By B.D. Edwards, H.J. Lee, and M.E. Field Submarine Landslides in a Basin and Ridge Setting, Southern California 176 By M.E. Field and B.D. Edwards Giant Volcano-Related Landslides and the Development of the Hawaiian Islands 184 By W.R. Normark, J.G. Moore, and M.E. Torresan Submarine Slope Failures Initiated by Hurricane Iwa, Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii 197 By W.R. Normark, Pat Wilde, J.F. Campbell, T.E. Chase, and Bruce Tsutsui (PDF contains 210 pages)


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O Gráben de Merluza é uma estrutura alongada com uma calha profunda, presente na Bacia de Santos, com direção aproximada NNE, que se estende por cerca de 170 km ao largo do litoral do estado de São Paulo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a geometria da sua porção norte, e relacionar os eventos de abertura, preenchimento sedimentar e períodos de reativação das falhas que o delimitam. Além disso, buscou-se uma correlação com outros eventos ocorridos na bacia e na porção continental adjacente. Para isso, foram reprocessadas e interpretadas onze seções sísmicas bidimensionais (2D) migradas em tempo, fornecidas pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP), das quais três foram detalhadas e utilizadas para a definição dos principais aspectos geométricos e tectônicos do gráben. Nas seções sísmicas 248-0041, 248-0045 e 248-0048 foram identificadas tectonossequências, sendo uma do pré-sal, uma do pacote evaporítico e outras nove do pós-sal. A Porção Norte do Gráben de Merluza caracteriza-se por uma falha de borda principal com mergulho para W e uma falha subordinada mergulhando para E. O limite entre a Porção Norte e a Porção Central se faz pela Zona de Transferência de Merluza, também conhecido como Lineamento Capricórnio. Tal feição possui um caráter regional na bacia e é responsável por uma mudança na direção da falha principal do Gráben de Merluza, que passa a mergulhar para E, enquanto que a falha secundária mergulha para W. Devido à baixa qualidade do dado sísmico nas partes mais profundas, não é possível precisar com segurança uma idade de abertura inicial para o gráben. No entanto, verificou-se que a falha principal pode atingir profundidades superiores às observadas nas linhas sísmicas, ou seja, mais de 1500 milissegundos. Com base na presença de seção sedimentar do pré-sal na calha do gráben afetada pela tectônica do embasamento, estima-se uma idade mínima aptiana. Sobre o horst que acompanha a falha principal na porção norte do gráben desenvolvem-se espessos domos de sal originados pelo escape da sequência evaporítica da calha do gráben e das imediações a leste. Entre o Cenomaniano e o Santoniano ocorre a maior movimentação da falha principal, com um forte rejeito e um expressivo volume de sedimentos oriundos do continente (podendo atingir mais de 4000 metros), devido à erosão da Serra do Mar Cretácea. Durante o Cenozóico foram observadas reativações das falhas de borda do gráben por conta de compactação das camadas superiores e por tectônica salífera. Além disso, progradações em direção ao fundo da bacia parecem indicar que a estrutura do Gráben de Merluza condicionou a Quebra da Plataforma nessa região durante o Neógeno. Tais eventos podem estar relacionados à tectônica ocorrida durante a formação do Sistema de Riftes Continentais do Sudeste Brasileiro.


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The seismic method is of extreme importance in geophysics. Mainly associated with oil exploration, this line of research focuses most of all investment in this area. The acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data are the parts that instantiate a seismic study. Seismic processing in particular is focused on the imaging that represents the geological structures in subsurface. Seismic processing has evolved significantly in recent decades due to the demands of the oil industry, and also due to the technological advances of hardware that achieved higher storage and digital information processing capabilities, which enabled the development of more sophisticated processing algorithms such as the ones that use of parallel architectures. One of the most important steps in seismic processing is imaging. Migration of seismic data is one of the techniques used for imaging, with the goal of obtaining a seismic section image that represents the geological structures the most accurately and faithfully as possible. The result of migration is a 2D or 3D image which it is possible to identify faults and salt domes among other structures of interest, such as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, a migration fulfilled with quality and accuracy may be a long time consuming process, due to the mathematical algorithm heuristics and the extensive amount of data inputs and outputs involved in this process, which may take days, weeks and even months of uninterrupted execution on the supercomputers, representing large computational and financial costs, that could derail the implementation of these methods. Aiming at performance improvement, this work conducted the core parallelization of a Reverse Time Migration (RTM) algorithm, using the parallel programming model Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), due to the large computational effort required by this migration technique. Furthermore, analyzes such as speedup, efficiency were performed, and ultimately, the identification of the algorithmic scalability degree with respect to the technological advancement expected by future processors


