6 resultados para SXR


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Hepatic hydroxylation is an essential step in the metabolism and excretion of bile acids and is necessary to avoid pathologic conditions such as cholestasis and liver damage. In this report, we demonstrate that the human xenobiotic receptor SXR (steroid and xenobiotic receptor) and its rodent homolog PXR (pregnane X receptor) serve as functional bile acid receptors in both cultured cells and animals. In particular, the secondary bile acid derivative lithocholic acid (LCA) is highly hepatotoxic and, as we show here, a metabolic substrate for CYP3A hydroxylation. By using combinations of knockout and transgenic animals, we show that activation of SXR/PXR is necessary and sufficient to both induce CYP3A enzymes and confer resistance to toxicity by LCA, as well as other xenotoxicants such as tribromoethanol and zoxazolamine. Therefore, we establish SXR and PXR as bile acid receptors and a role for the xenobiotic response in the detoxification of bile acids.


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We earlier described three lines of sex-reversed XY female mice deleted for sequences believed close to the testes-determining gene (Sry) on the Y chromosome short arm (Yp). The original sex-reversed females appeared among the offspring of XY males that carried the Yp duplication Sxr on their X chromosome. Earlier cytogenetic observations had suggested that the deletions resulted from asymmetrical meiotic recombination between the Y and the homologous Sxr region, but no direct evidence for this hypothesis was available. We have now analyzed the offspring of XSxr/Y males carrying an evolutionarily divergent Mus musculus domesticus Y chromosome, which permits detection and characterization of such recombination events. This analysis has enabled the derivation of a recombination map of Yp and Sxr, also demonstrating the orientation of Yp with respect to the Y centromere. The mapping data have established that Rbm, the murine homologue of a gene family cloned from the human Y chromosome, lies between Sry and the centromere. Analysis of two additional XY female lines shows that asymmetrical Yp-Sxr recombination leading to XY female sex reversal results in deletion of Rbm sequences. The deletions bring Sry closer to Y centromere, consistent with the hypothesis that position-effect inactivation of Sry is the basis for the sex reversal.


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A model is suggested for mammalian male determination based on interactions postulated to occur among an autosomal repressor gene, an X-linked male-determining gene termed Tdx, and multiple copies of certain DNA sequences on the Y chromosome that do not code for any protein. The repressor, synthesised in limited amounts, has higher affinity for the Y-linked sequences than for Tdx and its affinity for Tdx is greater than that of RNA polymerase. In XY cells the Y effectively binds all available repressor, permitting transcription of Tdx to occur. In XX cells, since competition from the Y-linked high-affinity sequences is absent, the repressor binds to Tdx and prevents transcription. As a result of this competition between Tdx and the Y-linked high-affinity sites for limiting concentrations of the autosomal repressor, the product of the Tdx gene (TDX) is synthesized in the male but not in the female. It is suggested that in determination of the male sex, the role of the Y chromosome is to serve as a sink for the Tdx repressor. The proposed interactions provide a plausible explanation for the genetic properties of several anomalies of sexual development in mouse, man, and other mammals. The model suggests that the postulated multiple, highaffinity sequences on the Y chromosome of the mouse are included among the DNA sequences referred to as the Sxr-Bkm sequences.


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Observations of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission from an X-class solar flare that occurred on 2011 February 15 at 01: 44 UT are presented, obtained using the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The complete EVE spectral range covers the free-bound continua of H I (Lyman continuum), He I, and He II, with recombination edges at 91.2, 50.4, and 22.8 nm, respectively. By fitting the wavelength ranges blueward of each recombination edge with an exponential function, light curves of each of the integrated continua were generated over the course of the flare, as was emission from the free-free continuum (6.5-37 nm). The He II 30.4 nm and Ly alpha 121.6 nm lines, and soft X-ray (SXR; 0.1-0.8 nm) emission from GOES are also included for comparison. Each free-bound continuum was found to have a rapid rise phase at the flare onset similar to that seen in the 25-50 keV light curves from RHESSI, suggesting that they were formed by recombination with free electrons in the chromosphere. However, the free-free emission exhibited a slower rise phase seen also in the SXR emission from GOES, implying a predominantly coronal origin. By integrating over the entire flare the total energy emitted via each process was determined. We find that the flare energy in the EVE spectral range amounts to at most a few percent of the total flare energy, but EVE gives us a first comprehensive look at these diagnostically important continuum components.


