1000 resultados para Salários - Argentina


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Wage inequality has increased substantially in Argentina during the nineties. At the same time during this decade Argentina has gone through a rapid and deep process of trade liberalization. In this paper we try to associate both phenomena. In particular, we attempt to answer the following question: Did trade liberalization play any role in shaping the argentine wage structure during the period studied? Specifically, we test whether those sectors where import penetration deepened are also the sectors where, ceteris paribus, a higher increase in wage inequality has taken place. We fmd evidence that supports this hypothesis.


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O presente trabalho tem como finalidade analisar a história econômica da Argentina no final do século XX, após o regime militar, através de uma síntese do modelo econômico argentino com foco nos Planos Austral e de Conversibilidade. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, histórica, explicativa e bibliográfica. Os estudos acentuam um caráter nitidamente anti-inflacionário do Plano Austral, que se assentava basicamente no congelamento dos preços, salários e câmbio, enquanto que o Plano de Convertibilidade atrelava a moeda local ao dólar americano. Contudo, os dois planos econômicos não conseguiram resolver os graves problemas da economia Argentina no longo prazo, embora o segundo tenha tido uma sobre vida mais longa, entretanto, a custa de um endividamento profundo. Durante uma década de existência o Plano de Conversibilidade passou por diversas fases e causou uma série de efeitos para economia Argentina, com consequências que foram sentidas inclusive nos primeiros anos do século XXI.


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Objective.To estimate the excess length of stay in an intensive care unit (ICU) due to a central line–associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), using a multistate model that accounts for the timing of infection. Design.A cohort of 3,560 patients followed up for 36,806 days in ICUs. Setting.Eleven ICUs in 3 Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Patients.All patients admitted to the ICU during a defined time period with a central line in place for more than 24 hours. Results.The average excess length of stay due to a CLABSI increased in 10 of 11 ICUs and varied from −1.23 days to 4.69 days. A reduction in length of stay in Mexico was probably caused by an increased risk of death due to CLABSI, leading to shorter times to death. Adjusting for patient age and Average Severity of Illness Score tended to increase the estimated excess length of stays due to CLABSI. Conclusions.CLABSIs are associated with an excess length of ICU stay. The average excess length of stay varies between ICUs, most likely because of the case‐mix of admissions and differences in the ways that hospitals deal with infections.


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The Sascha-Pelligrini low-sulphidation epithermal system is located on the western edge of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Outcrop sampling has returned values of up to 160g/t gold and 796g/t silver, with Mirasol Resources and Coeur D.Alene Mines currently exploring the property. Detailed mapping of the volcanic stratigraphy has defined three units that comprise the middle Jurassic Chon Aike Formation and two units that comprise the upper Jurassic La Matilde Formation. The Chon Aike Formation consists of rhyodacite ignimbrites and tuffs, with the La Matilde Formation including rhyolite ash and lithic tuffs. The volcanic sequence is intruded by a large flow-banded rhyolite dome, with small, spatially restricted granodiorite dykes and sills cropping out across the study area. ASTER multispectral mineral mapping, combined with PIMA (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis defines an alteration pattern that zones from laumontite-montmorillonite, to illite-pyritechlorite, followed by a quartz-illite-smectite-pyrite-adularia vein selvage. Supergene kaolinite and steam-heated acid-sulphate kaolinite-alunite-opal alteration horizons crop out along the Sascha Vein trend and Pelligrini respectively. Paragenetically, epithermal veining varies from chalcedonic to saccharoidal with minor bladed textures, colloform/crustiform-banded with visible electrum and acanthite, crustiform-banded grey chalcedonic to jasperoidal with fine pyrite, and crystalline comb quartz. Geothermometry of mineralised veins constrains formation temperatures from 174.8 to 205.1¡ÆC and correlates with the stability field for the interstratified illite-smectite vein selvage. Vein morphology, mineralogy and associated alteration are controlled by host rock rheology, permeability, and depth of the palaeo-water table. Mineralisation within ginguro banded veins resulted from fluctuating fluid pH associated with selenide-rich magmatic pulses, pressure release boiling and wall-rock silicate buffering. The study of the Sascha-Pelligrini epithermal system will form the basis for a deposit-specific model helping to clarify the current understanding of epithermal deposits, and may serve as a template for exploration of similar epithermal deposits throughout Santa Cruz.


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The pegmatite mineral qingheiite Na2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Al,Fe3+)(PO4)3 has been studied by a combination of SEM and EMP, Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The studied sample was collected from the Santa Ana pegmatite, Argentina. The mineral occurs as a primary mineral in lithium bearing pegmatite, in association with beausite and lithiophilite. The Raman spectrum is characterized by a very sharp intense Raman band at 980 cm�1 assigned to the PO3�4 symmetric stretching mode. Multiple Raman bands are observed in the PO3�4 antisymmetric stretching region, providing evidence for the existence of more than one phosphate unit in the structure of qingheiite and evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the phosphate units. This concept is affirmed by the number of bands in the m4 and m2 bending regions. No intensity was observed in the OH stretching region in the Raman spectrum but significant intensity is found in the infrared spectrum. Infrared bands are observed at 2917, 3195, 3414 and 3498 cm�1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. It is suggested that some water is coordinating the metal cations in the structure of qingheiite.