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The Golfinho Field is located in the offshore region of the Espírito Santo Basin. Its importance is linked to the current average production about 19,000 barrels of oil per day, in turbidite reservoirs , giving it the nineteenth placement among the largest oil fields producing of Brazil. By interpretation and correlation’s methods based on 2D seismic sections and geophysical well logs, the study of tectonic-sedimentary evolution of major Golfinho Field’s reservoirs, which are located in Maastrichtian , aims understand and characterize the geological model of the area for the purpose of identify the main structures and types of reservoirs, improving the geological understanding of the area and using this knowledge at similar sets, that may present exploratory success in similar cases. By structural contour maps and geological cross-sections generated since time-depth conversion , the results defined for the geological model of the area , two distinct tectonic styles: a distensinal tectonics style , characterized by grabens and horsts , which belongs to rift phase, and a salt tectonics style, characterized by salt domes , listric faults and folds rolllover folds type, which belongs to marine phase . The interpretation of seismic sections and subsequent analysis of the main deformations present in the Maastrichtian reservoirs rocks ( turbidites ) showed that the northern region of the field is the most affected by salt tectonics . As for reservoirs, it was concluded to be associated to tectonics formed by rollover folds type, being older than listric faults


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At Site 546, below the Mazagan Escarpment at a water depth of 4 km, 36 m of salt rock was cored from the top of one of a field of salt domes. The core was studied by thin section and a variety of geochemical procedures. The salt rock contains 0.1 to 3% carnallite and lesser amounts of sylvite and polyhalite, which with the corresponding high level of bromide place it within the potash evaporite facies. The bromide profile is of a dominantly marine evaporite deposited in moderately shallow brine which, however, was not repeatedly desiccated. A mineralogical argument suggests that the brine surface was not below sea level. An average of about 5% elastics, with dispersed anhydrite, darken the salt rock to deep shades of red, brown, and gray green. Most of the included materials are in highly deformed boudins or dispersions in the salt rock that has also undergone cataclasis in a subsequent, probably tectonic, deformation. The salt rock is slightly deficient in anhydrite, and the usual separate beds and laminae of anhydrite are virtually absent. Stable isotope ratios of sulfur and oxygen in the sulfate are clearly derived from sea water of Permian to Scythian age, in contrast to the late Triassic or Early Jurassic age of evaporites onshore in Morocco and Portugal and the corresponding evaporites offshore Maritime Canada. In contrast to those evaporites off the axis of Atlantic rifting, the salt at Site 546 may have been deposited in a very early central rift fed by marine waters from Tethys through the Gibraltar or South Atlas fracture zones.


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Maintenance of bridge structures is a major issue for the Queensland Department of Main Roads. In the previous phase of this CRC project an initial approach was made towards the development of a program for lifetime prediction of metallic bridge components. This involved the analysis of five representative bridge structures with respect to salt deposition (a major contributor to metallic corrosion) to determine common elements to be used as “cases” - those defined for buildings are not applicable. The five bridges analysed included the Gladstone Port Access Road Overpass, Stewart Road Overpass, South Johnstone River Bridge, Johnson Creek Bridge and the Ward River Bridge.


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Maintenance of bridge structures is a major issue for the Queensland Department of Main Roads. In the previous phase of this CRC project an initial approach was made towards the development of a program for lifetime prediction of metallic bridge components. This involved the analysis of five representative bridge structures with respect to salt deposition (a major contributor to metallic corrosion) to determine common elements to be used as “cases” - those defined for buildings are not applicable. The five bridges analysed included the Gladstone Port Access Road Overpass, Stewart Road Overpass, South Johnstone River Bridge, Johnson Creek Bridge and the Ward River Bridge.


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The unusual (1:1) complex ‘adduct’ salt of copper(II) with 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid (H2DCPA), having formula [Cu(H2O)4(C8H3Cl2O4) (C8H4Cl2O4)] . (C8H3Cl2O4) has been synthesized and characterized using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/c, with Z = 4 in a cell with dimensions a = 20.1376(7), b =12.8408(4) c = 12.1910(4) Å, β = 105.509(4)o. The complex is based on discrete tetragonally distorted octahedral [CuO6] coordination centres with the four water ligands occupying the square planar sites [Cu-O, 1.962(4)-1.987(4) Å] and the monodentate carboxyl-O donors of two DCPA ligand species in the axial sites. The first of these bonds [Cu-O, 2.341(4) Å] is with an oxygen of a HDCPA monoanion, the second with an oxygen of a H2DCPA acid species [Cu-O, 2.418(4) Å]. The un-coordinated ‘adduct’ molecule is a HDCPA counter anion which is strongly hydrogen-bonded to the coordinated H2DCPA ligand [O… O, 2.503(6) Å] while a number of peripheral intra- and intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions give a two-dimensional network structure.