569 resultados para SUTURE GRANULOMA


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The Palghat–Cauvery suture zone in southern India separates Archaean crustal blocks to the north and the Proterozoic Madurai block to the south. Here we present the first detailed study of a partially retrogressed eclogite (from within the Sittampundi anorthositic complex in the suture zone) that occurs as a 20-cm wide layer in a garnet gabbro layer in anorthosite. The eclogite largely consists of an assemblage of coexisting porphyroblasts of almandine–pyrope garnet and augitic clinopyroxene. However, a few garnets contain inclusions of omphacite. Rims and symplectites composed of Na–Ca amphibole and plagioclase form a retrograde assemblage. Petrographic analysis and calculated phase equilibria indicate that garnet–omphacite–rutile–melt was the peak metamorphic assemblage and that it formed at ca. 20 kbar and above 1000 °C. The eclogite was exhumed on a very tight hairpin-type, anticlockwise P–T path, which we relate to subduction and exhumation in the Palghat–Cauvery suture zone. The REE composition of the minerals suggests a basaltic oceanic crustal protolith metamorphosed in a subduction regime. Geological–structural relations combined with geophysical data from the Palghat–Cauvery suture zone suggest that the eclogite facies metamorphism was related to formation of the suture zone. Closure of the Mozambique Ocean led to development of the suture zone and to its western extension in the Betsimisaraka suture of Madagascar.


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The garnet-kyanite-staurolite and garnet-biotite-staurolite gneisses were collected from a locality within Lukung area that belongs to the Pangong metamorphic complex in Shyok valley, Ladakh Himalaya. The kyanite-free samples have garnet and staurolite in equilibrium, where garnets show euhedral texture and have flat compositional profile. On the other hand, the kyanite-bearing sample shows equilibrium assemblage of garnet-kyanite-staurolite along with muscovite and biotite. In this case, garnet has an inclusion rich core with a distinct grain boundary, which was later overgrown by inclusion free euhedral garnet. Garnet cores are rich in Mn and Ca, while the rims are poor in Mn and rich in Fe and Mg, suggesting two distinct generations of growth. However, the compositional profiles and textural signature of garnets suggests the same stage of P -T evolution for the formation of the inclusion free euhedral garnets in the kyanite-free gneisses and the inclusion free euhedral garnet rims in the kyanite-bearing gneiss. Muscovites from the four samples have consistent K-Ar ages, suggesting the cooling age (∼ 10 Ma) of the gneisses. These ages make a constraint on the timing of the youngest post-collision metamorphic event that may be closely related to an activation of the Karakoram fault in Pangong metamorphic complex.


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Sormen koukistajajännevamman korjauksen jälkeisen aktiivisen mobilisaation on todettu johtavan parempaan toiminnalliseen lopputulokseen kuin nykyisin yleisesti käytetyn dynaamisen mobilisaation. Aktiivisen mobilisaation ongelma on jännekorjauksen pettämisriskin lisääntyminen nykyisten ommeltekniikoiden riittämättömän vahvuuden vuoksi. Jännekorjauksen lujuutta on parannettu kehittämällä monisäieommeltekniikoita, joissa jänteeseen tehdään useita rinnakkaisia ydinompeleita. Niiden kliinistä käyttöä rajoittaa kuitenkin monimutkainen ja aikaa vievä tekninen suoritus. Käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa käytetään yleisesti sulamattomia ommelmateriaaleja. Nykyiset käytössä olevat biohajoavat langat heikkenevät liian nopeasti jänteen paranemiseen nähden. Biohajoavan laktidistereokopolymeeri (PLDLA) 96/4 – langan vetolujuuden puoliintumisajan sekä kudosominaisuuksien on aiemmin todettu soveltuvan koukistajajännekorjaukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää välittömän aktiivisen mobilisaation kestävä ja toteutukseltaan yksinkertainen käden koukistajajännekorjausmenetelmä biohajoavaa PLDLA 96/4 –materiaalia käyttäen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin viiden eri yleisesti käytetyn koukistajajänneompeleen biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa ydinompeleen rakenteellisten ominaisuuksien – 1) säikeiden (lankojen) lukumäärän, 2) langan paksuuden ja 3) ompeleen konfiguraation – vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi jännekorjauksen pettämiseen ja vahvuuteen. Jännekorjausten näkyvän avautumisen todettiin alkavan perifeerisen ompeleen pettäessä voima-venymäkäyrän myötöpisteessä. Ydinompeleen lankojen lukumäärän lisääminen paransi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä ja suurensi korjauksen myötövoimaa. Sen sijaan paksumman (vahvemman) langan käyttäminen tai ompeleen konfiguraatio eivät vaikuttaneet myötövoimaan. Tulosten perusteella tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia lisätä ompeleen pitokykyä jänteestä yksinkertaisella monisäieompeleella, jossa ydinommel tehtiin kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla tai nauhamaisen rakenteen omaavalla kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla. Nauhamainen rakenne lisäsi merkitsevästi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä parantaen myötövoimaa sekä maksimivoimaa. Korjauksen vahvuus ylitti aktiivisen mobilisaation jännekorjaukseen kohdistaman kuormitustason. PLDLA 96/4 –langan soveltuvuutta koukistajajännekorjaukseen selvitettiin tutkimalla langan biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia ja solmujen pito-ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa verrattuna yleisimmin jännekorjauksessa käytettävään punottuun polyesterilankaan (Ticron®). PLDLA –langan todettiin soveltuvan hyvin koukistajajännekorjaukseen, sillä se on polyesterilankaa venymättömämpi ja solmujen pitävyys on parempi. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin PLDLA 96/4 –langasta valmistetulla kolmisäikeisellä, nauhamaisella jännekorjausvälineellä tehdyn jännekorjauksen kestävyyttä staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa sekä syklisessä kuormituksessa, joka simuloi staattista testausta paremmin mobilisaation toistuvaa kuormitusta. PLDLA-korjauksen vahvuus ylitti sekä staattisessa että syklisessä kuormituksessa aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän vahvuuden. Nauhamaista litteää ommelmateriaalia ei aiemmin ole tutkittu tai käytetty käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa ommelmateriaalin nauhamainen rakenne paransi merkitsevästi jännekorjauksen vahvuutta, minkä arvioidaan johtuvan lisääntyneestä kontaktipinnasta jänteen ja ommelmateriaalin välillä estäen ompeleen läpileikkautumista jänteessä. Tutkimuksessa biohajoavasta PLDLA –materiaalista valmistetulla rakenteeltaan nauhamaisella kolmisäikeisellä langalla tehdyn jännekorjauksen vahvuus saavutti aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän tason. Lisäksi uusi menetelmä on helppokäyttöinen ja sillä vältetään perinteisten monisäieompeleiden tekniseen suoritukseen liittyvät ongelmat.


