996 resultados para Safe Zones


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his paper presents identification and mapping of vulnerable and safe zones for liquefaction hazard. About 850 bore logs data collected from geotechnical investigation reports have been used to estimate the liquefaction factor of safety for Bangalore Mahanagara palike (BMP) area of about 220 km(2). Liquefaction factor of safety is arrived based on surface level peak ground acceleration presented by Anbazhagan and Sitharam(5) and liquefaction resistance, using corrected standard penetration test (SPT) N values. The estimated factor of safety against liquefaction is used to estimate liquefaction potential index and liquefaction severity index. These values are mapped using Geographical information system (GIS) to identify the vulnerable and safe zones in Bangalore. This study shows that more than 95% of the BMP area is safe against liquefaction potential. However the western part of the BMP is not safe against liquefaction, as it may be subjected to liquefaction with probability of 35 to 65%. Three approaches used in this study show that 1) mapping least factor of safety irrespective of depth may be used to find liquefiable area for worst case. 2) mapping liquefaction potential index can be used to assess the liquefaction severity of the area by considering layer thickness and factor of safety and 3) mapping of liquefaction severity index can be used to access the probability of liquefaction of area.


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In his December 2014 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Stephen Lovegrove shares his story coming to Winthrop as an “out” student recently kicked out of a religious college. Lovegrove details his perception of the attitude toward LGBTQ people and issues in Winthrop and Rock Hill. Lovegrove identifies resources in the community that are beneficial to LGBTQ people. He also comments on the LGBTQ social movement in terms of growing acceptance and the challenges it will face. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.


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On average, 560 fatal run-off-road crashes occur annually in Australia and 135 in New Zealand. In addition, there are more than 14,000 run-off-road crashes causing injuries each year across both countries. In rural areas, run-off-road casualty crashes constitute 50-60% of all casualty crashes. Their severity is particularly high with more than half of those involved sustaining fatal or serious injuries. This paper reviews the existing approach to roadside hazard risk assessment, selection of clear zones and hazard treatments. It proposes a modified approach to roadside safety evaluation and management. It is a methodology based on statistical modelling of run-off-road casualty crashes, and application of locally developed crash modification factors and severity indices. Clear zones, safety barriers and other roadside design/treatment options are evaluated with a view to minimise fatal and serious injuries – the key Safe System objective. The paper concludes with a practical demonstration of the proposed approach. The paper is based on findings from a four-year Austroads research project into improving roadside safety in the Safe System context.


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Les risques liés à l’environnement immédiat, notamment le manque d’accès à l’eau potable, à l’assainissement, à un logement décent et à un milieu de vie sain constituent un des facteurs à l’origine de la mauvaise santé des enfants de moins de cinq ans dans les pays en développement. Les objectifs principaux poursuivis dans cette recherche sont de mesurer l’influence de ces risques de l’environnement immédiat sur la prévalence des symptômes des troubles oculaires et celle des symptômes des troubles cutanés chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans à Ouagadougou et de rechercher les autres déterminants sous-jacents de la prévalence de ces symptômes dans cette ville. Nous utilisons les données de l’enquête réalisée en février 2010 sur l’état de santé et le comportement sanitaire associé aux maladies et symptômes récents et les données sur les événements démographiques et sur les conditions de vie des ménages collectées en mai 2009 durant le round 1 de l’enquête ménage. L’échantillon de l’étude est constitué de 950 enfants issus de 736 ménages sélectionnés aléatoirement dans cinq quartiers périphériques de la ville de Ouagadougou. Nous avons recouru à l’analyse descriptive fondée sur les tableaux croisés et les tests du chi-2, et à l’analyse de la régression logistique multivariée ayant permis d’étudier les risques relatifs de la survenue desdits symptômes. L’analyse descriptive montre que certaines variables de l’environnement immédiat, en l’occurrence le mode d’évacuation des ordures ménagères, le type de toilette utilisé le plus souvent par la plupart des membres du ménage et le type de quartier de résidence, sont associés à la prévalence des troubles oculaires. Mais une analyse approfondie à l’aide de la régression logistique multivariée n’a confirmé que l’effet du type de quartier de résidence. Concernant la prévalence des symptômes des troubles cutanés, en analyse bi-variée, les variables de l’environnement immédiat qui y sont associées sont la nature du sol intérieur et le mode d’évacuation des eaux usées. L’analyse multivariée semble confirmer les effets de ces variables. Nous avons relevé quelques limites des données utilisées, notamment la faible taille de l’échantillon, la non-confirmation par voie médicale des données sanitaires et le caractère transversal desdites données. Toutefois, les résultats trouvés pourront être utiles aux planificateurs et décideurs qui ont la charge de la gestion de l’espace urbain dans le but de mieux concevoir de nouvelles politiques urbaines mettant l’accent sur la restructuration des quartiers précaires afin de mieux combattre les maladies évitables. En conclusion, en tenant compte des limites relevées, il serait utile de procéder à d’autres investigations afin de tirer des conclusions moins sujettes à débat du point de vue méthodologique.


