32 resultados para Saimiri sciureus
Saimiri sciureus é uma espécie de primata amplamente distribuída pela Bacia Amazônica. Contudo, há poucos estudos feitos em ambiente natural na Amazônia brasileira envolvendo aspectos ecológicos e/ou comportamentais da espécie e praticamente nenhum sobre suas associações com outras espécies. Neste trabalho foram estudados os padrões gerais da ecologia e do comportamento de dois grupos de S. sciureus e suas associações com outras espécies de primatas no Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí. Os sítios de estudo foram a Ilha de Germoplasma (IG) e a Zona de Preservação da Vida Silvestre Base 4 (B4). Os dados foram coletados pelos métodos de varredura instantânea e ad libitum por seis meses entre março e outubro de 2009. A área de uso dos grupos correspondeu a aproximadamente 75 ha na B4 e 77,5 ha na IG. No uso do espaço vertical, houve preferência pelos estratos inferiores e médios. Além disso, houve um marcado padrão no uso dos estratos ao longo o dia, com maior frequência de uso dos estratos mais altos nas duas primeiras horas de atividades, dos estratos mais baixos das 10 às 14 horas e dos estratos intermediários no final do dia. Os comportamentos de forrageio (50% IG; 49% B4) e locomoção (29% ambos) foram mais frequentes que alimentação (12% IG; 15% B4), interação social (6% IG; 4% B4) e descanso (3% para ambos), concordando com outros estudos na Amazônia. A dieta foi predominantemente frugívora (75% B4, 71% IG), diferindo de uma série de estudos que caracterizaram todo o gênero como altamente insetívoro. As espécies vegetais mais importantes foram Attalea maripa no período chuvoso e Inga spp. no período seco, para ambos os grupos. A frequência de associação foi 100% do tempo (B4) e 49% (IG) com Cebus apella, 20% (B4) com Chiropotes satanas e 3% (IG) com Chiropotes utahicki. Houve encontro com Alouatta belzebul e Saguinus niger nos dois sítios, com Aotus azarae na B4 e Callicebus moloch na IG. O grupo da IG passou mais tempo em associação durante a estação chuvosa. O tempo em associação com C. satanas foi maior no período seco, sem diferença sazonal para C. utahicki e C. apella. Houve diferença entre S. sciureus, C. apella e C. satanas no uso do espaço vertical, no tipo de suporte e nos itens alimentares explorados. Os macacos-de-cheiro apresentaram nicho maior que os macacos-prego para uso de espaço vertical e itens alimentares, e os macacos-prego apresentaram nicho maior para tipo de suporte. A maior sobreposição de nichos nas três dimensões medidas foi entre C. apella e S. sciureus.
Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were infected experimentally with the agent of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Two to four years later, six of the monkeys developed alterations in interactive behaviour and cognition and other neurological signs typical of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). At necropsy examination, the brains from all of the monkeys showed pathological changes similar to those described in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) of man, except that the squirrel monkey brains contained no PrP-amyloid plaques typical of that disease. Constant neuropathological features included spongiform degeneration, gliosis, deposition of abnormal prion protein (PrP(TSE)) and many deposits of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein (p-Tau) in several areas of the cerebrum and cerebellum. Western blots showed large amounts of proteinase K-resistant prion protein in the central nervous system. The striking absence of PrP plaques (prominent in brains of cynomolgus macaques [Macaca fascicularis] with experimentally-induced BSE and vCJD and in human patients with vCJD) reinforces the conclusion that the host plays a major role in determining the neuropathology of TSEs. Results of this study suggest that p-Tau, found in the brains of all BSE-infected monkeys, might play a role in the pathogenesis of TSEs. Whether p-Tau contributes to development of disease or appears as a secondary change late in the course of illness remains to be determined.