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We report detailed evidence for a new paleo-suture zone (the Kumta suture) on the western margin of southern India. The c. 15-km-wide, westward dipping suture zone contains garnet-biotite, fuchsite-haematite, chlorite-quartz, quartz-phengite schists, biotite augen gneiss, marble and amphibolite. The isochemical phase diagram estimations and the high-Si phengite composition of quartz-phengite schist suggest a near-peak condition of c. 18 kbar at c. 550 degrees C, followed by near-isothermal decompression. The detrital SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from quartz-phengite schist give four age populations ranging from 3280 to 2993 Ma. Phengite from quartz-phengite schist and biotite from garnet-biotite schist have K-Ar metamorphic ages of ca. 1326 and ca. 1385 Ma respectively. Electron microprobe-CHIME ages of in situ zircons in quartz-phengite schist (ca. 3750 Ma and ca. 1697 Ma) are consistent with the above results. The Bondla ultramafic-gabbro complex in the west of the Kumta suture compositionally represents an arc with K-Ar biotite ages from gabbro in the range 1644-1536 Ma. On the eastern side of the suture are weakly deformed and unmetamorphosed shallow westward-dipping sedimentary rocks of the Sirsi shelf, which has the following upward stratigraphy: pebbly quartzite/sandstone, turbidite, magnetite iron formation, and limestone; farther east the lower lying quartzite has an unconformable contact with ca. 2571 Ma quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Dharwar block with a ca. 1733 Ma biotite cooling age. To the west of the suture is a c. 60-km-wide Karwar block mainly consisting of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) and amphibolite. The TTGs have U-Pb zircon magmatic ages of ca. 3200 Ma with a rare inherited core age of ca. 3601 Ma. The K-Ar biotite cooling age from the TTGs (1746 Ma and 1796 Ma) and amphibolite (ca. 1697 Ma) represents late-stage uplift. Integration of geological, structural and geochronological data from western India and eastern Madagascar suggest diachronous ocean closure during the amalgamation of Rodinia; in the north at around ca. 1380 Ma, and a progression toward the south until ca. 750 Ma. Satellite imagery based regional structural lineaments suggests that the Betsimisaraka suture continues into western India as the Kumta suture and possibly farther south toward a suture in the Coorg area, representing in total a c. 1000 km long Rodinian suture. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis (TB) pleural disease is complicated by extensive tissue destruction. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 and -9 are implicated in immunopathology of pulmonary and central nervous system TB. There are few data on MMP activity in TB pleurisy. The present study investigated MMP-1, -2 and -9 and their specific inhibitors (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and -2) in tuberculous effusions, and correlated these with clinical and histopathological features. Clinical data, routine blood tests, and pleural fluid/biopsy material were obtained from 89 patients presenting with pleural effusions in a TB-endemic area. MMP-1, -2 and -9 were measured by zymography or western blot, and TIMP-1 and -2 by ELISA. Pleural biopsies were examined microscopically, cultured for acid–alcohol fast bacilli and immunostained for MMP-9. Tuberculous pleural effusions contained the highest concentrations of MMP-9 compared with malignant effusions or heart failure transudates. MMP-9 concentrations were highest in effusions from patients with granulomatous biopsies: median (interquartile range) 108 (61–218) pg·mL-1 versus 43 (12–83) pg·mL-1 in those with nongranulomatous pleural biopsies. MMP-1 and -2 were not upregulated in tuberculous pleural fluid. The ratio of MMP-9:TIMP-1 was significantly higher in TB effusions. Tuberculous pleurisy is characterised by a specific pattern of matrix metalloproteinase-9 upregulation, correlating with the presence of granulomas and suggesting a specific role for matrix metalloproteinase-9 in inflammatory responses in tuberculous pleural disease.


