147 resultados para Saffron (Spice)


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Introduction: Intoxications with colchicine usually occur by ingestion of meadow saffron leaves (Colchicum autumnale) which are mistakenly collected for alimentary purposes instead of the leaves of crow garlic (Allium ursinum). Colchicine, the main alkaloid of Colchicum autumnale, is present in all parts of the plant. We report a rarer source of mistake, i.e. between the flowers of Colchicum autumnale and Crocus sativus. The similarity in this case is limited to the appearance of the flowers, but Colchicum autumnale, which is also flowering in autumn, lacks the crimson stigma from which the saffron spice is derived from Crocus sativus. Case report: A 47-year-old woman collected the stamens of a flower resembling Crocus sativus for use as saffron. Her knowledge about Crocus sativus was limited to having seen this plant previously at a museum of saffron (Mund, Switzerland). She prepared a meal with rice using three pinches of ''saffron'' for ten tablespoons of rice. She and her 8-year-old child, both ate the usual amount of rice (6 and 2 tablespoons, respectively). The 2 brothers (4- and 9-years-old) only ate 3 teaspoons of rice each. A slightly bitter taste and the absence of a yellow colouration were peculiar. Three to four hours after the meal, the mother developed nausea and contacted the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre, suspecting a plant misidentification. All family members were referred to the regional university hospital for administration of oral activated charcoal. No other symptoms were reported, notably no symptoms in the 8-year-old boy and his brothers. Colchicine serum concentration (blood sample obtained 15 hours after ingestion) measured by HPLC-mass spectrometry was 0.36 mg/L for the mother, and 0.13 mg/L for the 8-year-old child, respectively (therapeutic levels: 0.30-2.5 mg/L). Conclusion: This report demonstrates that a significant amount of colchicine may be absorbed even after ingestion of very small quantities of Colchicum autumnale, which in this case was confused with Crocus sativus. Serum colchicine concentrations in the sub-/therapeutic range can be quantified by HPLC-mass spectrometry, which allows a very sensitive and specific detection of this alkaloid in blood and urine.


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Especie nueva para la flora catalano-aragonesa, encontrada en la Serreta Negra de Fraga y en la Valcuerna de Candasnos. Esta planta de origen póntico mediterráneo, debe añadirse a la lista de especies esteparias del Mediterráneo Oriental que se refugian en el Vedat de Fraga (O. DE BOLOS, Mem. Real Acad, Barcelona 42, n.° 6. 1973)


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Protein and peptide-based vaccines provide rigorously formulated antigens. However, these purified products are only weakly immunogenic by themselves and therefore require the addition of immunostimulatory components or adjuvants in the vaccine formulation. Various compounds derived from pathogens, minerals or plants, possess pro-inflammatory properties which allow them to act as adjuvants and contribute to the induction of an effective immune response. The results presented here demonstrate the adjuvant properties of novel saponins derived from the Spanish saffron Crocus sativus. In vivo immunization studies and tumor protection experiments unambiguously establish the value of saffron saponins as candidate adjuvants. These saponins were indeed able to increase both humoral and cellular immune responses to protein-based vaccines, ultimately providing a significant degree of protection against tumor challenge when administered in combination with a tumor antigen. This preclinical study provides an in depth immunological characterization of a new saponin as a vaccine adjuvant, and encourages its further development for use in vaccine formulations.


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This study is directed to examine how far price fluctuations in pepper can be controlled in the Indian context so as to have a reasonable and stable income for the primary producers which will ensure an adequate ‘encouragement for higher production and better export earnings. In a study of the methods of controlling violent price fluctuations a important question is that whether the present system of management of supply is satisfactory or not. It is more so when the demand is likely to be sanimlatsd by the importers and wholesalers of the foreign countries. Though pepper is the most important of all the spices gross in India, little work has been done so far to study the problems and prospects of this commodity.


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The source of samonella cross contamination in 15 retail chicken outlets in aresidual area in coimbatore city ,sourthern India was studied. Chopping boards and the butchers hands were predominant followed by knives and the weighing balance tray. Serotyping of the salmonella strains revealed that all strains were salmonella enteritis, except one which was found to be salmonella cerro.The anti bacterial activity of commonly used spices were evaluated.


