582 resultados para Sair do Armário
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as histórias de sair do armário sob seu aspecto organizacional, lexical e discursivo. Busca-se apontar que padrões organizacionais prevalecem nas histórias, que léxicos significativos predominam e como os léxicos predominantes são avaliados em termos de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação. Para o exame organizacional, a análise se apropria do quadro analítico de Labov e colaboradores (1967; 1972), por ser pioneiro nos estudos sobre narrativas orais de experiência pessoal; em seguida, lança mão dos elementos do Padrão Problema-Solução (PPS), proposto por Hoey (1983; 2001), por iluminar o aspecto cíclico das referidas histórias. Para a análise lexical, esse estudo se ampara nos preceitos e técnicas da investigação eletrônica de textos da Linguística de Corpus (TOGNINI BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McENERY e HARDIE, 2011), conjugado ao conjunto de programas WordSmith Tool 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Já sobre o aspecto discursivo, em especial sobre a linguagem da avaliação, a análise privilegiou a metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004) e lançou mão das categorias do subsistema da ATITUDE da Teoria da Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin (2000) e Martin e White (2005). O Corpus analisado consiste de sete narrativas, coletadas pelo método da Entrevista Narrativa, à qual se voluntariaram homossexuais do sexo masculino, entre (20) vinte a (30) anos de idade, oriundos da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da análise da organização da narrativa mostraram que as histórias de sair do armário são episódicas, são contadas com muitos recursos avaliativos como descritos por Labov e se organizam por meio do Padrão Problema-Solução. Os resultados da análise lexical revelaram a predominância do item eu e mãe/ela nas sete histórias coletivamente. Por fim a análise discursiva, sob a ótica da linguagem atitudinal, aponta que os itens eu e mãe/ela, que apontam para o narrador e suas mães, são marcados por Afeto (emoções) e Julgamento (comportamento). A dissertação em seu final combina as três linhas de análise para fazer uma reflexão sobre o peso social do que significa sair do armário para o sujeito gay
A partir de nove entrevistas semi-estruturadas, conduzidas entre os meses de abril e outubro de 2008 com homens homossexuais entre vinte e seis e quarenta e dois anos de idade, oriundos de camadas médias e médias baixas do Rio de Janeiro e adjacências, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender as maneiras pelas quais estes indivíduos se descobrem atraídos por pessoas do mesmo sexo e buscam meios de lidar com esse desejo. Ao mesmo tempo, procura entender como essa diferença se desloca do plano subjetivo e fala de si, o que é conhecido como sair do armário ou fazer o coming out, processo que parece ocorrer de modo descontínuo e incompleto, na medida em que estratégias de manipulação e ocultamento da orientação sexual frequentemente se mostram necessárias perante os diversos círculos de sociabilidade nos quais se transita regularmente, dentre os quais a família, o ambiente de trabalho e os amigos. A análise do discurso dos informantes, aliada a uma fundamentação teórica de cunho majoritariamente sócio-antropológico, permitiu depreender que há um anseio por reconhecimento, aceitação e respeito. Observou-se também a existência de certos mapeamentos, que abrangem preocupações com a aparência, controle de gestos e manifestações de afeto e a evitação de lugares tidos como hostis ou pouco tolerantes, visando a uma redução dos riscos de discriminação e violência.
Esta pesquisa é um estudo transversal realizado junto a 2282 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursavam as três séries do ensino médio em três cidades do interior do oeste paulista. O instrumento de coleta de dados empregado foi um questionário autoaplicável com 131 questões. Neste artigo, abordamos as trajetórias sexuais de adolescentes de ambos os sexos que mantêm práticas sexuais homoeróticas ou não. Discutimos as relações desses adolescentes com seus familiares e grupos de pares e a questão de sair do armário como ferramenta política. Tendo como base as concepções de Sedgwick, analisamos os momentos em que sair do armário pode ser uma entre tantas maneiras de manifestação das diferentes sexualidades em relação à heteronormatividade. Apoiando-nos nas colocações de teóricos pós-estruturalistas, abordamos também as construções teóricas e as produções discursivas sobre a adolescência, apontando novas manifestações da juventude na contemporaneidade. Por fim, percebemos a existência de amplos fatores que afetam as decisões de jovens não heterossexuais quanto a sair (ou não) do armário para além da homofobia: eventos pessoais, histórias de vida e mesmo a revelação de sua sexualidade aos pais e/ou a outras pessoas.