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While the popularity of destination image research has increased exponentially in the literature, there has been relatively little published about perceptions held by international consumers of destinations in South America. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a research project that aimed to identify the baseline market perceptions of Brazil, Argentina and Chile amongst Australian residents, at the time of the emergence of this long haul market. Of interest was the extent to which Australians differentiate the three distinct countries versus perceiving the continent as a gestalt. These baseline perceptions enable the effectiveness of future marketing communications in Australia by the three national tourism offices to be monitored over time. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) is used as a practical analytical tool to guide decision makers. In terms of operationalising destination image, a key research finding was the very high ratio or participants using the ‘Don’t know’ (DK) option for each destination performance scale item. This finding has practical implications for the destination marketers, as well as for researchers engaged in destination image research in long haul and/or emerging markets.


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Dedication: Al Prof. Alberto Einstein, maestro y amigo, signed Coriolano Alberini, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the University of Buenos Aires


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Performances of Pinus taxa were studied to 10 years of age in two trials in each of Misiones and Entre Rios provinces across the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. Taxa comprised 22 populations from sources in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Zimbabwe including Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Pee), Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Pch), their four, inter-specific hybrids (F-1, F-2 and backcrosses from F-1 to Pch and to Pee-all as broadly based bulks); other Pee and Pinus taeda (Pt) comprised narrower or unspecified bulks. Variable numbers of taxa were missing at each site. Mean survival across sites at age 10 years ranged 53.2-91.3% averaging 74.2%. Analysis of variance of plot means indicated population effect was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for all or most growth and quality traits at all sites. However, significant differences from the nominated check seedlot at the Entre Rios sites (Pee, Australia) were extremely rare, while quite common at the northern, Misiones sites (check seedlot a Pt population). In the Misiones trials, F-1, F-2 and both backcross hybrids showed better stem straightness than Pee and Pt from Argentina, generally with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Pt showed lowest forking scores (desirable). Taxon x environment interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.01) for growth traits only (p > 0.05). However, this interaction contributed an average of only 34.1% of the taxon variance suggesting a lack of practical importance. Taxa most suitable for deployment in the Mesopotamia region, Argentina are suggested.


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Resumen: En este trabajo se analizan aspectos relacionados con la eficiencia del Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) en la economía argentina. Se comienza revisando la estructura tributaria de la Argentina, comparándola con la vigente en naciones desarrolladas. Luego se procede a realizar estimaciones de evasión-elusión en el IVA, para el período 1997-2005. Los efectos del Monotributo sobre la base imponible del IVA y su recaudación potencial no son menores y son objeto de análisis en las estimaciones de evasión-elusión. Por su parte, el impuesto a las Ganancias, junto al impuesto a los Ingresos Brutos y los impuestos al trabajo generan incentivos a la evasión “en cadena” junto con el IVA, que llevan a reflexionar acerca de la relación cercana entre IVA y el impuesto a las Ganancias, y su impacto sobre las decisiones de evasión. Se concluye con recomendaciones acerca del IVA y de otros impuestos. Se propone la eliminación del Monotributo para potenciar el efecto recaudatorio del IVA, y la reducción de la alícuota del impuesto a las Ganancias de empresas, reinvertidas o totales, lo que tendría impactos finales favorables en los ingresos fiscales totales.


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Resumen: El artículo traza un recorrido histórico a través de las cifras de la economía argentina, para mostrar los excesos de la política nacional durante lo s últimos ochenta años. La primera parte refleja la política proteccionista de las primeras décadas del siglo veinte. Luego, el autor expone los motivos que llevaron a la desmonetización de la economía, así como también al desarrollo del Estado empresario. Más adelante, el artículo presenta las distintas medidas adoptadas por el Estado, que condujeron a la pérdida de institucionalidad en nuestro país. Finalmente, el autor presenta diez agujeros negros de la economía argentina los cuales, en su opinión, frenaron el progreso de la nación, y propone analizar la historia desde esta perspectiva para evitar incurrir en los errores del pasado.


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Mayo de 1910: el imaginario a través de los discursos oficiales / María Victoria Carsen -- Sylvestre Begnis y la instauración nacional del frondicismo. 1954-1958 / Miguel Ángel De Marco (h) -- Un intento de democratización: política sindical durante el gobierno del general Lonardi (23 de septiembre al 13 de noviembre de 1955) / Guillermo E. Gini -- Del esplendor a la crisis. Las misiones guaraníes entre 1734 y 1744 /Ernesto J. A. Maeder -- El 90. La crisis económica y política vista desde la gráfica satírica de la época / Andrea Matallana -- Relaciones comerciales franco-argentinas. 1880-1914 / Hebe C. Pelosi -- Resistencia cultural a un régimen autoritario: El “sonoro” silencio de SUR durante el primer peronismo / Rosalie Sitman -- La creación musical académica argentina como reflejo de la Guerra del Paraguay / Juan María Veniard -- Reseñas Bibliográficas


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En este número de Empleo y Desarrollo Social se discute la problemática de la mortalidad infantil en la Argentina. A pesar de los avances, los niveles actuales son demasiados altos para el grado de desarrollo del país y el gasto público que se destina a la salud. En general, se tiende a atacar al problema con acciones de prevención y atención primaria materno-infantil, mientras una acción tan básica y estratégica como la provisión universal de servicios de agua potable y cloacas permanece fuera de la agenda. En el presente informe se presentan algunas recomendaciones orientadas a mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos que se destinan a ambas áreas


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Itinerarios de investigación del grupo de estudio sobre La teología en la Argentina y diversas publicaciones de sus miembros en el trienio 2010-2012.