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PURPOSE: To report a new technique to correct tube position in anterior chamber after glaucoma drainage device implantation.

PATIENT AND METHODS: A patient who underwent a glaucoma drainage device implantation was noted to have the tube touching the corneal endothelium. A 10/0 polypropylene suture with double-armed 3-inch long straight needle was placed transcamerally from limbus to limbus, in the superior part of the eye, passing the needle in front of the tube.

RESULTS: The position of the tube in the anterior chamber was corrected with optimal distance from corneal endothelium and iris surface. The position remained satisfactory after 20 months of follow-up.

CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a transcameral suture offers a safe, quick, and minimal invasive intervention for the correction of the position of a glaucoma drainage device tube in the anterior chamber.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue compared with microsuturing technique in peripheral nerve reanastomosis in rats.

STUDY DESIGN: Fourteen young adult white rats were used. Bilateral sciatic neurotomies were performed in 12 of them and then reanastomosed with 3 epineural microsutures in the right side (study group G1) and with n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue in the left side (study group G2). On the remaining 2 rats (control group G3), sham surgery was done on both sides. Biopsies were harvested 12 weeks after surgery and examined under light microscope using Osmic acid stains. The number of nerve fibers was counted in the distal and proximal nerve segments, and the results were analyzed and compared in all groups.

RESULTS: Adequate regeneration with no anastomotic ruptures was seen 12 weeks after surgery in G1 and G2. The histomorphometric assessment showed no statistically significant difference (P = .960) in the neurotization index of G1 (89.01%) compared with G2 (88.97%). There was a significant (P = .001) reduction in the mean number of axon counts distal to the repair in G1 (271.3) and G2 (272.8) compared with that of the proximal segments of each study group (304.6 and 303, respectively, as well as to that of G3 (348.5).

CONCLUSION: Both n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate adhesive and 3-microsuture techniques showed comparable neurotization indices and were equally adequate to stabilize the nerve during regeneration period.


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A schistosomose é uma doença parasitária que afecta cerca de 200 milhões de pessoas, com alta prevalência nos trópicos e que origina um grave problema de saúde pública. Ao longo da infecção, o sistema imunitário tenta de várias formas combater a presença do parasita. Inicialmente ocorre uma resposta imune mediada por células do tipo Th1, com o progresso da infecção, a resposta é substituída por uma resposta do tipo Th2 induzida durante a formação de granulomas. Este surge como resposta à presença de produtos tóxicos libertados pelos ovos do parasita retido nos tecidos. O fígado é o principal alvo do depósito de ovos, sofrendo alterações fisiopatológicas, e histológicas. O Mus musculus tem sido muito utilizados na infecção experimental por Schistosoma mansoni, para melhor se conhecer o papel da resposta imunitária na formação de granulomas hepáticos. No decorrer da infecção o granuloma sofre alterações desencadeadas pelas citocinas que o sistema imunitário produz. Estas alterações dividem-se em cinco fases: reacção inicial, exsudativa, exsudativa-produtiva, produtiva e involutiva granuloma. O presente trabalho, estudou as alterações sofridas pelo granuloma hepático (quantidade, dimensão e fase do granuloma), em três diferentes períodos de infecção (55, 90 e 125 dias) no modelo animal Mus musculus infectado com Schistosoma. mansoni, estirpe SmBh distribuídos por três grupos experimentais com diferente número de cercárias (50, 80, e 100). Verificou-se que ao longo da infecção a quantidade de granulomas aumenta, as dimensões têm uma tendência inicial para aumentar mas a partir dos 90 dias após a exposição sofrem uma diminuição. No grupo experimental com maior intensidade de infecção inicial a diminuição deu-se mais cedo. Em relação às fases de desenvolvimento do granuloma este sofre alterações ao longo de toda a infecção. Assim, aos 55 dias predomina a fase exsudativa, aos 90 todos os grupos apresentam maior percentagem de granulomas na fase produtiva e por fim aos 125 dias prevalece a fase involutiva. Todos estes resultados sugerem que a caracterização do granuloma nas diferentes fases de infecção pode depender do número de cercárias da exposição.