The contexts of scratching behavior and postconflict behavior in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
Self-directed behavior (SDB), such as scratching, is a reliable indicator of emotional arousal in non-human primates. In contrast, affiliative behavior, such as social grooming, has been shown to have a calming effect in primates and reduce arousal. In order to test whether the expression of SDB was related to arousal, the scratching behavior of eight captive squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) was compared across four social contexts (huddling, proximity to others, solitary and post-conflict). In addition,rates of scratching were examined before and after affiliative behavior during the postconflict context. I tested for this effect by using the post-conflict/matched control(PC/MC) method in which post-conflict (PC) behavior of an animal is compared to thebehavior of the same animal in a baseline, nonaggressive situation or a matched control(MC). Context and associated scratching data were obtained from a total of 98 hours of focal sample data. Scratching was significantly lower while animals were huddling thanthe other two contexts. Scratching rates while solitary were significantly higher than those occurring while animals were in proximity. Scratching was also higher in PC than MC. Following conflict, animals were significantly more likely to make contact withthird parties not involved in aggression. Most of these (79%) were a third party approaching a combatant. Further, scratching rates decreased following post-conflict third party contacts and the decrease was not due to a general decrease in scratching thatmight have been occurring after the aggressive interaction. Huddling behavior appears to reduce arousal in squirrel monkeys and may act as a tension-reduction mechanism. The elevated scratching in the solitary context may suggest that squirrel monkeys may be engaged in activities while solitary, such as vigilant behavior that may increase arousal. The third party post conflict affiliative contacts observed were the first such interactions observed in squirrel monkeys. The fact that these third contacts reduced scratching ratesin the combatants indicates that 'consolation' may have been demonstrated in this species. The overall pattern of results suggested that scratching was reliable behavioral indicator of anxiety in squirrel monkeys. These results indicate that overt behavior can be used to assess emotional states in this and other species, acting as a mediator to understanding how emotions regulate social behavior.
Multiple recent studies provide evidence that both human and nonhuman primates possess motor planning abilities. I tested for the demonstration of motor planning in two previously untested primate species through two experiments. In the first experiment, I compared the extent to which squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) and brown capuchins (Cebus apella) plan their movements in a grasping task. Individuals were presented with an inverted cup that required being turned and held upright in order to extract a food reward from the inside of the cup. This task was most efficiently solved by using an initially awkward inverted grasp that affords a comfortable hand and arm orientation at the end of the movement (known as end-state comfort). While certain individuals from both species exhibited end-state comfort, many of the capuchins never demonstrated this type of motor planning. Furthermore, the squirrel monkeys used the efficient grasp significantly more than the capuchins. In the second experiment, I presented the capuchins with another grasping task to test if they would express motor planning abilities in a different context. Here, the capuchins were offered a dowel that was baited on either the left or right end. A radial grasp with the thumb pointing towards the baited end was considered to be the most efficient grasp because it afforded a comfortable final position. The capuchins switched hands and used an overhand radial grasp on the dowel significantly more often than not, thus demonstrating motor planning in this task. The grasps typically utilized by these two closely related species differ considerably in that capuchins are capable of exercising precision grips, whereas squirrel monkeys are limited to whole-handed power grips. Moreover, unlike capuchins, squirrel monkeys are not particularly dexterous nor are they capable of precise manipulative actions. It is therefore more beneficial for squirrel monkeys to plan their movements efficiently because they are less capable of compensating for inappropriate initial grasps. Due to the appreciable variability in the expression of motor planning skills across species, I proposed that morphological constraints might explain the observed discrepancies in movement planning among different primate species.
Francisella tularensis, a small Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium, is the causative agent of tularaemia, a severe zoonotic disease transmitted to humans mostly by vectors such as ticks, flies and mosquitoes. The disease is endemic in many parts of the northern hemisphere. Among animals, the most affected species belong to rodents and lagomorphs, in particular hares. However, in the recent years, many cases of tularaemia among small monkeys in zoos were reported. We have developed a real-time PCR that allows to quantify F. tularensis in tissue samples. Using this method, we identified the spleen and the kidney as the most heavily infected organ containing up to 400 F. tularensis bacteria per simian host cell in two common squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) from a zoo that died of tularaemia. In other organs such as the brain, F. tularensis was detected at much lower titres. The strain that caused the infection was identified as F. tularensis subsp. holarctica biovar I, which is susceptible to erythromycin. The high number of F. tularensis present in soft organs such as spleen, liver and kidney represents a high risk for persons handling such carcasses and explains the transmission of the disease to a pathologist during post-mortem analysis. Herein, we show that real-time PCR allows a reliable and rapid diagnosis of F. tularensis directly from tissue samples of infected animals, which is crucial in order to attempt accurate prophylactic measures, especially in cases where humans or other animals have been exposed to this highly contagious pathogen.
