995 resultados para SUPERHEAVY NUCLEI


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Within the framework of a dinuclear system (DNS) model, the evaporation-residue excitation functions and the quasi-fission mass yields in the 48Ca induced fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei based on stable actinide targets are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z = 110, 112–118 based on the actinide isotopic targets are analyzed systematically. Optimal evaporation channels and combinations as well as the corresponding excitation energies are proposed. The possible factors that influencing the isotopic dependence of the production cross sections are analyzed. The formation of the superheavy nuclei based on the isotopes U with different projectiles are also investigated and calculated.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a set of microscopically derived master equations numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively.Fusion-fission reactions and evaporation residue excitation functions of synthesizing superheavy nuclei (SHN)are investigated systematically and compared them with available experimental data. The possible factors that affecting the production cross sections of SHN are discussed in this workshop.


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The shell effect is included in the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model in which the shell correction energy of the system is calculated by using the deformed two-center shell model. A switch function is introduced to connect the shell correction energy of the projectile and the target with that of the compound nucleus during the dynamical fusion process. It is found that the calculated capture cross sections reproduce the experimental data quantitatively at the energy near the Coulomb barrier. The capture cross sections for reaction (35) (80) Br + (82) (208) Pb -> (117) (288) X are also calculated and discussed.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and the cluster model have been employed to calculate the alpha-decay half-lives of superheavy nuclei (SHN) using the experimental alpha-decay Q values. The results of the cluster model are slightly poorer than those from the GLDM if experimental Q values are used. The prediction powers of these two models with theoretical Q values from Audi et al. (Q(Audi)) and Muntian et al. (Q(M)) have been tested to find that the cluster model with Q(Audi) and Q(M) could provide reliable results for Z > 112 but the GLDM with Q(Audi) for Z <= 112. The half-lives of some still unknown nuclei are predicted by these two models and these results may be useful for future experimental assignment and identification.


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The restriction of the one dimensional (1D) master equation (ME) with the mass number of the projectile-like fragment as a variable is studied, and a two-dimensional (2D) master equation with the neutron and proton numbers as independent variables is set up, and solved numerically. Our study showed that the 2D ME can describe the fusion process well in all projectile-target combinations. Therefore the possible channels to synthesize super-heavy nuclei can be studied correctly in wider possibilities. The available condition for employing 1D ME is pointed out.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM), including the proximity effects and centrifugal potential, and the cluster model with Cosh potential are used to study the half-lives of some Z=113 isotopes and their alpha-decay products.The experimental half-lives of (284)113, (283)113, (282)113and their alpha-decay products are well reproduced by the two models when zero angular momenta transfer is assumed. For (278)113 and its alpha-decay products, both the GLDM andthe cluster model could provide satisfactory results if we assume the alpha particle carry five units of angular momenta, which indicates that possible non zero angular momenta transfer and need further experimental measurements with high precision. Finally, we show that half-lives of alpha-decay are quite sensitive to the angular momentum transfers, and a formula could be used to describe the correlation between alpha-decay half-life and angular momentum transfer successfully.


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Recent experimental advances have made it possible to study excited structure in superheavy nuclei. The observed states have often been interpreted as quasiparticle excitations. We show that in superheavy nuclei collective vibrations systematically appear as low-energy excitation modes. By using the microscopic Triaxial Projected Shell Model, we make a detailed prediction on gamma-vibrational states and their E2 transition probabilities to the ground state band in fermium and nobelium isotopes where active structure research is going on, and in (270)Ds, the heaviest isotope where decay data have been obtained for the ground-state and for an isomeric state.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus, and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a master equation numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively. Evaporation residue excitation functions in cold fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions with stable neutron-rich projectiles are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 are analyzed systematically. Optimal combinations and the corresponding excitation energies are proposed.


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The excitation functions of two very similar reaction channels, Fe-58+Pb-208 ->(265)Hs+1n and Fe-58+Bi-209 ->(266)Mt+1n are studied in the framework of the dinuclear system conception. The fusion probabilities are found to be strongly subject to the structure of the driving potential. Usually the fusion probability is hindered by a barrier from the injection channel towards the compound nuclear configuration. The barrier towards the mass symmetrical direction, however, also plays an important role for the fusion probability, because the barrier hinders the quasi-fission, and therefore helps fusion.


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The a-decay half-lives of a set of superheavy nuclear isotope chain from Z = 105 to 120 have been analyzed systematically within the WKB method, and some nuclear structure features are found. The decay barriers have been determined in the quasi-molecular shape path within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model (GLDM) including the proximity effects between nucleons in a neck and the mass and charge asymmetry. The results are in reasonable agreement with the published experimental data for the alpha decay half-lives of isotopes of charge 112, 114, and 116, of the element 294118 and of some decay products. A comparison of present calculations with the results by the DDM3Y effective interaction and by the Viola-Seaborg Sobiczewski (VSS) formulae is also made. The experimental a decay half lives all stand in between the GLDM calculations and VSS formula results. This demonstrates the possibility of these models to provide reasonable estimates for the half-lives of nuclear decays by a emissions for the domain of SHN. The half-lives of these new nuclei are thus well tested from the reasonable consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic, the empirical formulae and the experimental data. This also shows that the present data of SHN themselves are consistent. It could suggest that the present experimental claims on the existence of new elements Z = 110 similar to 118 are reliable. It is expected that greater deviations of a few SHN between the data and the model may be eliminated by further improvements on the precision of the measurements.


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Based on the concept of dinuclear system, considering the strong competition between fusion and quasiffision processes, by solving the master equation numerically to calculate the fusion probability of superheavy nuclei, we have estimated the excitation functions for the reactions Ti-50, Fe-58 + Pb-208, Bi-209, and the experimental data are basically reproduced. For different incident energies and different angular momentum, the effects on fusion and survival probability and the contribution to evaporation residue cross section have been given. These results help to further understand the mechanism for, synthesizing superheavy nuclei.


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The dinuclear system model has been further developed by introducing the barrier distribution function method in the process of heavy-ion capture and fusion to synthesize superheavy nuclei. The capture of two colliding nuclei, formation and de-excitation process of compound nucleus are decribed by using empirical coupled channel model, solving master equation numerically and statistical evaporation model, respectively. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the fusion-evaporation excitation functions of the systems Ca-48(Am-243, 3n-5n) (288-286)115 and Ca-48(Cm-248, 3n-5n)(293-291)116 are calculated, which are used for synthesizing new superheavy nuclei at Dubna in recent years. Isotopic dependence of production cross sections with double magic nucleus Ca-48 bombarding actinide targets U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm to synthesize superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=112-116 is analyzed systematically. Based on these analysis, the optimal projectile-target combination and the optimal excitation energy are proposed. It is shown that shell correction energy and neutron separation energy will play an important role on the isotopic dependence of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei.


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The alpha decay half-lives of the recently produced isotopes of the 112, 114, 116 and 118 nuclei and decay products have been calculated in the quasi-molecular shape path using the experimental Q(alpha) value and a Generalized Liquid Drop Model including the proximity effects between nucleons in the neck or the gap between the nascent fragments. Reasonable estimates are obtained for the observed alpha decay half-lives. The results are compared with calculations using the Density-Dependent M3Y effective interaction and the Viola-Seaborg-Sobiczewski formulae. Generalized Liquid Drop Model predictions are provided for the alpha decay half-lives of other superheavy nuclei using the Finite Range Droplet Model Q(alpha) and compared with the values derived from the VSS formulae.