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Thermogravimetry (TG), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and other analytical techniques were used to study the reactions of mercury with Pt-30% Ir alloy. The results allowed to suggest that an electrodeposited mercury film interacts with the substrate and when subjected to heat or electrochemical removal at least four mass loss steps or five peaks appeared during the mercury desorption process. The first two steps were attributed to Hg(0) removal probably from the bulk and from the adsorbed monolayer which wets the electrode surface. These two processes are responsible for peaks D and F in the cyclic voltammograms. The last two peaks (G, H) in CV were ascribed to the intermetallic compound decomposition. In TG curves, the last two steps were attributed to the PtHg4 (third step), and PtHg2 decomposition followed by Hg removal from the subsurface. The PtHg2 was formed by an eutectoide reaction: PtHg -> PtHg2+Hg(Pt-Ir). The Hg diffused to the subsurface was not detectable by cyclic voltammetry.


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Este trabalho descreve o estudo das instabilidades magneto-hidro-dinâmicas (MHD) comumente observadas nas descargas elétricas de plasma no tokamak TCABR, do Instituto de Física da USP. Dois diagnósticos principais foram empregados para observar essas instabilidades: um conjunto poloidal de 24 bobinas magnéticas (bobinas de Mirnov) colocadas próximas à borda do plasma e um medidor de emissões na faixa do Ultra Violeta e de raios X moles com 20 canais (sistema SXR), cujo circuito de condicionamento de sinais foi aprimorado como parte deste trabalho. Esses diagnósticos foram escolhidos porque fornecem informações complementares, uma vez que o sistema SXR observa a parte central da coluna de plasma, enquanto as bobinas de Mirnov detectam as instabilidades MHD na região mais externa da coluna. As informações coletadas por esses diagnósticos foram submetidas à análise espectral com resolução temporal e espacial, possibilitando determinar a evolução das características espectrais e espaciais das instabilidades MHD observadas. Essas análises revelaram que durante a etapa inicial da formação do plasma (quando a corrente de plasma ainda está aumentando) ilhas magnéticas com números de onda decrescente, identificadas como sendo modos kink de borda, são detectadas nas bobinas de Mirnov. Após a formação do plasma, quando os parâmetros de equilíbrio estão relativamente estáveis (platô), oscilações são detectadas tanto nas bobinas de Mirnov quanto no sistema de SXR, indicando a presença de instabilidades MHD em toda a coluna de plasma. Em geral as oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov tem baixa amplitude e correspondem a pequenas ilhas magnéticas que foram identificadas como sendo modos de ruptura (modos tearing). Por outro lado, as instabilidades na região central foram identificadas como dentes de serra, que correspondem a relaxações periódicas da região interna à superfície magnética com fator de segurança q=1 e que são acompanhadas de oscilações precursoras, cuja amplitude depende da fase do ciclo de relaxação. Devido à essa modulação de amplitude, aparecem picos de frequência satélite nos espectrogramas dos sinais do SXR. Além disso, devido ao fato dos ciclos de relaxação não serem sinusoidais, os harmônicos da frequência de relaxação também aparecem nesses espectrogramas. No entanto, em muitas descargas do TCABR, a intensidade das oscilações medidas nas bobinas de Mirnov aumentam significativamente durante o platô, com efeitos sobre a frequência de todas as instabilidades MHD, até mesmo sobre os dentes de serra localizados na região central da coluna. Em todos os casos, observou-se que durante o platô a frequência das ilhas magnéticas coincide com a frequência das oscilações precursoras do dente de serra, apesar de serem duas instabilidades distintas, localizadas em posições radiais muito diferentes. Essa coincidência de frequências possibilitou descrever a evolução em frequência de todas as oscilações detectadas em diversos diagnósticos com base em apenas duas frequências básicas: a dos ciclos de relaxação dente de serra e a das ilhas magnéticas.