One aim of providing enrichment to captive animals is to promote the expression of behavioural patterns similar to their wild conspecifics. We evaluated the effectiveness of four types of simple feeding enrichment, using surveillance cameras to record the behaviour of 11 captive squirrel monkeys housed in a single enclosure at Alma Park Zoo in Brisbane, Australia. The enrichment involved differences in presentation (whole/chopped) and distribution (localised/scattered) of fruit and vegetables that were part of the normal diet of these animals. Distinguishing between individual squirrel monkeys was not possible from the videos, so Instantaneous Scan Sampling was used to record the numbers of animals performing particular behaviours every 15 minutes over the 24 hour period as well as every 5 minutes for the hour following provision of enrichment. This provided an estimation of the percentage of time spent by the group in various activities. As a result of the enrichment, the activity budget of the group more closely approximated that of wild squirrel monkeys. However on a number of occasions where the enrichment required the squirrel monkeys to work to obtain their food (whole fruit and vegetables), a number of individuals became aggressive towards the zookeepers. This result highlights the variation in responses of individual animals towards enrichment and indicates that in enclosures with large numbers of animals, the response of each individual should be evaluated in addition to the overall benefit of the enrichment for the group. Furthermore, this variation also suggests that it may be beneficial to provide the animals with choices of enrichment as opposed to providing single forms of enrichment that may only be effective for a proportion of the animals in the enclosure, and may even result in undesirable responses from some individuals.
Os macacos-de-cheiro, Saimiri Voigt, 1831 são primatas arbóreos e ágeis, com um corpo relativamente pequeno, se comparado a outros primatas do Novo Mundo. Distribuem-se por toda a Amazônia e parte da América Central. Vários estudos foram realizados com a finalidade de estabelecer grupos taxonômicos em Saimiri. No entanto, os resultados desses estudos mostraram uma série de divergências quanto à classificação, tanto em relação à validade dos táxons, como ao status taxonômico dos mesmos. Neste gênero, observa-se a existência de diferenças sexuais no padrão de coloração da pelagem, no tamanho e forma dos dentes caninos e, ainda, um ciclo espermatogênico anual nos machos, caracterizado pela aquisição de gordura subcutânea, denominada de "condição de engorda". Durante este período, os machos apresentam um aumento de peso variando de 15 a 20%. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o dimorfismo sexual em Saimiri sciureus, comparando os resultados com os de cinco outras espécies de Saimiri (S. cassiquiarensis, S. juruanus, S. ustus, S. boliviensis e S. vanzolinii). Para tanto, foram analisados 610 espécimes pertencentes às coleções do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ) e Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP). As classes etárias foram determinadas de acordo com a morfologia da arcada, descrita com base na seqüência eruptiva dos dentes de leite e permanentes. Foram coletados dados sobre caracteres cromáticos, onde se analisou a coloração da mancha pré-auricular de fêmeas em relação ao processo de erupção dentária, morfologia craniana para verificação de diferenciação etária e sexual, além de vinte e uma medidas cranianas, analisadas através do Teste "t" de Student. A partir dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que não existem diferenças na coloração da pelagem entre classes sexuais anteriores à idade adulta em nenhum dos sexos. Não foram observadas diferenças na coloração da pelagem entre classes de idade em machos. A mancha pré-auricular enegrecida é um caráter exclusivo de fêmeas adultas, mas não está estritamente relacionada à ontogenia. O aparecimento do dicromatismo sexual na pelagem não é sincronizado com o aparecimento do dimorfismo na morfologia do crânio, especialmente dos dentes. Diferenças sexuais visíveis macroscopicamente, como tamanho e forma da caixa craniana, forma da face, distância bi-zigomática e forma da mandíbula podem ser evidenciadas a partir da idade subadulta. Observou-se também que o dimorfismo sexual, para todas as espécies, é melhor evidenciado em variáveis relacionadas ao aparato mastigatório. Além disso, diferenças sexuais na morfologia dos ossos do crânio podem ser claramente observadas entre os indivíduos subadultos de qualquer táxon. Os machos se tornam maiores do que as fêmeas a partir da idade subadulta, e o caráter mais conspícuo do dimorfismo sexual é o comprimento do canino. Cada espécie difere das demais por apresentar exclusividade em alguma variável (ou conjunto de variáveis) morfométricas, evidenciando dimorfismo sexual.