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Unprocessed seafood harbor high number of bacteria, hence are more prone to spoilage. In this circumstance, the use of spice in fish for reduction of microorganism can play an important role in seafood processing. Many essential oils from herbs and spices are used widely in the food, health and personal care industries and are classified as GRAS (Generally regarded as safe) substances or are permitted food additives. A large number of these compounds have been the subject of extensive toxicological scrutiny. However, their principal function is to impart desirable flavours and aromas and not necessarily to act as antimicrobial agents. Given the high flavour and aroma impact to plant essential oils, the future for using these compound as food preservatives lies in the careful selection and evaluation of their efficacy at low concentrations but in combination with other chemical preservatives or preservation processes. For this reason they are worth of study alone or in combination with processing methods in order to establish if they could extend the shelf-life of foods. In this study, the effect of the spices, clove, turmeric, cardamom, oregano, rosemary and garlic in controlling the spoilage and pathogenic bacteria is investigated. Their effect on biogenic amine formation in tuna especially, histamine, as a result of bacterial control is also studied in detail. The contribution of spice oleoresin in the sensory and textural parameters is investigated using textural profile analysis and sensory panel. Finally, the potential of spices in quality stabilization and in increasing the shelf–life of tuna during frozen storage is analysed


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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This study evaluates the progress of children with cochlear implants on the Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation (SPICE) auditory training protocol.


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The construction sector is under growing pressure to increase productivity and improve quality, most notably in reports by Latham (1994, Constructing the Team, HMSO, London) and Egan (1998, Rethinking Construction, HMSO, London). A major problem for construction companies is the lack of project predictability. One method of increasing predictability and delivering increased customer value is through the systematic management of construction processes. However, the industry has no methodological mechanism to assess process capability and prioritise process improvements. Standardized Process Improvement for Construction Enterprises (SPICE) is a research project that is attempting to develop a stepwise process improvement framework for the construction industry, utilizing experience from the software industry, and in particular the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), which has resulted in significant productivity improvements in the software industry. This paper introduces SPICE concepts and presents the results from two case studies conducted on design and build projects. These studies have provided further in-sight into the relevance and accuracy of the framework, as well as its value for the construction sector.


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There is strong evidence for the link between high dietary sodium and increased risk of cardiovascular disease which drives the need to reduce salt content in foods. In this study, herb and spice blends were used to enhance consumer acceptability of a low salt tomato soup (0.26% w/w). Subjects (n=148) scored their liking of tomato soup samples over five consecutive days. The first and last days were pre-and post-exposure visits where all participants rated three tomato soup samples; standard, low salt and low salt with added herbs and spices. The middle 3 days were the repeated exposure phase where participants were divided into three balanced groups; consuming the standard soup, the low salt soup, or the low salt soup with added herbs and spices. Reducing salt in the tomato soup led to a significant decline in consumer acceptability, and incorporating herbs and spices did not lead to an immediate enhancement in liking. However, inclusion of herbs and spices enhanced the perception of the salty taste of the low salt soup to the same level as the standard. Repeated exposure to the herbs and spice-modified soup led to a significant increase in the overall liking and liking of flavour, texture and aftertaste of the soup, whereas no changes in liking were observed for the standard and low salt tomato soups over repeated exposure. Moreover, a positive trend in increasing the post-exposure liking of the herbs and spices soup was observed. The findings suggest that the use of herbs and spices is a useful approach to reduce salt content in foods; however, herbs and spices should be chosen carefully to complement the food as large contrasts in flavour can polarise consumer liking.


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Essential oils were obtained from fennel seeds, dill, cumin and coriander. Their antimicrobial activity was tested on isolated clinical specimens of patients treated at the University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, UNESP. Microorganisms were grown in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion/Oxoid) at 37oC/18 hours and resuspended in 0,5 Mac Farland's Standard (1,5 x 108 CFU/mL). The diffusion method was performed, putting 10 μl of the essential oils on paper disks (6mm of diameter) (Blank Disks/CECON) at 37oC/24 hours. After this period, the disks were put on plates containing Mueller Hinton Agar (Oxoid) and inoculated with the microorganisms. After 48 hours at 37oC, inhibitory zones were measured (mm) for the respective oils and strains. The essential oil from Anethum graveolens showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (inhibitory zone=18 mm), Salmonella sp. (=11 mm) and E. coli (10 mm). The Cuminum cyminum essential oil was effective against E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. and their inhibitory zones were 18, 10 and 23 mm, respectively. Coriandrum sativum oil was active only against Salmonella sp. (18 mm) and Foeniculum vulgare inhibited only E. coli (9 mm).


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Analisi di celle solari mediante simulatore di reti elettriche distribuite basato su Spice