887 resultados para Saadiyat Island


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We examined the distribution, abundance and density of the Kelp Gull, Larus dominicanus (Lichtenstein, 1823), at Keller Peninsula on two occasions during the breeding season of 2007-2008 (once for incubation and once for chick stages) and compared our results with previously published data. We present information on the number of eggs, incubation success, and initial development of L. dominicanus chicks in the studied sites. The abundance and density of the species has remained statistically similar in Keller Peninsula over the last 30 years (since 1978-1979). Although the abundance and density were almost unchanged, we recorded alterations in the occupation of the breeding areas by L. dominicanus, mainly the abandonment of breeding sites in the eastern portion of Keller Peninsula. The results of the present study compared with similar previous investigations on the abundance of L. dominicanus indicate that the populations have been in equilibrium over the years.


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This paper examines the role of parent rock, pedogenetic processes and airborne pollution in heavy metal accumulation in soils from a remote oceanic island, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. We studied five soil profiles developed from different volcanic rocks. Mineralogical composition and total concentrations of major and trace elements were determined in 43 samples. The obtained concentrations range for heavy metals were: Co: 26-261 ppm; Cu: 35-97 ppm; Cr: 350-1446 ppm; Ni: 114-691 ppm; Zn: 101-374 ppm; Hg: 2-150 ppb. The composition of soils is strongly affected by the geochemical character of the parent rock. Pedogenesis appears to be responsible for the accumulation of Zn, Co, and, to a lesser extent, of Ni and Cu, in the upper, Mn- and organic carbon-enriched horizons of the soil profiles. Pedogenic influence may also explain the relationship observed between Cr and the Fe. Hg is likely to have been added to the soil profile by long-range atmospheric transport. Its accumulation in the topsoil was further favoured by the formation of stable complexes with organic matter. Clay minerals do not appear to play an important role in the fixation of heavy metals.


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Maraj Island shows an abundance of paleochannels easily mapped in its eastern portion, where vegetation consists mostly of savannas. SRTM data make possible to recognize paleochannels also in western Maraj, even considering the dense forest cover. A well preserved paleodrainage network from the adjacency of the town of Breves (southwestern Maraj Island) was investigated in this work combining remote sensing and sedimentological studies. The palimpsest drainage system consists of a large meander connected to narrower tributaries. Sedimentological studies revealed mostly sharp-based, fining upward sands for the channelized features, and interbedded muds and sands for floodplain areas. The sedimentary structures and facies successions are in perfect agreement with deposition in channelized and floodplain environments, as suggested by remote sensing mapping. The present study shows that this paleodrainage was abandoned during Late Pleistocene, slightly earlier than the Holocene paleochannel systems from the east part of the island. Integration of previous studies with the data available herein supports a tectonic origin, related to the opening of the Par River along fault lineaments. This would explain the disappearance of large, north to northeastward migrating channel systems in southwestern Maraj Island, which were replaced by the much narrower, south to southeastward flowing modern channels.


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OBJECTIVE: to estimate the prevalence of contraceptive use and associated factors among adolescents attending public schools on Santiago Island, Cape Verde. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was carried out with 368 sexually active adolescents aged 13-17years attending eight public elementary and high schools, randomly selected, on Santiago Island, Cape Verde, between January and March 2007. Poisson regression with robust variance was used for the multiple analysis of risk factors, at a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: among 368 adolescents, 69.3% reported having used a contraceptive method during the last act of sexual intercourse. The most frequently used method were condom (94.9%) and pill (26.4%). Factors significantly and positively associated with contraceptive use were: living in the capital (PR=1.23; CI95%: 1.07; 1.39); having dated and had sexual intercourse (PR =1.53; CI95%: 1.14;2.06); and having more than nine years of schooling (PR=1.19; CI95%: 1.02; 1.38). CONCLUSIONS: more educated adolescents who studied in Praia (the capital city) and were dating at the time of the study were more likely to use contraception. The high prevalence of condom use and the association between contraception use and years of schooling among adolescents may indicate that sexual and reproductive health policies have produced positive outcomes that may account for the decrease in HIV infection.


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Foram analisados fatores associados ao incio da vida sexual de adolescentes na Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde, segundo sexo. Estudo realizado com amostra probabilstica e representativa de 768 adolescentes, age 13-17 anos, de escolas secundrias pblicas da Ilha de Santiago em 2007. A associao foi testada pelo teste de proporo, qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Fisher e regresso logstica. Nos rapazes, os fatores associados ao incio da vida sexual foram: idade maior que 14 anos, ser catlico e consumo de bebidas alcolicas. Para meninas: escolaridade maior que nove anos e ter parceiro afetivo-sexual. Ao contrrio de outros contextos da frica Subsaariana, foram constatadas taxas elevadas de uso de preservativo por adolescentes no incio da vida sexual. Os adolescentes podem iniciar a vida sexual de maneira mais segura se tiverem informao, educao sexual e acesso a mtodos de preveno gravidez e s DST. Este artigo oferece elementos para a reflexo sobre o delineamento de polticas de reduo da vulnerabilidade dos jovens s DST/AIDS e sobre os limites e desafios da promoo do uso do preservativo e educao sexual, focando as relaes desiguais de gnero


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The reconstruction of physical environments of Amazonian areas is of great interest to determine the dynamic evolution of the Amazon drainage basin. However. few studies have emphasized the Quaternary deposits in this region. which is mostly due to the lack of natural exposures imposed by the low topography. This work integrates facies analysis. radiocarbon dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N of an 124 m-thick core from an area located at the mouth of the Amazon River. northeastern Amazonia. The study records deposits up to 50.795 (14)C yr B P. in age. which formed in a variety of depositional environments including fluvial channel, tidal flat, outer estuarine basin to shallow marine. inner estuarine basin, estuarine channel and lagoon. Facies interpretation was significantly improved with the inclusion of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N analyses of organic matter extracted from the sediments The obtained values conform to a transitional. mostly estuarine paleosetting evolved during successive relative sea-level fluctuations. The results suggest fluvial deposition between 40,950 (+/- 590) and 50.795 (14)C yr B P, with a rise in relative sea level that commenced between 35,567 (+/- 649) and 39,079 (+/- 1114) (14)C yr B P. An overall transgression took place until 29,340 (+/- 340) (14)C yr B P., after which the relative sea level dropped, favoring valley rejuvenation and incision. Following this time up to 10,479 (+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P. a rise in relative sea level filled up the valley with estuarine deposits After 10.479(+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P., the estuary was replaced by a lagoon At the end of the Holocene, the coastline prograided approximately 45 km northward, replaci ng the lagoon by a lake system Despite the influence of eustatic fluctuations. regional tectonics played a significant role to create new space where these Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments accumulated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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Here we report the isolation of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) from cloacal swabs obtained from penguins in the South Atlantic Antarctic region (62 degrees 08S, 58 degrees 25W). Samples of 100 penguins from King George Island were tested by real-time PCR, of which 2 (2%) were positive for NDV. The positive samples were isolated in embryonated chicken eggs and their matrix and fusion proteins genes were partially sequenced. This was complemented by the serological study performed on the blood of the same specimens, which resulted in a 33.3% rate of positivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As seen from adjacent shed spaces, looking towards house and water beyond.


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View from ocean to holiday house pavilions.


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As seen from hill behind.


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View past bedroom pavilions, through the covered walkway to living room pavilion.


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Caretakers house in foreground, holiday house and ocean beyond.