219 resultados para Sakhalin


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The annual return, seasonal occurrence, and site fidelity of Korean-Okhotsk or western gray whales on their feeding grounds off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, were assessed by boat-based photo-identification studies in 1994-1998. A total of 262 pods were observed, ranging in size from 1 to 9 whales with an overall mean of 2.0'. Sixty-nine whales were individually identified, and a majority of all whales (71.0%) were observed in multiple years. Annual sighting frequencies ranged from 1 to 18 d, with a mean of 5.4 d. The percentage of whales re-identified from previous years showed a continuous annual increase, reaching 87.0% by the end of the study. Time between first and last sighting of identified individuals within a given year was 1-85 d, with an overall mean of 40.6 d. Annual calf proportions ranged from 4.3% (1997) to 13.2% (1998), and mother-calf separations generally occurred between July and September. The seasonal site fidelity and annual return of whales to this part of the Okhotsk Sea emphasize its importance as a primary feeding ground for this endangered population.


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Features of sedimentation of carbonate mineral associations in the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin and other regions of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. Special attention is paid to correlation between carbonate neoformations and abnormal fluxes of methane. In bottom sediments with high contents of methane carbonate-sulfide associations occur, their generation has been influenced by gas (mostly methane) fields. Joint consideration of distribution of gas and geochemical fields and mineral associations in the Sea of Okhotsk allows to understand better a mechanism of mineral generation in bottom sediments, possible formation of ore accumulations, and to use them as indicators for prognosis of mineral resources.


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Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Mariisky sequence and Early Cenozoic extrusive-vent rocks of the Mary Cape are exposed at the most northwest of the Schmidt Peninsula, North Sakhalin. In chemical composition, all the rocks are subdivided into four groups. Three groups include volcanic rocks of the Mariisky sequence, which consists, from bottom to top, of calc-alkaline rocks, transitional calc-alkaline-tholeiite rocks, and incompatible element-depleted tholeiites. These rocks show subduction geochemical signatures and are considered as a fragment of the Moneron-Samarga island arc system. Trace-element modeling indicates their derivation through successive melting of a garnet-bearing mantle and garnet-free shallower mantle sources containing amphibole; pyroxene; and, possibly, spinel. The mixed subduction and intra-plate characteristics of the extrusive vent rocks of the Mary Cape attest to their formation in a transform continental margin setting.


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Middle Cenozoic evolution of magmatism in the Schmidt Peninsula between 37 and 25 Ma began with eruptions of subalkaline and moderately alkaline andesite, latite, trachyandesite, and trachyrhyolite lavas and ended with subvolcanic intrusions of highly alkaline strongly undersaturated essexites. According to trace element data magmatism evolved from melting of a mantle source in the zone of ocean-continent plate convergence to small degree partial melting in the lithospheric mantle at the final stage. This succession is generally typical for Late Cenozoic continental-margin magmatism in the Southeast Russia. Similarity in the Middle and Late Cenozoic stages of magmatism is an evidence for their individual significance.


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This work presents results of a study of plankton and benthic microbiocenoses of the Amur River estuary. It is shown that distribution of total abundance and indicator groups of bacteriobenthos are characterized by stronger heterogeneity compared with bacterioplankton and that it depends on the Amur River runoff and bottom type. The river runoff helps by increasing overall bacterioplankton abundance in the near-mouth part of the estuary. Microorganisms utilizing low concentrations of organic matter (OM) play major role in processes of OM utilization in water and bottom sediments. Saprophytic bacteria play a significant role in OM utilization only in water at certain sampling sites in the Tatarsky Strait and Sakhalin Bay and in bottom sediments sampled in the mouth part of the estuary. Some parts of the estuary subjected to organic contamination are found according to microbiological characteristics. It is shown that fluctuation of salinity leads to change of the role of bacteria with different food demands in the microbial community.


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A late Quaternary pollen record from northern Sakhalin Island (51.34°N, 142.14°E, 15 m a.s.l.) spanning the last 43.7 ka was used to reconstruct regional climate dynamics and vegetation distribution by using the modern analogue technique (MAT). The long-term trends of the reconstructed mean annual temperature (TANN) and precipitation (PANN), and total tree cover are generally in line with key palaeoclimate records from the North Atlantic region and the Asian monsoon domain. TANN largely follows the fluctuations in solar summer insolation at 55°N. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, TANN and PANN were on average 0.2 °C and 700 mm, respectively, thus very similar to late Holocene/modern conditions. Full glacial climate deterioration (TANN = -3.3 °C, PANN = 550 mm) was relatively weak as suggested by the MAT-inferred average climate parameters and tree cover densities. However, error ranges of the climate reconstructions during this interval are relatively large and the last glacial environments in northern Sakhalin could be much colder and drier than suggested by the weighted average values. An anti-phase relationship between mean temperature of the coldest (MTCO) and warmest (MTWA) month is documented during the last glacial period, i.e. MIS 2 and 3, suggesting more continental climate due to sea levels that were lower than present. Warmest and wettest climate conditions have prevailed since the end of the last glaciation with an optimum (TANN = 1.5 °C, PANN = 800 mm) in the middle Holocene interval (ca 8.7-5.2 cal. ka BP). This lags behind the solar insolation peak during the early Holocene. We propose that this is due to continuous Holocene sea level transgression and regional influence of the Tsushima Warm Current, which reached maximum intensity during the middle Holocene. Several short-term climate oscillations are suggested by our reconstruction results and correspond to Northern Hemisphere Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events, the Bølling-Allerød and the Younger Dryas. The most prominent fluctuation is registered during Heinrich 4 event, which is marked by noticeably colder and drier conditions and the spread of herbaceous taxa.


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Aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were examined in the surface layer of bottom sediments from the eastern part of the Sakhalin Island shelf (materials were sampled in summer 2002). Concentrations of hydrocarbons were determined to know changed since beginning of development of oil fields (compared with earlier years). According to distribution of markers in hydrocarbon compositions, bottom sediments are dominated by allochthonous (terrigenous) hydrocarbons that are the most stable compounds. Occurrence of transformed anthropogenic oil alkanes that have never been found before may be indicative of increasing pollution in the region.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Avtobiografīi︠a︡ Feodora Shirokolobova": p. [173]-251.


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Mode of access: Internet.