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This work presents a navigation system for UGVs in large outdoor environments; virtual obstacles are added to the system in order to avoid zones that may present risks to the UGV or the elements in its surroundings. The platform, software architecture and the modifications necessary to handle the virtual obstacles are explained in detail. Several tests have been performed and their results show that the system proposed is capable of performing safe navigation in complex environments.


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In many areas of northern India, salinity renders groundwater unsuitable for drinking and even for irrigation. Though membrane treatment can be used to remove the salt, there are some drawbacks to this approach e.g. (1) depletion of the groundwater due to over-abstraction, (2) saline contamination of surface water and soil caused by concentrate disposal and (3) high electricity usage. To address these issues, a system is proposed in which a photovoltaic-powered reverse osmosis (RO) system is used to irrigate a greenhouse (GH) in a stand-alone arrangement. The concentrate from the RO is supplied to an evaporative cooling system, thus reducing the volume of the concentrate so that finally it can be evaporated in a pond to solid for safe disposal. Based on typical meteorological data for Delhi, calculations based on mass and energy balance are presented to assess the sizing and cost of the system. It is shown that solar radiation, freshwater output and evapotranspiration demand are readily matched due to the approximately linear relation among these variables. The demand for concentrate varies independently, however, thus favouring the use of a variable recovery arrangement. Though enough water may be harvested from the GH roof to provide year-round irrigation, this would require considerable storage. Some practical options for storage tanks are discussed. An alternative use of rainwater is in misting to reduce peak temperatures in the summer. An example optimised design provides internal temperatures below 30EC (monthly average daily maxima) for 8 months of the year and costs about €36,000 for the whole system with GH floor area of 1000 m2 . Further work is needed to assess technical risks relating to scale-deposition in the membrane and evaporative pads, and to develop a business model that will allow such a project to succeed in the Indian rural context.


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Articular cartilage damage is a persistent and increasing problem with the aging population, and treatments to achieve biological repair or restoration remain a challenge. Cartilage tissue engineering approaches have been investigated for over 20 years, but have yet to achieve the consistency and effectiveness for widespread clinical use. One of the potential reasons for this is that the engineered tissues do not have or establish the normal zonal organization of cells and extracellular matrix that appears critical for normal tissue function. A number of approaches are being taken currently to engineer tissue that more closely mimics the organization of native articular cartilage. This review focuses on the zonal organization of native articular cartilage, strategies being used to develop such organization, the reorganization that occurs after culture or implantation, and future prospects for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage with biomimetic zones.


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Professional prac− tice guidelines for endoscope reprocessing re− commend reprocessing endoscopes between each case and proper storage following repro− cessing after the last case of the list. There is lim− ited empirical evidence to support the efficacy of endoscope reprocessing prior to use in the first case of the day; however, internationally, many guidelines continue to recommend this practice. The aim of this study is to estimate a safe shelf life for flexible endoscopes in a high−turnover gastroenterology unit. Materials and methods: In a prospective obser− vational study, all flexible endoscopes in active service during the 3−week study period were mi− crobiologically sampled prior to reprocessing be− fore the first case of the day (n = 200). The main outcome variables were culture status, organism cultured, and shelf life. Results: Among the total number of useable samples (n = 194), the overall contamination rate was 15.5 %, with a pathogenic contamination rate of 0.5 %. Mean time between last case one day and reprocessing before the first case on the next day (that is, shelf life) was 37.62 h (SD 36.47). Median shelf life was 18.8 h (range 5.27± 165.35 h). The most frequently identified organ− ism was coagulase−negative Staphylococcus, an environmental nonpathogenic organism. Conclusions: When processed according to es− tablished guidelines, flexible endoscopes remain free from pathogenic organisms between last case and next day first case use. Significant re− ductions in the expenditure of time and resources on reprocessing endoscopes have the potential to reduce the restraints experienced by high−turnover endoscopy units and improve ser− vice delivery.


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Children with early and continuously treated phenylketonuria (ECT-PKU) remain at risk of developing executive function (EF) deficits. There is some evidence that a high phenylalanine to tyrosine ratio (phe:tyr) is more strongly associated with impaired EF development than high phenylalanine alone. This study examined EF in a sample of 11 adolescents against concurrent and historical levels of phenylalanine, phe:tyr, and tyrosine. Lifetime measures of phe:tyr were more strongly associated with EF than phenylalanine-only measures. Children with a lifetime phe:tyr less than 6 demonstrated normal EF, whereas children who had a lifetime phe:tyr above 6, on average, demonstrated clinically impaired EF.


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Data breach notification laws require organisations to notify affected persons or regulatory authorities when an unauthorised acquisition of personal data occurs. Most laws provide a safe harbour to this obligation if acquired data has been encrypted. There are three types of safe harbour: an exemption; a rebuttable presumption and factor-based analysis. We demonstrate, using three condition-based scenarios, that the broad formulation of most encryption safe harbours is based on the flawed assumption that encryption is the silver bullet for personal information protection. We then contend that reliance upon an encryption safe harbour should be dependent upon a rigorous and competent risk-based review that is required on a case-by-case basis. Finally, we recommend the use of both an encryption safe harbour and a notification trigger as our preferred choice for a data breach notification regulatory framework.