Parasites of wild primates are important for conservation biology and human health due to their high potential to infect humans. In the Amazon region, non-human primates are commonly infected by Trypanosoma cruzi and T rangeli, which are also infective to man and several mammals. This is the first survey of trypanosomiasis in a critically endangered species of tamarin, Saguinus bicolor (Callitrichidae), from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. Of the 96 free-ranging specimens of S. bicolor examined 45 (46.8%) yielded blood smears positive for trypanosomes. T rangeli was detected in blood smears of 38 monkeys (39.6%) whereas T. cruzi was never detected. Seven animals (7.3%) presented trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum. Hemocultures detected 84 positive tamarins (87.5%). Seventy-two of 84 (85.7%) were morphologically diagnosed as T rangeli and 3 (3.1%) as T. cruzi. Nine tamarins (9.4%) yielded mixed cultures of these two species, which after successive passages generated six cultures exclusively of T. cruzi and two of T rangeli, with only one culture remaining mixed. Of the 72 cultures positive for T rangeli, 62 remained as established cultures and were genotyped: 8 were assigned to phylogenetic lineage A (12.9%) and 54 to lineage B (87.1%). Ten established cultures of T. cruzi were genotyped as TCI lineage (100%). Transmission of both trypanosome species, their potential risk to this endangered species and the role of wild primates as reservoirs for trypanosomes infective to humans are discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied the distribution of NADPH-diaphorase activity in the visual cortex of normal adult New World monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) using the malic enzyme "indirect" method. NADPH-diaphorase neuropil activity had a heterogeneous distribution. In coronal sections, it had a clear laminar pattern that was coincident with Nissl-stained layers. In tangential sections, we observed blobs in supragranular layers of V1 and stripes throughout the entire V2. We quantified and compared the tangential distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and cytochrome oxidase blobs in adjacent sections of the supragranular layers of V1. Although their spatial distributions were rather similar, the two enzymes did not always overlap. The histochemical reaction also revealed two different types of stained cells: a slightly stained subpopulation and a subgroup of deeply stained neurons resembling a Golgi impregnation. These neurons were sparsely spined non-pyramidal cells. Their dendritic arbors were very well stained but their axons were not always evident. In the gray matter, heavily stained neurons showed different dendritic arbor morphologies. However, most of the strongly reactive cells lay in the subjacent white matter, where they presented a more homogenous morphology. Our results demonstrate that the pattern of NADPH-diaphorase activity is similar to that previously described in Old World monkeys.
Este estudo examinou a susceptibilidade do macrófago peritoneal (PM) dos primatas neotropicais: Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri sciureus, Aotus azarae infulatus e Callimico goeldii para a infecção ex vivo por Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi, o agente etiológico da leishmaniose visceral americana (LVA), como método de triagem para avaliar o potencial desses primatas como modelo de estudo da LVA. A susceptibilidade do PM para a infecção foi investigada através do índice de infecção do PM (PMI) a intervalos de 24, 72 horas e, ainda, pela média dessas taxas (FPMI), assim como, pelas respostas do TNF-α, IL-2 (ELISA de captura) e óxido nítrico (NO) (método de Griess). Às 24hs da infecção experimental, o PMI do primata A. azarae infulatus (128) foi maior que aqueles de C. penicillata (83), C. goeldii (78), S. sciureus (77) e C. jacchus (55). Às 72hs, houve uma redução significativa do PMI de quatro primatas: A. azarae infulatus (128/37), C. penicillata (83/38), S. sciureus (77/38) e C. jacchus (55/12), com exceção de C. goeldii (78/54). O FPMI dos primatas A. azarae infulatus (82.5) e C. goeldii (66) foi maior que do primata C. jacchus (33.5), porém, não foi maior que dos primatas C. penicillata (60.5) e S. sciureus (57.5). A resposta do TNF-α foi mais regular nos quatro primatas que reduziram o PMI no intervalo de 24-72hs: C. jacchus (145/122 pg/µL), C. penicillata (154/130 pg/µL), S. sciureus (164/104 pg/µL) e A. azarae infulatus (154/104 pg/µL), com exceção de C. goeldii (38/83 pg/µL). A resposta de IL-12 foi, principalmente, marcante nos primatas A. azarae infulatus e C. goeldii, os quais apresentaram as maiores taxas do FPMI, e a resposta do NO foi maior no primata C. goeldii, em especial no intervalo de 72hs. Estes achados sugerem, fortemente, que estes primatas neotropicais parecem ter desenvolvido mecanismos resistentes de resposta imune inata capaz de controlar o crescimento intracelular da infecção por L. (L.) i. chagasi no macrófago, o que não encoraja o uso destes primatas como modelo de estudo da LVA.