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
Ilustração componente do jogo “Ortotetris (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/ortotetris.html)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Este item é parte de um conjunto de modelos produzido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Apredizagem (LOA)/UFSCar para o jogo LabTecA
Research in the area of teacher training in English as a Foreign Language (CELANI, 2003, 2004, 2010; PAIVA, 2000, 2003, 2005; VIEIRA-ABRAHÃO, 2010) articulates the complexity of beginning teachers classroom contexts aligned with teaching language as a social and professional practice of the teacher in training. To better understand this relationship, the present study is based on a corpus of transcribed interviews and questionnaires applied to 28 undergraduate students majoring in Letters/English emphasis, at a public university located in the interior of the Western Amazon region, soliciting their opinions about the reforms made in the curriculum of this Major. Interviews and questionnaires were used as data collection instruments to trace a profile of the students organized in Group 1, with freshmen and sophomore undergraduates who are following the 2009 curriculum, and Group 2, with junior and senior undergraduates who are following the 2006 curriculum. The objectives are to identify, to characterize and to analyze the types of pronouns, roles and social actors represented in the opinions of these students in relation to their teacher training curriculum. The theoretical support focuses on the challenge of historical and contemporary routes from English teachers initial education programs (MAGALHÃES; LIBERALLI, 2009; PAVAN; SILVA, 2010; ALVAREZ, 2010; VIANA, 2011; PAVAN, 2012). Our theoretical perspective is based on the Systemic Functional Grammar of Halliday (1994), Halliday and Hasan (1989), Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994; 2004) and Thompson (2004). We focus on the concept of the Interpersonal meaning, specifically regarding the roles articulated in the studies by Delu (1991), Thompson and Thetela (1995), and in the Portuguese language such as Ramos (1997), Silva (2006) and Cabral (2009). Moreover, we ascribe van Leeuwen s (1997; 2003) theory of Representation of Social Actors as a theoretical framework in order to identify the sociological aspect of social actors represented in the students discourse. Within this scenario, the analysis unfolds on three levels: grammatical (pronouns), semantic (roles), and discursive (social actors). For the analysis of interpersonal realizations present in the students opinions, we use the computational program WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2010) and its applications Wordlist and Concord to quantify the occurrences of the pronouns I, You and They, which characterize the roles and social actors of the corpus. The results show that the students assigned the following roles to themselves: (i) apprentice to express their initial process of English language learning; (ii) freshman to reveal their choice of Major in Letters/English emphasis; (iii) future teacher to relate their expectations towards a practicing professional. To assign the roles to professors in the major, the students used the metaphor of modality (I think) to indicate the relationship of teacher training, while they are in the role of a student and as a future teacher. From these evidences the representation of the students as social actors emerges in roles such as: (i) active roles; (ii) passive roles and (iii) personalized roles. The social actors represented in the opinions of the students reflect the inclusion of these roles assigned to the actions expressed about their experiences and expectations derived from their teacher training classroom
This work has as object of study the Hospital de Caridade Juvino Barreto, nosocomial institution located in the city of Natal (RN), between the Praia de Areia Preta and the Monte Petrópolis, focusing on the period from 1909, the year in which the new hospital building was constructed and opened, and 1927, the date of the transfer of administration of the public domain to the newly created Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar (SAH). We study the conditions of possibility of the emergence of this hospital space in the urban environment of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, seeking to understand the different tactics and strategies implemented by the historical subjects involved in the formation of this institution nosocomial. Starting from a corpus of documents consisting of medical memories (with Dr. Januário Cicco as privileged observer), information present in newspapers (the Republic and the Christmas Journa l), photo collection and extensive administrative and legal material (Speeches, Exhibitions, Reports, Laws and Resolutions), we analyzed in detail the medical geography of HCJB, relating the discourses of medicine and geography in choosing the spatial location of the hospital as we examine the architecture of the hospital, its inner spat iality, divisions, forms of space control, and, finally, we discuss the medical practices that took place within it, leading us in this regard, from the experiences of clinical hospital chief, Dr. Januário Cicco, especially the discussion on "ethics" in hospital work. The perception of HCJB as medical nosoespaciality always on the move, incorporated under taxonomic principles based on difference and dispersion forces, led us to articulate it theoretically from the conceptual-methodological arsenal of philosopher Michel Foucault, particularly his reflections of genealogical phase, focusing on the phenomenon of power, a position that allows us to enhance our space-hospital construction, invention, product of power relations, which give the unfinished aspect nosocômio, apparent, always at stake, perpetual non-modeling possibility has previously defined array, establishing it at the field of possible, of virtuality, of power: hospital that could have been and that it was not. Indeed, the investigation of various aspects/elements of hospital space Juvino Barreto revealed us new dimensions of hospital space, far more complex than the simple and the current idea of a place to shelter patients: plasticity and fluidity of space, which is not made to circumscribe the limits of empeiria, engraving up to strength relations fought between different subject; its Constitution as a transitional space, Heterotopic, doing live inside modern elements with premoderns (professional doctors working with religious thought, skeptical of positivist medicine living with the religious faith of the nuns of Santana); the impossibility of thinking hospital space of HCJB while homogeneous unit, static, transistoric, making the spatiality, without considering the profound differences, fractures and dislocations that animated his own existence, multiplying their expressions of identity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Sexuality device authorizes families to become the guardians of its members’ sexuality, ensuring the exclusion of any kind of dissidence from heteronormativity by means of reinforcement of homophobia. This paper presents the analyses of female participants who are dissident of heteronormativity. They were accessed through snow-ball technique and were interviewed. After transcribing their interviews, the researcher produced narratives of their lives with were corroborated with the participants. Data were analyzed from a poststructuralist perspective. By then, we privileged the study of the manifestation of homophobia in the family, developing a genealogy of their detractors effects, but also highlighting modes of resistance to it. This locus of manifestation of homophobia, obscured by the intimacy of the private world, is still a fairly discussed topic in national studies and maximizes the damage caused by discrimination in macro social spaces. We pointed out, then, family as an important target of action for public policies which aim the protection of human and civil rights, as well as all kinds of violence and discrimination.
This article aims to present the results of a research about the links among homophobia, subjectivation processes and constructions of gender and sexual identities in a small city in the interior of São Paulo State. The main research question that guided us was: how homophobia regulates the desire and the “transit between the closets” among the so called gay people in a small city? To answer that question we made interviews that were analyzed and transformed into narratives of four cisgender men of different ages who call themselves homosexual or who have had homoerotic practices with other men. All participants live in the same city, do not know one another and have lived most of their lives city. We have problematized how these participants gave meaning to the experiences of regulation of their sexuality that have been aroused by homophobia and by the device of closet. Analyses indicated that the 'closet' can both regulate and oversee their lives, limiting their possibilities of desiring, but also may raise resistance, from which it is possible to establish a relationship with another ethical life, that is, producing other ways of life in the small city.