Faz um levantamento sorológico para anticorpos contra Leptospira spp e Trypanosoma cruzi em primatas neotropicais mantidos em cativeiro. Amostras de 94 primatas neotropicais adultos, machos e fêmeas de diferentes espécies pertencentes ao criatório do Centro Nacional de Primatas (CENP)-Ananindeua-PA, coletadas para a realização da Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM), na qual foram utilizadas 84 amostras sorológicas, em que 35 (41,67%) apresentaram anticorpos contra leptospira e 49 (58,33%) foram soronegativas. De 11 espécies utilizadas na pesquisa, as maiores positividades estavam nas espécies de Cebus apella 69.23% (9/13), Aotus infullatus 33,33% (5/15), Callithrix penicillata 28,57% (4/14) e Saimiri sciureus 22,73 (5/22). De 35 amostras positivas, 11 (31,42%) reagiram contra o sorovar Cynopteri, oito (22,85%) foram reagentes para Andamana, seis (17,14%) contra o sorovar Hebdomadis, quatro (11,42%) para Copenhageni, três (8,57%) contra o sorovar Patoc, duas (5,71%) para o sorovar Cuíca, e o restante reagiram para pelo menos um sorovar (2,85%) sorovar Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Javanica, Grippotyphosa e Autumnalis. Para detecção de anticorpos contra o T. cruzi, foram utilizadas 94 amostras sorológicas de primatas neotropicais. As amostras de cada animal foram submetidas aos exames sorológicos de Hemaglutinação Indireta (HAI) e Ensaio Imunoenzimático (ELISA). Das amostras avaliadas pela HAI, apenas uma fêmea da espécie Saguinus niger revelou resultado positivo, porém todas as amostras revelaram resultado negativo quando submetidas ao ELISA-recombinante. Com relação aos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos não foram observadas alterações que indicassem uma possível infecção. Conclui-se que a ocorrência de anticorpos contra as leptospiras nas espécies de primatas foi alta, mesmo não apresentando sintomas, e todos os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos estarem normais indicando que apesar destes animais encontrarem-se em cativeiro, possivelmente tiveram contato em vida livre com a bactéria e a infecção pode estar sendo mantida entre eles e casos de leptospirose e doença de Chagas em primatas neotropicais são raros, porém deve-se lembrar que os mesmos atuam como reservatórios de Leptospira spp e Tripanosma cruzi no ambiente silvestre.
Recent research with several species of nonhuman primates suggests sophisticated motor-planning abilities observed in human adults may be ubiquitous among primates. However, there is considerable variability in the extent to which these abilities are expressed across primate species. In the present experiment, we explore whether the variability in the expression of anticipatory motor-planning abilities may be attributed to cognitive differences (such as tool use abilities) or whether they may be due to the consequences of morphological differences (such as being able to deploy a precision grasp). We compared two species of New World monkeys that differ in their tool use abilities and manual dexterity: squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus (less dexterous with little evidence for tool use) and tufted capuchins, Sapajus apella (more dexterous and known tool users). The monkeys were presented with baited cups in an untrained food extraction task. Consistent with the morphological constraint hypothesis, squirrel monkeys frequently showed second-order motor planning by inverting their grasp when picking up an inverted cup, while capuchins frequently deployed canonical upright grasping postures. Findings suggest that the lack of ability for precision grasping may elicit more consistent second-order motor planning, as the squirrel monkeys (and other species that have shown a high rate of second-order planning) have fewer means of compensating for inefficient initial postures. Thus, the interface between morphology and motor planning likely represents an important factor for understanding both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins of sophisticated motor-planning abilities.